
braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 6:00:20

uh oh.. tulosba speaks logic.. he's in rd.. no laf? no rd.. it's hard to figure any more, it's one fluffing fluff of a joke

Heston Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 6:01:46

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

d20 Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 6:10:28


rd cheaters should get perma-banned
rd members (non-cheaters) should get re-instated
new cheaters' whole clans should be perma-banned, if not self-reported to mods asap.

bonus :)

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 6:41:42

daniel speaks logic, as he often does

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 7:00:08

this ain't a good omen.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2013, 7:01:27

a technical question: (dont really mind either way but interested)

do the non cheating countries deleted count as restart and therefore get bonuses to restarting

or count as cheaters/deleted and therefore restart from scratch

SolidSnake Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:01:38

It's pretty well documented how much I dislike RD, I've been advocating fs'ing rd for general doucheyness pretty much since they rejoined the game, but seeing a whole alliances deleted kinda sucks.

Delete anyone the was involved in attaining/shared in the information, but outside of that leave them be. The server will act out punishment on those not involved regardless, no need to delete them.

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:05:24

ss needs to this day be deleted for hlw and tcs wrongdoings, let alone his own while within rd.

i'm sorry, i have to prove he was in rd?



i'm sorry, I'm HIA.. what else could you possibly ask fcr? Other than both their deletions and their alliances, of course.

pele Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:09:17

This sucks in many ways

It sucks if its true (i have no reason not to belive the mods, though i always seen silver as a nice guy), and if its true bigger actions must takend since this seems as more then just cheating.

It sucks for al innocent. That beeing both the people who was targets but also the innocent rd people.

I can understand the innocent people in rd getting mad, but countries get destroyed every set (an unexpexting fs on a netting country also stir up emotions, im just saying every time someone loses a country its time lost for the owner) But luckaly there is a new set every few months.

And im sure rd Will bounce back just like Laf

I hope noone quits bc of this, but if you really dont trust the admins and thinks they are biased then maby for your own good its better to find another game to play :(

Mr Jade


Oct 30th 2013, 7:17:00

I started as a Monarchy... I switched to Fascist... as I was wanting to netgain before LCN declared war on us. I switched to Theocracy... I had been getting my structures bombed, and I was selling food to rebuild. Where's this fluffing advantage?

As for the IP addresses listed, I've cross referenced them. So, everyone, double-check these against any that have access in your sites. - Moscow, Russia - White Plains, New York, US - Hazlet, New Jersey, US - Mountain View, California, US - Owosso, Michigan, US - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Mr Jade


Oct 30th 2013, 7:19:16

1 Russian IP
5 American IPs
3 Romanian IPs
13 Dutch IPs

This in an of itself, would say at least four are involved, wouldn't it?

KriSatZ Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:24:47

Locket, Braden any anyone else, Deleting the tag, imo is the only way forward.

I was on a break during TC/hlw but if I was deleted for their actions, then you just have to take it on the chin.

Deleting 3 players wouldn't have done anything, they would have played again next set like normal.

Deleting their clan, friends and peers. Wow. Guess what, that might well stop them from playing.

Are you going to want to play with people who got you deleted last set? I know I sure as hell wouldn't.

Anyway, this is unbiased. But this is FAR WORSE than anything TC and HLW did.

As H4 points out, they gained passwords. And can directly access other forms and pockets of information outside of EE/Boxcar. Work emails, emails, other accounts, its endless.

Sometime you will wake up and realize what you are saying is utter fluff, and accept this as being pretty lenient.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2013, 7:30:19

the netherlands one i looked up was this

so its probably a proxy, many proxy companies have ip's in many countries for geoblocking

netherlands is a big location because of the p2p laws there

locket Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:32:40

Originally posted by KriSatZ:
Locket, Braden any anyone else, Deleting the tag, imo is the only way forward.

I was on a break during TC/hlw but if I was deleted for their actions, then you just have to take it on the chin.

Deleting 3 players wouldn't have done anything, they would have played again next set like normal.

Deleting their clan, friends and peers. Wow. Guess what, that might well stop them from playing.

Are you going to want to play with people who got you deleted last set? I know I sure as hell wouldn't.

Anyway, this is unbiased. But this is FAR WORSE than anything TC and HLW did.

As H4 points out, they gained passwords. And can directly access other forms and pockets of information outside of EE/Boxcar. Work emails, emails, other accounts, its endless.

Sometime you will wake up and realize what you are saying is utter fluff, and accept this as being pretty lenient.

Someday you will wake up and realize that you have been spouting the utter fluff fed to you for months. So basically go fluff yourself.

Deleting me will not stop anyone from doing what they choose to in the future. Hell it probably wont affect whether the same people who may have done something this time would do it again. That is just fluffing ridiculous.



Oct 30th 2013, 7:34:14

This really stinks pang ur killing the game by doing a fs on Rd from a admin position.

Real weak!!

If you got proof delete the onces that abused the game not kill all the legit players along with it!!



Oct 30th 2013, 7:40:38

This game is over for me... playing legit as me and majority in rd do and get killed by admins that is just a faul way to fix the problem.


KriSatZ Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:42:11

We used to be BFF's Locket :( What happened?

Anyway, my point is as follows. Next set, you tag up RD. You see the 3 players who caused your country, and as you put it, hours of your life, into. Do you,

A) Play with them like nothing has happened?
B) Leave the tag?
c) Get them to leave the tag?
D) Other?

Most people would refuse to play with anyone who has caused them to lose out on so much as you put it. If this was Eugene and not whoever on RD, I wouldn't play with him again.

So yeah, it does have an affect. It's an internet game, the only real way of teaching people a lesson, is to show that their peers, friends and clan mates will get the same punishment as them. Its called peer pressure.

Hopefully this can rid the game of cheats.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:45:31

"I was on a break during TC/hlw but if I was deleted for their actions, then you just have to take it on the chin."

so you admittedly decided not TO DO ANYTHING TO STOP THE CHEATING, but instead let it happen? your words, not mine. You are as guilty as anybody.

"Deleting 3 players wouldn't have done anything, they would have played again next set like normal."
how about not punishing any players? that teaches your friends not to cheat, right, no punishment?

" Deleting their clan, friends and peers. Wow. Guess what, that might well stop them from playing. "

yea, in a game of two hundred, forty seven go fluff yourself over three might not, i don't know, be your wisest decision?

" Are you going to want to play with people who got you deleted last set? I know I sure as hell wouldn't. "
fourteen years goes a lot farther than a war we'd planned and already won before the reset started; pang realized this, and took fluff actions, (read not friends action; wouldn't want to diminish collegiate level liberal friendship, after all)

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 7:48:52

yeah. deleting the tag will work. it worked everytime Mehul did it, didn't it? All Praise To Mehul!

ahh, that's why i like this site. everybody here is a raving lunatic.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:49:15

"Most people would refuse to play with anyone who has caused them to lose out on so much as you put it"

but locket is what i like to call a good person, and he knows i did nothing ever in my life to his detriment. so why would he hold three people against 46 other people?

if you used to be friends, you surely would know he's a far better person than that

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:51:24

no dibs, why i like this site is you and i are alcoholics and i seem to understand you like i'm speaking to myself in a mirror

except you can unicycle and you drink brandy.. i walk and i drink anything fermented, so..

KriSatZ Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:56:27

How has that said I stood back and let cheating happen? Entering a discussion with you seems to be like banging a head against a wall. You seem to be like a bull in a china shop at the moment, take a step back, breath and look at it with some logic applied.

Cheating in a game is one thing, that is what TC and HLW did.

Cheating AND acquiring passwords, that takes it to another level. Thats a serious security risk. And I have had to changed a couple of my other passwords, as have many others. Thats why the punishment is so severe.

I do know Locket, although, he will always be Oscar to me. He won't hold it against you, all 46 "other people" should hold it against the 3 responsible and never play with them again. Hopefully every clan does this. And as a result the cheats leave and the game is clean.

If they just deleted and banned the 3 responsible, most likely they would be back on the RD site within the month and still playing.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

locket Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:57:21

Originally posted by KriSatZ:
We used to be BFF's Locket :( What happened?

Anyway, my point is as follows. Next set, you tag up RD. You see the 3 players who caused your country, and as you put it, hours of your life, into. Do you,

A) Play with them like nothing has happened?
B) Leave the tag?
c) Get them to leave the tag?
D) Other?

Most people would refuse to play with anyone who has caused them to lose out on so much as you put it. If this was Eugene and not whoever on RD, I wouldn't play with him again.

So yeah, it does have an affect. It's an internet game, the only real way of teaching people a lesson, is to show that their peers, friends and clan mates will get the same punishment as them. Its called peer pressure.

Hopefully this can rid the game of cheats.

Dont tell me that what I am saying is utter fluff then. I dont appreciate that. I still like you but I dont take kindly to that sort of comment -_-

And as for your comments. I tolerated playing with Hanlong after what he did and so did the entirety of Laf leadership. Hell. Some of them even supported TC who was supposedly even more guilty than Hanlong. I didnt have much choice if I was going to stay in Laf with the only people that I talked to at that time though. If I had my way then Hanlong would never have been let back in Laf but you can thank your lovely leadership over there for that. Deleting my country served no purpose.

I was there for the giant gangbang the next set that was put on Laf by the clans Laf had wronged. How is that any different than the deletion that was put upon me now except that this was by an admin. Tell me how this will magically make people more likely to chase a cheater out of the game than the giant assfluffing Laf took that set because of Hanlong and TC being fluffing pricks?

foresaken Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:58:04

just permaban braden and locket :P

locket Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 7:59:17

Originally posted by KriSatZ:
How has that said I stood back and let cheating happen? Entering a discussion with you seems to be like banging a head against a wall. You seem to be like a bull in a china shop at the moment, take a step back, breath and look at it with some logic applied.

Cheating in a game is one thing, that is what TC and HLW did.

Cheating AND acquiring passwords, that takes it to another level. Thats a serious security risk. And I have had to changed a couple of my other passwords, as have many others. Thats why the punishment is so severe.

I do know Locket, although, he will always be Oscar to me. He won't hold it against you, all 46 "other people" should hold it against the 3 responsible and never play with them again. Hopefully every clan does this. And as a result the cheats leave and the game is clean.

If they just deleted and banned the 3 responsible, most likely they would be back on the RD site within the month and still playing.

As I said in the other comment. Laf as a whole had an entire reset wasted by the gangbang and Laf leaders still wanted Hanlong and TC there till TC fluffed up more and pissed more off. TC and Hanlong also had access to the entire database or whatever so I assume that they could have very easily accessed emails if they chose to as well.

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 8:12:14

Originally posted by braden:
no dibs, why i like this site is you and i are alcoholics and i seem to understand you like i'm speaking to myself in a mirror

except you can unicycle and you drink brandy.. i walk and i drink anything fermented, so..

you shouldn't speak into the mirrors, they get everything ass backwards. definitely avoid ordering 3 bloody mary's if there's a mirror behind the bar.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

KriSatZ Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:19:25

There are THREE MAJOR differences.

1) This is the second time there has been a major boxcar breach. Obviously the punishment the first time was not a big enough deterrence to stop people from doing it again. So a new, harsher punishment has to be used.

2) Mr.SILVER promised that admins that when RD came back, they would not cheat or do anything illegal. Heck, I bet he knew that if he did this, the whole clan would be deleted. But he still went on and did it anyway. He made a promise, and he broke it himself.

3) This isn't just cheating in game. TC and HLW could well have easily accessed emails and passwords, but they didn't. They stopped short. These guys accessed emails, which is not only cheating in game but a major security breach out of game for a lot of players.

This will work better, because the asskicking laf took, could be stonewalled, warred back, they could do "something" about it. This is unavoidable and instant. If this doesn't make people think twice about playing with cheaters, or cheating again then nothing will.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

locket Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:20:52

Actually Pang said that they had bad record keeping back then and did not have proof of other stuff they did from what I remember.

And the asskicking Laf took was only fightable for awhile. We got swamped once enough came. It was just more painful in the end and more drawn out. Hell it might have even been worse.

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:25:41

"You seem to be like a bull in a china shop at the moment, take a step back,"

mythbusters did it, the bull performed *exceptionally* well

Taveren Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:27:51

I recently came in to possession of a spread sheet containing boxcar member reports for LCN, MD, Paradigm, and Rage. The user that shared the document with me claims that it originated in RD. Here's a redacted copy of the spreadsheet:

Matching members to country numbers can have tactical value but the spreadsheet I recieved also contained the personal email and phone numbers for a number of users. While most users probably accept that information posted on boxcar will be shared, I find it a little unsettling that someone is collecting and recording this information. The exsistence of this spreadsheet became a source of concern for MD's head team and it became pertinent to figure out how this information had been accessed and duplicated.

We started by looking at the most recent 'LastVisit' since the most recent time stamp is likely when the report was copied. In MD's case, the most recent 'LastVisit' on this report was made by Y-NoT on Oct 15/13 6:54 PM. MD's head team found this strange as Y-NoT has been a long time member of MD and sharing this kind of information outside the alliance seemed extremely out of character. After looking in to boxcar's logs we discovered that Y-Not had logged in from the IP address on Oct 15, 2013 5:27 PM. This IP address appeared in no other place in his login history but was also used to log in to a few other MD accounts one time.

Our concerns and the spreadsheet were shared with the other affected alliances so they could also track down their leaks. Using the same process LCN determined that Spitzy's activity was condusive of copying the report while Paradigm came to the same conclusion about Hutch. Their login activity was looked in to and both users appeared to have logged in from Similar to Y-Not, the IP wasn't found anywhere else in their activity.

MD, LCN, and Paradigm have no way to prove that this spreadsheet was put together by RD or that RD used other users' login credentials to obtain information from other alliances but the common IP address - appears on Pang's list and is also very similar to the address associated with Mr. Copper.

Deleting an entire alliance due to the actions of a few leaders is a severe punishment, especially when many members may be innocent, but those members still benefited from immorally obtained information. Those members deserve to be angry but so do the people who had their logins used and their personal information collected and stored. The collection of names, emails, phone numbers, and passwords has the potential to do real harm to real people. I ask that alliances check their logs for and I doubt LCN, MD, PDM, and Rage were the only alliances affected.

Edited By: Taveren on Nov 1st 2013, 22:33:38
See Original Post
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:29:47

"1) This is the second time there has been a major boxcar breach."

the first was you and pang and co.

"2) Mr.SILVER promised that admins that when RD came back, they would not cheat or do anything illegal."

yet to see proof he did this, yet to be proven his ability to do it. you can call cheater of me or anybody else, but that doesn't make us know how to code. (i can barely count, so.. maybe indicative of me more than anybody)

"3) This isn't just cheating in game. TC and HLW could well have easily accessed emails and passwords, but they didn't."

in stead they created imaginary militarys for them and their alliance mates, to cheat their enemies (INCLUDING PDM AND PANG, WHERE WAS THE FBI AND HLS ON THIS????)

"This will work better, because the asskicking laf took, could be stonewalled, warred back, they could do "something" about it."

Edited By: braden on Oct 30th 2013, 8:34:18. Reason: reason
See Original Post

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:33:08

tav, we've had legitimate, honest conversations this evening, so.. with a grain of salt, you'll need to understand..

"The exsistence of this spreadsheet became a source of concern for RD's head team and it became pertinent to figure out how this information had been accessed and duplicated."

bed time like six hours ago, fluff me and this stupid game ;)

+who wants to ally weedys netgaining alliance, i'll likely be a country one one, heh, but without accis talent, heh

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 8:33:42

Originally posted by KriSatZ:
There are THREE MAJOR differences.

1) This is the second time there has been a major boxcar breach. Obviously the punishment the first time was not a big enough deterrence to stop people from doing it again. So a new, harsher punishment has to be used.

2) Mr.SILVER promised that admins that when RD came back, they would not cheat or do anything illegal. Heck, I bet he knew that if he did this, the whole clan would be deleted. But he still went on and did it anyway. He made a promise, and he broke it himself.

3) This isn't just cheating in game. TC and HLW could well have easily accessed emails and passwords, but they didn't. They stopped short. These guys accessed emails, which is not only cheating in game but a major security breach out of game for a lot of players.

This will work better, because the asskicking laf took, could be stonewalled, warred back, they could do "something" about it. This is unavoidable and instant. If this doesn't make people think twice about playing with cheaters, or cheating again then nothing will.

this is no different than a teacher punishing the entire class because they have no clue who put the water bucket over the door. how you going to teach people to avoid doing wrong if you punish them simply because they happened to be around when you got soaked? probably make them more inclined to do wrong simply because they are going to get punished no matter what.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

KriSatZ Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:36:15

Words cannot describe your idiocy Braden, I suggest you sleep off whatever it is you have been consuming and come back sober.

In most cases, a teacher will threaten the whole class with punishment, and the perpetrators will come forward not wanting their peers to be punished and normality resumes. At least, thats what happened in my school.

Edited By: KriSatZ on Oct 30th 2013, 8:40:58
See Original Post
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:36:37

i can not win.. i behave, i get punished.. i misbehave, i get equally punished. my incentive to behave is, what, exactly?

i get mocked by dibs for judeo/christian values, and get deleted for following your rules.

how the mother immigrant fluff am i supposed to win?

SolidSnake Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:37:26

Originally posted by braden:
i can not win.. i behave, i get punished.. i misbehave, i get equally punished. my incentive to behave is, what, exactly?

i get mocked by dibs for judeo/christian values, and get deleted for following your rules.

how the mother immigrant fluff am i supposed to win?
click apply.

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:38:55

twenty years of peer reviewed thought process?

can;t sleep it off, son, i dominated junior high school debate club. then i started smoking drugs and became academically ineligible to participate there within.

doesn't mean i don't win any argument i care to take up.

Taveren Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:39:39

I understand that the first names, last names, phone numbers of 20 MDers are in the hands of people who's morals permit them to login with another users credentials without permission and that the loudest uproar is that people's countries were wrongfully deleted.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:40:11

ss, the last thing ya'll need in laf is an rd first active colour

in fact, i believe i'd be specifically invited to leave if i didn't have vic vouching for me nine thousand percent ;)

and even that might be a losing battle, lol

KriSatZ Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:44:14

Originally posted by Taveren:
I understand that the first names, last names, phone numbers of 20 MDers are in the hands of people who's morals permit them to login with another users credentials without permission and that the loudest uproar is that people's countries were wrongfully deleted.

Taveren, that is exactly what is wrong with this whole situation. RD's crying about having a country deleted, when numerous people have had their whole internet security compromised!!!

Anyway Locket, Braden & any other RD'er. Say the Admins only deleted whoever was involved, RD is still a 40+ man alliance. Oh, but every other tag in the game kills you, like they did to LaF. The end result is the same, all of RD are dead. But you have wasted a weeks less playing time on that precious country of yours.

Heck, I thing Pang did you a favour.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:44:55

you realize people who work for yahoo, or google, or god forbid earth empires.. they all have said access, right, taveren?

why am i trying to steal your savings account, when yahoo or pang isn't?

and if you don't want to give ME the information, thats fine, I do not ask for it.. but because somebody YOU GAVE PERMISSION TO hold your login information ingame or bc, THEY DID NOT AS PER THEIR PRIVACY POLICY, KEEP YOUR INFORMATION PRIVATE.

i woke up, i went to work, i came home, i went drinking, and i got deleted. because Earth Empires failed in their promise to you.

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 8:45:30

Originally posted by Taveren:
I understand that the first names, last names, phone numbers of 20 MDers are in the hands of people who's morals permit them to login with another users credentials without permission and that the loudest uproar is that people's countries were wrongfully deleted.

that's pretty much normal for today's internet though. are they going to sue Pang, qzjul and martian because they haven't been able to prevent something that happens to multi-billion dollar companies?
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:46:22

Originally posted by Mr Jade:
I started as a Monarchy... I switched to Fascist... as I was wanting to netgain before LCN declared war on us. I switched to Theocracy... I had been getting my structures bombed, and I was selling food to rebuild. Where's this fluffing advantage?

As for the IP addresses listed, I've cross referenced them. So, everyone, double-check these against any that have access in your sites. - Moscow, Russia - White Plains, New York, US - Hazlet, New Jersey, US - Mountain View, California, US - Owosso, Michigan, US - Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Curtea De Arges, Valcea, Romania - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Netherlands - Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I am from Phoenix Arizona nowhere in there is there a cross reference to my state. This is all BS. Pang is in which clan? Evo? Hell if I know, but were we not kicking your ass? You should be removed from power, and your cronies who agreed with you without providing enough evidence to delete an entire clan. Apparently you can just do whatever you want because you helped recreate this game? You have 2-3 names in your claim and there are over 45 of us that you have no link to any sort of illegal activity but yet you feel you can delete the entire clan? Hypothetically speaking, if it is true that a few ppl were cheating, what makes you think that everyone else new about it? You assume too much. What made you think that you are all of a sudden some sort of private investigator, you are a bad one at that. You think that you can just play god? Fine! run your recreation of E2025 straight into the ground, this game will never grow, it will probably be at its end by next year anyways. anyways if anything I will go play mars2025 if I feel the need to play a text based game.
Do as I say, not as I do.

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:47:18

no thats true, i get random phone calls and e-mails all the god damn fluffing time

who are you selling my information to, earth empires?

braden Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:48:08

pang is in laf, and if he isn't today he was yesterday and will be tomorrow

locket Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:49:29

Originally posted by Taveren:
I recently came in to possession of a spread sheet containing boxcar member reports for LCN, MD, Paradigm, and Rage. The user that shared the document with me claims that it originated in RD. Here's a redacted copy of the spreadsheet:

Matching members to country numbers can have tactical value but the spreadsheet I recieved also contained the personal email and phone numbers for a number of users. While most users probably accept that information posted on boxcar will be shared, I find it a little unsettling that someone is collecting and recording this information. The exsistence of this spreadsheet became a source of concern for MD's head team and it became pertinent to figure out how this information had been accessed and duplicated.

We started by looking at the most recent 'LastVisit' since the most recent time stamp is likely when the report was copied. In MD's case, the most recent 'LastVisit' on this report was made by Y-NoT on Oct 15/13 6:54 PM. MD's head team found this strange as Y-NoT has been a long time member of MD and sharing this kind of information outside the alliance seemed extremely out of character. After looking in to boxcar's logs we discovered that Y-Not had logged in from the IP address on Oct 15, 2013 5:27 PM. This IP address appeared in no other place in his login history but was also used to log in to a few other MD accounts one time.

Our concerns and the spreadsheet were shared with the other affected alliances so they could also track down their leaks. Using the same process LCN determined that Spitzy's activity was condusive of copying the report while Paradigm came to the same conclusion about Hutch. Their login activity was looked in to and both users appeared to have logged in from Similar to Y-Not, the IP wasn't found anywhere else in their activity.

MD, LCN, and Paradigm have no way to prove that this spreadsheet was put together by RD or that RD used other users' login credentials to obtain information from other alliances but the common IP address - appears on Pang's list and is also very similar to the address associated with Mr. Azure.

Deleting an entire alliance due to the actions of a few leaders is a severe punishment, especially when many members may be innocent, but those members still benefited from immorally obtained information. Those members deserve to be angry but so do the people who had their logins used and their personal information collected and stored. The collection of names, emails, phone numbers, and passwords has the potential to do real harm to real people. I ask that alliances check their logs for and I doubt LCN, MD, PDM, and Rage were the only alliances affected.

A list of country numbers etc? I am fairly certain even Evo has had that of alliances I have played in. That wouldnt be all that hard to get unless you are saying that that info is only available to top heads in all of the clans involved. Most ones a regular memebr can even access that stuff.

Taveren Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:52:18

Originally posted by locket:

A list of country numbers etc? I am fairly certain even Evo has had that of alliances I have played in. That wouldnt be all that hard to get unless you are saying that that info is only available to top heads in all of the clans involved. Most ones a regular memebr can even access that stuff.

Did Evo also use your login to get that information? Whoever logged in from used Y-NoT's and Hutch's and Spitzy's.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Fuji Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:53:38

Some of you people need to go outside. It's a fluffing game. Your pretend country being deleted is NOT comparable to parts of peoples personal lives suddenly being compromised.

Edited By: Fuji on Oct 30th 2013, 8:57:29
See Original Post

Atryn Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:54:02

Originally posted by locket:
A list of country numbers etc? I am fairly certain even Evo has had that of alliances I have played in. That wouldnt be all that hard to get unless you are saying that that info is only available to top heads in all of the clans involved. Most ones a regular memebr can even access that stuff.

We have separate permission levels for who can access the information. If you read the post, you can see how it was determined which account grabbed it, what IP that account was connected from and how it connected to the same information stealing through other compromised accounts in other clans.

If you didn't read it, I cannot help you.

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:54:27

Lawsuit lawsuit lawsuit.

Sue the RD hacking scumbags. Press charges. Get them fired from their jobs, Hanlong will get them new jobs on the same adult cam site he works on. Also LaF needs mass deleting as retrospective punishment for TC & Hanlongs actions.