
Fuego Game profile


Oct 14th 2020, 21:44:13


Fuego Game profile


Sep 30th 2020, 17:14:10

Originally posted by Suicidal:
is there somewhere else we are supposed to be?

Well I think most people seemed to find somewhere else to be. Although if you take away all the HAN and TIE multies that might take care of a lot of the loss ;)

Fuego Game profile


Sep 30th 2020, 15:09:36

Originally posted by Primeval:
Probably many of us

I recognize some names.... or at least think I do :)

Fuego Game profile


Sep 30th 2020, 15:08:11

Originally posted by ZEN: I have to?

It's like admitting you got drunk and slept with a yheti....

Ha...well it might be worse that after 15+ years of not playing I even about it at all.

Fuego Game profile


Sep 30th 2020, 14:44:18

Anyone still around from that time? Just wondering who is still hanging around.

Fuego Game profile


Sep 30th 2020, 13:27:39


Fuego Game profile


Sep 26th 2020, 4:36:52

Testing 3, 2, 1

Fuego Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 0:25:50

The bible actually speaks several times about a heaven and hell. Rather you want to believe what the Bible says would all depend on if you are Christian or not. If you are than you believe that the Bible was inspired by God above all meaning Greek culture wouldn't really effect important details.

Daniel 12:2,3; Matthew 25:46; John 5:28; Revelation 20:14,15

On another note if you believe in Jesus as your savior and believe in his teachings from the Bible it doesn't make much since to not believe he was sacrificed for your sins. The whole point of the message of love is to bring people in and show them the love of Jesus (his teachings) and how great that is so that someone will believe that he was sacrificed for your sins and to be forgiven all you must do is believe in him and that sacrifice.

If you do not believe in that sacrifice the only real options are to either not believe at all (another religion), or believe in the old covenant and thus sacrifice animals for forgiveness of your sins.

Fuego Game profile


Apr 15th 2012, 3:50:54

Does anyone know if he still plays? I doubt it...

Fuego Game profile


Feb 18th 2012, 16:06:34

Does anyone in MD still play Moral Decay? Only that will get you on the sexy list.

Fuego Game profile


Feb 18th 2012, 15:56:51

First, the notion that the President can just do anything (stop war on drugs) is juvenile. Like someone else mentioned, this is just something that politicians say to get out their stance. To think it will really happen is silly. Everything is a delicate balance of left and right moves. For example, Healthcare....Obama got his bill passed and signed into law. Now because he has pissed off the right and right leaning moderates the majority of what he has been doing is trying to get those moderates back. If he doesn't do this than there was no reason to pass the bill to begin with because he won't be reelected and the next person will just overturn it. If he gets those moderates back and is elected again the law will be in full swing and even the next GOP president will likely not be able to overturn it. He can't screw that balance up with taking on something else like war on drugs to drive those moderates away.

Second, everyone complains about the two party system...and oh wouldn't it be great to have more parties..blah blah blah. We have just as many parties as they have in England, we just cut out of the jockeying and pick alliances before we are elected. Just off the top of my head you have Tea Party, Evangelicals, and other right leaning groups under the GOP...they all really CARE about different things. On the Democrats side there are Blue Dog Democrats, Green Party, and other left leaning groups who are all really interested in different things. Each side makes their coalitions before elections and they don't change each election (lib dems and conservatives working together in GB....seems silly to me)

Lastly, Ron Paul is scary, not a statesmen. He is heartless and raised his kids to be the same kind of crazy. If it were up to him people who were even just underinsured would just be SOL. He will never be elected because in the end his values do not match up with either side enough to matter. His movement is less impressive than the tea party movement and will fade faster. He is just a silly old man who has become some kind of fetish for young voters and libertarians.


Disclaimer: All the above views are the opinions of me and do not reflect the views of my alliance. Considering most of them are Europeans or Canadians their opinions don't matter much in this election anyway ;)

Fuego Game profile


Feb 15th 2012, 3:23:57

Chicago Dog!

Fuego Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 1:47:53

I can't say Ron Paul is everything that is wrong with this country. But he does demonstrate the selfish bastards we are all evolving into. I don't remember which debate it was, but to paraphrase. If we have a 31 year old that needs medical care to live but does not have the money than he believes they should just die.

This hits me personally because without government help I would have lost my older sister when she was 9 because my parents were under insured. It also hit me as a human being for having such little regard for life. This country was built on working together. There is very little common good left any longer and Ron Paul would rather there not be any at all.

On another note, I agree, get corporations and the rich out of funding elections. But how are you going to stop them? Anyone can publish their opinions on paper or on the internet. I think the real answer is for more people to call the candidates out to actually educate the voting public. So many people go to vote and have no convictions either way except that "inset other party name here" are terrible people. There is no good answer until citizens grow up and open their eyes.

Last note, this whole thread is moot. Ron Paul stands about as much a chance of being elected president as I do. He is just another politician that doesn't understand you can't lead or legislate from stage left or a country people just won't allow it.

Fuego Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 23:52:49

ICQ number is 645081947

Fuego Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 3:42:05


Fuego Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 6:49:08

I just think that DR should be grouped in 2 categories. SS/PS and the GS/BR/AB.

Fuego Game profile


Jan 12th 2012, 4:41:15

I think ignoring this aspect of the game really is short sighted.

The quick DR is just crazy, not to mention all types of spy actions being linked to the same DR. I like the sliding scale that PapaSmurf posted above. I think something like this would drag down NW a little, but who cares.

Also I agree that once the country is in DR that it should no longer kill even half as many spies for a normal spy op. Improving spying is just one more thing to make the exciting set after set. It would give yet another base strat to give people a reason to come back for more. One can only net gain or run a tyranny war machine so many sets before a change is needed and a powerful spy country could be that change.

Fuego Game profile


Jan 10th 2012, 23:37:52


Fuego Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 16:38:45

I like llamas!

Fuego Game profile


Dec 18th 2011, 1:41:56


Fuego Game profile


Dec 12th 2011, 4:11:29

I'm good now thanks!

Fuego Game profile


Dec 12th 2011, 2:20:26

So who is leading Rival now? It's been awhile...