


Jul 31st 2010, 17:07:31

I just want to know, that every time a 'revert' or a 'give back' for losing stock, is because of EE game issues, and ONLY EE server/game issues.

Not when some guy screws up his destocking, and then an admin sneaks in and helps his buddy out. It goes to all alliances with admins in them, not just EVO or LaF or whatever you guys are fluffing about.

If people are just going to lable people's comments based on their alliances, and bashed their views purely based on that, then it's stupid.

I just want to make sure that Pang and Other Admins would have logs of these 'Adjustments' and would have a neutral admin check on these, and make sure that the losses were legit EE/Game issues.

Not, 'I swear I clicked it and the bushels DISAPPEARED!!!!"
"Oh, fine, your my D ally, here, have the bushels back!"

People are idiots, and people run all types of scripts and stuff to enhance their experience, like a sell all button and other things, if these buttons screw up, and sell their bushels at 20, it's THEIR fault, not the game's fault. and I trust the code enough that it doesn't recognize 32 as 20, and computer codes don't just 'glitch' once with out record/history of it.

'Accidental Recall'
'Computer won't connect to EE'
'I forgot my password'

I know and trust Pang enough that he doesn't help anyone he knows in any way to benefit them in the game over others, I just don't know the other Admins.

ICQ 43083642

diez Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 17:16:28

Originally posted by Forgotten:
I just want to know, that every time a 'revert' or a 'give back' for losing stock, is because of EE game issues, and ONLY EE server/game issues.

Not when some guy screws up his destocking, and then an admin sneaks in and helps his buddy out. It goes to all alliances with admins in them, not just EVO or LaF or whatever you guys are fluffing about.

If people are just going to lable people's comments based on their alliances, and bashed their views purely based on that, then it's stupid.

I just want to make sure that Pang and Other Admins would have logs of these 'Adjustments' and would have a neutral admin check on these, and make sure that the losses were legit EE/Game issues.

Not, 'I swear I clicked it and the bushels DISAPPEARED!!!!"
"Oh, fine, your my D ally, here, have the bushels back!"

People are idiots, and people run all types of scripts and stuff to enhance their experience, like a sell all button and other things, if these buttons screw up, and sell their bushels at 20, it's THEIR fault, not the game's fault. and I trust the code enough that it doesn't recognize 32 as 20, and computer codes don't just 'glitch' once with out record/history of it.

'Accidental Recall'
'Computer won't connect to EE'
'I forgot my password'

I know and trust Pang enough that he doesn't help anyone he knows in any way to benefit them in the game over others, I just don't know the other Admins.

Man, all valid points there. Totally agreed.


Game Development

Jul 31st 2010, 18:27:47

If I didn't think qz and slag were completely trustworthy, we wouldn't have worked together in the first place. That goes both ways with me and them as well.

There is no point in arguing about this in public, we're already handling it privately on a case-by-case basis.

The integrity of the game has never been stronger, anyone who says otherwise is completely wrong.
We've all worked too long and hard to screw things up for petty reasons.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

jdpanther42 Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 18:43:01

well said keep the good work up.
there is no shame in being an idiot, but only if you stay one

locket Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 20:39:13

Yah, I would imagine anyone with the admin tag put too much effort in to give their own clan an extra 4 bill stock.

But if you havn't pang, and you want to give me more stock feel free.

madjsp Game profile


Aug 1st 2010, 20:39:40

I lost tech on the market!

joe3: bater sucks so bad imag could teach him a thing about war

Angel1 Game profile


Aug 2nd 2010, 3:14:52

I trust Pangaea to be honest in game dealings. I further trust each admin to care enough about the consequences of abusing their power that they will choose no to do so. Having one's integrity challenged even in a relatively anonymous internet game would not be fun.

To be quite honest, while I may not know about the other admins, I am willing to reserve judgement until proof comes to light one way or another. This isn't a negative for the other admins because I generally apply the "trust, but verify" standards to people I don't know. I assume that people will be honest about what they know, but not that they necessarily know everything that would impact either me or their conclusions.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Aug 2nd 2010, 4:30:19


At this point, for each of us, our alliances are only secondary to the game.

Think of it this way: We want the game to succeed; we've put in a fluff-ton of time to get it this far. If we abuse our powers, that will not just reflect badly on us, but MORE importantly, it will make other people not want to play; because nobody want's to play a rigged game (except people keep playing VLT's at casino's, I don't get that...); and that would cause the game to fail slowly.

I understand there were Mars admins who were cheating, and that pissed off a good chunk of the membership. I know none of the 3 of us admins would cheat in the first place due to our integrity and the responsibility that comes with being admins, but FURTHERMORE we wouldn't cheat simply because of the affect it would have on the game.
Finally did the signature thing.

OGT Game profile


Aug 2nd 2010, 17:32:48

i could use an extra 500 mil bushels or so if pang or qz, you know if you got time if you could get around to that before the set ends?:P

jk jk