
TanX Game profile


Oct 15th 2012, 10:40:14

I constantly wish I could tell when I sent it. Sure, it's a two hour window when they could hit but if I send it to market and forget what time it was, having the game show it to me would prevent me from having to guess where the two hour window is. If I'm running a commie and selling twice per day, I will usually try and logon about 6 hours after I sent my stuff, because then I can at least look at the market price and see if my stuff will be likely to sell within the next hour or two. I don't spend my time indoors, so if I forget what time I sent my goods it's kind of a pain in the ass if I login early and there still en route. That's at least 30 min of my time wasted.

Considering it's a value that's most likely already stored, I can't imagine it'd take much just to display it. Not a game changer, but definitely worth the effort to code it IMO.

TanX Game profile


Oct 14th 2012, 10:53:50

At the top of the site there is a link for "Game Info" and one for "Wiki" which both lead to the wiki. Unless there's a plan to develop something to have on a game info page beyond the wiki, I'd suggest eliminating one as redundant.

TanX Game profile


Oct 14th 2012, 10:51:10

It would be very helpful to be able to tell what time a group of goods were sent to the market.

"En Route Since 6:49: 518,827 Jets on sale for $129 each"
"En Route for 1.2 Hours: 518,827 Jets on sale for $129 each"

TanX Game profile


Oct 14th 2012, 10:34:19

Except last I checked oil was over 1k, damned oilers!

TanX Game profile


Oct 14th 2012, 10:33:28

or more oil...

TanX Game profile


Oct 12th 2012, 3:57:28

It's all just a matter of ideology. Go capitalism. I don't require that the government make things fair, or easy for anyone. If you're lucky enough to start a microsoft or a facebook, then good for you, enjoy your disgustingly large net worth. If you're too unlucky to be able to have two nickles to rub together, I'm sorry, keep trying. It's not the government's job to change either of these people's situation, in my opinion. I don't believe we have a right to comfort, or ease of upward mobility, or anything beyond some basic services.

For the most part, the only thing the federal government should be paying for, in my opinion, are things like national defense. Things that are inarguably necessary, and not able to be efficiently provided by a lower level of government. There is no rational reason for the federal budget to exceed or even rival the sum of the states' budgets (not that I know if it does, I only found one source on the subject). If you were to advocate for socialization within a state, I'd be much more receptive, although still pretty skeptical. The federal government has a defined role, which it currently far exceeds. The state level is where people's choices on how to live should be determined. That's virtually the entire point of our federal system.

TanX Game profile


Oct 11th 2012, 11:03:57

PP, what you're advocating is essentially backdoor state socialism. We already have this to a certain extent, so I'm not trying to demonize it. I'm just calling it what it is. Increasing the tax burden on the wealthy and using it to increase economic equality through various programs is, at the extreme, functionally equivalent to state socialism. Personally, I believe we should reduce the socialist character that we already have. Not eliminate it, just reduce it.
Mobster pointed out the fact that the education system is lacking interested students, more than funding. If every school system had sufficient funding, a student that shows up not interested in learning still won't learn. The reason we have the level of poverty we do is due to children not being given the drive to attempt success by their parents.

Say what you want about our education system, but for the most part if a student tries to, they will graduate. If a student tries to and has the talent to deserve them he will get good grades. If he has a diploma he will be accepted to college, it doesn't have to be a big college. The one I went to for my first two years accepts all HS graduates. You can pay for tuition at one of these colleges with a job attainable with a HS diploma.

It might take work and time, but there is no single person with the intelligence to do so that does not have the economic opportunity to receive the level of education that they want. For that matter, if you really don't think they can afford college, there is always the army and the GI Bill. I used that for my last few years of college, and they've vastly improved it since. Spend 2 years in the army and you've got damned near to the equivalent of a full ride scholarship to the most expensive in state public college.

My mother never worked, my father drove a semi-truck for my entire life. Neither attended college, hell my dad never even got a HS diploma, he got his GED a few years after dropping out. I messed around in HS, graduated a year late due to a year's expulsion with a GPA around 1.5. I now have a bachelor's degree in accounting and am in the final round of interviews for a $40k/year job as my first job out of college. Not exactly rich, but if anyone doesn't consider it more than enough, then they need to examine their sense of entitlement.

Edited By: TanX on Oct 11th 2012, 11:07:37
See Original Post

TanX Game profile


Oct 1st 2012, 4:34:45


TanX Game profile


Sep 26th 2012, 8:44:30

Related question: What would happen if one were to recall the goods from market at the point at which they were bought by a SO and were still listed as en route?

TanX Game profile


Sep 26th 2012, 4:10:47

If you look to semi-famous comedians for your view on politics... then my advice to you is to stop breathing.

TanX Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 6:23:48

FYI, most of society's problems are the result of bad parenting. Not saying that in a "blame the parents" way, necessarily. Most of the bad parents do have good intentions, they're just flat out wrong about how to do it. Not that I claim to know the magic method, but I can clearly see a lot of parenting failures that have strongly causal relationships with most of society's problems.

TanX Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 6:18:12

" terms of governmentally sactioned policies."

"That being said, we're doing fine." (in reference to white males)

"...I at this point really don't care about this topic."

Where in my statement did I say black men aren't oppressed more overall? Where did I call for a focus on the poor white man. Go back to reading comprehension class. Not that I'm now intending to say that they are, or that we shouldn't. I choose to abstain from those topics because (I'll say it again):

"That being said, we're doing fine." (in reference to white males)

"...I at this point really don't care about this topic."

TanX Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 5:04:47


TanX Game profile


Sep 21st 2012, 3:46:54

The white man is currently the most oppressed category of people in the US, in terms of governmentally sactioned policies. It's a fact. That being said, we're doing fine. There are other things that negatively affect me far more than the fact that I'm white and male so I at this point really don't care about this topic. I honestly just wish those that still feel the need to assert their own group's supremacy would stfu. I'm looking at you, sexist men, feminists, white supremacists, black panthers, etc. Both sides just feed off of the other.

TanX Game profile


Sep 11th 2012, 2:13:27

Dissident, that mass deregulation is the single greatest cause of the current problems. That prosperity you say it brought was false prosperity. The deregulation allowed the banking industry to effectively work a massive pyramid scheme, and the bottom finally fell out of it.

Regulation of business is like anything else. Some sectors need it far more than others.

Also, I wish people would stop confusing freedom with democracy. Socialism is a system with limited freedom, which can be either directly democratic or extremely authoritarian.

TanX Game profile


Sep 6th 2012, 7:20:12

Becoming socialist does not end representative democracy (or republic, if you prefer that term). Socialism in it's evolving form has to do with which policies are adopted by the government. Republicanism and democracy merely address how those policies are decided on.

That point having been made, SAM_DANGER is 100% on the mark.

TanX Game profile


Sep 6th 2012, 1:39:21

sad story bro

TanX Game profile


Sep 5th 2012, 2:41:18


TanX Game profile


Sep 1st 2012, 4:24:55

Originally posted by martian:
Many provinces have their own police forces and hence you won't really see the RCMP around. Cities have "their own" police force but they are not under direct control of city hall even if city hall foots the bill. That's because municipal governments are not constitutionally protected/guaranteed in Canada but are subject however the province decides to set them up (ie. in Canada, municipal governments could be 100% appointed by the province, but that wouldn't be a popular thing to do).

Same thing here in the US. The only two levels of government that are constitutionally effected are state and federal.

TanX Game profile


Aug 27th 2012, 8:10:46

229, actually. The top ranking group of each level has to be multiplied by the number of games in that level.

TanX Game profile


Aug 27th 2012, 4:05:49

qzjul, they did get sued, and they won. The agreement allowed them to use the Apple trademark on goods and services that were "used to reproduce, run, play or otherwise deliver such content," as long as the content was not on a physical media such as a CD. Considering iTunes is what they were being sued over, I'd say iTunes wouldn't qualify as breaking that settlement agreement.

TanX Game profile


Aug 26th 2012, 2:10:35

They sold products for the prices people were willing to pay, and along the way became one of the most successful businesses in history. Fact. Where in there is it possible to infer overpricing?

If you hold a patent on a technology, it means you have the sole right to use that technology for the life of the patent. How is it unreasonable for them to protect their immense investment from being copied? I highly doubt "rectangles with rounded corners" is the primary patent being defended.

Don't get me wrong, I don't care for apple's design philosophy, and I don't own a single one of their devices, but come on. Business is business.

FYI, apple didn't break the settlement agreement you're referring to, qzjul.

TanX Game profile


Aug 20th 2012, 1:36:00

The Supreme court should be decentralized. They, at the end of the day, are the arbiters of what the constitution means. Congress can make whatever silly ass law they want, but if the Supreme Court thinks it's ok then it passes, otherwise it's eliminated. Decentralize the Supreme Court's enforcement of the constitution to the state supreme courts at least, and you'll see citizens having a body of law governing that more closely resembles what they want.

I see no problem with particular federal laws being enforceable in some states and not others, and the only laws that would be subject to this would be questionable laws to begin with.

Remember that we already have a patchwork of laws similar to this in state laws, so it's no big change.

TanX Game profile


Aug 18th 2012, 10:26:11

Originally posted by tduong:
It's a text based game with zero to minimal changes(once in a miracle) made every reset.

Back in the day, if Mehul had made zero to minimal changes every reset, that would have been awesome! It was more like zero to none changes every reset. And yet E:2025 had a lot bigger following than this one does yet. I think the app idea is good, but I think overall tduong is incorrect. But, then, times change. Maybe people really are that short on attention span nowadays as opposed to back then.

TanX Game profile


Aug 16th 2012, 9:21:29

Those were books, there are many like them!

Seriously, though... books aren't sacred, get over it. As long as the intent isn't to eliminate the information within, and as long as it's not a rare book which would be difficult to find elsewhere, it's no great tragedy.

TanX Game profile


Aug 11th 2012, 8:10:50

When will this become a viable strat?

TanX Game profile


Jul 12th 2012, 5:10:24

Good information TaSk1, I'll do that. If nothing else I'm curious if I'll see any familiar names.

TanX Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 21:58:03

Kind of ironic, considering most of the wars I fought with them were against those three, haha. I guess if you can't beat 'em join 'em eh?

TanX Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 21:46:57

So last time I played earth IX/IM was one of the big ones. What happened, did they disband when E2025 closed down? Last I recall they had merged with some Pinoy alliance or something.