
Detmer Game profile


Jun 12th 2011, 20:30:32

Member Dec 9th 5:25 PM
What would have happened if...

The duder that founded RD had seen a different movie the night before he founded a sinister cheating alliance?

Being John Malkovitch?

All members of RD would be named "John Malkovitch" instead of "Mr Color". Rather than the tough guy Mafia Theme, RD would take on the persona of a very placid and somewhat famous Actor. No more multis, instead they would be like a very cultured version of Avengers. AT posts would generally be in the form of one-act plays.

3000 Miles to Graceland?

Once again, this would lead to all RD members having the same name... "Elvis Presley". Nothing else would change. They'd be pugnacious as ever, and even more violent. On occasion, they'd all infiltrate another alliance in order to steal all those valuable things that alliances have lying around.

Strange Brew?

A crazy canuck version of CWG... except without the fighting and with a lot more Rick Moranis.

The Little Rascals?

RD would take names like "Spike" and "alfalfa". Instead of unleashing untagged countries, this spunky group would pull through with teamwork, friendship, and love... engaging in many amusing and endearing capers along the way.

The Matrix?

They'd be a typical newbie clan.


They'd be the black private alliance who's a sex machine to ALL the chicks. They'd be ultrahip and risk their life for their brother-man! They'd take on obviously negroid aliases and wear cool shades.

Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail?

They'd all take names like "Sir Galahad" and "Lady Guenivere" and create an alliance with kinky medieval themes. It would be built on "honour". It would join TSA, get a whole bunch of members, and then fall apart when the leadership divorced.

The Ten Commandments?

Names would be based on the 12 tribes of Judah, if membership grew too much they'd consider adding apostles and the like. The would consider themselves Mehul's Chosen Alliance, above all mortal rules and laws. If small untagged countries suicided on their enemies, it would merely be the "Wrath of Mehul".

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jun 12th 2011, 20:41:39


haven't seen beefhawk in a while
Finally did the signature thing.