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Aug 14th 2019, 3:33:15

Listen to yourselves.... You’ve convinced yourselves that I’m a suicider when I’m the furthest thing from it. I have never suicided anyone in this game and I don’t intend to. I intend to play the the rules. Just trying to be friendly by saying that.... I’ll see you real soon.... ; )

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Aug 5th 2019, 1:12:40

Originally posted by Requiem:
I think everyone is missing the point here. You cannot and should not be mad at the player because the game allows this kind of game play. If something is allowed by virtue of the game and a players does that then you cannot blame or be mad at the player.

Does it show a possible character flaw with this player? Maybe.

Bottom line is you cant hate the player for playing the game as it was designed. You should focus your efforts in more productive ways, focus it into something that can actually change this type of thing not on things that will never fix anything.

This the point exactly.

And Unfortunately, when you play by the rules, you're then accused of breaking the rules that aren't written or codified anywhere. And then for breaking those rules that aren't rules you're target by biased moderators. If that weren't enough, then you're accused of "making new alts on the forums to harass other players in the form of suiciding." If it weren't so absurd it would be comical.

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May 28th 2019, 4:01:23

Originally posted by galleri:
the real take away here is that fact I have made it known that I will ban and announce people's alts in the past..... so nothing new.
Just ask around....

Why do old alts remain in the menu as an option? Why are they even an option then? Can you show me the rule so that I can happily abide by it so that I can avoid being the victim of any overzealous, power crazed, hair splitting moderation?

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May 28th 2019, 4:01:22

Originally posted by galleri:
the real take away here is that fact I have made it known that I will ban and announce people's alts in the past..... so nothing new.
Just ask around....

Why do old alts remain in the menu as an option? Why are they even an option then? Can you show me the rule so that I can happily abide by it so that I can avoid being the victim of any overzealous, power crazed, hair splitting moderation?

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May 28th 2019, 2:27:14

There’s really no getting around it. Gallery seems to use her power to DOX.

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May 28th 2019, 2:25:08

ah... confirmed. Although a never used old’s Good to know you use your mod power to dox. That’s the real take away here.

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May 28th 2019, 1:26:38

I’m thinking gallery has a big ole’ crush on Josey Wales.... He needs a good squaw to oil his guns & cook up some frontier hash... then do the washin.

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Jun 30th 2018, 2:00:05

If the game admins can make it happen, why wouldn't they make it happen?

I don't understand.

Originally posted by Marshal:
game admins could make it happen but that'd just cause more headache than benefits.

current mods (incl Gallery and primeval) are actually nice when compared to mr mickster (that man is (was?) pure evil).

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Jun 28th 2018, 14:55:26

My people rejoice and have sacrificed lambs in the name of Pang.

However, they are still restless.

We were on the top of the heap and then between June 19th and June 26th they were under siege, deleted from existence without Due Process, and little regard. Treated like dogs. Flushed down Earth's toilet, thrown on the scrap heap (like Todd) and left for dead.

They lost 8 days and 1,008 Turns, and were all dropped off at a deserted bus stop with no water. And people right here in this thread LAUGHED.

My people wish to be made whole again and respectfully request back pay of 1,008 turns plus an as of yet undetermined about for mental anguish, pain, and suffering.

Can the Master Control Program see its way to right this wrong?

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Jun 26th 2018, 2:36:10

Long Live Pang, The Just.

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Jun 23rd 2018, 1:15:15

Thank you O, Wise one. What incredible insight wrapped in insult and arrogance. You've come to the discussion late and condescend. Looks like you may have missed the entire conversation.

Originally posted by Akula:
as the great modgodess Patience once said "suck it up buttercup" - next country, do things differently and you'll be fine :)

Originally posted by War Admiral of Tri:
this is a war game / knitting club so be really polite to everyone because Mommy won't allow insults

treat people as you would prefer to be treated yourself and you'll be fine here, as well as in life in general :)

/me pies Eric with a crack soufflé

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May 10th 2018, 10:11:01

Great Tribute Makinso.


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Mar 21st 2018, 0:03:45

Family Values. Whether two or single parent. You teach children from the beginning the societal norms between right and wrong, good and bad. If children can be educated to understand that illegal drugs rot out your teeth, make you steal from your own mother or children, lie, cheat, leave your child to starve to death in a crib from starvation or die in the back seat of a hot car, kill other people, eat other people's eyes, shyt your pants, etc., etc., then maybe we will progress to the point of enlightenment. Until then, kill every phucking drug dealer there is. Gather them all up and feed them into a wood chipper individually. Drop them into an industrial sized blender and pour the remains into California. Drain their blood and then smash their brains out with a greasy tire iron. Only then, once drug dealers fear.... will we be rid of them.

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Feb 9th 2017, 21:33:24


Two choices, pick one:

Choice A. Hi Robber. My name is Ivan. I don't have a gun so I can't defend myself, nor can I defend my family. Please come on in and take whatever you want and while you're at it, please treat me and my family like they treated Dr. Petit's family in CT. Once you're done raping and brutalizing my family, please feel free to kill us all. Don't forget to light our house on fire to cover your tracks. Good to speak with you while my jaw still works, glad you came by - by all means, have your way with us.

Choice B. Hi Robber. You picked the wrong house to rob. You have come here to do harm to me and my family. Why else would you be here? Unfortunately for you, I'm not a sheep. I'm a Wolf.

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Feb 9th 2017, 17:42:07

ivan the terrible democrat.

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Feb 9th 2017, 13:18:13

Take healthcare away- Check - Conjecture
Allow torture again- Check - True, but would't you if your daughter was about to be decapitated? Wouldn't you do anything and everything in your power to save her?
Respond to SNL more- check - The Admin is definitely a little thin skinned about SNL. They are pretty funny skits.
Let coal mines dump waste in rivers again- check - Conjecture
Can sell guns to severely mentally ill- Check - Talk to the Democrats and HIPPA about that one. Vermont - barely any gun laws, barely any crime. Liberal Chicago, can't own a BB Gun and crime out the A$$ on an hourly basis- abhorrent, but that's Democratic management for you.
Eliminate separation of church and state- Pending - "I pledge Allegience to the Flag, an the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation Under God....." What's the wrong with this?
Oil companies don't need to report bribes from 3rd world dictators- Check - The U.S. should basically threaten any 3rd world dictator with prolonged and agonizing death unless the animal does our bidding.
Financial advisors don't have to act in the best interest of clients anymore- Check- Conjecture

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Feb 7th 2017, 21:56:46

Trump is operating at a business executive's pace and working to fulfill his campaign promises to the American People as rapidly as possible, something that has rarely been seen or experienced in Washington.

Grade: A+ / 200%

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Dec 26th 2016, 18:34:11

Pledge Allegiance To The Flag.

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Dec 6th 2016, 7:14:45

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Dec 1st 2016, 18:33:09

Session # 2 : Portrait of a Deranged Mind
Psycho Analysis / Therapy
Subject: Tokyousr
Alter Ego: Marlboro Soggy Cigarette # 78

Analysis / Commentary:

Like a fly to honey.... subject can't resist getting trolled on..... subject's downward spiral begins to pick up speed.

Message from MarlboroM89bucksWHOA (#78) sent on Nov 03, 18:10
Report this message
roflmao you posted ur clan tag/pass on a forum a week ago and still nobody joins you ! hahahaha.

time to realize the truth? you suck. yep. you truly suck.

ur nw is so small not my humanitarians feel bad and wont hit you.

please get ur nw up to something half decent so I can continue to lg your pathetic @ss

will send missiles Game profile


Dec 1st 2016, 0:05:04

Psycho Analysis / Therapy Session # 1: Portrait of a Deranged Mind
Subject: Tokyousr
Alter Ego: Marlboro Soggy Cigarette # 78

Analysis / Commentary:

Subject's messages are rife with spelling and punctuation mark errors. Subject seems anxious and hot under the collar from the get go. Displaying signs of early Earth Empire psychosis.

Of special note, subject advises: "uve proven to be nothing but a waste of time for me "

Prognosis: Will become land fat and will need a big belt.

Message from MarlboroM89bucksWHOA (#78) sent on Oct 29, 16:26
Report this message
it was 20 civ u little pipsqueek, u were dead, elders are our enemy apparently u talked smack to him too so dont hold me accountable for other people who hate u wanting to take a piece of action.

uve proven to be nothing but a waste of time for me and a utter utter, truly utter disappointment.
try hitting me again with ur missles, i dont care all u do is talk and talk without any actions. ive opened the door to any sofers that want to kill u to do so freely.

susquad, roflmao, more like fluffflufftalkers. lol


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Nov 27th 2016, 21:20:26


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Nov 27th 2016, 18:54:46

#78's being bashful.....begs to be trolled then runs and hides..... piggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy.... come out and play!

will send missiles Game profile


Nov 27th 2016, 16:51:58

He's begging to be trolled. Show time 78.....

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Nov 6th 2016, 11:26:12

Recruitment progressing superbly. Lot's of bullies in alliance.

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Oct 30th 2016, 19:16:46

TAG: SuSquad

Pass: suicide

MacDaddy. Purge whoever and wherever you wish.

will send missiles Game profile


Oct 30th 2016, 18:11:51

The Suicide Squad is recruiting in full force. Calling all Suiciders to action..... you do whatever you want out there....

The only rule is that... there are no rules.

Unlike most of the clans out there that are Top Heavy with narcissists.

Want to dump your 20 missiles on some jerk who deserves it.....? No problem.

Spy Ops to teach someone a lesson...? Have at it.

Here is the TAG & Pass:

TAG: SuSquad

Pass: suicide

We facilitate your PURGE.

Yours Truly,

Will Send Missiles

will send missiles Game profile


Sep 25th 2016, 1:59:54

Buch-Nut..... aren't you supposed to be fighting SOF? That's what's so strange about you... you funny little fella. You attack someone who is fighting the same enemy as you. How can your allies trust you? You told me you were sorry then begged me not to attack you and now your breaking the truce.

will send missiles Game profile


Sep 24th 2016, 1:21:56

I bytch slapped you the last time and used you like a dish-rag hoe, and I will bytch slap you again like the dirty toenail, half-baked gutter rat that you are. You worthless piece of rotting protoplasm.

will send missiles Game profile


Sep 24th 2016, 1:18:59

"Hey don't you fluffing worry about how I use my turn boy. If you knew what was good for you you will shut the hell up b4 I ab you again."

OK, Bucky. Effffing numbskull Bucky.

will send missiles Game profile


Sep 23rd 2016, 9:34:38

Some Elders people seem to waste their turns. 85..... numbskull. Hair-Trigger happy. F- for brains.

will send missiles Game profile


Sep 23rd 2016, 0:17:18

I run the little clan Suicide Squad.

We are bad-ass. Even though we only have two members.

And let me just say to LAF:


I really don't think those mealy mouthed, schit-stained pukes over at SOF have a chance.

Surrender before LAF bends you all over and schits down all of your a$$e$.

will send missiles Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 11:19:15

SIN sounds too complicated.

The Suicide Squad is a lot simpler.... there are no rules. No kissing the ring. We specialize in eating the young.

will send missiles Game profile


Sep 3rd 2016, 9:40:05

In your backyard woods.

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Sep 2nd 2016, 10:25:39

Crashmaster.... it sounds to me like you're a Stoner. I tell you what... just because you were nice enough to respond to this post, my people will be issued table salt and we will start to eat elder young as they are belched from the womb.

will send missiles Game profile


Sep 2nd 2016, 0:56:16

Thanks Rash. You're a real gentleman. A real genuine, salt of the earth, gruntleman.

will send missiles Game profile


Sep 2nd 2016, 0:46:38

Look... don't all of you get sick of being used as door mats? The Suicide Squad is offering a whole new way of life. Kill anyone you want.... no rules. Missile the fluffe out some bloated, rotten, big-clan douche bag with no scolding. No kissing the ring. Just pure slapping the crap out of bullies that deserve it.

We will accept anyone.

will send missiles Game profile


Sep 1st 2016, 18:01:47

Wow.... look at you... 14,565 post and that's all you've got? What's your country number so we can vomit all over you.

will send missiles Game profile


Sep 1st 2016, 12:34:43

Join the Suicide Squad. We've got no rules, no site, and don't give a shyt who you attack.

But if you need us to help you crack skull.... we'll be there like chimpanzees with machine guns.

If you feel like going nuts with no scolding..... we're your gang.

With your help.... our ranks will swell like a Blood-Gorged Tick

will send missiles Game profile


Feb 3rd 2015, 11:29:44

go pats

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Oct 13th 2014, 14:24:05

many thanks!

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Oct 13th 2014, 6:59:45

Nope. Do not have that many. I'm assuming that is the issue? Must have 20K in order to begin selling?

will send missiles Game profile


Oct 12th 2014, 3:14:30


I'm trying to sell Tanks (on the alliance server) but it will not let me sell any.... and I need that money.

Can you shed some light?


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Jul 4th 2014, 14:17:06

Happy 4th fluffes!

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Feb 12th 2014, 2:58:33

Riddle me this my Laf pasta snorting friend... what's going to happen when you and your laf tomatoes are crushed? What then?

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Feb 11th 2014, 22:43:33

We're going to turn Laf into italian cheese fondue this set... and force feed them rotten tomato sauce... hate those bastards.

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Jan 30th 2014, 12:47:56

The best...??

The best at what? Being a bully?

Laf is a bully. So if you like being a bully.... Laf is the place for you. It targets the weak.

They don't have the nuts to pick on anyone there own size... so they target the weak.

Laf is a Great place to learn how to target the weak.

There is simply no argument to this.

will send missiles Game profile


Dec 26th 2013, 23:28:28

Man! That is awesome advice iScode and Hsifreta. Best thread yet. I did notice that I could not drop acres… I remember being able to drop them in Earth2025. I think that you would want to some unused in order to not look so fat. I've never played a Tyranny before and it kicks ass. Are there any other players in this game that would like to milk Laf like the cows they are?

will send missiles Game profile


Dec 26th 2013, 2:37:35

Thank you Hsifreta. Very appreciative.

will send missiles Game profile


Dec 25th 2013, 16:10:33

Huh? What are you talking about? I don't even understand your response. You think I'm in
the guns clan? Please go and harass those people. I'm asking for advice on how to play a Tyranny.

Look, danny do-right, why don't you tell me your Laf country number so that I can start milking you like a cow. This way I can practice on someone that deserves it. Laf peanut. Out of curiosity, and since you brought it up, when was the last time Laf dealt with and army of multis?