
VTR-9B Game profile

New Member

May 4th 2019, 0:35:41

Great question Sov - recruiting is partly an issue, though arguably the easier part. I have a mix of rl and online marketing strategies I'm looking at to bring people in. I'm more concerned with doing it in a structured manner aimed at retention and gaining contributing members to start with.

Given there are some factors in the game itself to consider that will make retention difficult, I'll be focused more on the positive factors - strong community engagement where people enjoy interacting with each other.

After the first set where the core group is established (assuming it actually works, this may possibly end worse than an Australian parliament session), then I'll look at potential scaling in a similar method.

VTR-9B Game profile

New Member

May 3rd 2019, 10:04:51

I figured I'd get a head start on next set by putting this out there.

Camelot will be built on introducing new players to the game and providing a positive initial while they build up their experience - true to the original E2025 Camelot's ideals. I'm looking for 1-2 vets with more current experience of the game that would be interested in helping out - joining the tag this set is optional if you're already in a tag (I won't actively try to poach members from anyone).

If any major tags would like to ally and provide some protection for a young tag, that would be appreciated - please reach out via inbox.

If you're a new player to the game - you're more than welcome to reach out and join now, and if you're in Aussie-land timezones that's just a bonus.

Clan site is currently under development.

VTR-9B Game profile

New Member

May 1st 2019, 6:40:53

Who are ARROW? ;)

I ended up re-creating the CAMELOT tag for this set since I started so late.

I may or may not go to war with SoF - we'll see (I'm kidding, please don't kill my country).

VTR-9B Game profile

New Member

Apr 22nd 2019, 6:29:53

Why thank you :)

I did end up applying for RAGE again (though thanks for the tip of Stones, farmer).

Who knows, if I get back into it a bit I might try and try and give Camelot a renaissance (assuming the originals aren't around and don't object).

VTR-9B Game profile

New Member

Apr 22nd 2019, 1:09:10

Soooo, re-create xfluffx then?

Sad days, I miss the good old server wars. I guess it's just incentive to stick around for next reset's.

VTR-9B Game profile

New Member

Apr 22nd 2019, 0:43:54

So I had a bit of nostalgia and thought I'd see if there were any old Earth2025-like games around. I haven't played in maybe 14-15 years? Mostly in Camelot (learning from KILLER and Rogue Knight) and RAGE. I was really surprised to find a few people/clans around from those days still - and that creating a country still feels natural.

So I find myself Clanless at this point, but haven't quite decided whether I want to go back to my roots of just warring, or try something new like netting. Does anyone have any suggestions?