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Now did they know that you were planning a funeral? I am not trying to sound like an ass here but folks do not know what other folks are doing in RL.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
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Sorry for your loss Aphrodite.
As for SoF/SoL killing restarts, meh its war it happens..
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I'm sorry for your loss Aphrodite.
I don't understand war very much but I have not been able to kill an original for weeks either. I think it made Requiem ragequit. SAD!
Ty guys and no no Galleri you're good girl. This was more of a vent post. Don't expect any of them to respond exvept for Task1 but he's irrelevant. They can't get a tagkill so they are killing my restart of a restart. Not really an accomplishment killing me. I suck lol. Ty again the wake was beautiful. Cancer sucks.