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Jul 3rd 2012, 2:00:42

no the real idiots are congress :)

and the american people who both, at the same time, hates congress with a passion, yet loves their individual representative, this insuring no change ever comes to congress, except to go either far right or far left now-a-days *shurgs*

Both candidates are flip-flopers. If Romney gets elected, it is not going to be all roses and sunshine for republicans, since he is too center for the tea-party to cooperate with. If Obama gets reelected, the republicans are going to spend the next 4 years fighting him and making sure to destroy the democratic party for the 2016 election.

Like every recent U.S. President, both will be secretive, both will make campaign promises, that will not be kept, but be made to get elected. Just your choice on how you want the federal government run, and our foreign policy.

Romney states that he will not hesitate to go to war with Iran, which, in my opinion, won't do much as Iran is run by the clergy and the US would have to find and kill all the leading clergy, which will probably in turn insite even worse Anti-American sentiment in the middle east that the US really does not need after being connected with that area and our wars for 10 years now.

The Teaparty wants the US to cut our debt substantially, but they seem to want to do with in a way that will send a huge show wave through the country, while keeping Defense at the same budget level or with an even higher budget (i really don't see the need for such a huge defense budget, as was shown in my US National Security class, taught by a Republican, the US far FAR outspends the next 7 countries (or so) combined )

My opinion, lets see what Obama can do with a full 2 term presidency, and see how Congress acts, as I don't see much cooperation between Congress and Romney. I just do not see anything good under a Romney Administration with the way the current Congress is run and if your only reason for voting for Romney because you have some major fear of Obama taking away your gun rights, which he has not down, mainly because of the NRA feeding Congress with so much money *shurgs*.

I'm looking for someone who can do something with our Ignorant Congress, and they way they are viewing Romney, does not look good for his presidency and I do not like the prospect of oil shooting threw the roof because of the speculation that the USA and Iran could be going to war very soon and us once again going into a middle east country, looking for WMD's and finding nothing.

Just my 2 cents and my view. I'm a democrat, i'm far more disappointed with our Congress than I am with our President. I believe, if our Congress could work together, and create balanced legislation, without each party throwing in their own laws in totally unrelated legislation, and all the backstabbing, I believe Obama might have been a more effective president.

Edit: I'm disappointed with both parties in congress :)

Edited By: TGD on Jul 3rd 2012, 2:05:10
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