
highrock Game profile


Oct 11th 2010, 19:48:54

yep havoc, i have my own 6 man tag as hr! was testing out startup strats and the quickest way to get to tyranny techer. don't have the omega tag protection like in alliance =)
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Oct 11th 2010, 19:21:33

lol i don't actually care that much since they are farming me anyway...i'm just surprised at how many players on this server actually don't know how to play properly.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Oct 11th 2010, 18:51:37

** You should really do a spy op to see if I have any missiles in the first place...

48 mins ago
6 (#1495) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 1475 enemy spies.

48 mins ago
6 (#1495) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 1503 enemy spies.

48 mins ago
6 (#1495) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 1531 enemy spies.

48 mins ago
6 (#1495) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 1560 enemy spies.

48 mins ago
6 (#1495) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 1590 enemy spies.

48 mins ago
6 (#1495) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 1620 enemy spies.

48 mins ago
Enemy operatives attempted to sabotage missiles, but none were found!

48 mins ago
6 (#1495) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 1649 enemy spies.

48 mins ago
6 (#1495) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 1680 enemy spies.

48 mins ago
6 (#1495) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 1712 enemy spies.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Oct 11th 2010, 7:13:31

hahah i actually meant cruise missiles...always get EM and CM mixed up...

thanks for the offer, but i was really just testing startup strats for the alliance server with the new changes. i had fun taking massive retals while it lasted tho =P
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Oct 11th 2010, 6:59:05

I'm flattered you thought I was important enough to try a killrun on my top 10 country in my 6 country solo tag after I raped you on land just doing 1:1 retals. Next time try not to grab me 6 times in one day if you don't want to lose all your land, especially since I have tyranny techers with close to max military strat tech.

I suppose I must thank you, since I was only testing strats in FFA, but you gave me a chance to brush up on walling during war. Here's a couple tips next time, when you actually go after somebody else like Lae:

1. Go BR earlier instead of GS, you get double the kills for each attack, especially when your GS start to fail.
2. Stop launching nukes and chemical missiles, they do virtually nothing and waste a good turn that you could've used to kill my civs.
3. Don't grab 6 times and then offer FA as a recruitment tool. It doesn't really work, I'd rather just take all your land.

That is all.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Oct 10th 2010, 22:20:09

2 problems:

1. is the timer accurate for the mobile template? i logged in when it said last played 18h ago, but i only got 3 turns. maybe i cut it too close, but it seems like it's a little bit off.

2. when i go to the bonus page on mobile, it just says that i selected an invalid country.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Oct 9th 2010, 4:20:35

can we add the ffa main control page for other servers? i basically would like to see what i have on my market and whether it sold without logging in and ruining my turn bonuses. i know it can be figured out by searching through boxcar and guessing, but the main control screen would be nice for the other servers.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Oct 9th 2010, 4:16:22

hmm...that is completely untuitive and nobody will really figure that out on their handing this out on a silver platter is good.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Oct 8th 2010, 22:33:02

hmm so why is 35% the optimal tax rate?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Oct 4th 2010, 0:33:59

12th! Almost made it into the top 10 with only 14k acres in my first reset in a decade =)
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Sep 18th 2010, 15:33:33

hmm it's happening again?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 3:22:35

you can also make the purchase price low enough so that theos or dems with max military tech could make a small profit just buying and selling on the PM, which is capped by the replenishment rate.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 2:56:07

Currently, it seems like the ability to purchase bushels on your private market is the single most useless facet of the game. Basically, unless you are incredibly dumb or run out of food in the first 100 turns, you will never purchase food on your private market. Is there a way we can change the game to make it more useful? Perhaps we could lower the base price and replenishment rate for bushels on the PM so that it could be useful to purchase for some people? Maybe like a Theo Farmer Reseller strat?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Sep 13th 2010, 13:44:22

hmm...boxcar doesn't seem to be updating people's NW for me...anybody else have this problem?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Sep 12th 2010, 2:22:54

I think when you click on "bonuses", you get taken to the same screen, regardless of which server you are playing on. There are no separate bonus pages for the different servers.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 5:59:20

lol 127 is GDI he had to declare war first...
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 5:48:44

lol what happened there? how did #127 become #46's missile dump? that's gonna hurt his reselling a bit.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Sep 7th 2010, 8:22:57

I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm missing something, but lately I've been trying to put bushels on the market for over $900 and I get an error message saying something like my goods were unable to be placed on the market. I'd have to lower my price a little before they go on the market. Is there some kind of price ceiling for market goods or something?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Sep 7th 2010, 3:19:30

is the PM change not on primary already?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Sep 6th 2010, 18:46:12

nope, food decays per turn
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Sep 6th 2010, 18:28:36

that's probably the food decay kicking in

116063*.999 = 115947
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 5:24:29

I'm not sure if this has been suggested, so forgive me if this is a repeat.

Is there a way we can get standing orders to stay even after you run out of money? Just don't purchase anything until you get money. For example, suppose I have $1 million dollars and $500 million worth of tech going on the market. Let's say I want a standing order of $300 million worth of turrets. Now suppose that my order uses up the $1 million I have on hand. Currently the system will cancel the rest of my order because I have no money left. Is there a way to make it so that it doesn't cancel my order, but instead resumes my order once my $500 million of tech sells?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Aug 22nd 2010, 21:58:12

actually ponderer's bot idea sounds awesome. i just started playing again after a long break and i'm shocked at how hard land is to get nowadays. the things people are doing are both ridiculous and boring. all-explore is the worst thing to happen to this game.

back in the good old days i don't remember very many people running all-x countries. you either bottomfeed, middle feed, or top feed, and that made the game way more fun. bottomfeeding the multies was the best part.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Aug 9th 2010, 20:49:32

might be someone else's icq # now...i haven't logged onto it since i stopped playing circa 2000-2001
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Aug 6th 2010, 7:23:17

thanks for all the messages, both public and private! i really appreciate it.

i've decided to take my talents to south beach for the upcoming reset!

(i mean i've joined omega, please don't kill my country! looking forward to playing with you all again!)
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 14:18:38

hmm some great choices...i do remember all 3 being fairly close to MD.

i played under the name Viola. i was part of probably the second generation of MD leaders after people like Samoan, Diocletian, and Mags left. at various points i was a DL, VP, and FA.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 6:41:51

So I used to be in the top leadership of MD back on the old server about 10 years ago (under a different name), but I stopped playing. Whatever happened to MD? Any MDers still hanging around here?

On a different note, I think I want to play again. I see the alliance server just started. What's the best clan for an old MDer? I stopped playing 10 years ago so I basically am a newbie. Any suggestions on who to join?
formerly Viola MD