
Klown Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 22:00:12

If such a large number of SOF heads were in RD, why did RD kill SOF?

Klown Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 17:06:23

Mr. Emerald used to be Wench from SOL. Don't know if that is still the case or not.

Klown Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 1:58:32

I quit

Klown Game profile


Oct 23rd 2013, 23:08:56

Sad. shut this game down already

Klown Game profile


Oct 13th 2013, 12:01:20

My suspicion was correct, he had never met his son.

Klown Game profile


Oct 12th 2013, 14:44:09

How many different kids with how many different women does he have? I wonder if he even knew this one?

Klown Game profile


Oct 11th 2013, 15:26:33

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by SakitSaPuwit:
Omg americans still think he is a celebrity? ??
Originally posted by Red X:
Kayne fell off the earth when he yelled at taylor swift
Uhh he's still releasing massively successful records

That's sad.

Klown Game profile


Oct 11th 2013, 15:21:42

He's terrible.

Klown Game profile


Oct 8th 2013, 4:09:28

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Rates will continue to go up because they cannot deny for pre-existing conditions which means they will have to pay out more and thus be forced to increase premiums to cover the claims payments.
But with health insurance being mandatory they also get a lot of healthy new customers as well. They'll make out just fine.
Originally posted by Klown:
Originally posted by Atryn:

Remember, part of this is to stop freeloaders who run around with no insurance and then expect the rest of us to pay for their healthcare when they show up in the emergency room. That is why it is called the individual shared responsibility payment.

No, it does not apply to me I am just saying that the price is still not affordable. I am aware of the tax credits and subsidies, the 231 figure includes that. If the law requires the young and healthy to sign up, it will fail. Regarding free loaders, correct me if I'm wrong here, but with the inability to discriminate based on pre-existing conditions is there not now an incentive to pay the penalty while you are healthy and then sign up for insurance once diagnosed with an illness that is going to require medical help?
solution: Single-payer health care.

That's like saying how do we end world hunger? Solution: give everyone food. Easier said than done.

Klown Game profile


Oct 4th 2013, 19:00:23

The penalty remains far, far lower than the cost of the cheapest plan even when it reaches its maximum.

Klown Game profile


Oct 4th 2013, 17:26:03

Originally posted by Atryn:

Remember, part of this is to stop freeloaders who run around with no insurance and then expect the rest of us to pay for their healthcare when they show up in the emergency room. That is why it is called the individual shared responsibility payment.

No, it does not apply to me I am just saying that the price is still not affordable. I am aware of the tax credits and subsidies, the 231 figure includes that. If the law requires the young and healthy to sign up, it will fail. Regarding free loaders, correct me if I'm wrong here, but with the inability to discriminate based on pre-existing conditions is there not now an incentive to pay the penalty while you are healthy and then sign up for insurance once diagnosed with an illness that is going to require medical help?

Klown Game profile


Oct 4th 2013, 2:17:39

I am comparing it to my current plan and what I believe others my age would be willing to pay. I do not know anyone without insurance that would be willing to pay 231 a month rather than pay the 95 dollar penalty.

Klown Game profile


Oct 3rd 2013, 12:49:26

Originally posted by Goofy:
Supertodd, the insurance company is BSing you. There is nothing in the plan that is making them charge you more for what you already have. This is them just using it as an excuse to raise your premiums. My insurance plan from working isn't changing at all next year.

Goofy, that is a ridiculous statement. You honestly think there is nothing in Obamacare that forces insurance companies to raise premiums?

Klown Game profile


Oct 3rd 2013, 12:45:30

In order to get a 'bronze plan' I would have to pay 231 dollars per month. For a single 26 year old non-smoker, that is very high. Forcing healthy young people to sign up and pay outrageous rates is the only way this thing works, they are needed to subsidize those with pre-existing conditions, etc.

Klown Game profile


Oct 2nd 2013, 2:43:13

Originally posted by bertz:
I didn't know US is really that fluffed up.

It is.

Klown Game profile


Sep 19th 2013, 18:41:36

Last time I checked, Disney and everyone else mentioned are long dead. Australia?

Nope, I'll never buy anything from that evil country.

Russell Brand is one of the biggest morons to ever live. He'd have been better off if that heroin he was addicted to had killed him.

Edited By: Klown on Sep 19th 2013, 18:44:35
See Original Post

Klown Game profile


Sep 14th 2013, 23:24:25

Tell me no one actually took the time to read the OP

Klown Game profile


Sep 14th 2013, 2:56:38

Originally posted by mrford:
syko is easily the dumbest person that plays this game. and hes calling other people idiots. i cant even stand the comedy!

he also cant understand why a 18K acre country can outproduce his. it must be FA! i mean, no way a country that was making 160K food a turn and selling it for $55 each, can get that big! stop getting FA! i was making 670mill a day for about 3 days there dipfluff. i didnt need FA. what i do apparently need is a SPAL over 75 lol. jerks

you fluff sipping frittata, i have sent out more FA than i have gotten. just because you cant think yourself out of a wet paper bag, doesnt mean the rest of us are hindered by your stupidity.

Almost as comical as you who has never made a post that wasn't stupid or annoying making this post.

Klown Game profile


Sep 13th 2013, 16:24:26


Klown Game profile


Sep 6th 2013, 12:42:13

This is stupid. If I text someone that is driving I am not forcing them to read it while they are driving. They can read it as soon as it is safe to do so.

Klown Game profile


Sep 3rd 2013, 16:35:09

Originally posted by blid:
Just FYI, Supertodd says white people should be able to refuse blacks service on the basis of race.

blid, you are far and away the most racist poster on this forum. Please stop trolling.

Klown Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 14:42:12

I'm confused. Is this you? I couldn't really understand the guy but I didn't laugh during the 30 secs I watched.

Klown Game profile


Jul 29th 2013, 17:18:59

There is no way that is Canada. If it is, Canada has gone down hill as fast as the USA. The US is the only country fluffty enough to have this go on. Welcome to Obama's America.

Klown Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 15:13:24

I will buy RD a account so that they get out more and in the future they wont wall within 10 seconds 24/7

Klown Game profile


Jul 24th 2013, 18:03:13

I blame Obama. If the economy were better, RD would have jobs and not be online so much, and so SOL's warchats would be faster.

Klown Game profile


Jul 23rd 2013, 12:13:29

Originally posted by mdevol:

Will go to 5-10 games down the stretch. 40 min drive from stadium.

How long is the detour to the hospital when you get shot on your way?

Klown Game profile


Jul 23rd 2013, 3:35:03

Originally posted by Darrian:
Klown you live nearby a stadium?

Can walk from my girlfriend's place.

Klown Game profile


Jul 22nd 2013, 17:27:49

Cincinnati Reds. I go to about 10-15 games per year.

Klown Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 19:24:20

I don't know what account you read. There was never any testimony, ever, that they spoke when Zimmerman was in the car or prior to when the fight broke out. All the dispatcher told him was that they "did not need Zimmerman to follow Martin", to which Zimmerman said "OK". They never told him to stay in his car. As to your latter point, sure Martin would be alive if the 2nd amendment didn't exist. Zimmerman might not be though. Personally, I'm not willing to give up liberty for the added security that repealing the 2nd amendment would supposedly give.

Klown Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 19:07:37

Originally posted by Patience:
^ What he said. Personally I think there were multiple instigation points, all courtesy of Zimmerman:

1. Following a pedestrian in your car
2. Rolling up the window and refusing to answer when said pedestrian confronts you about why you're following him
3. Leaving the vehicle, after the police tell you REPEATEDLY not to leave the vehicle
4. Having a gun in your hand when you leave the vehicle

1. He was a neighborhood watchman.
2. This never happened.
3. The police never told him not to leave the vehicle.
4. It is his right to carry a gun, and based on what happened, it's a good thing he had one.

Klown Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 17:56:14

Originally posted by Patience:
Klown: He had a chance to stop it long before it got to that point. He instigated the entire event.

Atryn: WTF... I hadn't heard about that. *sigh* How in the world did they NOT find this guy guilty of at least manslaughter????

No he didn't. I take it you didn't watch any of the trial.

Klown Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 16:16:11

Zimmerman was out of line but he didn't break any laws. If I were having my head bashed into the concrete I would fear for my life enough to do whatever I had to do to stop it.

Klown Game profile


Jul 9th 2013, 12:42:02

People are so weird anymore that I expected this to be about securing human right for arachnids.

Klown Game profile


Jul 2nd 2013, 17:12:25

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Obama will be the last American President and the first American Dictator.

This man will not relinquish his power at the end of this term. I truly believe that he will find an excuse, or more likely manufacture an excuse to postpone or cancel the next election cycle.

Watch, the US will have a "Significant Event of National Security" prior to the next election cycle thus enabling the federal government to institute and authorize the declaration of martial law throughout the US.

All you Americans sleep-walking through the mall and dazed and hypnotized by the "reality" shows on TV will regret your inattention.

I doubt this.

Klown Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 17:52:21

The American flag makes me sad to look at because it reminds me that a country that was once great committed suicide in every possible way.

Klown Game profile


Jun 21st 2013, 21:17:48

Why wouldn't you just create a thread about Slim Whitman rather than creating a thread to fluff about the lack of a Slim Whitman thread?

Klown Game profile


Jun 11th 2013, 21:34:50

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by ZIP:
i have no prob. with the gov't knowing who i call. If it keeps me and my family safer then go for it. now that the method is out it weakens our efforts to fight terrorism.
I say it was wrong. clearly states in the constitution that the government cant do that.

Really? Where?

Snowden and Bradly Manning should both be put up against a wall and shot. They knew the rules, they chose to violate their oaths and break them, simple treason.

Asking a government not to listen is like asking a frog not to hop. The only funny part of this story is the look of shock and righteous indignation on the faces of so many people that obviously knew better.

Archaic, are you Canadian or something? I present to you the 4th Amendment of the Constitution:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized"

Klown Game profile


Jun 11th 2013, 20:09:10

My thinking on this has evolved. Prior to the IRS scandal I believed that government is inefficient, wasteful, unfairly favors some over others, and corrupt in the sense that it is used for personal gain. I didn't think it was malevolent. Post IRS, I was wrong about the latter. I do not want this kind of power in the hands of a regime I trust only slightly more than Manuel Noriega's regime. Therefore Snowden is a patriot.

Klown Game profile


May 27th 2013, 3:19:26

Free Dagga

Klown Game profile


May 23rd 2013, 1:03:41

I highly doubt RD is using this 'RDP' to wall. It seems like this would take time to get logged into someone elses computer. Many RD countries get online in under 10 seconds, faster than I can even type earthempires into my browser, much less load the page and login :P I'd say they just spend a lot of time sitting logged into their country. I'm the easiest country to kill, there is about a 2 hour window per day I can wall. Outside that window a kill run could last 8 hours on me and I still wouldn't wall.

Klown Game profile


May 20th 2013, 15:38:55

My first retirement from Earth came when I was in the 5th grade because I got 3 AOL TOS violations and AOL suspended the account. One was for calling someone a 'loser' in a kids only chat room, one for forwarding a chain letter, and one for cussing at someone on IM. My parents wouldn't restart the account because they were mad.

Klown Game profile


May 14th 2013, 17:16:09

Originally posted by Ruthie:
omg, shoot me .... i actually agree with Klown

since when doesnt a player in the game "matter"

since when does the role in E2025 have any bearing on EE

do you "matter" vic? does spamming the boards make you "matter"?

i dont even know what that means

and wtf kind of attitude is that to have

no wonder this game doesnt grow and seems to be drowning in a cesspool of arrogance and self-absortion

While this could be a major break through, let's not get too carried away, it doesn't take much to agree that Vic is pretty pathetic.

Klown Game profile


May 14th 2013, 16:42:17

Originally posted by Vic:
I don't mean to steal your thunder.
But who are you exactly?
What alliance do you play in?
Did you play in 2025? If so, did you matter? ... Lol!

And who did laf and sof get to quit?
If it was a 5th tier nub I don't care one bit.

Gotta have thick skin to play this game and laf and sof alone shouldn't be able to drive a real man from an online game. Be a man suck it up and please
Please please

Stop being 5th tier

I'm pretty sure he was a moderator in E2025. I don't know if that meets your criteria for 'mattering'. Unlike yourself, very few of us live such meaningless existences to be able to devote 10+ hours per day to cheat at a text game and have different personalities in nearly every alliance in the game.

Klown Game profile


May 5th 2013, 16:14:59

They aren't worried, the admins will change the formula, banning hits on countries over 50% rigs when oil is over $200.

Klown Game profile


May 2nd 2013, 1:10:25

He won more playoffs games with the Broncos than Manning did.

Klown Game profile


May 1st 2013, 20:55:25

That's really stupid. Force clans to boot members that may have been with them for 10 years?

Klown Game profile


May 1st 2013, 20:10:53

I don't think that will ever happen, based on human nature.

Klown Game profile


Apr 27th 2013, 2:32:47

Originally posted by hoop:
I still can't believe people watch the nfl draft.

Almost as bad as watching anything other than the NBA finals

Klown Game profile


Apr 21st 2013, 13:30:07

It is common sense that money going to fund interest payments on the public debt is completely unproductive and harms growth. There may also be a tipping point where up to a certain point harm to growth is limited but then leads to economic disaster. You cannot argue that debt did not harm the Greek economy.