
Furious999 Game profile


Aug 2nd 2014, 11:18:50

Thanks h2o that is really helpful.

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 2nd 2014, 10:20:49

Strange way to announce it.

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 2nd 2014, 10:10:22

Collzaboration - so all production: bushels; units; oil; whatever is now tied to population?

I've been trying to find the announcement of this change (to get the hang of it) but so far w/o success.

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 2nd 2014, 7:58:45

How do you measure that Celphi?

I had thought that the DR effect of hits decayed as the subject of the hits played turns but it seems there may be some timer involved.

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 2nd 2014, 7:16:18

There is dramatically less cheating than when I last played a dozen years ago or more. But the underpriced/overpriced tech suggests there may be some.

Putting up a small parcel of tech at 9,999 does happen honestly. It is more, I think, hoping that someone will have a routine of buying that tech up to some quantity and will keep buying out small parcels w/o noticing the price.

I had understood that at very low prices the game is now programmed to buy in the good which would prevent the most blatant abuse (although making some slips of the finger irrecoverable).

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 2nd 2014, 6:57:15

Increasing the quantity of tech which can be sold improved matters for techers so much that I am glad to hear that there are changes which undermine it a bit.

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 1st 2014, 9:09:51

Bye Predator. Try not to run into any Aliens.

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 1st 2014, 8:52:40

I don't know if this target is strong enough to land four blows on you but if he is then your choice of target was poor. I suspect there were far better targets available to you but maybe I'm wrong. Quite a coincidence, though, that the best target happened to be the country you were so keen to hit back at.

As to the land, well you gave up the use of it to #90 very early while the time during which you have use of the land you grab now is getting less all the time.

The missiles sound good. :)

Edited By: Furious999 on Aug 3rd 2014, 6:06:50. Reason: missing letter
See Original Post

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 1st 2014, 7:42:33

PS Jul 31, 04:08 Time is Now (#43) MakeMyDay (#21) 399 A
PS Jul 31, 04:12 MakeMyDay (#21) Time is Now (#43) 274 A
PS Jul 31, 04:12 MakeMyDay (#21) Time is Now (#43) 217 A

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 21:27:20

Hitting someone back who is strong enough to land four more blows doesn't strike me as too good an idea.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 20:48:15

TIEs get knotted.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 20:33:37

Don't worry, if you ask the admins they will put you into one of the lower divisions I'm sure.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 18:47:42

I wondered if the technique would work or not. Even assuming it was calculated and not just random nonsense from #118.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 18:08:58

By DR I take it you mean diminishing returns.

It is a bit mysterious. In the same run of turns #118 did the same thing with another country. S/he reduced that target to 20 acres (or maybe 200) and then immediately switched his/her attentions to #52. The other target then grew to 7k acres and to rank 7. There is a short discussion in the thread Soon to be retal targets.

#52 has not yet taken turns and sits quiescent at networth 154,000. #118 similarly sits doing nothing for now except accumulating turns.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 16:35:07

The Predator guy hit me with a random bunch of bioterorrism spy ops as well. And then killed his country off. Presumably he is a fair minded guy and likes to share his favours out. You were just unlucky that it coincided with the missiles.

Not sure why you think it odd for the guy you hit to hit back with what he had to hit with. Anyway good luck in your duel.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 16:13:26

Kizami (#49) says

"Just to be clear, I am #49 and I have no connection with #118.

I have no idea why he hit me but he got me down to around 100 acres (98 cs and 2 spare) before I picked up again this morning.

I left myself yesterday on around 500 acres with no military which I *thought* would be fine, since who would bother grabbing for the same as they could explore for? My name probably caused him to attack me tbh, oh well.

Retals against me will be just as damaging and the DR will wear off in 18 hours or so anyway so I can't have low military for long."

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 16:04:29

The oddest aspect is that s/he stopped hitting you just at the point where you would have been landkilled within a very few more hits - and it was not that he ran out of turns because s/he immediately started the same process with someone else.

But you can hardly be asked to explain #118s antics.

I reported it so you may be contacted for an explanation. Or perhaps you might tender one now.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 11:20:19

No, it is an exploit.

First kill you #118 makes numerous hits on I Will Suicide You #49, gaining nothing.

Next #49 uses a bunch of turns to mass explore and pops up in seventh spot

"7 I Will Suicide You (#49) 6304 $864,202 HG"

I take it the idea is to make it pointless to hit #49 because of diminishing return.

(edit) No, not an exploit. #118 went on to kill others - s/he plainly wants to win the "who killed the most (tiny) countries in a set" award.

Edited By: Furious999 on Aug 2nd 2014, 12:39:53. Reason: to remove an unwaranted imputation
See Original Post

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 10:55:39

This looks like co-operation to me.

First kill you #118 makes numerous hits on I Will Suicide You #49, gaining nothing.

Next #49 uses a bunch of turns to mass explore and pops up in seventh spot

7 I Will Suicide You (#49) 6304 $864,202 HG

I take it the idea of this exploit is to make it pointless to hit #49 because of diminishing return.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 10:24:25

And why did he abandon his first taget with 20 acres left? Humanitarians perhaps, but something of a coincidence that they cut in at just that point.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 31st 2014, 9:02:49

Congrats to those who played As the Sets Turn (game A), Falling Skies (game B) and Urouge (game C).

Winning off 6k acres is quite a feat!

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 30th 2014, 21:51:10

If you want to duel with someone I am not sure I can see why it matters what server you choose.

And if someone wanted, for some reason, to keep their tourney enemies separate from their express enemies (or whatever) all they have to do is not make a parade of their identity.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 30th 2014, 21:28:39

Well, you would have grabbed anyway. Your "retal" idea just artificially limited your choice of target.

Satisfying, though, I suppose. If you are more interested in emotional aspects of the game than you are in winning.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 30th 2014, 20:59:54

Thanks gentlemen. Guess I'll take my chances with the suiciders. Or perhaps go in for a bit of suicide myself. :)

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 30th 2014, 20:56:16

Or you could try expanding a bit slower and protecting what you have a bit better.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 30th 2014, 18:04:55

I shall certainly need some luck - can´t figure the rules out at all.

I can AB and GS and demoralise as much as I like - as long as I don't join GDI. Is that right?

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 30th 2014, 9:49:41

Thank you.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 30th 2014, 9:32:30

Any missile is a good missile.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 30th 2014, 8:08:42

The prompt decision making on this site is most impressive.

On an entirely unrelated matter, are inappropriate country names still a ground for deletion?

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 29th 2014, 20:47:08

" When playing from the same household or office, players should email the Earth Empires staff with the information of the multiple accounts from the same household or router. "

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 29th 2014, 17:18:14

How long is a piece of string?

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 28th 2014, 20:19:54

Why do you imagine that ideas developed by clans have anything to do with tourney? If someone wants to grab land from you they will. Whether you then choose to hit back or to maximise your netgaining is up to you.

A six year old knows what s/he will do in such a case. Someone with a bit more maturity makes their choice.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 28th 2014, 20:11:18

I used to play, forty odd years ago. It is an excellent game which, I imagine, would work very well over the internet. Face to face it takes too long; we used to play through little self published magazines distributed by mail. But people doing poorly typically drop out which spoils the game.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 27th 2014, 22:33:20

Might do that Makinso. But I will be trying a set or two in tourney first.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 27th 2014, 21:49:39

Does theFIST still exist?

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 27th 2014, 6:55:03

Lots of stuff going on which is a mystery to me - maybe something to do with the tweaks to the game made since I last played, or maybe some are due to a different profile among players.

Anyway one guy seems to have just randomly suicided. What I don´t altogether understand is the huge number of missiles he managed to accumulate, why the suicide came so long before the end of the set and how he managed to drop land to zero acres by himself.

There seem also to be some random looking gs appearing - or is that to do with gaining bushels?

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 26th 2014, 10:39:40

No, don´t worry about negative income.

You will make enough money from selling your bushells to cover running costs. Spend your surplus cash on turrets and on agriculture tech.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 26th 2014, 10:34:47

If you are going to specialise in technology production the commonest gov.t to choose is Theocracy. You need to maximise the number of turns used to generate tech so you must grab for your land not explore. It is usual to try to identify one good target and to make one PS attack each set of turns. Then you build on the land you grabbed - making sure to demolish buildings and replace them with labs as the higher the proportion of labs the better.

You also need to develop a feel for which tech will sell best. Early on it is Indie and agricultural, later business and residential. Setting your prices well is also a necessary skill and not too easily acquired.

Because you need skill at grabbing, an understanding of which tech sells best when and the time to invest in following the tech market closely techer is not an easy strategy to follow. It is probably better to try farmer or industrialist as a novice. But techer is a lot of fun so after a set or two as an Indie or a farmer by all means try techer.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 26th 2014, 10:16:29

Motor vehicles are certainly the most dangerous thing that we meet. Perhaps things will improve with the development of computer controlled vehicles.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 25th 2014, 22:32:51

Now I see where you get your ideas from.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 25th 2014, 17:26:46

Don't know where you get that idea. Rail deaths (excluding suicides and people not on the train) are usually cited as about half aviation deaths.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 25th 2014, 15:25:03

GDI seems like a no-brainer in tourney.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 25th 2014, 10:38:34

Boats and trains are my preferred ways to travel; dislike motor cars and airoplanes. Horse or elephant would be good (not sure about camel) but the world has organised itself to accomodate wheels rather than legs. Pity.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 24th 2014, 16:15:01

PS Jul 24, 15:09 C R O A T I A (#39) Ace of Spades (#18) 2356 A

A very restrained response.

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 22:40:43

This looks odd

SS Jul 23, 22:07 ScaredKoreans (#50) Fred Flinstone (#28) 268 A
PS Jul 23, 22:08 Fred Flinstone (#28) ScaredKoreans (#50) 1028 A

One second apart?

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 21:56:52

So the leader has hit CROATIA twice in a couple of days.

What next?

Furious999 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 8:51:12


Furious999 Game profile


Jul 22nd 2014, 11:21:30
