
euglaf Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 20:40:07

declare war first

ask questions later

euglaf Game profile


Mar 18th 2014, 4:38:20

where was this earthquake supposed to be affecting ca?

euglaf Game profile


Mar 13th 2014, 0:52:12

i havent sold tech under 3400 for the last 3 days lol?

euglaf Game profile


Mar 13th 2014, 0:51:47

we're turn saving?

i guess i havent been following my own instructions

euglaf Game profile


Feb 27th 2014, 5:39:44

lol, laf doesn't need another selfish player- especially one as selfish as locket.

pretty sure i will personally reject that app.

euglaf Game profile


Feb 25th 2014, 8:15:34

fattest earther: sg

how is this even a question?

euglaf Game profile


Feb 25th 2014, 3:36:05

heh. thanks i guess. its a bit unfortunate it didn't get to last a little longer. at the very least this war had less to do with politics and more to do with inter-alliance issues, which makes me happy.

on a side note- if you're from rage i just want to make it clear to you, and all others in rage, that i have no hard feelings towards rage. i can guess why you guys decided to hit us, and i can't fault the reasoning for [what im guessing is] it.

euglaf Game profile


Feb 24th 2014, 21:44:11

I can see you get all of your lessons in reading from fox news or Glen Beck.

You are casually ignoring what the sentence was trying to say by only focusing on a few words out of context. You must have failed really hard at standardized testing. It's possible that you're trying very hard to troll us (and succeeding because I keep giving you real answers to stupid responses).

You continue to focus on points that are irrelevant. We have already stated that Candy made a mistake. The issue is the integrity of the pact. Without the opportunity to uphold the spirit of the pact, by paying reps, you cannot claim we broke it. The only way we break it is if he grabs AND we refuse to pay the reps. It doesn't matter who made the hits. You want to claim that Candy had some all reaching power in LaF. That is simply not true. He had very limited power in LaF, and he has absolutely none now. A large portion of your misinterpretation seems to come from your misunderstanding to how LaF operates. Everything starts with the Don. Nobody else. Candy's role as an FR was to support the Don - not to control the FR direction of LaF. The Don does that.

You're just reaching to create a reason for us to get hit. I don't care if that's what you have to do to justify any attack on LaF in your own mind. However, there is absolutely no way anyone can claim LaF broke a pact.

euglaf Game profile


Feb 24th 2014, 16:44:30

you're inferring the wrong conclusion from the statement. the pact terms are written so each alliance is protected in the event that someone does something really stupid. it gives the alliance with the offending member the opportunity to make amends without dissolving the spirit of the pact (to not hit each other).

if stupid things never happened then pact terms would never need to be written. it could just say "this is a DP. we agree not to hit each other and we agree to defend each other". that's not how they're written, EVER. you don't seem to have an understanding of why pact terms were written out the way they are.

another way to think of this: alliances used to be 100, 200, even 300+ members. it was impossible to control the actions of all those members. therefore, pact terms had to be written out that state exactly what to do when an idiot does something wrong. it states the forms of payment to be given. that is exactly what is written into our pact. it states exactly how to pay the reps in the event someone gets grabbed. it states that we would pay for all lost networth from the grabs. that is the EXACT language. since you cannot comprehend this, you are an idiot. that's not an emotional subjective response. its an objective conclusion.

look, i know its easy to control all the members of your alliance when its 6 members. unfortunately, i have 60 people in my alliance and i need pacts to protect the alliance from random people.

euglaf Game profile


Feb 24th 2014, 5:06:04

our pact has language that stipulates exactly how to respond to a situation like last set's. there is a reps formula built into it. it would only be considered breaking the pact if we refused to pay. we were never even asked for payment. instead, we were suicided upon in mass with their private and public threats against us.

i dont know what kind of irrational and over-emotional world you live in, but in the rational world the only way you could even claim laf broke the pact is if we refused to pay. we never even had the opportunity to (guess what, we would have paid because we fully expect others to pay us when it happens to us).

all you've really proven is that you are an over-emotional idiot (and perhaps a woman)

euglaf Game profile


Feb 23rd 2014, 21:28:48

also, laf members please stop posting here. the arguments are moot at this point.

euglaf Game profile


Feb 23rd 2014, 21:26:29

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by iScode:

Sorry bro, i like you but when your hfa is the member in question, its a unap break. RD lite didnt brake the uNap

Why do you feel the need to advertise your idiocy on a daily basis?

How is it idiocy to claim the person who represents your alliance (that is what a HFA does right??? is the head of foreign relations? so represents your alliance to other alliances?) grabs a pacted alliance three times on purpose to ruin there finish is breaking a pact?

Are you saying now that a HFA's actions dont represent your alliances intentions or are you claiming that your HFA simply made a mistake, which we all know would be an out and out lie.

actually, our head FR at the time IS an idiot and he did make a colossal mistake. i never have and never will deny those two points.

however, the fact remains that you dont break a unap over that. there are people above him (myself and heat) who can rationally deal with the matter. we would have paid out out to neo while demoting candy to nothing and hating him. instead, we get to take payment off neo for breaking a unap and suicidng us in mass.

it could have gone VERY well for neo. instead, it went very poorly because they have their own idiots to deal with.

you can argue that candy "represented the alliance's intentions" all you want, but he was not, nor will he ever be, the leader of LaF. therefore, his actions didn't actually represent the alliance's intentions. this is something people don't seem to understand. LaF is run as a complete dictatorship. the head fr has no real autonomy. if the head fr makes a mistake you can always ask the don.

euglaf Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 7:27:39

laf members stop posting on this thread.

it is pointless.

members get to do the talking on the war front. heads should be doing talking with individuals in private.

euglaf Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 20:27:51

lols. suckers.

euglaf Game profile


Feb 18th 2014, 23:14:59

Heh yeah I accidently fat fingered it on my phone cause I was scrambling between work stuff as I was walling

Good Job

euglaf Game profile


Feb 16th 2014, 22:01:02

do they appear every time you force yourself not to sleep?

do they appear EVERY time you catch a cold? what is a cold to you? what are the cold symptoms that you have in common every time they do appear?

i dont think id say you have an allergy to a medication, but it definitely sounds like an allergic reaction based on your symptoms you've described (if you're more descriptive it could become easier to figure out).

the fact that it manifests at a different location is interesting. its possible, if you hve an immune reaction, you are activating mast cells somehow. how you would be doing it im uncertain. could be something in your body is normally surpressed, but stress (fatigue) can allow it to come out which activates other parts of immunity.

heat is further in medical training than i am so he may have a better idea.

Edited By: euglaf on Feb 16th 2014, 22:03:15
See Original Post

euglaf Game profile


Feb 16th 2014, 19:33:59

getting chemed to death he converts from commie to a rep

i know what he's trying to do. its still a really stupid move.

euglaf Game profile


Feb 16th 2014, 18:41:57

you are an idiot. LOL

euglaf Game profile


Feb 16th 2014, 17:57:08


we let neo/rd and rage get the first shots, but countered immediately. i think they were maybe 20 hits into their first kill attempt when we fired back

euglaf Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 20:21:11

im not surprised by that list at all

euglaf Game profile


Jan 31st 2014, 2:31:50

wow thats pretty amazing

i have a couple friends that play eve. i had no idea its earth on crack. lol

euglaf Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 3:48:37

LaF contacts for pacting and general FR matters next set have changed with recent events.

Head FR - Eugene (myself)
Assistant FR - requiem

Emergency contact - h347

we all idle on laf irc almost always.

you can also use forum pm to contact myself.

icq is 43676795 (if you're old school enough to use icq)

euglaf Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 19:30:10

There were no rep negotiations. Immediately after 335 started his suicide I told candy to talk to neo frs to end the nonsense. Neo frs ignored him and deliberately stated they wanted war

What's really stupid is that I would have agreed to pay reps. Perhaps not as much as neo would demand but we would have restored his country at the least (and perhaps more just to spite candy's stupidity). Considering laf has about 6 billion projected total networth it's not hard to assume we can pay.

Neo wants to break a unap without discussing anything and drag a war that's their call. All I'm really getting from this is that neo have unstable and irrational leaders.

euglaf Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 1:33:12

that's because you're describing diplomacy and not politics.

politics would be me telling every alliance on the server that i will kill neofed/rd for the rest of their existence and i want them to stay out of the way.

diplomacy is me going to neo to discuss an amicable solution to a problem so that politics don't get out of hand (such as above situation).

here's another tip: different words have different meanings.

euglaf Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 1:21:55

i made no such claims about politics whatsoever. you are, as usual, an idiot.

also, you are making assumptions that laf would not have paid. just prior to titanium's stupid suicide i was just complaining to someone about having to pay a stupidly high amount of reps to him over another one of candy's stupid actions.

since no discussion ever occurred, we will never know what would have happened.

euglaf Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 1:08:06

if you all really think laf can't pay reps then you're all idiots. also, the fact that you all act without even having an FR discussion shows what type of people you really are. you all can speculate and claim that laf wouldn't have paid. unless you actually ask us you will never know. laf actually has a strong history of paying the reps they agree to.

as far as im concerned, there were idiots on both sides of this and i dont think candy was the biggest one.

euglaf Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 23:39:36

As far as I'm concerned neo has broken a unap with laf.

After seeing the initial hits on titanium I was fluffing about having to pay reps to neo. However, with all the suiciding, and the subsequent conversation that our FR had with neo's FR, its clear to me that neo is deciding to go to war.

This is disappointing to me because there could have easily been a diplomatic solution, but we have two idiots, one from laf and one from neo, decide to put things into their own hands and go full retard.

LaF folks, please stay off this thread.

euglaf Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 0:46:32

Originally posted by En4cer:
tella from the lack of NW i saw in his finishes thats what i was thinking too... Eugene i thought HLW only did the early hitting on that 400m nw set ???

Outside that i thought he was amongst our top countries going in and was breaking for us in any of those other war sets.

Locket please point me in the right direction for the Ershow set please too so i can take a look

not quite. he did it on some of the others too.

i also know that two of his wins came when i had the #1 country on the server, but got suicided either for being the top country or because of some lame grudge someone held. either way after taht happened twice in a row for hanlong he made the joke that being the second best country would be the first place finisher for a long time citing both of those resets as the prime examples of that joke.

for a long time finishing a netting set in 1a had more to do with luck/griefers than anything else. once we transitinoed to ee its all been about free land except for a few sets where netting skills were truly put to the test. the netting set where ss got the win is a good example of such a set.

euglaf Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 5:58:34

Originally posted by Son Goku:
Saying bakku and I followed your landtrading strat is like LaF claiming ownership for every techer to ever finish top ten.

I believe there was a RD/LAF trading thread where people said any advice would be welcome, as no one in LaF had traded before. If anyone wants to take credit for my finish that set I would say Rockman actually helped me the most. I do find it funny that people think trading is difficult, as bakku and myself both finished 390m+ on our very first attempt.

I will say the reset I finished 330m on a techer (Xin made 365m) was by far the most difficult country I've played, especially considering no one has sniffed 300m on a techer since that set (despite lots of FA).

that set the tech prices were insanely god like and people were still trying to figure out the market play that i had developed a few sets prior.

as far as laf netters go - i think hanlong is basically the same as hao2. most of hanlong's wins came in war sets when he started to farm far before others in laf were. hao2 does pretty much the same thing where he starts grabbing way before everyone else and puts in a pretty shiesty war performance. i wouldn't say that the land is being wasted when it goes to either of them, but as far as "skill" goes i dont find it very impressive when someone gets a large amount of free land and posts a good networth (this is akin to receiving free land by taking retals for others or landtrading). its not hard and nobody should really be impressed.

samxz basically netted in a period when there was virtually no netting competition. he did do quite well the one time there was competition, but he fell short due to some poor grabs that resulted in him getting AB'd a bit. he did win a few times, but with no competition its about as good as LT or candyman's win. when nobody cares about the netting set, then nobody cares about the win.

if bakku were still playing he would be my personal choice. nobody good cares about netting right now so you see all these people who pretty much suck at netting make t10 now. therefore, i would say that making t10 in the last few sets proves absolutely nothing regarding your netting abilities.

as far as the people who have been trading prior to laf did it for a couple sets: you guys are an absolute joke as well. you can barely beat our scrubs and you're absolutely no match for people in laf who are good and dont give a crap about the set. lol.

regarding the "last good techer set". i want to note that the tech market has changed dramatically since that set due to server politics. we will probably never see a techer set like that ever again. this is due entirely to politics.

Edited By: euglaf on Jan 23rd 2014, 6:01:32
See Original Post

euglaf Game profile


Jan 22nd 2014, 22:22:52

you're all idiots. the best player is:

1 MicroteK (#61) 51,156 $116,401,316 DG LaF


euglaf Game profile


Jan 14th 2014, 23:09:20



euglaf Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 18:39:47

Wait. Someone is hitting our fdp? God damn it why am I in Pakistan when everything is so exciting!!!

euglaf Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 19:49:01

Damn I wish I wasn't in Pakistan so I could read all the whining from everyone.

euglaf Game profile


Dec 28th 2013, 10:51:07

req's first job is to find laf a war

euglaf Game profile


Dec 19th 2013, 16:22:25

typical locket with his panties in a bunch lol

euglaf Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 16:54:42

none of those are scary!

euglaf Game profile


Dec 6th 2013, 17:49:36

Thanks. It was definitely a tight race and we were having good fun on our end to try to squeeze more juice out of some of our members

Hopefully next set will be equally exciting

euglaf Game profile


Nov 26th 2013, 21:12:00

that is not descriptive in any way! :P

euglaf Game profile


Nov 26th 2013, 20:12:18

who the fluff are you and what do you want.

euglaf Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 22:56:35

whats this about

euglaf Game profile


Nov 12th 2013, 17:25:40

typically you should put your own contact details in these types of messages.

and if you're in irc you should specify which server/channel etc.

euglaf Game profile


Nov 11th 2013, 8:39:54

thats just how it seems.

euglaf Game profile


Nov 11th 2013, 4:35:20

pretty interesting lol

i have salmon eggs so i guess that means i actually made caviar substitute?

euglaf Game profile


Nov 11th 2013, 4:34:04

why you calling me fat? im only big boned!

im not entirely how to help you with strategy. you will need to detail me on what you do first so i can source the problem.

euglaf Game profile


Nov 10th 2013, 18:55:41

Hi will send missiles,

you and i have spoken before publicly on AT. i am sorry to hear that you want to take things personally. i strongly believe that a tag needs to have skilled players in order to defend the land they acquire. would you like for me to give you some pointers so that you can defend your land?

euglaf Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 8:06:21

From: Alin
To: euglaf
Subject: Hey
Date: Nov 2nd, 03:29
Message Body:
Just wanted to say that if those guys hate you - i like you :P

just so you guys (rd) know, you have created a fan club of me despite your hate. you guys can compete. fan club vs hate club

euglaf Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 7:59:41

that is possibly true. i underestimated your loyalty to laf vic. i did tell candy you're always welcome to play in laf again. seems my judgement was good on that :P

euglaf Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 7:45:14

im glad you clowns amuse yourselves lol