


May 30th 2014, 18:33:23

I think the world has turned into a great big whiny vagina... Or at least North America.

Rape is bad, no one is saying it's not. However, that does not mean that even loose definitions of rape must removed from media or jokes. Jennifer Lawrence made a rape joke to a group of friends and someone heard and now it's news... Every one hates her, wants her to apologize... and for what? Since when has it became taboo to even tell a joke that may loosely involve rape?

Remove anything that could be construed as rape from television and movies? It has been used for decades. Game of Thrones is on HBO and labeled for mature audiences. They used rape as it always is used in film(not that I am an expert or have watched every rape scene or anything), to shock and deepen the effect of the violation. I can think of several rape scenes from this show going back to the first season. If people don't like it, they shouldn't watch. Not to mention it is an accurate portrayal of the time period of the show. In fact it is very light compared to historical scale of rape. Also Jamie's rape of Cersi is on point to a hot topic that keeps showing up in the news and even had a cousin accused of it; spousal rape. While I would agree it is rape, it is a very slippery slope to police as vindictive and crazy fluffes love to make fluff up when they are mad.

In summation, this over sensitivity needs to end.

Real rape is bad, so is murder, so is adultery, so is stealing, so is swearing, so is racism, so is stereotyping, so is basically everything else portrayed on television, in every good joke, every good movie. As for racism, there is no one who isn't racist.

Now Pakistan, India, most of the middle east they are just now being held accountable?! This is a way of life for these people. It's the law for some of them.