
qzjul Game profile

Game Development

May 20th 2010, 19:38:13

As usual, any changes will occur as servers reset.

The coming sets will have the following changes:

First there are two Free For All specific changes:

1) The number of countries will be increased to 16;

This is to facilitate full def & tech rings.

2) The $2B limit will be removed and replaced with 0.1% corruption on money over $2B
(the 2B limit for food will also be removed). The new cap will be 2^64.

This change is already implemented in express, but due to the sheer sizes of countries & stockpiles in FFA, it only makes sense to switch.

Next some general changes:

1) Readiness loss multiplier for Standard and Planned Strikes, based on gains relative to the attacker's land, so hitting a far larger opponent for a significant portion of your own land will increase readiness loss.

This is to discourage being extremely land thin and making multiple hits on larger opponents.

2) You may not drop below the amount of land you grabbed in the last 72 hours.

This is to discourage dropping of land that was just gained, but allow the dropping of land having recently grabbed.

For example, if a 20kA country grabs 4kA in the last 72 hours, bringing them to 24kA, they will be able to drop 20kA of that to leave them at 4kA.

3) You will be able to self-delete in preferences. This allows self-deletion rather than dropping of land.

4) You must stay out of vacation for 24 hours after leaving it.

This is to prevent leaving vacation, only to play some turns, and then re-enter vacation.

These changes are some general balance tweaks we've been discussing for quite some time ;)

As usual, post your thoughts and comments, and we will take note and modify things appropriately if people note any major flaws in our logic :)

-qzjul, Pangaea, and Slagpit

Edited By: qzjul on Jan 30th 2014, 22:27:56
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Finally did the signature thing.