
DM Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 0:36:07

Where ya hiding? I thought we were gonna do this?

Pain Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 1:19:10

i thought it was set up for tomorrow you dingle
Your mother is a nice woman

DM Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 1:25:59

Who the fluff knows, I got 100 different messages to go through going back and forth from today and tomorrow, figured I'd just call him out here since I never got a response from the PM's he read.

Dallas Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 2:12:45

Normally at this point I would call you a Complete idiot..but in your case there is nothing complete about your pathetic are w/o a doubt a grade A drama queen, a "hey look at me pissant kid", and obviously this game is a mainstay in whatever life you have!

Not assuming anything at all, I wil tell ya point blank you are either a full blown moron or on drugs..allow me to post what YOU sent me since YOU did not want to do this Friday when I wanted to..(I can post all the times I said --->I am ready NOW PRONTO INSTANTLY IMMEDIATELT, etc. that is if you need those posts to recall also)

From: DM
To: Dallas
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Dallas
Date: Aug 21st, 23:13
Message Body:
Speaking of work, let me get my schedule for the week and see if I am working Monday night still, if I am not I might push that back a little.

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------

I hate to hear anything using the word work that relates to me...but yeah 6 PM CST is will be hunky dory..
----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
6pm CST work for you?

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
monday is okey dokey w/me....give me a time..Im in CST..please make it CST time as Im to stupid to figure it using any other time zone

you have a good sweet

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
Not stalling anything. Monday work for you?

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
post ur numbers if u wanna kill my little ass and lets get 'er done

quit stalling
starting to the bottomeis my response to your message to me dumb ass! alternating is then you, then me, etc..LOL you need a baby sitter!

seeing as this seems to me so important for your online life for you to show what 400+ clans can fa you to use..then I'm gonna let ya sweat cause you cant show off, gloat cause in your mind your a WINNER and flat out throw a kink in your plan and tell you had your chance and you blew it...please dont hurt my feeling and tell me Im running (cause I may cry) didnt want to do it last nightwhen I wanted to(cause you didnt have the fa then), then all of a sudden as this post and message shows your still a wannabe still mouthing grandstanding impersonator..this way you have all the glory and my opinion of you was just concreted by your wussiness! Not to mention the enjoyment I wil receive from your show!

have fun showboating on the boards and jerking off with the other hand and ..grow up pissant and learn to stand on your own two feet from now on!

all ya had to do was keep your yelping mouth shut today and we already had this set for..I forget..what time was it again...hehehehe

DM Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 2:16:04

When are you gonna retag? I already know your numbers, so if you don't do it soon, I will just kill you tagged TKO.

Sandman Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 2:37:22

It's the drag queen hisself. :D

DM Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 10:56:48

Ahhhh, Bopper is back! Hi Hater =)