
braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:10:54

i believe jefferson made madison add that (edit to madison from a far more ubiquitous "them") . If it was a true democracy, you would be allowed to be shot to death by a criminal. To live otherwise is living under fascism. Not in America.

Edited By: braden on Jun 2nd 2010, 20:13:46

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:09:42

americans are hillbillies, racists and were hellbent on invading just about any middle eastern country they could, iraq just pulled the short straw.
(would it be too easy to make a camel reference?)

the second amendment is a murderer, or at the very least an accomplice or co conspirator.

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 19:58:26

ah, the thread had been moved, i see.

"Trespassing on private property by rappelling down from a helicopter with guns? Of COURSE it's grounds for lethal force! What did Israel expect to happen?"

Oh yea? That is grounds for lethal force? So is blockade running since forever. You were wrong first. You act, Isreal reacts, then you yell and scream because you're the racist.

"This is, of course, assuming that the Israeli version of stories is correct (which it usually isn't), and totally discounting civilian accounts of what happened."

This is assuming the civilian accounts aren't lies and biased... are they, by chance, anti isreal in any sense civilians?

"But I guess anyone who supports Palestine is a liar and only Israelis tell the truth. Why don't you keep quoting your hero, the official Spokesman for Israel, Mark Regev?"

I guess anybody who supports isreal is a liar and only palestine tells the truth?
I have never heard of Regev before that quote. I know my favourite idols are the ones i know literally nothing about. You tell me his first name is Mark? Oh sorry, my hero. Step aside, Batman, you've been ousted by a highly hasidic man.
What, like orange juice?
No, that's highly acidic, there's a difference.
Are oranges kosher? What if the orchard is beside a pig farm?

"Who's talking about Arabs? Actually, when have I ever talked about Arabs in any serious context? If we actually want to talk about Arabs, I can tell you how fluff they are and how much the governments are twisted and corrupt."

Racist and inflammatory, I demand the moderators moderate. I am not joking. If I get called a racist every time I maybe think Isreal might not be the only people who did wrong in any certain situation, then this has to be taken care of. I like to maybe make fun of jim crow laws (and insult the people who think the civil war was fought over slavery) and i love to borrow Pontious Pirates' gayrabs reference, but his was actually prefaced by hate, and not by some weird incomprehensible sense of humour.

But, I am a drug addict and I'm a racist, and I have little to no education, so belittle me as you will
as i said above, you can both kill each other, it leaves more room for me on this planet, to live in peace, alive. while addicted to drugs.

Edited By: braden on Jun 2nd 2010, 20:03:17

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 10:33:18

it is hellz' party, and he'll cry if he wants to.
he'll cry if he wants to, he'll cry if he wants to
you'd cry, too, if it happened to you

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 10:30:46

fuzzy, it's like you know me so well, like you have a window into my inner conscience, or my soul itself
you can't forget that i'm a degenerate drug addict, and I'm poorly and sadly under educated :P
(but don't worry, i've checked, i only ac count for about half of the requirements for a sociopath)

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 10:27:29

"lol...and how many beers did you consume out there ;)

Golf is a drinking game. Rather fun one at that! "

Yea, hoop, point taken, I had like nine beers :P
I shot 105 on a 72 :P
and one of my overall better showings, shockingly enough

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 10:26:13


and i'd love to try my hand at archery... and i don't mean like ten minutes, i mean like actually learning.

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 10:17:31

i will read and catch up today after work, much to the chagrin of a lot of you, i'd imagine ;)

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 10:16:48

uh oh, i forgot where this thread was, i couldn't find it last night after work.
back to six am :P

i don't know where you get the idea i hate anybody?
i don't like my neighbour, but i don't kill anybody because of it.
Until you two, both sides, both full of idiots and both full of innocent by standers, until you two both can do the same thing, i say good riddance to every single one of you who dies. jews, pontious pirates' lovely gayrabs, i do not care. you make, not you specifically tan, but the idiots involved in this skirmish make the world everybody else lives in peacefully, they make the world worse off for us, worse for you and me, two people who want to live their life with no hatred, evil, death or war... but if wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steaks right now (thank you jayne cobb for that lovely piece of advice :P)

quite frankly, they can both kill each other, wipe each other off the planet, leaving peace for the people who can live beside somebody, not particularly like them, and not bomb a farmers market because of it.

braden Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 10:09:32

navisis, vilse is holding out, still, i haven't learned all the secret dbd secrets yet :P

braden Game profile


May 31st 2010, 11:34:24

maybe not, but the person who, in their life for sport or leisure, who fences, is actively engaging in a sport.

you choreographing a staged fight might not be the act of the sport, but you're staging a simulated sport, the sword fight, or whatever it might be, that you do.

braden Game profile


May 31st 2010, 11:28:17

i have to go to work tan, but we shall continue this after :)

you call it piracy, to enforce blockades... I call it just as illegal to run blockades. You can't know full well you're going to have something happen, and then do everything you can to make it happen, and then turn around and blame somebody else, for having it happen.

I read the al jazeera article before pirate posted any of the other ones, and my first quote is from that article. the second one, from cnn that pontious posted. What one did I miss?

Trespassing on private property is cause for lethal force against you? I will remember than, when Arabs are shot dead on isreali soil, by the terrorsists that are the isreali defense forces.

braden Game profile


May 31st 2010, 11:05:34

(wow i fluffed that up, sorry, lets see if ic an't make it readable again :P)

and I just love how you quote and reject the aljazeera bias, but you the leave alone the wipe them off the planet and take their land... i can see the problem with that statement that really bothers you

Edited By: braden on May 31st 2010, 11:06:17

braden Game profile


May 31st 2010, 10:59:19

i played eighteen this saturday hoop, and golf is most certainly a sport.

or the main cause of blisters not from work, but either or :P

braden Game profile


May 31st 2010, 10:57:19

and aljazeeraz, and those honorable gayrabs, as you so eloquently put it, amanaged to neglect to throw in this little quote, from, gosh darn it, a real live jew

"They wanted to make a political statement. They wanted violence," according to Regev, who said Israel wanted a peaceful interception of the ships trying to break Israel's blockade of Gaza. "They are directly responsible for the violence and the deaths that occurred.""

Uh oh, maybe aljazeera with a little of that bias i was hinting towards? like, lets go read Isreali morning newspapers, they'd be honest, wouldn't they?

braden Game profile


May 31st 2010, 10:53:08

You blockade run (edit to add run) and and attack with live fire... and the isrealis are the problem?

blockade runnning isn't something you should do often, as you often get fired upon. are they new to this whole water and boat thing?

""During the incident the soldier's lives were in danger," said a statement from the Israel Defense Forces. "They were attacked with severe physical violence, including live fire, weapons, knives and clubs.""

Sounds like non isreali's might have taken a serious role in this whole fiasco. But fluff the jews, it's their fault, lets burn them over in poland somewhere?

Edited By: braden on May 31st 2010, 10:53:31

braden Game profile


May 31st 2010, 10:41:09

yea, because aljazeera isn't going to write a bias into the news article, right?
fluffing jews, good for nothing theiving murderers. I have an idea, wipe them off the planet, and leave them no land to live on.

braden Game profile


May 31st 2010, 10:37:39

i will keep that in mind when somebody ice picks your dog in its face. we'll see how happy and gleeful you are then. It's sad, but he wasn't human, so who cares, right?

braden Game profile


May 30th 2010, 23:44:22

if i ever met a seal hunter i would hit him in the head with the heaviest object i could swing.

nope, no problem, only murdering baby animals, who cares?
but at the same time, i clearly don't care much for the hunters life, but the seal itself? :P

braden Game profile


May 30th 2010, 12:28:33

i used to think nascar sucked, it was boring, and boo hoo, you can drive and turn left, please tell me more...

but then, you know, i actually watched it, i actually began to understand the intricacies involved, some of the strategy, and i found it to be great fun.

i can not wait to go see a race, whenever it is i'll be able to

(you can't die playing basketaball, it isn't a sport? free throws are skill, not physical endeavor, same with a three point shot, and playing defense... unless you count tapping a ball and moving your feet as physical endeavor... because in nascar, i think they turn the wheel while touching the brake or gas...)

braden Game profile


May 29th 2010, 5:08:33

friends, for sure, popularity is important in life. doesn't mean i know how to write computer programs or pretend i made the friend in argentina :)

some of us are honest with our lies and deceit :P

braden Game profile


May 29th 2010, 4:14:24

well isn't youall lucky

braden Game profile


May 29th 2010, 4:06:10

i don't think people understand how few of us actually ran any sort of bot, or even used proxies for that matter.

braden Game profile


May 29th 2010, 2:45:57

vic is good enough people. the better question is, can he skate?

and throwing your skate, i'm pretty sure, is a life time ban. you get in trouble for roughing, or fighting, let alone throwing your skate.

don't you have a kamloops game to go to?

braden Game profile


May 29th 2010, 2:41:30

and hobo, i had to sleep, sorry.

archaic... can we not fight, just like i couldn't last time?

now3p is clean as a mirken, he couldnt... wait, nevermind

braden Game profile


May 29th 2010, 2:40:22

walding, if you keep landgrabbing me, i am going to have to have you killed, whether i like you or not. it would appear you have already pissed enough people off, so it's out of my hands. lets not let your dead country get in the way of us being civil to one another? :(

braden Game profile


May 28th 2010, 10:18:45

he's undersized and over rated. all of buffalo was, go ask new york how they feel about chris drury. the two of them are useless and way over priced
(both are better than me, i realize)

chicago, though it would be fun to see hossa lose three in a row

braden Game profile


May 27th 2010, 22:45:40

you'd have to know how to skate first :(

braden Game profile


May 27th 2010, 10:21:09

oh, and i'd take five minute high sticking penalties all game long if i ever played against hellz

braden Game profile


May 27th 2010, 10:20:41

i disagree with your edit, bore... whine whine whine

braden Game profile


May 27th 2010, 10:18:26

i like number ten

braden Game profile


May 27th 2010, 10:05:40

:( i didn;t mean it

it is true, but i never meant to hurt your feelings :(

braden Game profile


May 27th 2010, 1:53:42

Originally posted by Nasjym:
Kind of hard for me to do that, I don't have a country

and it's the best run country he's ever had.

ronnie, was that reset shock, or does that not count because it was too easy?

braden Game profile


May 25th 2010, 22:24:50

there, i fixed it

braden Game profile


May 25th 2010, 21:06:44

i used the word thinking to myself, positive, that martian wouldn't notice the aeiou, and here we are, you went and noticed.

i'll have to buy you a beer some time

braden Game profile


May 25th 2010, 10:41:34

hockey gets the worst luck, their playoffs start right when the baseball season starts...

chi town should destroy the philly blue line, and make leighton look like the ahl goalie he is

braden Game profile


May 25th 2010, 10:28:30

you should have used a nuke. who cares if he loses a little military, but the acres he just grabbed off of you? destroy them. If you don't get to keep them because you couldn't hold them, then neither does the person who hit you.

if his friends come in, ab them.

braden Game profile


May 25th 2010, 10:21:50

so you say he has to have one to begin with?

braden Game profile


May 25th 2010, 10:13:06


braden Game profile


May 25th 2010, 9:59:12

nicely played, walding, brought a smile to my face, and this early that is difficult to do :)

Hi Nasjym, some would say i never left :(

braden Game profile


May 25th 2010, 9:57:16

yea, well, ,mu free trial of irc has ended... i used my last one for seven years, this one cries about a month of use.

I sent you an forums message, I'll work on irc after work, when I get home, and it isn't six am :)

braden Game profile


May 24th 2010, 22:27:59

not the moral high ground, the equal footing that all of the rest of you are so willing to play on when it suites your needs.

and anoniem, are you actually starting gentsclub, or did you mean it facetiously?

(there machwell :) )

Edited By: braden on May 25th 2010, 22:23:13

braden Game profile


May 24th 2010, 22:26:05

nasjym, it hurts my feelings, that you'd return and not tell me :(

walding, is this a surprise to you? i thought you have known for years? I'm sorry, if it disparages your image of me :(

braden Game profile


May 24th 2010, 22:22:33

no, no, the hot air is coming out of my mouth :P

braden Game profile


May 24th 2010, 22:21:49

you enjoy men walking on your balls, you sick fluff?
do you prefer them in four and a half inch stilettos, or cowboy boots?

braden Game profile


May 24th 2010, 22:11:32

we were organized, and all attended joint kill runs with the understanding that any one of our teams could not accomplish what we wanted.
Many of the people involved played in teams that indeed were tagged TAG1, TAG2, and worked in tandum with GAT1 AND GAT2.

You can't change tags after you've joined one, we couldn't possibly have all renamed ourself to antixretal1, etc, however many restarts did bare similar names and tags.

my feet are touching something :P

braden Game profile


May 24th 2010, 21:38:37

it sounds like they'd be the big bad bully, not us :(

braden Game profile


May 24th 2010, 21:30:54

"Not to mention all the others that will be happy to pitch in as soon as you are looking to be going down."

"Im a netgainer and will stay on the sidelines looking to see what will happen"

In other words, you won't be one of them because you intend to netgain? I wonder how many other people are in that boat.

braden Game profile


May 24th 2010, 21:11:38

how, pray tell, are we trying to bring the game down this time?

braden Game profile


May 24th 2010, 21:03:13

slagpit, if you actually want to...

and archaic, that goes for you, too
(and the real ronnie is a far bigger dork)