
Lilmxcn Game profile


Jul 13th 2017, 10:00:10

Hi guys... :) I am coming back into the game and was wonder if anyone would like to share a good start with me... I know if I'm not in an alliance i wont get the best strat... but I just need something to go off of... thank you so much...

drkprinc Game profile


Jul 13th 2017, 10:35:56

no alliance in express its purely solo so don't coordinate with anyone.

as for a strat build farms sell food buy tech and military.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Lilmxcn Game profile


Jul 13th 2017, 10:41:56

Ha ha I know there isn't alliances in express I just need to follow a strategy to help me out for a little bit I haven't played this in such a long time I kind of forgot and I lost my old strategy that I was following that I got in my alliance when I was playing free-for-all... like is there a website that I could go to... lol and thank u for responding to me

Edited By: Lilmxcn on Jul 13th 2017, 10:49:16
See Original Post

Lilmxcn Game profile


Jul 13th 2017, 11:13:23

I know when I was in tie and laf they had a website to help me out... lol...

Marshal Game profile


Jul 13th 2017, 12:47:21

tie still has website (actually 2) but i don't have perms to restore your access to boxcar.

here's 1 old rep farmer all-x (and outdated):

Rep/Farmer Strat [All Explore]

turn by turn walk through

[Start up to OOP-Out OF Protection]

-Set Tax rate to 70%
-Sell 100 troops on Private market

Change to Rep Gov now

-Build 1 CS
-Set Tax rate to 35%, Set production to 100% turrets
-Build 59 CSs
(you now have 60 CSs=20BPT)

***4 CSs=1 BPT-Builds Per Turn***

You may need to sell food on private market; do this every 5 turns

-Build 40 Farms

You have now used all avalable land and taken 62 turns

-Explore 1 Turn
-Build 40 Farms
-Explore 1 Turn
-Build 20 Farms
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 40CSs
(You now have 100 CSs=30BPT)

***You are now OOP***

This will give you 100 Farms and 100 CSs and should have taken 108 Turns or more.

[Buildup to 50BPT]

Note: During this phase it maybe nessisary to explore 1 extra turn
to give you enough land in which to build on.

-Explore 1 turn
-Build 60 Farms
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 60 Farms
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 30 Farms
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 60 Farms
-Explore 1 Turn
-Build 30 Farms
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 60 Farms
(You now have 400 Farms)

-Explore 2 turns
-Build 80 CSs--This will either take full turns or a couple days to complete
(You now have 180 CSs=50 BPT)

This will give you 400 Farms and 180 CSs.

Phase 3
[Buildup to 80BPT]

-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 ICs
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 ICs
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 ICs
(You now have 150 ICs)

-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 Farms
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 Farms
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 Farms
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 Farms
(You now have 600 Farms)

-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 ICs
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 ICs
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 ICs
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 ICs
-Explore 1 turn
-Build 50 ICs
(You now have 400 ICs)

This will give you 600 Farms, 400 ICs, and 180 CSs.

Phase 4
[Build up before first batch explore]

Note: During this phase you will be building up to 1900A.
DO NOT go over 1900A.You will need to be able to Batch Explore at 48per turn.
DO NOT explore if you can't build 1 BPT before reaching 1900A.

-Explore 2 turns
-Build 100 Farms
-Explore 2 turns
-Build 100 Farms
-Explore 2 turns
-Build 50 Farms
-Explore 2 turns
-Build 100 Farms
-Explore 2 turns
-Build 100 Farms
-Explore 2 turns
-Build 100 Farms
-Explore 2 turns
-Build 100 Farms
(you now have 1250 Farms)

You should have a little over 1876A as of now.

DO NOT explore any further as you will not be able to do 1 BPT.

It maybe best to sell food on Public Market (this will take 1 turn to do)
If Public market isn't more than $33 than just sell it on Private Market.
Next look at Public Market and Buy AGRI Tech as much as you can.
Try to get it under $5000, $4500 or lower is prefured but get it no mater what.
Log out for up to 24hrs so that you have atleast 38 turns when you log back in.

Phase 5
[Mini Batch}

When you log in your food should have sold, if you sold on public market.
Buy agri tech if unable to before or get some more but watch cash on hand.

-Now do a 38 turn mini batch.
(This will yeild around 1824A or so)

-Build it into Farms, this will take about 23 turns or so.
(Build this land before moving on)
-set production to 100% spies

Log out and store turns. You will want to have full 86 turns when you log back in.
Make sure you have 50.000 turrets and have sold food on public market before you log out.
**Remember that it takes 1 turn to sell on public Market**

Phase 6
[Batch and Build]

-Do a full 86 turn Batch explore
-Wait for 1 turn and sell food on public market

You will notice that you no longer explore at 48 per turn.
Thats why it was important to not go over 1900A before the Mini Batch.

-Build all new land into Farms
(Build this land before doing another batch explore)
-Sell Food on public market

***This step maybe optional***
-Explore 3 turns
-Build 120 CSs--This will either take full turns or a couple days to complete
(You now have 300 CSs=80 BPT)

You will continue this phase till you start stocking.

With your cash you will want to buy you MMRs and you Tech.
Watch the tech prices during all of this. don't buy if over $4500 unless you have to.
The market will change and its possible to get it cheeper at any given moment.

-Buy tech till you have 180% agri
-Buy Bus/Res tech till 130%
-Buy Agri till 200%
-Buy Bus/Res till 150%
-Buy Agri till above 210% up to 215%

edit: actually only 2 sites since deathrider's site is gone (not that big loss).

Edited By: Marshal on Jul 13th 2017, 13:03:52
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Lilmxcn Game profile


Jul 13th 2017, 13:16:14

Thank u!!! ;) I'll try it out

Relax lah Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2017, 15:17:36

LaF can be found here -
welcome back :)

Lilmxcn Game profile


Jul 13th 2017, 22:45:10

I'm yeah I forgot all that password and sign in stuff so I already tried last night to log into either Laf or box car for Tie lol

commandos Game profile


Jul 15th 2017, 15:23:07

did you post on the FB group too?

Lilmxcn Game profile


Jul 15th 2017, 20:08:50

Ha ha y yes yes I did...