
Doug Game profile


Jun 9th 2024, 16:36:22

Originally posted by HH:
Happy Pride!

Hey HH! Thanks

Doug Game profile


Jun 9th 2024, 16:36:05

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Be safe out there Doug!

BTW am I winning yet?

You are lol

Doug Game profile


Jun 9th 2024, 16:28:37

Originally posted by table4two:
Hey Dougie. Happy Pride. Keep well mate :)

Thanks old friend

Doug Game profile


Jun 9th 2024, 16:28:19

Originally posted by Josey Wales:

Happy Pride. I’ve got gay family members, gay friends, and attended one of the first gay weddings in the nation. There was a drummer in a band that I loved that was a man who dressed like a woman. One of the best f*ing drummers I’ve ever seen play. He was a great guy/girl and I couldn’t have cared less how he dressed or what his sexual orientations were. All I saw was a talented drummer who was also an awesome person. Super nice he was.

In general, and imo, Americans don’t give a shyt if someone is lgbtq. Its not the climate of the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, or even the 80s. By the 90s… whatever you wanted to be- gay, straight…whatever. The once troubling stigma of someone being gay seemed to have become a relic of an intolerant portion of our nation’s past.

So by 2010-2016 you have an American population that had sociologically and intellectually progressed and evolved to a point where a person was a person, judged by the content of his/her character. Could anyone here really give a shyt about someone being gay? I’ve known most of you a $$ holes long enough on this forum to say that, no… no you don’t because you’re all good people.

Sadly, all of this progress has nearly been wiped out by the politics of our Nations current nightmare. Sadly, politicians have viciously twisted and weaponized numerous aspects of our Nations social mores and the result has been utter divisiveness and turmoil. And that division has been used by politicians to further their own ends.

In the case of the LGTBQ community, politicians have done an exceptionally effective job. Half the country’s political ideology has worked in lockstep, especially over the last three years, to convince the LGBTQ community that they are “under attack” (that’s a direct quote.”

Are they insane? Under attack from what? From whom?

Here is the play book:

By constant refrain, I will convince you that you are under attack and that the only way for you to not be under attack is to vote for me. Not only that, but I will hijack and weaponize Pride Month to create and sow division in order to further my ends.

It’s despicable.

The trailblazers and pioneers of Gay Rights like Bayard Rustin would be rolling over in their graves if they knew about the current state of affairs.

If any of you are on Twitter, you know that their is a brutal Civil War going on in the LGBTQ Community, literally second by second and as I write these very words. It rages and makes EE look like Candy Land. I would encourage all of you to go on Twitter and witness it for yourself. Very informative. Very insightful.

So to wrap it up, I wish anyone Happy Pride if it makes that person feel good. But I do wonder… is pride month even necessary? These days… I don’t know. I do know this though: We’re all Americans.

Shouldn’t that be enough?


I have known you along time. This was by far the nicest message I’ve read. You make excellent points. As I originally said, one day maybe Pride Day or month won’t be needed. Suicidal, had a point, all be it parenthetical at best. That it shouldn’t matter. Celebrating one’s self shouldn’t be limited to a parade or event. But done so with friends and families. Doing what I do in the world I do it in I have mixed feelings. 1. These people act like fools and show off disgusting displays of sexuality for shock value and the news reports it. Making it look “dirty” and frankly it is. It doesn’t help the young closeted kids who see dog masks and collars on people. This niche is exactly what makes people runaway. And keep kids scared. 2. The other side of the coin is, many do it well and clean. Celebrating life and their independence from our own chains we lived with for years. Until college I was terrified. A drunken father who I took the beatings so my brother didn’t have to endure his rage. A high school team that probably would have been ok with me as I didn’t act like the fools I pointed out above. College in DC in the 2000’s things changed, I found myself and kept chasing my now husband away as I didn’t want to be this way. I asked god to fix me, I asked doctors to fix me. I went into forensic psych to fix ME not others. My grandmother knew, she simply said “go see Lincoln and listen” I think her reference was from a west wing episode. So I went late at night and just figured I’d end it or I’d embrace it. Finally I accepted it and allowed Colin in my space. The rest is history.

But today we’ve allowed the pendulum to swing too far. Weather it’s to the left or right we push too hard. And progress stops. We got married fearing what the Supreme Court would do. This is dangerous for anybody.

But today I lead 60 men and women to help the LGBTQ community, the mentally ill, and diverse communities that make up our city. I’m guided by my faith, my teachings and my grandmothers. Wise women of the World War II era.

So yes, we celebrate as we celebrate other peoples holidays. But you’re right, I hope one day we don’t need a month or a day to celebrate or push an agenda. But to love one another. To disagree without being disagreeable. But to allow people to just exist in their space. Thank you Josey, I was so so happy to read that. Thank you.


Edited By: Doug on Jun 9th 2024, 16:30:33

Doug Game profile


Jun 9th 2024, 6:07:37

Originally posted by TAN:
Happy Pride Month to those who celebrate!

Thanks Tan. One day maybe we don’t need to celebrate it and just love or care for one another just for who they are.

Doug Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 18:11:06

Originally posted by Aphrodite777:
Happy Pride! <3 <3 <3

Much love 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Doug Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 18:09:40

Originally posted by Auk:

πŸŽ‰ Happy Pride everyone! 🎊



You rock!

Doug Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 15:06:27

Gains, Leto, and Coalie thank you. You’ve always been supportive. It’s much appreciated.

Doug Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 13:41:17

Originally posted by Tertius:
Happy pride everyone!

Thanks T πŸ₯°

Doug Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 13:17:12

Originally posted by Darkmere:
sending you massive hugs mister - its been a hellava week or so

Happy pride - and p.s'ing if anyone wants or needs to talk..please know I'm safe.

You are the seeetest. Oh and to a guy who’s helped me through so much Happy. You are such a dear friend. Thank you.

Doug Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 13:13:57

This Pride song with Rag N Bone and P!nk (this guys vocals and video with wolves reminds me of wheh I finally came to grips with my true self)

Edited By: Doug on Jun 8th 2024, 13:16:18

Doug Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 12:56:38

I posted a similar thread last year produced a great conversation and it was respectful.

Pride isn’t shoving anything in anyone’s face. It’s about celebrating who we are and who came before us. Most don’t know what living in oppression is like.

Terrified to go to school, terrified of gym class thinking everyone will know. Not playing a sport for the same reason.

With a brother that just graduated and is 18, I see a shift in most kids and people don’t give a damn. Maybe one day we won’t need pride events. People loving people or marrying just because they love one another.

That is my hope. But for now, we remember those who have been imprisoned, died, beaten, and bled for the very rights I as a police lieutenant get to enjoy at work and inside my home, and my brother leaves for college to play sports and be accepted as an individual, not a part of a movement.

For this year, I oddly hope one day we can remember it all without reliving it or placing it on display.

Thank you for your time, tolerance and love you all have shown me over the past 5 years being back. To slagpit, QZ, Dave and the mod team for allowing and being accepting and inclusive as an lgbtq leader, and providing players with a diverse safe space. (mostly lol). And to the community for accepting not just me as a flawed individual, but as a human being and other players like me.

Thank you all.

Edited By: Doug on Jun 8th 2024, 13:07:16

Doug Game profile


Jun 7th 2024, 4:06:27

I normally said Pdm as I always screw up parsigmum
Hell when I first joined, I had to look up the word πŸ“–then I kept spelling it paradime. Then Gail taught me a trick in 7th grade. Para-dig-m

Edited By: Doug on Jun 7th 2024, 4:12:34

Doug Game profile


Jun 7th 2024, 1:13:06

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Doug:
You now love him better than me???

Besides I doubt Drow would FA you to hit any of our Allie’s silly man lol 😘

Drow should pony up. It’s the least he could do.

We’re thinking of signing up with PDM before the end of the set. For old times sake. We would only hit a few countries and then relax for the last 3 or 4 days.

I can promise you this:

We would depose Drow then send him packing. Then reinstate you as the rightful Leader of PDM.

After he sends me FA, we can also kill his country as a bonus. Not saying we’d enjoy it, but he might.

Why should I pony up?
I like you, and you were a good member back in Paradigm in the day (yes, I remember you playing for Paradigm)
BUT. this mess is entirely of your own making man.
why would I aid you?

Also, I'm flattered that you think I need deposing.

as it stands, at this stage, you can't even hit my country, so enough with the kill threats eh?

He can’t kill nor are we able to FA him that small. Josey! Take out a loan! Bomb the hell outta something!

Doug Game profile


Jun 7th 2024, 1:12:03

He’s still afraid to say PDM y’all lol for the record the abbreviation isn’t affiliated with me it’s been around decades. Drow just is scared of it as it reminds people of me.

Now pony up and FA me too! Supreme commander of whatever it is you do. lol

Doug Game profile


Jun 7th 2024, 0:41:12

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Do we really need everyone's D***S, religions, sexual preferences, eating habits, political leanings shoved down all our throats all day everyday?

Shouldnt you put that fluff in the proper forums where we're not trying to just play a fluffing game?
For fluffs sake, stfu.

Happy Pride Empy lol 🏳️‍🌈

Doug Game profile


Jun 7th 2024, 0:31:02

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Doug:
You now love him better than me???

Besides I doubt Drow would FA you to hit any of our Allie’s silly man lol 😘

Drow should pony up. It’s the least he could do.

We’re thinking of signing up with PDM before the end of the set. For old times sake. We would only hit a few countries and then relax for the last 3 or 4 days.

I can promise you this:

We would depose Drow then send him packing. Then reinstate you as the rightful Leader of PDM.

After he sends me FA, we can also kill his country as a bonus. Not saying we’d enjoy it, but he might.

lol that’s funny - a lot of people have come forth with this idea. I’m flattered and humbled. One day maybe. Only took 4 1/2 years to build it, that was the hard work. Let’s see if it goes another 4 1/2 For now I’m a nobody it appears

Edited By: Doug on Jun 7th 2024, 0:38:52

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 15:06:31

You now love him better than me???

Besides I doubt Drow would FA you to hit any of our Allie’s silly man lol 😘

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:09:46

Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s what I’m saying calm it down guys control your seething hatred for me enough the mods don’t blam us all

Fine. I will lay off. Hoping you will do the same.

Only because I love Josey and miss him.

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:08:31

Originally posted by Josey Wales:

Before we all wind up in the EE Gulag…

This is a family game.

Then why don’t you tell your buddy that for five years almost 5 years you and I work together closely and I’m not as evil as he says or he thinks I am then maybe we can make some progress.

All my regards

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:06:59

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
How long does it take to get out of protection? I’ve got scores to settle.

You better hurry up old friend says it’s almost over

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:06:31

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Murder inc posted in the X boy haha nah I don’t know what you are referring to sir

I’m not referring to anyone. I was stating fact about the early 50s through about 54 was the most active and then people started getting wiped out in the early 60s. I happen to know a lot about murder incorporated

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 14:05:38

Originally posted by Cathankins:
What does that have to do with anything lmfao

Lightening the mood with random party facts?

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:59:28


Edited By: Doug on Jun 6th 2024, 14:03:11

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:58:36

Jewish mobsters did exist. In the 1950’s it was called MURDER INCORPORATED and they worked for the mob after leaving Europe after the Second World War.

Edited By: Doug on Jun 6th 2024, 14:02:12

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:51:34

I did not make sexually explicit comments you flipping idiot I never the word. I meant 8 inches of a paper towel roll. The quicker picker upper I believe your boyfriend said.

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:49:53

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath don’t pretend to act hard. We all know if you what happens when you walk into a hood.

You’re going to leave with your wallet and shoes missing.

The mission in the hood is to escape. Not return. Just saying you assume a lot. I don’t care what you think. Just pointing out you don’t really know. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

Wow that is racist, there’s no missions in hoods. It’s just people living normal lives.

You are the weirdo that goes to a neighborhood and feels like you have a need to play “Escape Room”.

After 3 days of banging his head into a wall we’d have to send in police and fire to rescue him.

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:47:05

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
why are u scared of him? Cuz he beats you by 5 inches?

5 inches of what again ? Sry I'm not sure what we are talking about I’m just playing along.

The mods said this forum is for all ages so I would at least somewhat try to respect that.

Sure the earth community parents would love to see Doug posting about his ****.

Frankly it’s sexual harassment when I’ve asked him several times to stop making these comments to me.

I will make as many pride comments as I can during pride month as I have for the last five years five years moron five years so it’s no secret. If you scroll back a few pages you’ll see a whole thread on pride and nobody fluffed and complained the only person that fluffes and complains is you You sad little man. we also complained the mods about you, but they let you stick around for some stupid ass reason

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:45:53

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
why are u scared of him? Cuz he beats you by 5 inches?

5 inches of what again ? Sry I'm not sure what we are talking about I’m just playing along.

The mods said this forum is for all ages so I would at least somewhat try to respect that.

Sure the earth community parents would love to see Doug posting about his ****.

Frankly it’s sexual harassment when I’ve asked him several times to stop making these comments to me.

I didn’t say 8 inches of what I didn’t say Penis you overreaching maniac

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:44:47

Originally posted by Coalie:
why are u scared of him? Cuz he beats you by 5 inches?

5 inches of what again ? Sry I'm not sure what we are talking about I’m just playing along.

One thrust and he’d be in love. But he’s on SSI and can’t afford me. lol he seems to have a lot of time in the morning and throughout the day to just sit in the computer and trash talk at least at midnight I go into work and I’m usually silent the rest of the night but oh well such as life

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:40:51

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Doug seething level: maximum

I’ll give you the best 8 inches of your life sweetheart

How shocking that you start posting inappropriate sexual stuff. Never seen that one coming before.

Scary that you are a cop and I am not joking

Sorry I’m a lieutenant and deal with simpletons worse than you everyday.

Yeah and what do you do for a living? Oh never mind I already know the answer to that.. and it’s pride month so get friggin used to the fact that I’m gonna be posting lots of pride stuff just for you! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Edited By: Doug on Jun 6th 2024, 13:43:07

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:39:07

no the real ones talk shxt online because they can’t do it in person in real life because they’re too much of puss. Cathy, you’re a sad little man with a sad little fluffing life. You have no interpersonal skills whatsoever. Your social skills are limited because you can’t get along with an online community for God sake so you act all big and bad and smarter than everybody else when in reality, you’re a stupid fxxk can’t society because somebody would beat the hell out of here

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:36:19

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Doug seething level: maximum

I’ll give you the best 8 inches of your life sweetheart

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:33:45

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Doug:
Oy vey with this guy….

It’s like watching a psychotic horse run back into a burning barn.

Ps. Not coalie

Ironic that you would say that

The irony is that you have an undiagnosed form of foot in azz. As well as a personality disorder or undiagnosed dissociative disorder. Keep talking buddy. Your next ban will be perm.

Dumbazz just repeats my comment as he has no ideas of his own reality. Seek help.

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:32:22

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Doug:
Oy vey with this guy….

It’s like watching a psychotic horse run back into a burning barn.

Ps. Not coalie

Ironic that you would say that

As for oy vey…. Reminder 206 - I’m married to a cute 5’4 Hebrew hotdog. And he’s Jewish too. So kiss my ΧͺΦ·Χ—Φ·Χͺ or Χ˜ΧΦΈΧ›Χ’Χ‘. Colin translated in both Yiddish and Hebrew for you.

Lots of love, keep snorting the lead paint

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:27:49

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Doug:
Oy vey with this guy….

It’s like watching a psychotic horse run back into a burning barn.

Ps. Not coalie

Ironic that you would say that

The irony is that you have an undiagnosed form of foot in azz. As well as a personality disorder or undiagnosed dissociative disorder. Keep talking buddy. Your next ban will be perm.

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:22:32

Josey old friend, I think you need some distance from a certain person snd come back and play the way you used too. We always used you for retals. Give it some thought my friend.

Miss you, ya old war horse!

Btw…. When you played for me you hardly ever mentioned anything in the forums now you’ve gone like postal did they up your Viagra? I hope your partner is satisfied lol jk you know I always liked you. But people here misunderstand you, and given the chance by hitting true targets needing hit you’re wasting turns. Message me.

Doug Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 13:13:04

Oy vey with this guy….

It’s like watching a psychotic horse run back into a burning barn.

Ps. Not coalie

Doug Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 15:16:35

Thanks TAN for clarifying