
BladeEWG Game profile


Apr 27th 2016, 22:37:24

Naming a VP running m8 when you're not the nominee is a bold move. I get it that ,she can help him when Calif votes but this smacks of a desperate act.
I'll be so glad when this race is over. It was amused for awhile but now its getting ridiculous.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump and Kasich follow suit now.

Heston Game profile


Apr 27th 2016, 23:01:51

Cruz is desperate. Carly and him both look like that shapeshifter from deep space 9. Kasich is just a worthless asshole tap dancing for cruz .
Bernie is a lost cause lol vote.
I look forward to a trump - clinton circus. Clinton should be an easy target to fluff all over.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Heston Game profile


Apr 27th 2016, 23:04:24

And lol a everyone voting for worthess no chance nobody that will never fluffin win like johnson or vermine supreme. U wanna throw your vote at least vote write in yourself of pm me for my name to write in.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 27th 2016, 23:14:34

I'm from Washington. The electoral college votes from my state will go to Hillary no matter who I vote for. So, I'll go ahead and vote for someone who would actually be a good President, rather than one of the two idiots from the big parties.

You're in the same boat, Heston. Your state's vote would go to the Democrat candidate even if it was Hitler. Why not vote for somebody worth a fluff?

mrford Game profile


Apr 27th 2016, 23:25:51

i would argue that teaming up with your opponent in a vain attempt to defeat the juggernaught opponent is even more desperate
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Apr 27th 2016, 23:36:13

This is the rest of the Republican party working against Trump.

They are trying their best to make sure that Trump will not win on first ballot, if they achieve that goal, then they will have a fighting chance at wrestling the nomination away from Trump.

Trump has no political capital or the relationships of a tenure politician. He will lose more and more votes each ballot if it goes past the first.

But, if that does happen and it's Clinton vs Cruz/whoever.
What if Bernie and Donald runs as co-Presidents as independents?

That, would be interesting.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Heston Game profile


Apr 27th 2016, 23:46:38

No bernie or clinton. No cruz.

I also support england waving the middle finger to the fluffing eu.
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Apr 28th 2016, 0:15:51

If Obama could run for a third term, I still can't vote for him.

I'm Canadian.

But I'm all for Obama for a 3rd term.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

TipDaVampire Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 0:32:31

Ditto Forgotten.

Frybert Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 0:45:33

I think there needs to be a 'Citizen's override' on presidential ballots. An 'I vote for none of the above'. If that option gets the majority vote, whoever is in office stays in office for the next two years. In that time a new election will be held in which none of the candidates on the previous ballot are allowed to run.

Scott Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 1:16:50

Originally posted by Frybert:
I think there needs to be a 'Citizen's override' on presidential ballots. An 'I vote for none of the above'. If that option gets the majority vote, whoever is in office stays in office for the next two years. In that time a new election will be held in which none of the candidates on the previous ballot are allowed to run.

You are assuming the people would want the current guy in office. Would be a horrible assumption.

Scott Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 1:17:26

Originally posted by Forgotten:
If Obama could run for a third term, I still can't vote for him.

I'm Canadian.

But I'm all for Obama for a 3rd term.

I understand, freedom is new for you guys.

Red X Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 2:06:54

#FeelTheJohnson #VoteLibertarian #EndTheTwoPartySystem #MakeAmericaSaneAgain #TaxationIsTheft
Originally posted by Leto:
I thought it was a Strategy based war game.

I am playing chinese checkers while y'all are playing chess, so i'm not sure.

Heston Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 2:07:47

Hashtags are weak bullfluff.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Red X Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 2:20:59

Originally posted by Leto:
I thought it was a Strategy based war game.

I am playing chinese checkers while y'all are playing chess, so i'm not sure.



Apr 28th 2016, 2:39:14

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
If Obama could run for a third term, I still can't vote for him.

I'm Canadian.

But I'm all for Obama for a 3rd term.

I understand, freedom is new for you guys.

We never lost our freedom, do you want us to burn the White House down again?
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Heston Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 2:46:38

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
If Obama could run for a third term, I still can't vote for him.

I'm Canadian.

But I'm all for Obama for a 3rd term.

I understand, freedom is new for you guys.

We never lost our freedom, do you want us to burn the White House down again?

Then march all the homos and liberals and draft dodgers back with yous.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Heston Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 2:49:10

Ohhh wait.
Youre already a magnet for those
Good luck with that
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Red X Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 3:01:26

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
If Obama could run for a third term, I still can't vote for him.

I'm Canadian.

But I'm all for Obama for a 3rd term.

I understand, freedom is new for you guys.

We never lost our freedom, do you want us to burn the White House down again?

You could try.
Originally posted by Leto:
I thought it was a Strategy based war game.

I am playing chinese checkers while y'all are playing chess, so i'm not sure.

Frybert Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 3:24:30

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Frybert:
I think there needs to be a 'Citizen's override' on presidential ballots. An 'I vote for none of the above'. If that option gets the majority vote, whoever is in office stays in office for the next two years. In that time a new election will be held in which none of the candidates on the previous ballot are allowed to run.

You are assuming the people would want the current guy in office. Would be a horrible assumption.

The people who make that vote would prefer the guy current guy in office to those replacing him.

BladeEWG Game profile


Apr 28th 2016, 10:34:11

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
If Obama could run for a third term, I still can't vote for him.

I'm Canadian.

But I'm all for Obama for a 3rd term.

I understand, freedom is new for you guys.

We never lost our freedom, do you want us to burn the White House down again?

Thats pretty funny

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 28th 2016, 10:35:14

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
If Obama could run for a third term, I still can't vote for him.

I'm Canadian.

But I'm all for Obama for a 3rd term.

I understand, freedom is new for you guys.

We never lost our freedom, do you want us to burn the White House down again?

Canada did not burn the Whitehouse down it happened 55yrs before the birth of the nation.

It was burned down by British loyalists in response to an attempted American invasion of what is now southern Ontario but then was one of the most lawless parts of North America and unbeknownst at the time was that the same parcel of land roughly 30 years later would become the first spot in North America, perhaps even the world where you could commercially drill for crude oil, albeit sweet crude which requires both a Coker and a cracker to cook into petrol. At the time it was the largest ever oil discovery in history.

Just because Harper tried to commemorate this event as a moment in Canadian history for the first time a couple of years doesn't mean Canada really had anything to do with it. As after 1867 when Canada was indeed formed these same loyalist tried to overthrow Upper and Lower Canada as well but ironically with American help their rebellion was felled and its leaders executed.

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 28th 2016, 10:43:05

And yes Cruz seems desperate

But they all seem desperate

Surprised none of them have tried the "sunny ways" campaign tactic of 1 million promises of gold like pm wavy hair here in kanada

Obama was an inept disease on America. Defending the status quo through inaction and sheer ignorance but he was still better than 16 years of squander of the Clinton/bush era. America has had 24 years of leaders governing via executive orders.

How much more abuse can that nation handle from its elected officials?

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 28th 2016, 19:28:26

"Cruz seems desperate"

he hasn't got his leg over in over 24 hours :P
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


mrford Game profile


May 4th 2016, 0:56:36

Game. Set. Match. Cruz just gave up.

If you would have told me 15 years ago that it would be either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, I would have laughed you out of the room.

fluff me.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Red X Game profile


May 4th 2016, 1:37:04

Originally posted by mrford:
Game. Set. Match. Cruz just gave up.

If you would have told me 15 years ago that it would be either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, I would have laughed you out of the room.

fluff me.

Yeah, it's sad.
Originally posted by Leto:
I thought it was a Strategy based war game.

I am playing chinese checkers while y'all are playing chess, so i'm not sure.

Link Game profile


May 4th 2016, 2:44:06

aaaaand hes done

I Am a meat popsicle.


Serpentor Game profile


May 4th 2016, 3:49:22

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
If Obama could run for a third term, I still can't vote for him.

I'm Canadian.

But I'm all for Obama for a 3rd term.

I understand, freedom is new for you guys.

Lol... Show us your freedom.

Go vote for one of those two corrupt parties that are owned by the big money corporations, and will do whatever it takes to be in power over you.

There's many countries with more freedom than USA... Oh wait I'm wrong, freedom means more guns... I forgot... You have the most freedom.

The EEVIL Empire

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

May 4th 2016, 4:23:35

So he dropped out
M4D Founder

BladeEWG Game profile


May 4th 2016, 10:54:19

And poor Carley, just a few days ago she was a veep candidate.


New Member
EE Patron

May 4th 2016, 11:16:46

It got ugly when his wife called him a Canadian just moments after he suspended his campaign.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:16:01

So we have an amoral, narcissistic, pathological liar as the presidential candidate for one of the two major parties....

And for the other party we have Trump.

This could be the libertarian party's year! :)

Atryn Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:35:53

"cute" SAM. There is no way you can call Clinton more narcissistic than Trump. In fact, I don't really see how you can call her that at all if you understand what the word means.

Heston Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:48:35

Lol. Dumbass.
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Atryn Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:52:18

Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.
Narcissist definition, a person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish.

Mayo Clinic:
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

Atryn Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:56:40

And.... Kasich just dropped out too.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:59:45

Originally posted by Atryn:

"cute" SAM. There is no way you can call Clinton more narcissistic than Trump. In fact, I don't really see how you can call her that at all if you understand what the word means.

I never said she was more narcissistic than Trump. Just called her a narcissist.

To me, the term "pathological liar" would be the bigger insult anyway. And I don't see how anyone can deny that both of these terrible candidates fit that bill.

Colo Game profile


May 4th 2016, 20:42:17

Yeeeahhh Hilldawg!

woof woof woof

Atryn Game profile


May 4th 2016, 21:23:40

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
To me, the term "pathological liar" would be the bigger insult anyway. And I don't see how anyone can deny that both of these terrible candidates fit that bill.

That's very easy. While both may have lied at some point, neither comes anywhere close to the definition of "pathological". A pathological liar is compelled to lie about things even when it serves no purpose whatsoever.

Again.... Wikipedia:
Pathological lying can be described as a habituation of lying. It is when an individual consistently lies for no personal gain. The lies are commonly transparent and often seem rather pointless. There are many consequences of being a pathological liar.
a person who tells lies frequently, with no rational motive for doing so.

a person who lies compulsively usually for no external gain or benefit and often with detrimental consequences

I think we could describe your own tendencies as "hyperbolic".

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 4th 2016, 21:44:15

I guess you've got me there. Both are extremely frequent liars, both are often extremely obvious in their lies, but both do it for personal gain. So pathological really doesn't fit. They're just lying dirtbags (waiting to be proven wrong with a Wikipedia definition of "dirtbag" now)

BTW, Hillary's behavior does often seem to fit the Mayo Clinic's definition of narcissism that you posted above.

now im nothing Game profile


May 4th 2016, 22:04:19

less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

Atryn Game profile


May 5th 2016, 0:56:47

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
waiting to be proven wrong with a Wikipedia definition of "dirtbag" now

I dunno about wikipedia, but how's this?

Scott Game profile


May 5th 2016, 2:17:34

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
If Obama could run for a third term, I still can't vote for him.

I'm Canadian.

But I'm all for Obama for a 3rd term.

I understand, freedom is new for you guys.

We never lost our freedom, do you want us to burn the White House down again?

Never had freedoms to start with I suppose.