
Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 5:57:03

This will be my last post here.

mr ford and N0W3P you are both fluffing retards. obviously you can't read. The ONLY time I ever considered making plans of warring LaE this set was half way through last set when your retarded ass leadership got caught cheating, and when we were under the impression you had 1 or more spies in NBK. waaaaay before the end of the set i.e waaay before reconsideration for pacting was even CLOSE to being considered. gawd.

So please stop coming here acting all high and mighty. and give this post a good read through about 4 or 5 times reaaally slowly because apparently you're too thick to comprehend my reasoning for considering it.

EDIT: the only reason I am continuing to post here is because, obviously, this issue is close to a boiling point in lae leadership. yes the idiot, troll, cheating bastard Donny may have stirred the pot in the first palce, but for once I am glad he did. I'd rather hear this here and now rather than later on

Edited By: Sauron NBK on Jun 16th 2010, 6:03:10

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 20:53:17

lol NOW3P you are determined to hate NBK for some reason. I am done trying to convince you. You really hate us that much? Drop the pact, why continue bashing us when twiz and I are the ones that assured that we pacted you guys this set? Even though you spouted accusations against NBK all this set like an idiot.(and only after we were down and out i might add)

Fact is, aodt had a pact with you, and with no provocation makinso would've dropped your pact and FSd you guys with our help had we agreed. We were under the impression that you guys had planted a spy in NBK, not to mention that fact that your leaders at the time had been caught blatantly cheating. Please don't act like that wasn't grounds to drop our pact with you then and there and FS you guys had we seen fit.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 19:20:54

lmao! There maki goes, Using his word voodoo again.

The only reasons i asked you in the first place, was because you approached me the previous set and asked if we would do a joint FS against them and also because i really didn't want to have to war AoDT for a third time (was getting a little boring).

And I would aslo like to comment that NBK was a little pissed at the time that i asked. It was just after the whole cheating/planting a spy in NBK thing(we thought you guys had planted the spy anyway), and it was before your new leadership had taken over...

just goes to show that anything that comes outta maki's mouth is complete bullfluff. And I can guarantee he will stab LaE in the back as soon as it becomes beneficial to him.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 14th 2010, 0:07:27

Mr Ford. I didn't mean last set. I meant it took some of yours/imp/DK's former members plus the FS for AoDT to be able to beat us.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 13th 2010, 4:17:47

I applied to teamwork. no accept my damn app:P

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 12th 2010, 22:48:24

patty you still a mod for jolt? if so is utopia still around? or did jolt run them into the ground too? I can't seem to find it anywhere...

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 12th 2010, 22:44:40

lol maki talking about honor now that's funny.

you run the biggest pile of fluff clan on this server. get some honor first before telling us we have none.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 12th 2010, 20:46:01

cold showers are for pu$$ies like aodt. I don't even turn on the cold water when i have a shower. pure hot water is where it's at.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 12th 2010, 19:43:45

LOL walding. AoDT is a sh!t clan. everyone knows it. They needed help from people in DK/imp/lae which gave them a 100 country advantage. plus since maki turns into a scared little girl when he thinks of an NBK FS, you guys got the FS on top of the member advantage. AoDT is garbage and would not stand a chance in a fair war against NBK.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 7:49:23

Who want's me?:)

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 8th 2010, 7:25:02

yeah i talked to him:P

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 8th 2010, 5:47:32

Drop me a line whenever one of ya can. I can't get on irc right now but am on MSN.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 7:47:39

I know exactly who n0w3p is mrford. you too are making assumptions about me and making yourself look like a "nub" so kindly stfu.

And as for us "screwing" an ally over? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It seems you are sadly misinformed, lol whatever you guys heard from maki is absolutely a lie. He was fuming because he got his ass handed to us all set last set and now he's making up lies.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 4:25:58

NOW3p your a nobody who hows nothing. Please don't spout random accusations against NBK. You will only make a fool of yourself...And no one outside NBK knew our FS date so that means Makinso has a spy in NBK.

meh oh well. we know how dirty you play now AoDT...Let's see if you guys last the set;)

And it's funny that Maki hasn't commented on the fact that he's is cared witless of an FS from NBK. Truth hurts eh?

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 6th 2010, 22:31:22

LOL, Maki is scared to fluff of a war in which NBK has the FS. That is why when he got wind that we were gonna declare he pee'd himself and decided to FS early.

Now we all know how much of pussies you guys really are.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 20:48:41

Velasquez will pwn them all soon anyway.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 16:19:39

dunno If ur still on but I'm on MSN now...

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 3rd 2010, 17:29:09

Ivan, aside from making your self and your alliance look like even bigger @sshats than your 1a clan, you've also convinced me to reconsider trying to take more diplomatic routes in this little situation.

Your complete disregard for the political workings of a different server than you're used to is laughable and will surely get your clan killed. NBK always tries to be fair to smaller alliances in FFA so please don't go spouting random fluff saying that we are a bully alliance.

The country in question got hit ONCE for 250 acres than sent a stupid message saying he was gonna kill a country who's alliance is almost 6 times bigger than his own. I don't think it's a stretch to say that that wouldn't fly even in 1a.

If you don't want you alliance killed off I'm sure we can come to an agreement that is suitable for everyone NBKs contacts are listed on our boxcar site.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 3rd 2010, 2:51:45

talk is cheap Ivan

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 1:56:31

Marion Hossa is cursed. the black hawks will lose fo sho.

Edited By: Sauron NBK on Jun 1st 2010, 1:56:47

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 1:37:55

Actually Maki is only a mod for primary and team. as it says right under his say they got reinstated because he is a mod is just stupid. Doesn't anyone remember DM/LaE last set?

that being said, I also agree that donny and billy (if there is a billy) were account sharing last set. Because their stonewalling was a little too effective. And even if they weren't they were at the very least logging in from the same computer one right after the other to stonewall. and it says right in the rules that you are not allowed to do that.

Edited By: Sauron NBK on Jun 1st 2010, 1:48:38

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 31st 2010, 18:26:31

/me sets SoF to Farm/Kill


Sauron NBK Game profile


May 31st 2010, 6:50:32

Alliance has about 300 more or so...

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 31st 2010, 6:07:32

wait till the wars start this set. I'm sure we'll sky rocket past em again.

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 29th 2010, 17:53:27

lol one of the countries that were deleted was named donny. So i am assuming yes it was...though unless I can`t count it looks like 33 countries.

Edited By: Sauron NBK on May 29th 2010, 17:56:47

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 29th 2010, 17:47:36

well I`m fairly certain this is a spam slash multi tag...Just thought I`d be nice and post a warning though.

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 29th 2010, 3:55:24

If you guys would like to remain living...I'd suggest not sending messages like this to a clan with almost 300 more countries than you.

Message from SERAPHIM (#1660) sent on 05/28/2010 18:10:38
Report this message

Noticed that you play with Non Bright Kids, dont hit sof again or we will kill you

Just a little warning for you softies, take the appropriate retals but tell your guy that he is basically a chihuahua barking at a rototiller.

Edited By: Sauron NBK on May 29th 2010, 10:09:56

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 27th 2010, 21:17:44

yep been doin that for a couple days on every server i play on, that's express, tourney, alliance and ffa

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 27th 2010, 2:04:49

You answered 45% of questions correctly.

lol good thing I'm Canadian

Edited By: Sauron NBK on May 27th 2010, 2:04:58

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 25th 2010, 17:39:38

pan would prolly be best

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 25th 2010, 0:31:20

Don't think I have any contacts for you anywhere lol... But all the same, you guy's would be welcome at NBK.

Edited By: Sauron NBK on May 25th 2010, 0:31:31

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 24th 2010, 22:07:48

Just do the 100 CS startup like me:P

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 24th 2010, 21:15:58

$90 per bushel? You greedy farmers are killing my casher:P

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 24th 2010, 17:42:54

Carwin's gonna have this in the first or second round if he can keep it standing. If he has no answer for lesnar's wrestling it's gonna be a done dolla.

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 20th 2010, 22:48:48

join NBK ya know ya want to.

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 20th 2010, 15:24:28

That "friendly" war was complete BS and you guys know it. What kind of alliance makes their "friends" post a full out surrender before you cease hits in said "friendly" war?

AoDT is garbage. your tactics have always been bullying ones. You are all convinced that you are the most superior clan on the server, and always have some excuse whenever you lose a war. Did you see NBK on the boards crying and bashing AoDT in every thread one of them started last set? No. We took our beating with humility and came back stronger for it the next set....

you wanna say we broke a pact? Fine lie your ass off and twist the truth in your favor. But you know that your alliance has some twisted ass tactics, and NBK does not want or need an ally like that.

Edited By: Sauron NBK on May 20th 2010, 15:38:24

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 20th 2010, 2:32:12

deflecting the facts?

fact 1 SYN + AoDT FS NBK at the beginning of the set. In effect gang banging them

Fact 2 NBK calls in IMP+DK, and eventually focus decides to jump in the war as well. I don't know the reason why...Maybe to punish you for gang banging a friend of theirs?

fact 3 AoDT get's tag killed and NBK agrees to cease hits on them, we know AoDT is going to hit FoCuS. we didn't care we were gonna let you guys fight it out.

fact 4 you guys gangbang a clan for helping out a clan you guys gang banged in the first place.

fact 5 you are a moron.

that is all.

EDIT: as for us breaking the CF this set and a "pact" last set. NBK considers our pact with FoCuS of much more importance than a CF with AoDT, they needed help. we came to their aid.

and as for our so called pact with AoDT last set. Maki knows why i considered that pact broken long before we declare on you guys the second time if he didn't tell you why thats to fluffing bad.

Edited By: Sauron NBK on May 20th 2010, 2:37:25

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 20th 2010, 1:52:28

L.I is an idiot guys.... Don't even bother trying to force logic on him, it's right there in front of his face. If he can't see that, that's his own problem.

Edited By: Sauron NBK on May 20th 2010, 1:53:08

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 18th 2010, 0:04:20

I was in tenth at the last update. there were some last second jumpers apparently. :(

This round is over! Your final rank was 13!

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 17th 2010, 0:45:07

dukey is hella lame.

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 16th 2010, 9:34:47

So i read somewhere that there was a problem with people making multiple tags to bypass the 5 country per tag limit.

What if the game admins made this server a strictly war server and made it so that declaration of war between two tags was random? Utopia did something similar and had really good results from it.

you could have like a 10 day protection at the beginning of the set and then war would be declared randomly against another tag with similar nw and number of countries. It could be like some kind of tournament, with a couple days for rebuilding after winning a war. Last tag standing wins.

there would obviously be a few kinks to work out from what i put down. but this would be hella fun. I'd actually play this server if this is what it was like.

Edited By: Sauron NBK on May 16th 2010, 9:37:32

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 16th 2010, 7:35:16

Makinso don't come on here acting all high and mighty.

NBK are helping a friend out. simple as that, a CF is not binding everyone knows that.

Your tactics are waaaay dirtier than NBKs so please take your fluff talking somewhere else.

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 16th 2010, 5:20:23

doesn't look like you guys did with the countries we're having to break right now:)

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 16th 2010, 5:12:32

Donny you really are an idiot you know that? YOU AND SYN GANG BANGED NBK FIRST!! THAT'S WHY WE GOT DK AND IMP INVOLVED.

maybe he'll understand better if it's in caps? nub.

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 16th 2010, 5:10:08

read my edit:)

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 16th 2010, 5:05:14

lol an AoDTer talking about honor...classic.

EDIT: And I think NBK is displaying great honor... Though we didn't ask them to help us and they didn't ask us to help them, they are still friends of ours and we have enough honor to help them instead of watching them get gang banged. like i said, if aodt had decided to declare on focus 1vs1 we wouldn't have gave 2 fluffs.

Edited By: Sauron NBK on May 16th 2010, 5:08:15

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 16th 2010, 4:39:46

NBK knew that AoDT was gonna hit focus. pretty sure everyone did. We didn't know that you were gonna gang bang them.

What did you guys expect?

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 15th 2010, 3:57:40

That's the epicest pwnage I've seen in a long time. how do you blow a 3-0 series lead?

just pathetic.

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 14th 2010, 17:30:38

For once i actually agree with donny. I think this rule should come back as well.

I knew as soon as i saw a certain clan self farming that it would only encourage them to go that further step and actually start cheating. Because it would never be enough to just farm your own countries.

Sauron NBK Game profile


May 13th 2010, 22:57:49

megatron you p00g!:P