
Pang Game profile

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Aug 22nd 2012, 1:19:58

Originally posted by Son Goku:
You know how to reach me if you want answers to any of the things you mentioned in your replies, Pang.

Otherwise I see an argument between two former LaF leaders that is mainly personal.

SS holds no leadership position either (he's a godfather/advisor), I haven't seen any current LaF leaders fighting or insulting you. If you have concerns about LaF you would be more successful speaking to me directly, otherwise it sounds like politics when you preach to the AT community.

mmm i'd honestly been told that SS was super active and a top-level leader very recently; one of the more active leaders on Council, doing strat and planning stuff, etc. this was including while the breach stuff was going on, so fairly recent. i mean, he was the first laf "leader" type to message me when the stuff happened -- even before hanlong or TC! :p
I definitely equate him to LaF leadership because I know as well as anyone that he has a seat at the table as recently as I bothered to check into who was active. the idea that an alliance can just say "this person isn't leading" and absolve yourself of any and all of that person's actions and/or posts really doesn't fly with me... i mean, that's the reason LaF went to war with Evo, eh?

i'll chat with you otherwise sometime, because you and I also had a chat that was not great and was never resolved, imo. i don't really care about the AT community; i'm just airing grievances since the thread went down that path. no one from laf has really bothered to engage me regarding them and IMO LaF are the ones that wronged me -- so why am I reaching out to mend the fences broken by LaF'ers over a LaF-driven issue? :-/ I appreciated your invite back to laf "regardless of what happened", but i'd rather play in a place that could use the members.

Edited By: Pang on Aug 22nd 2012, 1:22:03
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