
martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Oct 2nd 2014, 1:41:37

albeit 8 years late. (this dates from march 18, 2006 :P)
Yay nostalgea:P

I WAS xWURRKX for the record and XzzzX

[00:45] * Topic is '(null)'
[00:45] * sets mode: +s
[00:45] * sets mode: +i
[00:46] * Topic is 'we have such potential It would be a shame to not put it to use. The whole server needs to be corrected. Come, we have much work to do'
[00:46] <XzzzX> hmm
[00:46] * Guest_MD_Arsenal has joined #xxl
[00:46] <XzzzX> maybe not
[00:46] <XzzzX> :P
[00:46] * Topic is '...'
[00:46] * Guest_MD_Arsenal is now known as MD_Arsenalrsenal
[00:46] * MD_Arsenalrsenal is now known as MD_Arsenal
[01:25] * Guest_Hawk has joined #xxl
[01:25] * Guest_Hawk is now known as Omega_Guest_Hawk
[01:25] * Omega_Guest_Hawk is now known as Omega_Hawk
[01:25] * Omega_Hawk is now known as Omega_Hawk|SLEEP
[03:39] * smurfy has quit IRC (connection reset by peer.)
[07:03] * Guest_Kelton is now known as LCN_Guest_Kelton
[07:03] * LCN_Guest_Kelton is now known as LCN_Kelts
[07:55] * smurfy has joined #xxl
[07:55] * smurfy sets mode: +o smurfy
[07:59] <MD_Arsenal> smurfy
[07:59] <MD_Arsenal> smurfy
[07:59] <smurfy> yeah
[07:59] <MD_Arsenal> i don;'t think i can last till 10am
[07:59] <MD_Arsenal> fluffing tired
[08:00] * XzzzX is now known as XmartianX
[08:00] <smurfy> hehe me 2 I have been up all night
[08:00] <smurfy> it is 5am
[08:00] <smurfy> stupid cough is not letting me sleep
[08:01] <MD_Arsenal> i'm feeling sick
[08:01] <MD_Arsenal> eh
[08:17] * Topic is 'we have such potential It would be a shame to not put it to use. The whole server needs to be corrected. Come, we have much work to do'
[08:17] * Topic is 'nachos'
[08:24] * XmartianX is now known as XwurkX
[09:42] * Guest_shadrach has joined #xxl
[10:30] <Omega_Hawk|SLEEP> boo
[10:30] * Omega_Hawk|SLEEP is now known as Omega_Hawk
[10:30] <Guest_shadrach> who?
[10:33] <Omega_Hawk> who?
[10:33] <Guest_shadrach> right
[10:34] <Omega_Hawk> good morning
[10:34] <Guest_shadrach> that it is not
[10:35] <Guest_shadrach> its a crappy morning
[10:35] * Guest_shadrach is at work
[10:35] <Omega_Hawk> ooh
[10:35] <Omega_Hawk> what are you doing?
[10:35] <Guest_shadrach> i work at a church
[10:36] <Guest_shadrach> they have the doors open all day for people to stop in if they want, and they need someone here during the day for that
[10:36] <Guest_shadrach> so i get rather bored
[10:38] <Omega_Hawk> so your job is to sit in a church all day?
[10:39] <Guest_shadrach> yeppers
[10:39] <Omega_Hawk> my brother would love that job.. he has a fascination with curches
[10:39] <Guest_shadrach> so i use the comp until the scretary gets here
[10:39] <Guest_shadrach> right on
[10:39] <Omega_Hawk> when does the secretary get there?
[10:39] <Guest_shadrach> its a beautiful old church
[10:39] <Guest_shadrach> 2pm
[10:39] <Omega_Hawk> and now its?
[10:39] <Guest_shadrach> 1030
[10:39] <Omega_Hawk> where are you?
[10:39] <Guest_shadrach> and i leave at 4pm so no biggie
[10:39] <Guest_shadrach> NYC
[10:40] <Omega_Hawk> cool
[10:40] <Omega_Hawk> Toronto here
[10:40] <Guest_shadrach> nice
[10:40] <Omega_Hawk> did the leafs beat the sabres last night?
[10:40] <Guest_shadrach> no clue
[10:40] <Omega_Hawk> aaaw, 3-1
[10:40] <Omega_Hawk> buffalo
[10:40] <Guest_shadrach> i dont really watch TV so i dunno
[10:41] <Guest_shadrach> and if i do its food network or fox soccer channel
[11:00] <Omega_Hawk> oy you
[11:01] <Guest_shadrach> hehe
[11:01] <Omega_Hawk> which is good because it means a romanian team is guaranteed in the semi-finals
[11:01] <Guest_shadrach> uefa cup is terrible right now though
[11:01] <Omega_Hawk> but bad because it means that a romanian team is guaranteed to lose in the quarters
[11:01] <Omega_Hawk> noto for me!
[11:01] <Guest_shadrach> middlesbrough made it thrui
[11:01] <Guest_shadrach> nuff said
[11:01] <Omega_Hawk> this is the first time in YEARS a romanian team got to the quarters, and we got TWO there
[11:02] <Guest_shadrach> do they even go to champions league?
[11:02] <Guest_shadrach> or is UEFA their only int play?
[11:03] <Omega_Hawk> no
[11:03] <Omega_Hawk> not good enough to qualify
[11:04] <Omega_Hawk> they have the opportunity, but get knocked out
[11:04] <Guest_shadrach> ahh
[11:04] * Guest_shadrach runs to get a quick cup of coffee before the meeting starts
[11:05] * Omega_Hawk runs to make a pee before meeting starts
[11:07] * smurfy sets mode: +o Guest_shadrach
[11:07] * smurfy sets mode: +o LCN_Kelts
[11:07] * smurfy sets mode: +o MD_Arsenal
[11:07] <MD_Arsenal> Thanks for the +o (Op) smurfy :)
[11:07] * smurfy sets mode: +o Omega_Hawk
[11:08] <Guest_shadrach> morning smurfy
[11:08] <smurfy> I hate being sick :(
[11:08] * Guest_shadrach covers his mouth
[11:08] <Omega_Hawk> im back
[11:09] <Guest_shadrach> i cant afford to get sick and get the kids sick
[11:09] <Guest_shadrach> :P
[11:09] <Omega_Hawk> hey smurfy, want to lead a wave for us?
[11:09] <smurfy> no
[11:09] <Omega_Hawk> poo
[11:09] <smurfy> this meeting is accualy going to be shorter then planned :p
[11:09] <smurfy> cause I am really fluffed up
[11:10] <Omega_Hawk> ok
[11:10] <smurfy> and when I am done here I am going back to bed
[11:10] <Guest_shadrach> ouch
[11:10] <smurfy> accualy I am going to get another drink then we can start :p
[11:10] <Omega_Hawk> okay! so lets get this party started
[11:11] <Omega_Hawk> hah!
[11:11] <Guest_shadrach> dammit
[11:11] <Guest_shadrach> earth forusm are down?
[11:11] <Guest_shadrach> nm
[11:11] <Guest_shadrach> LST is so boring
[11:12] <Guest_shadrach> bug isnt posting anymore for me to make fun of him
[11:15] <smurfy> heh
[11:15] <smurfy> you know the more thigns get set up for next set
[11:15] <smurfy> the more I feel sorry for SoL and company
[11:16] <Guest_shadrach> i dont
[11:16] <smurfy> you do not undersatdn they are so badly going to get killed :p
[11:16] <Guest_shadrach> sol has needed a reality check for a while
[11:16] <smurfy> ok pretty much
[11:17] <smurfy> we were suppose to have others here but due to me being sick last night and martian working to much we did not get around to inviting them :p
[11:17] <Guest_shadrach> who else was supposed to be here?
[11:19] <smurfy> well martian has been talking to iron
[11:19] <smurfy> and I know unknown was willing to help LMaO
[11:19] <smurfy> we pretty much have everyone who is fighting this set
[11:19] <Guest_shadrach> heh
[11:19] <smurfy> but next set we will have SoF
[11:19] <smurfy> Exo
[11:20] <Omega_Hawk> <--
[11:20] <smurfy> iron unknown <<-- not sure about unknown
[11:20] <smurfy> Rage will mix it up with someone to next set just not sure who yet.
[11:21] <smurfy> they think they have the upper hand I found out last night that they have LaF from the looks of it.
[11:21] <Guest_shadrach> where does ely fall?
[11:21] <smurfy> but once LaF sees the people who will not pact them unless they pact the rest of us they will back out very quickly
[11:21] <smurfy> Ely will probably hit IX again [=
[11:21] <Guest_shadrach> that would be convenient
[11:21] <smurfy> ok who everyone hits is still up in the air
[11:21] <Guest_shadrach> :-)
[11:21] <smurfy> we have to stay totaly flexible
[11:22] <smurfy> we cannot ensure everything goes our way so we just have to prep as best we can and take things as they come
[11:22] <smurfy> they may hit first.
[11:22] <smurfy> I know SoL is comming for SoF wich is good.
[11:22] <Omega_Hawk> Smurfy, you guys have a multi-set pact with IX that extends to next set right?
[11:22] <smurfy> SoF is willing to suck up an FS if it means one of our allies do not have to.
[11:22] <Omega_Hawk> anything similar with SOL?
[11:22] <smurfy> yes we do.
[11:22] <smurfy> nothign with SoL
[11:23] <smurfy> we will hit SoL next set
[11:23] <Omega_Hawk> so if Ely does hit IX, then we'd be set next set
[11:23] <smurfy> we are more then set.
[11:23] <smurfy> if things go down the way I want
[11:23] <smurfy> we will be able to show a very big show of power.
[11:23] <smurfy> that after next set
[11:23] <smurfy> people will probably be trying to jump ship and pact with us.
[11:24] <smurfy> wich is something we will discuss then'
[11:24] <Omega_Hawk> so in terms of pacting
[11:24] <smurfy> we must do it as a group
[11:24] <Omega_Hawk> we're all dropping SOL/keeping them down
[11:24] <smurfy> certain pacts cannot be helped
[11:24] <smurfy> like my pact with IX.
[11:24] <smurfy> but that is ok cause I am willing to commit to hitting SoL
[11:24] <smurfy> dropping them
[11:24] <Omega_Hawk> i'd like to pact IX
[11:25] <Omega_Hawk> but only if they pact the rest of us
[11:25] <smurfy> after next set that will be an option
[11:25] <smurfy> but next set we have to come with a show of force
[11:26] <smurfy> they are very over confident.
[11:26] <Omega_Hawk> okay. lets get to specifics
[11:26] <smurfy> ok first of
[11:26] <Omega_Hawk> specifically, how will we pact this season. specifically, what will we do?
[11:26] <smurfy> the reason we have this head/VP
[11:26] <smurfy> or try to is to ensure this stays between us
[11:26] <smurfy> what is said here cannot be said to other people
[11:26] <smurfy> not even to your guys FDP's
[11:26] <Guest_shadrach> well, all our fdp's are here, except sol :P
[11:27] <Omega_Hawk> SOL is your FDP?
[11:27] <Guest_shadrach> yeah
[11:27] <Omega_Hawk> and you're FAing an alliance they're at war with?
[11:27] <smurfy> yuor willing to drop them next set?
[11:27] <Guest_shadrach> but we have committed to this side
[11:27] <Guest_shadrach> yeah, wea re gonna drop them next set
[11:28] <Omega_Hawk> an FDP ceased being only a friendship pact a LONG time ago..
[11:28] <smurfy> SoL fluffed over Rage a few sets ago
[11:28] <Omega_Hawk> before FDP = best friends now FDP = political advantage
[11:28] <smurfy> signed a pact with IX half was through a set
[11:28] <smurfy> just so IX could take out Rage and SoL would not have to help
[11:28] <Omega_Hawk> Icez was telling me
[11:28] <smurfy> SoL also fluffedover LCN
[11:28] <smurfy> Sol also fluffed over Ely this set
[11:28] <Omega_Hawk> that about a year ago, there was something that alienated rage from MD/Omega
[11:28] <smurfy> they new by planning to hit MD/LCN they were taking away Elys best support
[11:29] <Omega_Hawk> about us pacting out of a war leaving them alond.. i was still "retired" then so i don't know
[11:29] <smurfy> Rage is on board.
[11:29] <smurfy> Icez and I are very good friends
[11:29] <Omega_Hawk> LS and I are very good friends
[11:29] <Omega_Hawk> so we're set with rage
[11:30] <smurfy> ok like I said we cannot predict everything
[11:30] <smurfy> we can have a genral outline but we must be flexible and go with the flow
[11:30] <smurfy> they cannot win this next set aslong as we all stay loyal we are set for many sets to come.
[11:31] <smurfy> the biggest thing is we got the advantage is the smaller clans... the 20-60 member clans
[11:31] <Omega_Hawk> next set is our reunion set
[11:31] <smurfy> also the fact that SoL and IX are huge fluffs to alot of people made it kinda easy to :p
[11:31] <smurfy> next set will be alot of fun
[11:31] <Omega_Hawk> we're already above 70, probably at 75, with about 5-10 more coming back at the end of this set
[11:31] <smurfy> get Helmet back :p
[11:31] <smurfy> he used to play in omega
[11:31] <Omega_Hawk> heh
[11:31] <Omega_Hawk> didn't he found SoF?
[11:31] <smurfy> yes
[11:32] <Omega_Hawk> we have 77 members
[11:32] <Guest_shadrach> well, like i told you last night smurfy, our biggest issue is a lot of new members
[11:32] <Omega_Hawk> 77 members tagged up this set
[11:32] <Omega_Hawk> and we have at least 5 more coming next set
[11:32] <smurfy> that will not be an issue
[11:32] <smurfy> myself and Murf will run most of the chats personaly
[11:32] <Omega_Hawk> smurfy, the biggest issue is this joint war
[11:32] <Guest_shadrach> we have 76 tagged right now
[11:32] <smurfy> and we are willing to train any of our allies who need it.
[11:32] <Omega_Hawk> my guys don't have a war feeling right now
[11:32] <Omega_Hawk> Omega is very interpersonal...
[11:32] <smurfy> they will by next set :p
[11:33] <Omega_Hawk> holy crap! we have 77 members!!!
[11:33] <Omega_Hawk> we were down to like 55 3 sets ago
[11:33] <Guest_shadrach> ?
[11:33] <Guest_shadrach> hehe
[11:33] <Omega_Hawk> okay anyways
[11:33] <Omega_Hawk> next set
[11:33] <Omega_Hawk> we hit SOL?
[11:33] <Omega_Hawk> we wait for SOL to hit us?
[11:33] <Guest_shadrach> we have a lot of new people that want to war
[11:33] <smurfy> ok I want next set to be revenge for people.
[11:33] <smurfy> the people who have a grudge against IX are allready taken care of.
[11:34] <smurfy> What I need to focus on is the people who have a grudge with SoL
[11:34] <smurfy> I want to set this up so those with a personal grudge in this get some pay back
[11:34] <Omega_Hawk> can you get TIE to hit us?
[11:34] <smurfy> like LCN does not have to give a war dec when they hit SoL :p
[11:34] <Omega_Hawk> :P
[11:34] <smurfy> trust me Tie/Sky are IX's allies first
[11:34] <smurfy> and after we hit SoL they will loose alot of support
[11:35] <smurfy> honestly this set would be totaly diffrent if Sol was out of the way right?
[11:35] <smurfy> I mean LMaO could then support ELy right?
[11:35] <smurfy> they have made it quite clear that allies are a part fo the game and there is nothing wrong with getting them involved
[11:35] <Omega_Hawk> what i want... is SOL to lose
[11:35] <Omega_Hawk> I want SOL to call in allies
[11:36] <Omega_Hawk> I want SOL to call in the hand of God
[11:36] <Omega_Hawk> and lose
[11:36] <smurfy> how would you like SoL to call in allies
[11:36] <smurfy> and they refuse?
[11:36] <Guest_shadrach> rofl
[11:36] <Omega_Hawk> that would be better
[11:36] <smurfy> ok here is my plan
[11:36] <smurfy> we joint hit SoL
[11:36] <Guest_shadrach> who?
[11:36] <smurfy> now those people who will war others later... like imag and others who will be taking out people like mkr/mx/rogue will not use missles in the FS
[11:37] <smurfy> but I woudl like to see the following people hit SoL
[11:37] <smurfy> and this is why it is VP+ in here or trusted peopel ;)
[11:37] <smurfy> we cannot have people talkign about this trying to make themselves look important
[11:37] <smurfy> best thing we can do is keep this to ourselves and let it be a surprise
[11:37] <smurfy> but here is who I want to hit SoL:
[11:38] <smurfy> SoF/Exo/LCN/omega/iron/Ely(maybe)/Rage(maybe)/imag/MD(maybe)
[11:38] <smurfy> there are others
[11:38] <smurfy> my brain is just all fluffed up rigth now :p
[11:38] <smurfy> now the maybes are there cause some people
[11:38] <smurfy> will have to save turns
[11:39] <smurfy> and stay out incase we get jumped./
[11:39] <Omega_Hawk> jesus christ
[11:39] <Guest_shadrach> even without the maybes thats som big #'s
[11:39] <smurfy> well the maybes will add about 150-200+ more countries
[11:39] <Omega_Hawk> jesus
[11:39] <Omega_Hawk> WOW
[11:39] <smurfy> Like I said when I get involved I make sure my side wins.
[11:39] <Omega_Hawk> SoF+Exo+LCN+Omega+Iron+Ely+Rage+Imag+MD=like 1000 counties
[11:39] <smurfy> not all will hit
[11:39] <smurfy> we need a couple bigger clans to stay out and save turns
[11:40] <smurfy> just to ensure that if we get jumped we will have fresh support
[11:40] <smurfy> now after the FS..
[11:40] <smurfy> those who will be fighting the other side will pull out.
[11:40] <smurfy> nobody will Dec war on SoL cept for those who will not be pulling out.
[11:40] <smurfy> SoL and IX have both shown they have no problems using allies
[11:41] <smurfy> so I will show them how I use them.
[11:41] <smurfy> and how to make the biggest impact
[11:41] <Omega_Hawk> well then, we should organize one of these meetsing for head/vp of the aforementioned alliances
[11:41] <Omega_Hawk> get Icez in here, get Hardy in here, get rainbow in here
[11:42] <Guest_shadrach> yeah, itd be nice to see everyone showing support
[11:42] <smurfy> I am in close contact with them
[11:42] <smurfy> I assure you Ely is on board %100
[11:43] <smurfy> and Rage will hit theres no doubt
[11:43] <smurfy> those people who were maybe
[11:43] <smurfy> all we are not sure of is who they will hit
[11:43] <smurfy> but we still know they are on board
[11:43] <smurfy> like I said after the FS
[11:43] <smurfy> alot can pull out.
[11:43] <smurfy> and only 1-2 will need to stay and mop up SoL
[11:43] <Guest_shadrach> yeah, half of sol will be dead
[11:44] <smurfy> I would assume who ever has a personal grudge with SoL can do that
[11:44] <smurfy> yeah [=
[11:44] <Omega_Hawk> <---
[11:44] * Omega_Hawk raises hand
[11:44] <smurfy> wich leaves us in control
[11:44] <smurfy> yeah?
[11:44] <Omega_Hawk> no... l
[11:44] <Omega_Hawk> lol
[11:45] <Omega_Hawk> i mean personal grudge
[11:45] <Omega_Hawk> i pointed to myself and raise my hand :)
[11:45] <smurfy> [=
[11:45] <smurfy> we of course will not all be able to stay
[11:45] <smurfy> we need to make sure the group comes first
[11:45] <smurfy> and we need to cover each others ass's no matter what
[11:46] <smurfy> now I am close with IX.
[11:46] <smurfy> they know me and I know them.
[11:46] <smurfy> over the last few days I have been openly telling SoL they can go fluff themselves...
[11:46] <smurfy> IX has noticed.
[11:46] <smurfy> Angy and Floyd know I will do not anything unless I know I can win.
[11:46] <smurfy> so there is a chance IX will prepare to just drop SoL next set once we hit.
[11:47] <Guest_shadrach> ouch
[11:47] <Guest_shadrach> which would leave them atranded
[11:47] <Guest_shadrach> stranded*
[11:47] <smurfy> oh good
[11:48] <smurfy> another friend is here
[11:48] <smurfy>
[11:48] * Rage_Icez has joined #xxl
[11:48] <smurfy> that sums it up pretty much
[11:48] <smurfy> heya Icez [=
[11:48] * smurfy sets mode: +o Rage_Icez
[11:48] <smurfy> but I do not expect you to understand what friend would do... I am happy knowing when IX and there allies drop you that you will stand alone on this server.
[11:48] <Guest_shadrach> hey there Icez
[11:48] <Rage_Icez> Yo
[11:49] <smurfy> my last post to SoL sums it up totaly
[11:49] <smurfy> they build up there alliance on fluffing there allies over
[11:49] <smurfy> and so has IX
[11:49] <smurfy> that is how I know SoL will not stay at the top
[11:49] <smurfy> they just will not be able to work together :p
[11:49] <Guest_shadrach> good
[11:49] <Guest_shadrach> and their membership shoudl drop some after this set to
[11:49] <Rage_Icez> Who is shadrach!
[11:50] <Rage_Icez> I know every one else
[11:50] <Omega_Hawk> exo
[11:50] <Omega_Hawk> he speaks for exo
[11:50] <Rage_Icez> ahh, really?
[11:50] <Guest_shadrach> heya!
[11:50] <smurfy> yup [=
[11:50] <Omega_Hawk> hey hardy in here
[11:50] <Rage_Icez> I thought that was gibz or woz
[11:50] <smurfy> they could not make it.
[11:50] <Guest_shadrach> woz is in class
[11:50] <Guest_shadrach> and GG is at work
[11:50] <Rage_Icez> k
[11:50] <Guest_shadrach> <-- HFA
[11:50] <Omega_Hawk> he's in gibz's confidence
[11:50] <smurfy> but assured me Shad can speak for Exo and make any decissions need'd
[11:51] <smurfy> so really the only thing that we have to worry about is if one of us gets hit first.
[11:51] <smurfy> but that is something we will just have to deal with when it comes up.
[11:51] <smurfy> best thing is to be patient and not make any mistakes.
[11:51] <smurfy> everything we do must be done right.
[11:51] <smurfy> and we must think long term
[11:52] <smurfy> as you can see though
[11:52] <smurfy> numbers are not a problem
[11:52] <smurfy> nobody will be left alone to fend for themselves
[11:52] <smurfy> most important thing is that we are there for each other.
[11:53] <Guest_shadrach> do you have a target time frame on when you want to do this?
[11:53] <smurfy> to be honest
[11:53] <smurfy> the later the better
[11:53] <smurfy> SoF/Rage/Ely/everyone else.
[11:53] <smurfy> all build more solid countries then SoL
[11:54] <Guest_shadrach> true
[11:54] <smurfy> so waiting untill say sometime in week 5 would be best
[11:54] <Rage_Icez> I dont think that is poisble
[11:53] <smurfy> all build more solid countries then SoL
[11:54] <Guest_shadrach> true
[11:54] <smurfy> so waiting untill say sometime in week 5 would be best
[11:54] <Rage_Icez> I dont think that is poisble
[11:54] <smurfy> neither do I.
[11:54] <Rage_Icez> your just leaving a hudge window for this to be destroyed
[11:54] <smurfy> but it is a nice though.
[11:54] <smurfy> but I am confident in week 4.
[11:54] <smurfy> chances are we will figure out when one of them is having an FS anyways
[11:55] <smurfy> the
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


iccyh Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 1:55:15

My last 'set was early '05. Omega had been at ~120 members, and was just coming off the 10k FS 'set. Barely a year later they're at 77 members and "don't have a war feeling right now".

I kind of want to yell "I TOLD YOU SO" at those '06 Omega leaders, but they'd made their choice and that's a large part of why I quit :P

Edited By: iccyh on Oct 2nd 2014, 1:57:44
See Original Post



Oct 2nd 2014, 1:58:39

mmm, nachos
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Riddler Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 11:43:14

I miss Icez

NoleICN Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:37:45

wow.... so many old names....


Vamps Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:39:25


That guy was fun

Makinso Game profile


Oct 3rd 2014, 7:04:11

Ah that set the true birthset of SLIT.

This was also the set MD taghopped to sof in an attempt to avoid being hit by IX and TIE if I remember right.

Big server shift in politics happened that set it had quite a fall out.

Assassin Game profile


Oct 3rd 2014, 16:00:27

typical Keltbot, wouldn't let anyone else get a word in

hawkeyee Game profile


Oct 3rd 2014, 17:15:56

Holy crap I was young
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

Scorba Game profile


Oct 3rd 2014, 17:25:21

funny read. It didn't work out well for sof, but it was always fun watching them plan that stuff.

Boltar Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 7:45:11

heh funny how ely took a big role in that war, then left all their allies hanging the following set.. i loved hitting them the set after that when i joined sof for the first time when sof/imag hit ely together

PraetorNLS Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 8:18:15

I didt get a mention :'(
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Oct 6th 2014, 14:21:02

Lol I had so much fun with ely's FA department over the years:P
We won't get into that here:P
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 6th 2014, 20:52:18

/me slaps shadrach around a bit with a trout
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"
