
dansteve Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 15:16:48

ok thanks guys.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 15:03:47

If I was to stay Monarchy for lets say the first 200-400 turns then switched to another government will I still lose a portion of my military and etc. or does this only apply to the second time you switch your gov?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 3:48:47

isnt this cheating?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 3:46:31

Something doesnt look right about that....

dansteve Game profile


Feb 22nd 2012, 0:36:23

i always take the extra turns.. are you better off taking something else?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 22nd 2012, 0:24:26

looks like were all in GDI lol

dansteve Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 3:16:03

Hopefully I can get the hang of it. I figure to be succesful running a commie indy the more land I have the better. But I feel as though I will be to prone to people suciciding me or getting huge retal land grabs on me later in the set. And I doubt all explore commie indy would be very effective but im sure some of you have ran very succesful all explore commie indies.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 20th 2012, 20:21:12

one thing I still dont understand and I would really like to know is how to have a strong finish with commie indy. I am trying out commie indy in tourny and I notice its excellent early and mid game but I dont know how long my country can sustain itself and what exactly to do late game.

-if anyone got any pointers feel free to message me.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 20th 2012, 20:18:44

its definitely not the rules and GDI why people quit this game.

I think its more the fact new players get scared off and dont fully understand how to play and don't no where to turn to find the answers.
Ive noticed that it seems the vast majority of players here are players who have been kicking around for many years and thats what keeps this game alive.
- this is just my thought as to why not many players play this game.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 20th 2012, 20:07:14

well actually to be honest ill explain what I did.
-I decided I was going to either go commie indy, or rep casher.
-I read through all the help information in game to get an understanding of what each individual building, and technology and everything did.
-I read the info about rep cashers on the wiki page.
-And basically all I did was explore for land, buy tech and turrets when it was cheap and stored turns and made sure my land was less then most of people with the same networth as me so I wasnt a target. I wasnt sure really what GDI protected me from but I seen most people in the top was in GDI so I joined it at turn 100. I now fully understand the protection GDI offers.
-I explored until I hit 14,220 land. Destoryed my Indy complexes and had 7k res, 7k Ez and 220 CS then cashed the rest of my turns.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 20th 2012, 0:35:10

I actually found out about this game back in October 2010. I played a game of tourny, im not sure if express was even around then. played 1 set then left. and came back 3 express sets ago.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 20th 2012, 0:26:15

ahh ok. i understand. well the best thing to do is run IP checks. maybe they can even read through all my messages and check all my alliances.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 20th 2012, 0:22:50

Please run IP checks on me. I want the mods to. and please post what you find.

-l33tz has already made this game an unpleasent game to play which im assuming he wants to hear this from me.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 20th 2012, 0:21:05

before I ever posted I thought wow the earth empires community seems much better then the community in most games. I think I figured out the main downfall with this game. If your a new commer to this game you may agree.
-Ive been called a noob, people have made threats, you ask for help and people say something along the lines of "tell me your country # and sell off your defence and ill help you out".
This game is not friendly to new players at all. Luckily when I first started 3 sets ago I read through everything and got an understanding of how the games work and got tips from my allies.
-Other then that new players are ignored, land farmed to the point of no survival, and on some cases made threats to or accused of something.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 20th 2012, 0:11:44

please run an IP check Warstar. and KoHeartsGPA i have said this about 5 times so far. im new to this game i have only ever played 3 sets of express and im in my first round of tourny. I dont understand why everyone keeps messaging me and asking me if im this person or that person in other servers.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 20:28:13

Im sure this specific scenario happens every set. and its something people will always be debating.

but if I attack someone I am expecting by the end of the set that person I attacked will/try to retal. If l33tz thought he could attack anyone and not get retaled I think thats a little extreme.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 20:09:01

i think l33tz attempt to make me look like the bad guy backfired on him.
dont even know why you brought this to the forums and what you tried to achieve by doing so?

I believe i had every right to attack you back on your failed attack.
i think most people would have to agree. if someone hits you and its DH, dont you think you deserve the right to hit them back as a retal?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 20:01:38

me or l33tz?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 19:58:20

hes clearly aware he can't have a good finish so he ruined my chances. oh well.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 19:47:34

i never knew you were supposed to send the person you are hitting a message noting it is a retal. but now I know. But you think you would of checked your news or my news before flipping the fluff out and getting all mad.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 17:20:23

I wasn't going based on the fact who gained more from the attacks.

My perspective was he attacked me and failed. I attacked him back and had a huge gain.
So he attacked me agian and gained most of the land back.

He hit me 2 times. I hit him once. And somehow this is still all my fault according to l33tz.

So basically your mad at me becuase you failed the attack and I retaled. It should of ended here.

Because if you hit me the first time and was succesful, then I retaled you and got through, you would have just let it go. You were upset that you failed the attack and when I retaled I got through. I dont no why you dont see this..

But like I said.. Isn't it fair to retal someone even if the attack they did on you was DH?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 17:07:59

I might give alliance a try. I enjoy netting and have never played alliance before.

Like I said earlier..

What your saying is its my fault becuase I retaled you when you failed your attack.

I would like others opinions. If someone hits you and its DH do you deserve the right to hit them back?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 17:01:32

I am not losing. I simply dont care. I love the netting aspect of this game. My shot at doing well is minimal. I dont base my success on whos set I ruined or how many people I pissed off or how many times I can AB someone. I simply enjoy this game for the fact of netting and seeing the max NW i can achieve. If I was looking for war I would join one of the other servers and its simply why I have not.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 16:57:29

back from round 83? that was your last top 10. come on get real. Show me a recent top 10.
I cant believe your trying to make me out as the one who did wrong by attacking you back. If I attack someone i expect them to retal me. I thought thats how most people expect. I didnt expect to retal you then you retaling me back then sending me death threats. This is my 3rd set on express didnt expect to run across a moron like you l33tz because in general i must say the earth empires community is much better then the communities on other games.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 16:47:58

1 Ferrari F430 3 17,540 acres $30,511,356 RG 1740
2 Happy New Year 2012 110 17,616 acres $24,087,596 CG 1367
3 Eye M Seksi 2 14,404 acres $23,593,748 RG 1638
4 Altamont 76 19,653 acres $21,313,169 RG 1084
5 canttakeexpressseriously 114 12,015 acres $21,044,998 DG 1752
6 Remnant Hale Shine 56 17,972 acres $20,603,985 HG 1146
7 taylor swift is an angel 5 15,047 acres $19,850,785 RG 1319
8 oh man oldman 104 10,956 acres $17,755,176 HG 1621
9 The Nigerian Borg Collective 108 10,705 acres $17,668,039 DG 1650
10 Handi Flame 73 18,425 acres $17,084,564 CG 927

this was last set.. not sure I see your name. but i could be wrong since you have been top 10 since you joined express apparently.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 16:46:34

1 oldman is going to Bali in 3 wks 75 11,738 acres $26,661,966 DG 2271
2 Grand Commander Order of Nigeria 99 12,297 acres $24,781,737 DG 2015
3 Happy New Year 2012 3 18,979 acres $23,859,302 CG 1257
4 Le Robs Country 70 15,325 acres $22,511,835 HG 1469
5 I R WoG Conquerer 48 20,016 acres $21,316,703 CG 1065
6 Earth Evolution 12 15,810 acres $20,216,762 CG 1279
7 taylor swift is team edward 6 15,340 acres $19,878,816 RG 1296
8 Eye M Seksi 155 15,634 acres $19,608,553 RG 1254
9 Walls Of Stalingrad 63 11,624 acres $19,073,148 DG 1641
10 Sleep now Retal later 85 13,607 acres $18,494,464 HG 1359
113 133tz 110 2,985 acres $2,265,153 CG 759

close pal. this was 2 sets ago.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 16:44:36

you say youve been top 10 since joining express. Where abouts is your name in the top 10 the past few sets? I dont see it?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 16:43:00

you hit me DH, i hit you succesful. should be the end of the story. you cried like a little fluff and hit me back. so thats when I did that.

What your saying is its my fault becuase I retaled you when you failed your attack.

I would like others opinions. If someone hits you and its DH do you deserve the right to hit them back?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 16:27:42

l33tz is waldo.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 16:26:43

So next set I could pick someone near the top who may be 3x my NW, 3X my spies and no way I could even break thier defences in a PS but still figure out a way to ruin thier shot at making top 10.
I feel that is completely unfair and has most likely happened to people before in the past. I know an alternative to this is join GDI and not attack anyone more then 2 times. You can also stock up on tanks, troops and turrets but it gets to a point where you cannot sustain your country. Which leaves you no choice but to ruin your set and fight back. But other then this how else do you protect yourself agianst people like l33tz who have barley any hope in ever making top 10.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 16:21:44

ok thanks for clearing that up for me. I completely screwed this set up. I went republic, then switched to commie then to Tyranny. as soon as my hopes for a top 10 finish was out of the picture I completely stopped caring.
So basically anyone who knows they are not going to do well end game can blow the rest of thier turns screwing someone else over whos hit them more then once or not in GDI.
For exmaple: i had more spies 377k vs his 88k, troops, jets, turrets, and tanks then l33tz. I had 6.4m NW with about 120 turns he had 2.5m NW with 24 turns and 30m cash. he wasted about 40 turns failing spy ops on me and about 20 AB's all failing. Even though i have him out numbered in every category. If someone way weaker then you decides he wants to sucicide you can basically take down any country you want.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:51:04

so wait if you had friends who play this game is it agianst the rules to all be allies and team up? becuase I seen someone else made a post saying him and a friend were ABing someone and they both got banned. Not that i would ever introduce friends to this game as this game is compeltely different then any other game i have ever seen/played before.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:45:38

lol i just found out who JJ really is today. before today I have only heard others talk about it. I have never seen him post before.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:37:38

the consequences werent very "deep" but ok if thats how you see it. Clearly this is what you must do every set. attack someone see who hits you back then sucicide them. Explains why you have only ever had 1 top 10 finish. surprised people dont put you in the same category as this JJ guy in terms of people not liking you.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:32:22

but i really dont understand the point. he dropped in NW just as much as I did. and by the end of the set will probly finish with lower NW then me besides all his efforts to ruin my country. Maybe its because I like to net and not war that I dont completely understand.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:25:51

oh yeah of course its all my fault i forgot! you attacked me, result: DH ( no surprise here) i attacked you back. then you got upset and hit me agian.

so yeah your right this is my fault.
when someone ROR's me its my fault. ok is this one of the things i would learn if i joined ur clan?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:21:20

well to be honest you didnt even fluff me over very bad. You would think with the amount of turns you spent on me you could of atleast done a little more damage to the point where I would not be able to play anymore.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:19:15

lol very interesting. so this guy still plays? because it seems people like to talk alot about him even though I never see him post.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:13:32

wait was he calling me JJ or l33tz JJ?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:13:05

So your intentions were to ROR me -which you did
Hit with me 70 ABs - which you did
Fail almost 50% of them - which you did
You knew you have 0 chance of making a Top 10 finish so you figure hmm maybe ill fluff up someone else who has a small chance of making it.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:07:13

alright l33tz. i understand where your coming from in that sense. but I dont see how it is benificial to your country by doing that? i see that it brings me down but how does it make your country any better off?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 15:04:49

ok i guess thats does make sense nuketon. i still dont see how it is very beneficial on express but i do understand where you are coming from. and deerhunter who the fluff is JJ? and why does every post you make revolve around this JJ?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 14:54:25

Also since your the amazing expert in this game and im new, please explain whats so good about sending AB's at me over and over agian and failing each time? can someone else also explain why this is a good tactic also?

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 14:51:43

No way im joining your clan. The last thing I want is to learn how to play like a dirty scum bag like you and try to fluff over other peoples set.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 14:45:19

thanks lafinglolrik. appreciate it bud. im still learning but figured i would try out commie indy. didnt work out to well. i switched from republic way to late into the set.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 14:42:13

to be honest i do not even know what lemming means. This is my 3rd set playing. I dont no what most things mean yet in this game and im not afraid to admit it. And go ahead destory my country i dont give a fluff, if you want i can sell off all my tanks so you wont fail as much if ya want.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 14:33:38

well you did a horrible job at it. you did 69 special attacks on me. almost 50% were DH. you wasted a minimum of 40 turns failing spy ops.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 14:24:59

but oh well at the end of the day its a fluffin text based game to pass time until something better comes around. good job kid i hope your proud. Although if your as good as you claim to be my country would be dead by now.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 14:23:09

your the reason new members dont stick with this game. they try to learn and idiots like you try to fluff thier set up so they dont come back. not saying that im leaving, im just saying thats I good reason why newcomers leave couple days later.

dansteve Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 14:19:37

honestly how do you fail that many AB's?

2012-02-19 07:52:12 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:51:08 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:51:07 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:51:06 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:51:05 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:50:26 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:50:24 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:50:21 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:49:35 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:49:34 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:49:33 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:49:33 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:49:32 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:49:29 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:48:43 PS 133tz (#92) SienDnD (#27) DH
2012-02-19 07:46:39 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:46:23 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 07:46:02 PS 133tz (#92) asdfghjkl (#164) 189A (345A)
2012-02-19 01:56:28 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 01:55:14 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 01:54:40 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 01:53:49 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 01:52:36 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH
2012-02-19 01:52:36 AB 133tz (#92) Eye M Seksi (#2) DH