
Crowgora Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 4:21:25

Not sure the point of blindsiding our clan was, so hope that makes you feel better lol.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 9th 2013, 16:46:39

its not the quantity, its the fact that no matter what stuff will sell. but people put it up at 120 for turrets.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 9th 2013, 14:34:08

When things are empty, set a higher price! Make more cash indies!

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 9th 2013, 10:44:56

everything is in supreme demand, yet people are selling turrets for 119. I just can't even understand how industrials are making money ha.

this is game c btw.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 9th 2013, 5:20:57

I never knew a "retal" consisted of a bunch of failed attacks, and then one successful lol. Does this mean i can take your land as many times as you failed?

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 6th 2013, 12:02:36

looking to fill some ally slots, if interested shoot me a message

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 4th 2013, 10:56:15

If interested you can always join TA. We are always looking for new members.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 1st 2013, 7:40:30

Or are republics great at being farm attacked?
Express Panda (#25)
WarLock (#122)

looks like we are in for a war! :D

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 28th 2013, 10:34:04

interesting troll work. But, missile dump it is!

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 28th 2013, 9:16:37


Crowgora Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 22:25:06

Thats what our angry forum war was about lol. Out clan is mostly people new to the server looking to break up the monotonous tension up from old and new players. Considering we are a new clan we have already been messed with. But, this game isnt friendly to new people, its a bunch of old timers not liking change.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 0:07:56

is there a real difference in using the qz earth or the basic www earth?

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 0:07:07

^^ thanks! i mean, even if people don't join our clan theres just a bigger pool of people which always makes games fun.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 0:00:48

You came to this post, not anything to do with you at all mind you, and started bragging about how great and amazing the "established clans" were. I dealt with a 2:1 retal and had diplomacy, that was a great clan to deal with and have talks with. Then the original argument being SAS, and then all his nut jumpers came to his defense because we dragged old clans around. There are no rules against a bunch of cults. Your clans are the reason beginners don't flock to the bigger sets. In my honest opinion, we had a rough start with C.C. but i respect them far more than the other clans here. I really enjoy how "Defenseless" you kids are, man up for your actions and quit shying away from the fact that you said you wanted war, not our tag. So I will be the "colossal d-bag" but I will own up to the fact i have a terrible distaste for how you people think you can run a server just because you have been on for ages. Thats just moronic of you.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 18:52:33

Ha, I'm glad you kids understand the "basics". Go help someone else join your cult, and quit thinking you are high and mighty. Its cute, i get that you all have a love for each other. As for irony, i had no beef with any other clan, yet here's tko being a braggart about his superior knowledge haha. Cool story kids.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 10:03:34

Looking to crossover, anyone interested in joining a clan on ffa now or next sets to come shoot me a message, or a TA member a message!

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 9:43:27

Lol i started it. Deal bro. :D

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 9:36:20

Id like to point out the irony of the "established" clans resorting to war, over a recruiting message ha.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 9:32:06

Ha, choose war. Every set. Simple.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 9:29:29

Dude, retal and move on is one thing. But retal by killing countries is another. Its not our job to adhere to moronic retal rules, its 1:1 or nothing. No 1:dead countries. All the old clans here are all hot and bothered at the fact we are trying to change the old dry stale structure.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 0:46:42

lol im glad people take that clan side. we come off brash and lawless, but land grabs arent the equivalent of killing small countries. if that's the standard being set by posters here, i think you all need a lesson is excessiveness. saving enough turns to take out 5 or 6 countries in the middle of the night is a poor style of play, and ridiculous way to answer landgrabs of minuscule proportions.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 23rd 2013, 21:54:03

My private turret stash is way cheaper haha

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 23rd 2013, 21:50:59

Im not new to the game by any means haha. Just to ffa. I stick to primary and express.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 23rd 2013, 7:39:26

You would have a point, but i added the moral support part to it. Also, I'm here to give clans a better name for rookies. Less torture and all that.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 23rd 2013, 6:50:29

Either way, to end all the drama here. We are here for the new guys, we want to push players to succeed in any way when they join our clan. No hierarchy. Its a level field here, no one will tell you how to run strats, or who you can and can't attack. Live a little with the assurance that you will be defended, and not suicided.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 23rd 2013, 6:42:53

This is my first ffa set ha, i dislike clans, and clan play. Im moral support to an ally. But i disagree with sas, im not sure how the events put him in the valid area of killing of countries ha. I mean, it's just a game obviously but cmon. Be realistic and think about what a member did, and what he did. You seemed to have taken a drastic route rather than discussing this rationally. A rogue cc tag member had an issue and all was resolved quite peacefully and easily between clans. They didn't kill tons of countries.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 22nd 2013, 23:30:35

A couple land grabs is the equivalent of killing a few countries? How does that make my clan a bully haha. We don't shoot for excess in grabs or retals, sas was messaged and never replied but instead went on a missile spree. Now as for knowing the ropes here, whats the point in saving that many turns? Is that proper?

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 22nd 2013, 9:37:00

haha, that wasn't me. If you look at the previous stats of that spat with a member if this alliance, youd understand. So i love you suiciders, but spamming people with attacks and literally killing 5 or 6 countries is where the line was drawn. After he got hit with enough missiles and ops and whatever else,he came to his senses. Treaty was hashed out, so its nice to know you have a robin hood complex. But when a simple grab was had to start all this, its very dramatic on his end. Heck, i feel dramatic just explaining this. Simple one man netting clan, ha.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 21st 2013, 21:59:03

I didnt get a new forum? i posted in the ffa talk section to notify people of a new clan haha.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 21st 2013, 21:14:17

my favorite part of all the clans is the guidelines people follow. The grudges made on this game blow me away also, they carry beyond set to set, and make it a server to server war.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 21st 2013, 18:40:10

Recruiting is the plan, Our players have been here for a while. FFA is a new set up, and its kinda lame to see some of the clans and how they act. Which is why i was intending to reach people here. So Rockman, call it a joke all day. I got so many recruiting direct messages, and its almost cultish how some clans act. We are a clan not about that, which is why I mention democracy. I've noticed a few clans who have killed based on a failed spy op, or failed grab. Honestly, our first couple days in FFA we ran into a train known as C.C. and aside for one idiot, the main person running them was quick and concise. But then we ran into SAS which consists of a group of spammers and trolls. Albeit, this is a wargame, it just gets boring fast "warring" with one person that runs a couple countries. So i hope that gentlemen doesnt speak for SAS themselves, but this message is to those that have had countries killed for pointless reasons.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 21st 2013, 8:49:58

We are currently expanding our endeavors in FFA! Join the good fight, play with less rules and seek some democracy! Break free from the monotony from older clans and let your voice be heard! Message any member from the TA clan and we will respond with any questions you have. We protect all our members with the fullest force possible. We accept any current, new, and established members of the Earth community.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 12th 2013, 15:55:56

im just saying, taking 1k acres to start, add on ghost acres or whatever and then add the buildings taken. Not just adding in Vic here, but people on express servers seem like girls on periods over trivial things and I dont get it.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 9th 2013, 6:11:52

I didn't fully understand ghost acres, so if i take that out of consideration i lost around 2400 acres in 3 hits. Normally land frabs never hit me that bad. This is like my 5th set back from a ten year layoff so obviously some stuff changed. But, wow. I deleted my country this set because express got so drama filled. I will quote one angry player "im the best player ever, retired in 04 and consistently win this set and you ruined it by top feeding." but tthere was another 10 messaging crying.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 8th 2013, 23:11:12

A little late for that, selling off tons of defense for offense at this point

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 8th 2013, 22:27:00

Meh. Pointless complaints honestly. Theres an odd dynamic to express where people average 1500 acre land grabs, and drama ensues for a number of things. For instance, i top fed and one person in particular threw a cry fit about it, when in all honesty it worked well until lower people top fed on me haha

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 8th 2013, 21:55:45

Ok. In 3 hits i lost an average of 1800 acres. So 18% hits from people that were sno where to be found 8 hrs ago.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 8th 2013, 21:46:41

Not to mention im extremely far from land fat.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 8th 2013, 21:46:19

Uhh explain to me how when doing. Planned strike you get 3-5 percent, and im losing 15+ percent every hit. I understand the logistics of this game, but losing 5k acres in 4 hits is unreal. Especially when my country is backed by a massive defense and defense allies which give me an overall 50% boost.

Crowgora Game profile


Feb 8th 2013, 21:08:08

I seriously don't understand grabbing in this game. I was grabbed twice in the past hour and lost over 2k acres, all while im 90 percent defense and have two defense allies. 1k per grab is more around 13 percent of my land per hit, not counting buildings. Also, why is express so focused on spies and suicide countries?