
diez Game profile


Jan 20th 2012, 2:28:50

It'll be very very easy to pump one member's NW...

diez Game profile


Jan 20th 2012, 2:27:11

I won't be on irc either apo, i'll want to play if I'm on IRC :p

This forum account will be banned on sunday night :p

Thanks for all the love guys

*humps everyone*

diez Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 15:01:08

I'll be taking a lengthy break from Earth:Empires in order to take care of real life concerns. University life haven't been the best to me, and I also intend to pursue a career on the actuarial pathway, where more exams awaits me immediately (Just you wait martian and chevs :p).

Saying that I'm retiring would be a lie - since I retired twice already and ended back up in this game both times.

With this, I will also be removed from Evolution contact person list. Qzjul (Evo VP) will be your main contact until we recuperate our FA team.

Also thanks to martian for granting my request to ban my account for an indefinite amount of time.

So, see you guys when I see you. Thanks for all the fun these past year or so. Friends and foes will be sorely missed. Stick around and have fun.


diez Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 10:49:04

trololololol noob mincey

diez Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 2:53:31

to emphasize it, not only # in buildings, but the same type of buildings as well.

diez Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 2:49:17

Originally posted by hanlong:
diez: like i said. i started it first by farming him so i get to live with the consequences. nothing wrong about it

i still think sending missiles is destructive. SS/PS in this game can be viewed as "friendly" because of ghost acres.

i didn't get why you didn't want to get ur land back from trading and call it even though and instead sent missiles instead. that part i still don't like (because you are now just actively destroying)

Yep, I said it's only fair too -_-

Well, one reason is that kemo was unable to retal you with jets, so he made a statement of intent with missiles to make you stay away from him. Right? :p

diez Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 2:16:29

Originally posted by hanlong:
it's ok

i already talked to kemo ingame (i was the LaF country he hit).

i did farm him first so i wasn't hot and bothered that he hit me, nor of the fact that KSF hit him back.

the hits were obviously coordinated amongst Oden (who benefitted the most out of all of this), but kemo did retal me and even as an untagged he has the right to PS retal..

the missiles i thought was tasteless and definitely uncalled for, however. i just told him we were "even" and we both agreed to drop it since i'm not really netgaining this reset anyways.

if it was another LaF member who got missiled from untags i would've made a bigger issue out of it, but i didn't feel like dragging my alliance in with me for the actions i personally did to kemo's country so i dropped the issue.

A couple of sets ago lenshark got burned for this by a laf detagger, so I think your action (and his) is only fair, since you were the one farming him first.

diez Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 2:14:22

Originally posted by Brink:
Look on the 15th. You see 227 take huge LaF land. Oden immediately within minutes farms the acres away. Returns start to fall, Oden stops, 227 immediately fires off a bunch of missiles to get out of diminishing returns. Oden resumes farming.

Wasn't just last set that KSF hid tag jumpers who then came out and starting attacking again?

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Brink:
Look on the 15th. You see 227 take huge LaF land. Oden immediately within minutes farms the acres away. Returns start to fall, Oden stops, 227 immediately fires off a bunch of missiles to get out of diminishing returns. Oden resumes farming.

Wasn't just last set that KSF hid tag jumpers who then came out and starting attacking again?

oden started hitting him 10 seconds after the topfeed on LaF. then 4 seconds after he stopped 227 fired enough missiles to come out of DR and then about 60 seconds later oden made 2 more grabs.

to be honest i dont care what 227 does with his own land, but dont pretend its just "random"

Missile attacks doesnt get you out of DR, so there goes these theories.

diez Game profile


Jan 19th 2012, 1:37:28

it is actually very strong if you have the same building as the defender... And it seems to destroy more CS than ABs.

diez Game profile


Jan 18th 2012, 10:17:09

IMO, actually afaik did lose the 4th place, not bakku...

diez Game profile


Jan 18th 2012, 8:49:40

toma could've gotten 1st had he know a bit about reselling lol... n00b toma

diez Game profile


Jan 17th 2012, 3:07:07

Racism is giving different treatment because someone has a different skin color/race.

Something like pointing out the fact that criminals in country X consists of x% white, y% asian, and z% black, is not.

diez Game profile


Jan 17th 2012, 3:04:16

resolved. Thx kta.

diez Game profile


Jan 17th 2012, 0:47:14

I actually revealed it like last set xin :p

diez Game profile


Jan 17th 2012, 0:36:03


diez Game profile


Jan 16th 2012, 11:30:42

it is a kinda overpowered menion, even with crappy military prices :)

diez Game profile


Jan 15th 2012, 11:48:05

LORDs, this one grab on TheFist doesn't benefit both your member and ours. It doesn't help that country one bit in terms of netgaining which makes it a fluff-ish grab.

You guys better attempt to contact us (diez or toma) asap.

diez Game profile


Jan 15th 2012, 9:32:45

Still looking for LORDs contact. One of you better contact me asap.

diez Game profile


Jan 14th 2012, 1:49:01

contact me.

diez in #earthempires

diez Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 14:22:16

So, I'm taking some time off from the game.

Got fluffstorm and many things to do IRL (project, act exams etc), and I feel like the game took a bit too much time from me, so in the end I decided to a break and sort, improve, and take care of RL stuff some more.

Thanks for the FFA community that provided me with fun especially IMP (nice warring against you for multiple sets, KC, primeval and co), TKO, and CC.

I will still be around in some servers, until the end of their respective current set.

Goodluck to you guys, and pls enjoy the game. See you again sometimes!

diez Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 2:58:26

I lost Blacky, my dog just last year..

He's been with me for 14 years :(

The feeling's just as worse as when I lost my grandma :(

diez Game profile


Jan 12th 2012, 5:20:17

join tag diez jajaja

diez Game profile


Jan 12th 2012, 3:27:43

not sure why you would suicide on fist in the first place

diez Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 23:48:29

we can make it so that when say, 2 countries in a certain tag got killed using the declare war option - it auto-declares immediate war and all stored turns will be lost.

diez Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 23:27:40

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
I really like Daggas idea of dropping stored turns to 0.

I agree.

btw to those who don't get it, it's not a stupid idea, it just means you only have to store turns for 40h and not 80h to ensure you don't lose some of your precious turns.

Great idea overall, I like these ideas.

diez Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 16:58:41

I also went public saying that RIVAL has enough reason to FS EVO since we're FAing iMag daily -_-

But we didn't force them to FS us. They can always not FS us right?

It's not like we'll FS them if they don't FS us -_-

diez Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 16:34:04

nobody forced rival to FS evo.

diez Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 15:24:56

contact me asap.

I'm usually hanging around in #earthempires. thx.

diez Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 3:09:11

nice pun havoc :p

diez Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 2:56:44

Originally posted by ICe Man:
I've been busy stock hunting, comparing "sizes". Overall, PAN is best built tag. TKO have lots 'o noob countries/landfarms.

dont forget that some of those noob landfarms are now in vain because tko has lost like 1.5m acres to suiciders.

diez Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 2:53:56

there are no bad guys between both rival and evo.

diez Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 0:29:19

goodnight little boy

diez Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 0:19:26

I don't know how many more times I have to say that rival fs was obviously reasonable and we are FDPs with imagnum and not pacted to rival which makes it okay (and kinda obliges) for us to fa imag -_-

Some people really need a comprehension course.

diez Game profile


Jan 10th 2012, 23:14:06

well in some cases the past couple sets, the other alliance actually doesn't have full turns stored and full techs yet.

Obviously going to FS you, huh?

diez Game profile


Jan 10th 2012, 16:28:07

meh, nevermind

diez Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 9:35:44

join GDI bro

diez Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 9:33:00

end of set will be pretty interesting

I think trainboy got it wrong tho :p

A couple of commies are playing delayed and will finish over 70m.

diez Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 7:34:24

nice logic Ivan. I'm thinking of making that quote of yours my forum sig.

diez Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 7:30:10

I am evo VP and I don't blame rival at all for FSing us due to us aiding iMag. We are iMag's FDP and we're unpacted with RIVAL, so fair play. Said that a few times in this thread already.

One thing I'd like to make clear is that we didn't at all make iMag FS rival. iMag decision is taken by iMag alone.

Don't let me start another reading comprehension course for you, bro.

diez Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 4:23:37

btw to hanlong mac noob

cmd+shift+4 is the shortcut for screenshot.

Mac OSX is a very nice OS compared to gay windows if you know all the shortcuts.

diez Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 4:15:32

if we wanted to hit rival, we would have done it already.

But rival has every valid reason to hit us due to our fa packages.

It's just sad they decide to call another alliance in. But goodluck anyway.

diez Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 4:10:53

KKK, why would we take a revenge on laf AND put a breakable clause with sof where they can defend laf if we end up FSing laf at the same time?

Try a new story bro

diez Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 4:06:38

its funny when people ask us for proofs and we actually does - then people laugh at our proofs.

Now what story does that tell?

diez Game profile


Jan 8th 2012, 20:10:07

had we wanted to hurt rival, we would've FSed them already by now.

diez Game profile


Jan 8th 2012, 19:52:47

fair enough PG, goodluck and see you on the battlefield.

Evo VP

diez Game profile


Jan 8th 2012, 15:46:01

Not that hard with a few hundred chems in MD's Arsenal.

(posted this just for the pun haha)

diez Game profile


Jan 8th 2012, 5:09:37

I don't think Oden does any of those crap :p

diez Game profile


Jan 7th 2012, 13:36:25

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Klown:
Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
now pointless finger pointing

This is coming from one of the most worthless posters in the history of EE...
It's ok you can still pick your president based on their views on abortion, I'm not calling you a retard or anything!

hahaha well said PP :P

Edited By: diez on Jan 7th 2012, 13:39:11
See Original Post

diez Game profile


Jan 7th 2012, 7:44:41

lazy bastard make your own thread!