
Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 11:45:21

That’s my fiends and he’s sick and this may be his last set. His goal was to finally finish well and I’ve been trying to guide him to do that.

If he’s not able to play another set with us and that’s his last country after decades of playing that would be a great shame upon this community



Apr 2nd 2023, 11:46:47

Why does anyone think someome deserve special treatment?
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 11:49:48

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Why does anyone think someome deserve special treatment?

Because he’s a new player here and is in the process of passing.

I do not think Duff understood for a second that it wasn’t OK to do what he was doing.

I didn’t, I sent 100 mil because I was messaged by mercy and told it was custom for them helping us with suicides last month.

Why would I spend 2 months building a pure netter and leave our defenses open.

That makes zero sense.

This is some straight up wack stuff right here. If this is how you treat Humans it’s a shame

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 11:50:52

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Why does anyone think someome deserve special treatment?

Duff won’t be with us Long and this could be his last set after playing earth for years.

I brought him here as a new player. I am new as well.

I wasn’t warned or anything that we would both be killed for doing what the entire community told us was the norms



Apr 2nd 2023, 11:55:42

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
Why does anyone think someome deserve special treatment?

Duff won’t be with us Long and this could be his last set after playing earth for years.

I brought him here as a new player. I am new as well.

I wasn’t warned or anything that we would both be killed for doing what the entire community told us was the norms

You guys were caught sending FA, asked to stop doing so, and kept on doing so.

Can't say you were not warned, if you personally didn't know, then blame EVO leadership for not relaying those information to you.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 12:14:51

i only sent 1 package early on then stopped even then it amounted to next to nothing

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 12:16:46

Originally posted by Duff:
i only sent 1 package early on then stopped even then it amounted to next to nothing

This. I sent 100 mil because I was told it was customary for the war clans taking care of the suiciders.

It seems like I was targeted, again for a second set in a row because I had a 1 bil techer.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 12:21:21

Mods if you don’t restore the rest of evo that’s cool but at least meet us halfway and let Duff finish his last set. It would be a stain upon this community to allow his last set to end like that. The rest of us can take our licks and move on but at least fix his please.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 12:22:55

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
Why does anyone think someome deserve special treatment?

Duff won’t be with us Long and this could be his last set after playing earth for years.

I brought him here as a new player. I am new as well.

I wasn’t warned or anything that we would both be killed for doing what the entire community told us was the norms

I don't really know this "Duff" bloke, but if I were him I probably wouldn't want an entire thread dedicated to pleading for mod intervention due to my unfortunate series finale. He can make his own post and I doubt this would have been his. Dignity in defeat or at least a couple hate posts.

Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 12:33:39

thanks for the idea of fixing it but but if my country deserved it fine i can still say with hand on heart that i beat my NW and land records just not has high as i wanted even if i did drop a clanger sending 1 FA package. so you never know whats round the corner so i will be playing un till my last breath lol

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 12:36:17

Duff - I don't know what you've got going on IRL, but I wish you the best of luck with all of it.

To me, this is a game. The fun of the game is the controversy, the unpredictability, the maneuvering and fighting and chaos.

In all of that, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but it doesn't matter as long as it was fun.

I hope that's what everyone gets out of this game, fun. Including you.

But beyond all that, person to person. I just wish you the best.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 12:42:39

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
Why does anyone think someome deserve special treatment?

Duff won’t be with us Long and this could be his last set after playing earth for years.

I brought him here as a new player. I am new as well.

I wasn’t warned or anything that we would both be killed for doing what the entire community told us was the norms

I don't really know this "Duff" bloke, but if I were him I probably wouldn't want an entire thread dedicated to pleading for mod intervention due to my unfortunate series finale. He can make his own post and I doubt this would have been his. Dignity in defeat or at least a couple hate posts.

I’ve asked duff before if it’s ok if I bring it up here. But maybe your right. When I saw what happened though my first instinct was anger and as a friend wanting to try and defend my boy is all.

But we’ve already had that convo because we are FRIENDS. So **** off gonzo

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 12:57:33

Welp LAF decided to cripple and ruin a a cancer patient in hospice last set.

Good job losers. We will all remember this.

2:46 AM Earthnews NM - Don Gerdler (#169)
[LaF? -> Duff (#30) [Evo] 1206A
2:46 AM Earthnews NM - Don Gerder (#169)
[LaF] -> Duff (#30) [Evo] 1206A
2:46 AM Earthnews NM - Don Gerdler (#169)
[LaF] -> Duff (#30) [Evo] 1206A
2:46 AM Earthnews NM - Don Gerdler (#169)
[LaF] -> Duff (#30) [Evo] 1206A
2:46 AM Earthnews NM - Don Gerdler (#169)
[LaF] -> Duff (#30) [Evo] Def Held
2:46 AM Earthnews NM - Don Gerdler (#169)
[LaF] -> Duff (#30) [Evo] 1206A
2:46 AM Earthnews NM - Don Gerder (#169)
[LaF] -> Duff (#30) [Evol 1206A
2:46 AM Earthnews NM - Don Gerdler (#169)
[LaF] -> Duff (#30) [Evo] 1206A
2:46 AM Earthnews NM - Don Gerdler (#169)
[LaF] -> Duff (#30) [Evo] 1206A
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Soviet Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 12:58:42

Duff! Old buddy. Glad to see you are still playing after all these years. Looks like you became a netter?
Lol never thought I would see the day.

Hello to the rest of you idiots still playing this game.
Imaginary Numbers

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 13:07:05

I will never stop hitting LaF until the day this game goes down.

- Premium Patron Member

Link Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 13:10:24

good to see ya Duff.

/me humps soviet

I Am a meat popsicle.


Hash Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 13:27:28

Originally posted by Requiem:
I will never stop hitting LaF until the day this game goes down.


Like you ever had different intentions, drama Queen..

Such a pitty you became so cheap like that..

Hash Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 13:33:07

Originally posted by Duff:
thanks for the idea of fixing it but but if my country deserved it fine i can still say with hand on heart that i beat my NW and land records just not has high as i wanted even if i did drop a clanger sending 1 FA package. so you never know whats round the corner so i will be playing un till my last breath lol

Duff, you've been playing since 2009 as if it was your last set and I wholeheartedly wish you will be doing so till 2109!

And so is the rest of LaF!

Too bad these Merc losers tricked you into exploiting your kindness for their own fluffty benefit asking for FA.

It is and will always remain just a game for us, I doubt the same stands for some 60 IQ haters in Mercs et al..

Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 13:33:40

cheers Soviet long time no chat bud

Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 13:42:15

Hash i was playing in Imag way before then bud

HH Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 13:51:39

"Because he’s a new player here and is in the process of passing."

I have played since Earth2025

I remember Rival fighting iMag in like 2004, 2005? So sounds like you've been playing for quite some time!

Bug Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 13:53:23

yeah wow Cath making plays that he is brand new is quite the funny joke..

Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 13:53:50

Apr 2nd 2023, 13:49:34

i had been retired for a long time before i came back a couple of years ago but only been playing with Evo for 3 sets or so
i had forgotten most of the stuff till Cathkins started showing the ropes and recruited me to EVO and i am a new player to the netting game but the warring side was my home ground with 75 kills with Imag i only started to play again to help pass the time and to keep my mind occupied and of other things lol

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 13:56:51

Hash and his temperature IQ (in degrees Celsius) he is just a little butt hurt that he hasn’t netted in 2 sets.

I’d say something about your Don but I don’t want to get a forum ban again and have to ask a mod boss to reverse it cuz it’s BS….

Hash Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 14:04:33

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Hash and his temperature IQ (in degrees Celsius) he is just a little butt hurt that he hasn’t netted in 2 sets.

I’d say something about your Don but I don’t want to get a forum ban again and have to ask a mod boss to reverse it cuz it’s BS….

Cry me a river, that your plotting of 2 sets turned back to you, you're notoriously famous for it after all!

Bug Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 14:28:46

actually yes, can we re-set Duff's country.. so we can kill him faster before he came online please..

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 14:40:26

Originally posted by Bug:
actually yes, can we re-set Duff's country.. so we can kill him faster before he came online please..

Hey take away the banter and back and forth and have a little humanity man. Is that really how you treat your fellow human? Forget the game and forget the clans. Is that really the world we want to live in? I sure hope not but when I look around, I already know the answer to that question.

One day your descendants will see these comments and know the man you were. I’m proud mine will know I stood against evil men every time I saw their abuse of my fellow humans. One day the world will wake up and see psychopaths for what they are.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 14:50:58

AT has always been a toxic troll fest Cath. Ever since Earth 2025. I don't think that should change now :p

Gerdler is just mad that Tmac is better than him in almost every way possible.

First, LaF copies BOMB in their SS/AB FS. Now, they are using the BOMB insurance policy to hit Evo. We trained LaF.

Do more drugs, Hash, as your IQ is already Celsius cold.
- Premium Patron Member

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 14:54:04

Originally posted by Requiem:
AT has always been a toxic troll fest Cath. Ever since Earth 2025. I don't think that should change now :p

Gerdler is just mad that Tmac is better than him in almost every way possible.

First, LaF copies BOMB in their SS/AB FS. Now, they are using the BOMB insurance policy to hit Evo. We trained LaF.

Do more drugs, Hash, as your IQ is already Celsius cold.

Geez man you can’t say his name. Attacks on mods result in bans which then have to be reversed.
FFS did you guys not learn from my overturned ban?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 14:59:25

I can state an observation about any _player_ who plays the game with me, even if the player happens to be an unpaid-volunteer-forum-moderator.
- Premium Patron Member

Hash Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 15:04:38

Originally posted by Requiem:
AT has always been a toxic troll fest Cath. Ever since Earth 2025. I don't think that should change now :p

Gerdler is just mad that Tmac is better than him in almost every way possible.

First, LaF copies BOMB in their SS/AB FS. Now, they are using the BOMB insurance policy to hit Evo. We trained LaF.

Do more drugs, Hash, as your IQ is already Celsius cold.

You know better earth history than that Req, seems its you doing the drugs..
Go check elders vs LaF history..

PS: 90% of Bomb people are in this war, yet bomb has nthing to do with it.. ROFL!

Rasp Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 15:08:12

Originally posted by Hash:

Too bad these Merc losers tricked you into exploiting your kindness for their own fluffty benefit asking for FA.

In case you’ve forgotten, which apparently someone in LaF is spinning what happened.

Blackhole and his crew suicided EVO last set in order to ruin any new Networth Records (over Gerd). There’s even confirmation of Gerd encouraging this behavior. Mercs, etc have dispatched most if not all suiciders in the game, including those that hit LaF.

To make matters worse, this set Gerd/LaF take in the Blackhole suiciders and use them as pawns in their war against SoL,SoF,Mercs.

Furthermore, Gerd did not auto renew the pact with EVO this set

And you wonder why EVO were FAing Mercs?

It seems pretty self explanatory to me.

[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 15:12:45

Originally posted by Rasp:
Originally posted by Hash:

Too bad these Merc losers tricked you into exploiting your kindness for their own fluffty benefit asking for FA.

In case you’ve forgotten, which apparently someone in LaF is spinning what happened.

Blackhole and his crew suicided EVO last set in order to ruin any new Networth Records (over Gerd). There’s even confirmation of Gerd encouraging this behavior. Mercs, etc have dispatched most if not all suiciders in the game, including those that hit LaF.

To make matters worse, this set Gerd/LaF take in the Blackhole suiciders and use them as pawns in their war against SoL,SoF,Mercs.

Furthermore, Gerd did not auto renew the pact with EVO this set

And you wonder why EVO were FAing Mercs?

It seems pretty self explanatory to me.

Rasp, you're mistaken. I know this because I'm the one that did this, and I still have the screenshots.

Superfly was the one that encouraged me to hit people. He encouraged me to hit Omega and PDM. Don't believe me, ask Superfly, or Doug. Superfly even admitted this to Doug.

What I then did, I did on my own. I took what Superfly encouraged me to do, that is, landgrabbing defenseless netters, and I applied it to Evo.

But - important to note, I did not hit Tmac. I didn't hit him because I had earlier in the round told him I wouldn't ever hit him that round, and I am a man of my word.

AFTER I, and I alone, hit a few evo goes (and pdm, and omega) Mercs and Evo killed me. At that point, my team responded by hitting the Evo's that hit me

Furthermore, if Gerdler had wanted me to ruin EVO's set cause they were setting records, he would specifically have had me hit Tmac. The fact that this didn't happen should prove to you your theory/story is false.

That's what actually happened.

Edited By: BlackHole on Apr 2nd 2023, 15:14:55
See Original Post

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 15:14:42

Black Hole Don’t go omitting the rest of the story.

I have your receipts where you told me that Gerdler encouraged you to hit tmac and evo to not hand him the victory. Those screen shots were plastered all over AT last set.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 15:17:21

You have screenshots of ME telling YOU that. And not specifically that, but alluding to that.

That was back when Coalie had infiltrated my team and I was unsure of what sort of manipulation was occurring.

I was telling people what they wanted to here, as I worked everything out.

Oh, and just for the record, I have screenshots of when Coalie told me that if he were in my shoes, he would hit TMac, for Gerdler, since Gerdler had helped me.

So Coalie encouraged me to hit TMac - but Gerdler never actually did. If I remember correctly, Gerdler was actually very against the idea of hitting TMac and netters. He's a bit soft. And it's something him and I have disagreed about multiple times.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 15:17:26

Also color me Pikachu surprised! LaF didn’t renew their long standing pact with Evo this set?

Oh my are you alluding that they planned on hitting Evo anyways because again as Gerdler said in the past “ we can’t hand tmac and Evo the win”?

Color me surprised!

Temperature IQ Hash; got any spinster information for us on why you didn’t pact Evo and why only your two LaF players in Evo were not hit?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 15:18:48

Originally posted by Rasp:
Originally posted by Hash:

Too bad these Merc losers tricked you into exploiting your kindness for their own fluffty benefit asking for FA.

In case you’ve forgotten, which apparently someone in LaF is spinning what happened.

Blackhole and his crew suicided EVO last set in order to ruin any new Networth Records (over Gerd). There’s even confirmation of Gerd encouraging this behavior. Mercs, etc have dispatched most if not all suiciders in the game, including those that hit LaF.

To make matters worse, this set Gerd/LaF take in the Blackhole suiciders and use them as pawns in their war against SoL,SoF,Mercs.

Furthermore, Gerd did not auto renew the pact with EVO this set

And you wonder why EVO were FAing Mercs?

It seems pretty self explanatory to me.

- Premium Patron Member

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 15:19:47

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Rasp:
Originally posted by Hash:

Too bad these Merc losers tricked you into exploiting your kindness for their own fluffty benefit asking for FA.

In case you’ve forgotten, which apparently someone in LaF is spinning what happened.

Blackhole and his crew suicided EVO last set in order to ruin any new Networth Records (over Gerd). There’s even confirmation of Gerd encouraging this behavior. Mercs, etc have dispatched most if not all suiciders in the game, including those that hit LaF.

To make matters worse, this set Gerd/LaF take in the Blackhole suiciders and use them as pawns in their war against SoL,SoF,Mercs.

Furthermore, Gerd did not auto renew the pact with EVO this set

And you wonder why EVO were FAing Mercs?

It seems pretty self explanatory to me.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 15:21:15

Originally posted by Rasp:
Originally posted by Hash:

Too bad these Merc losers tricked you into exploiting your kindness for their own fluffty benefit asking for FA.

In case you’ve forgotten, which apparently someone in LaF is spinning what happened.

Blackhole and his crew suicided EVO last set in order to ruin any new Networth Records (over Gerd). There’s even confirmation of Gerd encouraging this behavior. Mercs, etc have dispatched most if not all suiciders in the game, including those that hit LaF.

To make matters worse, this set Gerd/LaF take in the Blackhole suiciders and use them as pawns in their war against SoL,SoF,Mercs.

Furthermore, Gerd did not auto renew the pact with EVO this set

And you wonder why EVO were FAing Mercs?

It seems pretty self explanatory to me.

Who was trying to sweet talk who?

I said personally I would never hit tmac but if I was in his shoes where his only friend was Gerdler (which he was), it would make sense if that was his move. After all, Gerdler was his only lifeline in the game. Without his umbrella to protect him, he was out of options, and still is. I said specifically not to hit tmac,

Personally, I would never ruin a hospice cancer patient's last moments in the game. I am honored that Duff has chosen to spend his free time to hang out with us. Thank you for all your years and time you put into the game Duff. Im sorry for what happened to you but we will all remember the events that have transpired today.

Edited By: Coalie on Apr 2nd 2023, 15:44:54
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 15:22:05

cheers SS for pointing that out is a bit strange lol but what has happened has happened so theres no point in crying over spilt milk tho

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 15:23:33

Originally posted by Rasp:

Furthermore, Gerd did not auto renew the pact with EVO this set

Wrong, I told Gerdler to tell tmac that we were not interested in renewing the pact.
Don of LaF

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 15:31:49

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Hash:
Originally posted by Tertius:
LaF wanted an excuse to hit Evo from the beginning. FA or no FA, they were threatening to attack us because we have historically been friendly with mercs, and they can't imagine that bullying all of the war alliances would result in this prolonged war - it couldn't be poor little Gerdler's fault that he has to try to manipulate everyone, instead he projects that everyone else must be scheming against him.

LaF made their own bed and when they realized there are longlasting consequences, they decided to make sure no one else can enjoy the game either.

So fragile, much ego. Bullies gonna bully.

SPIN SPIN SPIN poor boy..
LaF is not the agressor fool, get your facts straight or go get lost..

Lol, self-reflection must be so hard for you. Everything about the war from the last few sets can be directly attributed to messages from Gerdler. Go ask your boy for receipts (if you can trust him: he likes to let others take the blame for his mistakes, like when he tried to let Gains take the blowback for his actions on SF but Rokkie came clean).

Lord Milk Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 15:41:20

Everybody on here trying to cry louder than the rest pitiful! as for Duff that sux dude you been cool to me these last few months i wish you the best!
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

Captain Control Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 15:54:29

Originally posted by Lord Milk:
Everybody on here trying to cry louder than the rest pitiful! as for Duff that sux dude you been cool to me these last few months i wish you the best!

You associate with the alliance that blindsided Duff, then come here to pat him on the back?
Look for the Greek Mythology references and bring a beer! 🍺

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 16:16:35

Originally posted by Captain Control:
Originally posted by Lord Milk:
Everybody on here trying to cry louder than the rest pitiful! as for Duff that sux dude you been cool to me these last few months i wish you the best!

You associate with the alliance that blindsided Duff, then come here to pat him on the back?

They didn't blindside duff, bro.

Duff admitted to sending FA. AND LaF asked EVO to stop, before doing any hits. And Evo didn't stop.

Nobody was blindsided.

Rasp Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 16:53:31

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by Rasp:

Furthermore, Gerd did not auto renew the pact with EVO this set

Wrong, I told Gerdler to tell tmac that we were not interested in renewing the pact.

Thanks for the correction. Care to share with the community why LaF did not auto renew with EVO this set?

[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2023, 16:56:40

i was just plain lucky i was online when they started on me i managed to do a big jump in n/worth to try and get out of range of there attacks and now i am back to netting and trying to recover from the damage.. thanks to everyone who wished me good luck and given me a reason to fight and carry on playing awhile more :-)

Vamps Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 17:13:52

Originally posted by Hash:

PS: 90% of Bomb people are in this war, yet bomb has nthing to do with it.. ROFL!

Hey old friend, I'm not sure where you are getting your info, but "90% of Bomb" people quit the game when they were either sanctioned or banned. I'm the only one who came back this set, and that was mainly to say hi to some friends as I haven't played in over a year.

I'm surprised how worked up some people still get over this game. It's dead, there are more bots than players... anyone left is just wasting their time at this point lol.

You should all go find better games to play! They are everywhere!

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 19:01:10

Vamps, any suggestions? We can all start a super alliance somewhere else... since we are all such good friends.



Apr 2nd 2023, 19:22:17

Originally posted by Requiem:
I will never stop hitting LaF until the day this game goes down.


Been on the edge of which side I favored and this might be the deciding factor. Probably time to dust the spies and jets off.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.