
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 21st 2012, 23:18:24

lol SS, that's such a jaded interpretation of so many things that you yourself should know better about. and you're moving into such baaaad territory for laf with that line of discussion.

i wasn't even fluffing there or active when you were don. call that freezing out if you want, but I played in NA, worked on Boxcar and only got active again during the tail end when the war vs evo was coming up. I remember it very clearly, you should be no stranger because you often up and left because you didn't agree with the political direction (not set by me, btw). When I was back, you also talked to me daily about random alliance-focused stuff and i knew all the underhanded stuff going on at that time, so I was sure frozen out there :p

You also put far too much emphasis on spinning my half set as "ok, i'll be the don so the alliance doesn't fold". I NEVER had any interest in being Don, ever. seriously! :p once i started boxcar i was enjoying being the "don" of that instead and my quality of leadership definitely went down... but my quality of hosting site went up quite a bit, and laf were the primary beneficiary of that. or does that not count because I didn't keep it secret for LaF only and only gave LaF a slight advantage by letting them be beta testers for new functionality, often suggested by LaFers?

And did you not always get that I did things with a higher purpose -- especially during EE? I myself have said I do not like how I "lead" during EE because I was trying to make LaF too nice and open in our policies. So feel free to flame me there because I would flame my past self for thinking that if we tried to be nicer, other on the server would too. Of course when I left, LaF essentially became the SoL of the server but with a cheating scandal as well, implicating a few friends of mine, which was extra awesome. Good job "rebuilding" there, a shining example the server can be proud of! I seriously saw all the work hanlong put in because I had head access for a bunch of it until I ASKED to have it removed. My godfather access was stripped because I made a post criticizing laf's policies -- a right afforded typically to Godfathers, but SS and Hanlong were on the anti-pang train; hanlong for political purposes and SS because he's that kind of guy.

thankyou for continuing to burn bridges, but I think it's you that is the cancer on LaF -- but the kind that continues to infect it. everything you try to spin negatively toward me could be set about yourself too, but the key difference is that unlike you, when the going gets tough for laf i was there. i didn't sit back and criticize people or act like my way is the ONLY way it can be done, and everything else must be wrong. it's not about laf, it's about your fluffing ego and it always has been. i lead for laf, through thick and thin. whenever they needed me, I was there. For the better part of a decade.

when laf needed a new site, I put that together (and since you will flame me otherwise, of course tc was a great help, but he had no clue wtf he was doing beyond the db/bots until the site was completely done. he didn't know php or html/css, not that I was great at the time either). when laf needed someone to step up and do something to keep the alliance running, I was there. when the game was in danger of dying and the laf community dispersing, i took the lead there and gave laf a new home. If LaF was in trouble, I would still come back and help out to make sure they didn't die off.

if you sit there and flame me as if everything that's ever been wrong with laf is my fault and that my entire contribution is less than worthless, i think that reflects more poorly on you than me. my contribution to laf is fairly obvious. but if you had never played in laf, laf goes on and does it's own thing because you were a decent HOW, but certainly not a great don by any means, and easily replaceable if any of like 7 ppl were available. if i'd never played in laf, laf doesn't exist anymore for any number of reasons from no one to lead to no site to no game to quitting the game because you feel like there is no admin going to bat for you. that's frankly the bottom line and nothing you do can or will ever change that fact, bud. that being said, I have no desire to ever lead anywhere ever again because I've found better ways to spend my time, including developing stuff for EE, with the time I typically spent interacting with flufftards like yourself in an ingame context. so shut the fluff up because you're making a bad situation worse between me and laf.

finally, to others, I really don't want to toot my own horn, but frankly my contribution to LaF should be obvious and that's why I've been so pissed that many of the folks from LaF that I used to be close with have been going out of their way to create so much hostility in the fallout from the cheating scandal as if I enjoyed laf getting caught. it's like you expected me to go and clean it up for you. i don't think anyone in laf other than maybe marshall has ever grasped how fluffty that was for me considering my expectations of laf and the fallout that I was forced to deal with at a very busy time outside of the game.

Edited By: Pang on Aug 21st 2012, 23:27:00. Reason: tl;dr
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