
Zues The Greek Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 20:55:05

Desperado, where do you see me saying delete an entire clan? What an idiotic statement to make!...

Read again, I was referring to Pangaea's forgiving the cheaters in LAE. Whether it was 3 or 4 members, I don't give a rats bum. If they cheat, they should be gone! So let me rephrase my script for your coconut. If this were a no name alliance with 10 members running 15 countries each and 4 of them were caught doing what the few did in LAE, they'd be toast, end of story, no chance of reinstatement whatsoever. That is what I was saying so quit reading more into what I wrote in any attempt to undermine my wording...

The real issue here is that LAE has the numbers in membership since day one of EE and Pangaea doesn't want to hurt those stats. He forgave those people that were found to have cheated for the obvious reason. Bad choice of things to do, when now, everyone knows what went on in my opinion...

The next time there are cheaters found in any alliance, I would be very interested in seeing how Pangaea deals the cards on that event or are we writing the one chance rule?. In reality, that is what Pangaea has now done to the so called, "cardinal rule"...

mrford, this is not old fluff and I am entitled to a voice on the matter as I choose. You sir do not dictate who can or cannot write on issues. This is well worth rubbing in the faces of our cheaters who continue to be potentially harmful to the future existance of this game. It doesn't matter that the mods keep them under the radar. In that regard, wasn't DM a part of Pangaea's internal staffing? Pangaea was quick to take the blame on that. I'm speculating, but it is also fair to say that all of us could have had our personal information accessed, especially when you could possibly have a rogue underpaid employee working behind the scenes...


Edited By: Zues The Greek on Jul 24th 2010, 20:59:19
See Original Post

Zues The Greek Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 16:13:22

Pangaea, you were better off saying nothing and dealing with this much differently than you have...

You made an exception to a cardinal rule and that makes your policy weak and the game questionable in terms of credability...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 15:55:06

If you're referring to me Popcorn, I am not killing anything and just telling it like it is...

Cheating and undermining policies that everyone agrees to, do not deserve second chances...

But I see where the owner(s) nose is at...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 14:35:14

Originally posted by Bauer24:
I think LaE has been the subject of these boards long enough.. they paid for their transgressions.. so unless theres more why not leave it be..

they still can pawn u

They sure paid for their transgressions, they were given another chance as per Pangea et/al, indicated in an another amusing thread...

If this had of been some no name alliance, they would have been toast, deleted forthwith!...

The games credability as well as the owner(s) running it at the helm, is very questionable in my opinion...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 18th 2010, 2:44:22

Some Guy, you are a MORON!...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 18th 2010, 0:54:58

Holy crap, Not NOW3P too!!!!!!!

I thought you were the only one DK!!

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 18th 2010, 0:53:26

Tinysub still has a lot of spunk left in him ;)

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 14:00:55

For once NOW3P I read a post that makes absolute sense, except for the dignity part...

I am sorry if I've referred to you as a MORON in many posts as I see now, that you do have some intelligence...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 13:51:53

No I am not Patriot. There used to be a Zeus in the game some 12 years ago when I started playing, but I am not a former IMP member, never was and never went by the name Patriot...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 13:48:35

DKRaHL wears lime green Borat swim suits on Wednesdays and Sundays - that is all :P

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 13:44:33

I stand by it and it has nothing to do with having a medical degree NOW3P...

It's called common sense, something you know nothing about...

Oh wait, I take heart pills, *Kills NOW3P*... Sorry, my pills made me do that :P

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 13:35:58

Damn you snawdog, I want the last word on this :P

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 13:34:25

RaTS FYA is now da Big Muckie Muck!!...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 13:30:49

Rico, are you not the alliance (IMP) that has cheaters in it? Wasn't one of your leaders just banned for over 60 country deletions?

Oh and do tell us, YOU HAD NO IDEA...NOT!...

Blow that out your Ar$e you self righteous MORON!!...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 13:26:05

This set honestly, has taken the wind out from my sales...

I really don't care much to say anything but to take in what ever you all bring on. There is no point in mincing words here...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 13:18:29

Do Me!

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 13:17:29

Did you just figure that out Maki ...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 16th 2010, 18:36:55

*Dawns Special ZuesBoots*

You cannot kill me with my boots on Despie......*RUNS*

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 16th 2010, 18:35:04

It is tempting to say the least

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 16th 2010, 18:34:21

What I don't understand is why jeopordize your tags relations regardless of your health issues? That just doesn't make any sense at all and I am going to call a spade a spade...

I don't believe anything about you having that serious of a desease Mitch222. It really boils down to simple humanity and commen sense mate. You just don't fit the circumstances on this one. Not even remotely close...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 16th 2010, 18:13:35

LMAO @ Despie - good one!

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 16th 2010, 18:12:45


*Goes and checks*

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 16th 2010, 18:12:04

That is not true Despie, quit spreading evil rumors about my taste glands :P

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 16th 2010, 18:10:29

You are absolutely correct Purgatori, but if you noticed how some people jumped on that one and even got a little moist over it ;)

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 16th 2010, 18:07:34

1. HellRush is probably just as sneaky and dirty as anyone here ever was.

( I believe this has been his character for some time now, no matter where he's been previously.)

2. Do I think Primeval hit LaE/FOCUS? No. Do I think it was someone trying to "hurt" SYN? Probably.

(I don't think he did either. But I certainly believe that The SYN is being hurt with intent by unknown parties that are / were in our tag.)

3. Do I think Primeval detagged SYN? Maybe, if SYN was stupid enough to gave him the admin password then I hope he did. I would have done it. If I'm at war with someone and they give me their admin password I'd detag them too. And laugh at the game admins. If it was done with a brute force(r) than it's not the same. They should be banned.

( I have logs confirming Prime "hacked" into our site and detaged all members including deleting my access to the SYN Boxcar site and totally screwing up my Boxcar Account Manager to get into other alliances I am associated with. If you wish to see the pertinent logs, I will forward them to you Icey. It is further my understanding that DKRaHL gave internal information to Prime with an unltimate intention of hurting the SYN down the road. This occured sometime when we provided a safe-house for Prime when their tag suddenly disappeared last set when they were wiped out by A0DT. Just this morning, Prime sent a recruiting message to all of my members personal e-mails asking them to join IMP since in his opinion, SYN was falling fast and many of them were noted as being great players with 1a and EC back ground. Nice try to suck up from the cheating SOB! Why do you think he is banned from EE Forums and the game?)

4. What will LaE do? Honestly, we should tag kill SYN on the principle of the matter. The Jury is still out.

(You need to do what you have to Icey, I will still respect you as I always have. I can only say that The SYN would never have attcked an ALLY if it were a true SYN member. I will at some point like to discuss reps for the next set and how The SYN proposes to pay same, but if you are going to kill us, what is the point of paying reps. That goes to FoCuS as well. I mean, how many more tags does it take to completely wipe us out already? For God sake, just get it done already as it really doesn't matter to me or my members at the moment.)

5. Mitch222, You're the biggest idiot I've ever met. I'm sorry you have cancer. I truely 'am. But you about got AoDT into a bigger war than they want. DM started killing top down on AoDT as he thought we were being hit by AoDT. Use your brain son, you nearly cost AoDT a reset of waiting on May.

(No comment.)

6. Did I tell you that gangbangs are bad? Like DK/IMP/SYN should've let this be NBK/AoDT from get-go. Shame on both of you.

(fluff happened.)

7. Did anyone else notice the countries used to hit LaE/FOCUS were the countries that SYN farmed/killed for no reason? I'd want to see the clan that hit me killed for that too.

(I believe I already mentioned this in another thread. It amazes me how many people jumped on the band wagon when The SYN was killing off this particular tag. In a odd turn of events, that same tag after being recruited to the SYN, went about attacking both LAE and FoCuS under the SYN tag and the SYN is being killed for it. Next time when I order a kill on a tag of 15 countries, I won't give a crap what anyone thinks. We will kill it and those who didn't like it can take a good long hard suck, ... blah blah blah!)

8. SoV are annoying, really annoying... did I mention Really annoying?

(I only find one or two people annoying in this game of which, I will keep to myself because it is just a game.)

9. The Rynn guy that is untagged, I'm going to farm the piss outta you.

(Oh be carefull though, you may be accused of bullying - guess numbers keep those mouth pieces off of your alliances back to some degree, eh Icey??.)

10. I still don't' have my PC. I really miss it.

(I'd send you one if you were close by, but it is slow and it is still better than nothing;)

11. TinySub, your mouth just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

(In Tiny's defence, he is still young and needs direction with some management 101 instruction. I truly believe that in time, he will temper his statements and begin to offer less of a view on these forums and become a better leader in his division. I am a firm believe that it is best to say nothing, when there is nothing good to say. That is pretty difficult on these forums these days ;)

12. Titanium, where are you? I need to unload some missiles. My cruise are just sitting and are kinda pointless.

(Maybe he was one of our suiciders, lol - I truly don't know, but please send him some love from Da Zues!)

13..... Good number to end on.

(It truly is a good number, it was the first time I'd been screwed by a 35 year old horny woman at age 13!)

Iceman, I hope you don't hold any of this against me personally as I indicated before, it is just a game, but I do want to make it right in the next set!...

Please get in touch with me via MSN Compadre :)

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 16th 2010, 17:27:20

Well, I know if I Despie dropped his pants, it should only take 5 or 6 chems to kill a fully built country :P

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 14th 2010, 4:08:56

NOW3P is a tool!...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 14th 2010, 4:04:41

By the way, don't tell us that IMP wasn't aware of it. Just admitting in public that Prime has been demoted and leaving out some very important points, etc...

IMP is known to be involved with cheating, disguising, spying, multiple account using and impersonating others and this is a fact, but yet, other challenged IMP brown nosers still feel compelled to stomp on The Syndicate for playing the game...

How many of those countries were used in the war effort against The Syndicate and AoDT? What does that say about the validity of the game when it takes a cheap alliance like IMP to break the cardinal rule of running multiple countries once again and then some!...

You have great allys NBK, DK and who ever else believed in their bullchit...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 14th 2010, 3:49:13

Deleted for 60 + countries and who knows what else. Now we can confirm this is the case because Pang didn't deny it, but what I don't understand is why we cannot get a straight answer??...

With all of this already out in the open involving IMP / Prime, that tells me that IMP et'al is capable of anything and more, but someone doesn't want to say too much...

That is where this game is questionable and that is all I am going to say since the real facts are being harboured internally and the only way to get them is to message Pang privately...

Sorry, I say BS to that...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 14th 2010, 3:41:06

OK RaHL, you is good to go, now leave quietly before I let everyone know what a true STALKER you really are :P

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 14th 2010, 3:31:49

You call those facts?

This is the best you can do Rico and I see they are for the more challenged readers that actually believe in your hogwash!...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 14th 2010, 3:26:16

Oh and I forgot to say, DK is a stalker!!...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 14th 2010, 3:25:23

I have proof that CrazySerb wears a lime green Borat bikinni along with a pair of my Zues Boots!...

He was last seen strutting his stuff in the NBK site...

This just came to me from a reliable source :P

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 17:51:39

I was parcially drunk when I made that statement :P

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 17:39:09

*Bites Cripps ankle*

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 17:38:03

A great place for you BNB, right where all cheating, hacking and two faced liars belong...

Have a good ride while it lasts...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 17:35:18

Why can he not make that statement Rico himself, or are you his puppet man?...

Prove to us that Prime can actually make a post right here and right now!!...

Doubt it because the writing is on the wall...

C'mon PRIME, post your comments...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 16:22:08

NOW3P, it doesn't surprise me of your response and the only thing I have to say to you is, blow it out your A$$!..

I don't need peckerheads like you attempting to make me look like a story teller...

You obviously fail to understand what really happened here and missed the point...

If there are reps to pay, it seems I don't know where you are from and if they are owed, they will get paid...

But, if we have to die for it first, you can then take a good long hard suck on the end of my Dict Casher if I can ever convert down the road :P

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 16:00:56

You are so far out of the loop SomeGuy, you really are...

I won't mention names, but I am absolutely shocked and cannot understand how someone can get that much information to "HACK" sites...

That tells me that there has to be a breach in upper management protocols, somewhere...

It further bares the question, how safe is our personal information????

Something is not right here and this whole war was affected by one or more a$$hats that had access to our data and who knows what else...

You want to talk about some Bullchit Some Guy, well this so far is very true and real and the BS is not from The SYN. I just haven't spelled out who the culprit is and it doesn't surprise me...

One way to find out is that you won't see him posting here under his real name anymore because he has been banned.

I hope permanently...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 15:51:52

*Humps Crazyserb*

I still thing good about you crazy, no matter what goes down here ;)

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 15:34:48

SYN is not leaving anywhere...Sorry, was editing my last post when you guys posted last...

Edited By: Zues The Greek on Apr 13th 2010, 15:41:11

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 15:04:20

Over the last 12 to 14 hours, someone also deleted me personally from The Syndicate site...

Nice work to the A$$hole that had nothing better to do and Prime, fingers are pointing at you right now and I hope everyone is wrong...

My Admin tell me there is no way to track down who deleted me in the site. This is on flaw that Pang needs to fix or add to the tools in Boxcar...

Otherwise, anyone in your site who has the access can in effect, delete without being traced...

Cripp, I hope you talk to me :)

Edited By: Zues The Greek on Apr 13th 2010, 15:34:07

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 15:01:15

Yeah, and Crippler has all the facts...NOT!

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 4:25:53

YES, I'd like some hard proof also...

I have been travelling for 9 hours to log into being removed from my own tag and I had the tag holder country that was killed during my leave...

When you say the guy from DK, WHO IS THIS PARTY...

Plus, how do you put Prime from IMP hacking our tag???...

Please enlighten us Hellrush...

Hellrush, I just want to be clear that I am not out to discredit you. We just want the info!...

Edited By: Zues The Greek on Apr 13th 2010, 4:27:20

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 4:21:53

Suddenly Blade has time to post...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 4:14:33

Some of you morons just love to spread your propoganda.

The tag holder country was killed. The tag info was never transfered over to the remaining country I still have in my string of countries, or at least, that is what I was told would happen. Why it happened that we were all removed from the tag, I have no idea. I was removed from the tag also...

So for the rest of you, you've now been slightly educated as well as informed...


That is exactly what farkin happened!...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 4:09:37

And wasn't this the guy that everyone made a stink about, when the SYN was killing his 15 man tag known as the 2Kill tag????

FARK, I wish we just had of killed the bastich...

MorTcus, I sincerely apologize and even though that will not bring back your country, we / the SYN are paying the price for it in more ways than one...

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 4:03:58

Icey babes, who ever you have whispering in your ear, needs a Sicilian kiss from me...

I have never had any plans to double cross our relations, but I cannot help it, if that is what you want to believe...

You may want to share some day, which pecker head gives you forked tongue info ;)

Zues The Greek Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 4:00:15

I am copying this from another thread that I posted in, since I am too tired of reading all of your BS and explaining what I believe occured...

Some of you morons just love to spread your propoganda.

The tag holder country was killed. The tag info was never transfered over to the remaining country I still have in my string of countries, or at least, that is what I was told would happen. Why it happened that we were all removed from the tag, I have no idea. I was removed from the tag also...

So for the rest of you, you've now been slightly educated as well as informed...