
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 21st 2020, 21:20:18

Again, shooting from the hip a little here but I think theres a couple reasons for that.

First, no one seems to be immune in immunoglobulin tests to the virus infecting them. Everyone can get the virus, some folks are just asymptomatic. So it's not really immunity you're referring to. There isnt a world where some people cant get and dont transmit covid. Being asymptomatic and being immune are 2 very different things, and generally speaking, the level of community spread we are seeing means most everyone at least is not immune to breathing covid infected particles.

Second, the range of symptoms from heart problems to neurological receptor reactions like taste and smell and covid toe and fever and not being able to breathe etc are actually all spectrums. And people land all over these spectrums. What a vaccine of this type would do is make the symptoms of the virus far more predictable, in addition to the side effects of the vaccine being smaller ranges and more predictable as well.

We still dont fully understand how the virus does what it does to the people it does bad things to. And until we begin to understand exactly what is happening in people with severe infections, it's likely impossible to tell whether or not someone will get covid toe from the virus.

I think you could be right that eventually when we have a great understanding of how covid symptoms come to present themselves, whether it be thru people with higher ACE-2 receptor levels from being lame and not smoking hella weed or whatever, we'll have some understanding why some people were asymptomatic. But the research just hasn't hit that point yet and I dont think waiting on it makes more sense than this.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 21st 2020, 21:29:41
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