
martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Aug 4th 2014, 20:00:08

As some of you may know, there have been allegations of game mods leaking stuff and nude conspiracy theories ect.
my investigation is finally complete.

Pretty much I can say is that you are all a bunch of overly paranoid fluffs.
After looking at all the mod access logs going back several sets along with the news and some other stuff
I can conclude that there wasn't really any systamatic leaking from a game mod to any individual
tag or tags.I admit that when I saw things initially things looked rather bad and I may have said somethings in anger that I shouldn't have
(privately). But this is way I waited until I had ALL the facts first.

1) the assertion that tellarion leaked anything to anyone: not unless he had a time machine and a quantum computer.

2) the assertion that galleri was leaking info to sof. One country as part of an issue with an FFA investigation
which was posted to the board. The individual happened to be playing in md the following set. Somehow
this became galleri leaking country info to sof in a systematic way. Again you guys let rumors snowball out of proportion

3) the assertion that galleri leaked info to md. one country after the fact (I had to check the timing). She probably should just
have said nothing but the damage had already been done.

4) md: really you guys should cooperate with the admin staff more. It would have made this a lot faster/easier and have avoided you looking like you were doing something shady when you weren't.

5) sof: seriously. there's no admin conspiracy against you guys. I was slow because qz was busy, because people took forever to respond, because logs are not in spreadsheet friendly format, and because I wanted to have all of the facts first. NO game mod leaked your country info.

6) Scode: some people had some very lucky guesswork for your remade countries. Your initial country was leaked by someone but not a staff or a game mod although one unwittingly confirmed it. The rest were done similarly to how laf identifies (guesstifies) peoples restarts.

Finally I will say this: all you of need to stop trying to use admin actions/investigations for political gain.


At this point I consider this matter closed.

Oh yes, there is no mod exploit. There is a tool that lets any game mod find out the country number
of any user name for any server from past sets. This tool will be restricted to just me and admin going forward
to avoid any potential paranoia or conflicts of interest.

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Aug 4th 2014, 20:02:00

Confirmed! This post is also impossible to find =/

If anybody has any specific questions, feel free to message me or martian in private as well...
Finally did the signature thing.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 4th 2014, 20:18:55

You guys are fluffy fluffs, but my favorite fluffs for sure :P
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:22:10

So a bunch of work for nothing? Sorry you guys had to go through that.

It's admirable that martian and qz listened to all the assertions and did the work. Thanks guys.

Alin Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:35:46

From: mrford
Jul 12, 2014
To: Alin
you do understand that your side used mod tools to find out that iscode played in SoF right? i thank them for pointing that out, as i hate that kiwi fluff, but your side are fluffing cheaters. the very thing you hate is the thing you are fighting for, and its funny. tella, mdevol, and galleri used mod tools to gain access to SoF payers profiles. it is the only way thry could of known iScode was in SoF. Martian was going to delete entire tags, but was talked out of it. it will neer be made public, but repercussions are coming so im told.

i suppose you are used to being ignorant, but i suppose you need to know what a sack of fluff your side is as well. no one is perfect dumbass. if they used those powers for iScode, what else did they use them for?

This sums up Sof point of view pretty much.

Martha to put it in other words: NO WE DID NOT. Sure your leaders did fluff, a couple of times, in the recent history - that`s what makes us better than you, as a group.

Edited By: Alin on Aug 4th 2014, 20:39:04

locket Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:38:29

No one on either side will believe you anyways :P

TAN Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:38:41

that is some BULLfluff and I demand an investigation into the investigation! and for the record, I OBJECT.

Alin Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:39:37

<b>vote TAN</b>

TAN Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:42:30

Damnit Alin hide your boner. Not here too!

Makinso Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:43:02

lol TAN for president.

Anyways thanks for clearing this up martian.
Sorry you had to invest so much time into something this stupid just out of peoples pure and ridiculous paranoia.

Alin Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:44:25

TAN is bad trust me on this one!

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Aug 4th 2014, 20:45:03

@eric: it's better that it turns up nothing than we find out that someone is seriously abusing trust I guess. Unfortunately it was something that was rather complicated to trace through and figure out because of the number of people potentially involved.
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


iScode Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:47:03

"Your initial country was leaked by someone but not a staff or a game mod although one unwittingly confirmed it."

How could someone leak my initial country if only I knew where it was played and I didn't leak it? I don't understand how that works unless they had access to the mod tools, as I have said to you numerous times. Did they guess my original country and then a mod confirm it? If so then how would a mod know with out abusing their powers by looking up my country?

IF my original country was only guessed to be mine (which is highly unlikely) then the game mod who 'unwittingly confirmed it' would of had to use mod tools to confrim it, therefor cheating...

God of War


Alin Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:51:45

all this must be a conspiracy against iScode ...

TAN Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:53:36


mrford Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:55:13

Classy as always alin.

I have publically stated multiple times all the information wasn't correct and that I had given up on the matter.

It is comical last night that you were complaining about me posting PMs (which I never did, I just said you were romanian, common knowlage but you are well known for using whatever to rationalize whatever so I assume you will ignore that as well) and you take a PM out of context in a developing situation and directly quote it on a public board.

You are classless. I will troll and whatever but I atleast have my limits. But I don't really expect or want you to change. I don't have to tell people what type of person you are because you constantly put it on display. You are doing my work for me. That is the last I'm going to say on this situation and in this thread.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

TAN Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:56:24


Hobo Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 20:59:23

this post is fluff and everyone who posted in it is fluff, including me

TAN Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 21:00:06


Heston Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 21:03:30

Alin is md connon fodder.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Alin Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 21:04:56

Originally posted by mrford:
Classy as always alin.

I have publically stated multiple times all the information wasn't correct and that I had given up on the matter.

It is comical last night that you were complaining about me posting PMs (which I never did, I just said you were romanian, common knowlage but you are well known for using whatever to rationalize whatever so I assume you will ignore that as well) and you take a PM out of context in a developing situation and directly quote it on a public board.

You are classless. I will troll and whatever but I atleast have my limits. But I don't really expect or want you to change. I don't have to tell people what type of person you are because you constantly put it on display. You are doing my work for me. That is the last I'm going to say on this situation and in this thread.

I am doing exactly what you were doing to me in the past(not only the romanian part). I have honor, a lot more than you have. i own pms with other people i will never share. But i would not fight you with bare fists when you already shoot your guns @ me. I am nice only once with people ... after that i am just : me :)

Now fluff off ...

Heston Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 21:09:26

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by mrford:
Classy as always alin.

I have publically stated multiple times all the information wasn't correct and that I had given up on the matter.

It is comical last night that you were complaining about me posting PMs (which I never did, I just said you were romanian, common knowlage but you are well known for using whatever to rationalize whatever so I assume you will ignore that as well) and you take a PM out of context in a developing situation and directly quote it on a public board.

You are classless. I will troll and whatever but I atleast have my limits. But I don't really expect or want you to change. I don't have to tell people what type of person you are because you constantly put it on display. You are doing my work for me. That is the last I'm going to say on this situation and in this thread.

I am doing exactly what you were doing to me in the past(not only the romanian part). I have honor, a lot more than you have. i own pms with other people i will never share. But i would not fight you with bare fists when you already shoot your guns @ me. I am nice only once with people ... after that i am just : me :)

Now fluff off ...

Step away from the smoke and mirrors!

Edited By: Heston on Aug 4th 2014, 21:12:59
See Original Post
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Hobo Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 21:19:49

Originally posted by Heston:
Step away from the smoke and mirrors!

I have a fan in my room so there are never any smoke. And I am too poor to afford a mirror.

Home Turf Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 22:07:49

blah blah blah

Nice work martian and qz!

PS: Thanx!!

Trife Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 22:17:14

TAN for Game Admin 2014!!!!!!!!!!

i wonder if there will be any apologies issued to the game admins in light of the outcome of their investigation!

Alin Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 22:19:29

remove apologies - add complaints.

There will be plenty. I for once will complain that due to this fluff martian failed to gave me baseball picks ...



Aug 4th 2014, 23:29:51

Sorry Martian, but I still don't trust you anymore.

As long as MD doesn't have mod representation I'll be treating the modding situation as suspect. History is history and we've been on the wrong end of countless cheating scandals under the noses of the mods.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 4th 2014, 23:42:16

So should we all create new accounts with cryptic usernames?
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Mr E

EE Patron

Aug 5th 2014, 0:39:04

Originally posted by Requiem:
So should we all create new accounts with cryptic usernames?


ericownsyou5 Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 0:39:14

I would be okay with taveren or randy as a mod.

TAN Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 1:09:48

If they give someone from MD mod powers, then every other alliance without a mod will cry foul. Then we'll have 20+ mods.

Besides there is already a PDM mod, and as we've been saying for 10+ years now, you can't spell PDM without MD.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Aug 5th 2014, 1:59:41

Originally posted by TAN:
If they give someone from MD mod powers, then every other alliance without a mod will cry foul. Then we'll have 20+ mods.

Besides there is already a PDM mod, and as we've been saying for 10+ years now, you can't spell PDM without MD.

and by posting and whining about it repeatedly arsenal has pretty much disqualified everyone from MD from consideration. Good job bro.
I don't know what you have shoved up your ass lately but being antagonistic towards myself and other staff is a sure way not to get what you want.
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


euglaf Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 2:01:24

Some people take this game way too seriously. Any person who launches a "full investigation" into rumors probably needs to re-evaluate what they're doing with their time. Seriously, it is probably on the same level as KJ harassing people in real life.

Also, as I have said to MANY people over the course of the past 2 years, anyone who reads into rumors in this game is an idiot.

archaic Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 2:36:33

This makes me miss Dagga.

Nobody would ever bother initiating an actual investigation based on simple retardation. But NOW, lordy, we're down to under 50 active AT posters and suddenly we have a troll arms race.

Madness I say, madness.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Kalick Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 2:48:41

Originally posted by martian:
Originally posted by TAN:
If they give someone from MD mod powers, then every other alliance without a mod will cry foul. Then we'll have 20+ mods.

Besides there is already a PDM mod, and as we've been saying for 10+ years now, you can't spell PDM without MD.

and by posting and whining about it repeatedly arsenal has pretty much disqualified everyone from MD from consideration. Good job bro.
I don't know what you have shoved up your ass lately but being antagonistic towards myself and other staff is a sure way not to get what you want.

That's silly. If you guys need a new mod, take the best person. Don't get dragged down into this game's political BS.

Atryn Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 3:17:43

Originally posted by martian:
I love you all.

I find this statement incredibly PC.



Aug 5th 2014, 3:27:57

Originally posted by martian:
I love you all.

is that in a bromance way, or should we all start chanting "no homo"? :p
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Viceroy Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 4:16:14

So my take aways from this investigation is that there were mod indiscretions, but much smaller in scope than what they were accused of and (mostly) unrelated to the matter at hand.

Assuming I am reading it correctly (which is difficult, what with the incomplete sentences that bring in a surprising amount of ambiguity...), this is what was upheld:

#2 claims that galleri leaked the identity of an FFA country in an separate investigation.

#3 either refers to the same country in #2 or a different country. If it was a separate incident, then this appears to state that there was a leak. However, it is very unclear when this occurred. If it was after the fact, then how can there be any damage done? If damage was done, then how did this occur after the fact? The only alternative I can come up with on my own is maybe she leaked some of the information surrounding the ongoing investigation, thereby hurting mod PR but having little effect on the events being investigated. Regardless, point 3 is very ambiguous and confusing.

#6 states that a mod confirmed which country scode was running. How is this not an abuse of power? An exact parallel, members of the US Intelligence Community are obligated to protect classified material even if (and especially if) all that material is already in the public domain. It is illegal for them to even visit websites like wiki leaks or to read any of the Guardian's articles that include information leaked by Mr. Snowden. Additionally, this point does not address how the information leaked about the initial country was obtained. Is it safe to assume that it was beyond the scope of this investigation because it was determined it was not leaked by an admin?

If I am misguided or incorrect on any one of these points, feel free to correct me. Further, I appreciate the time spent discovering exactly what happened. Even more importantly, considering its kind of a pet issue of mine, I very much appreciate this information being shared publicly. None of this report had to be written. The transparency exhibited here, while certainly no panacea, will help heal the wounds this divisive created. Thank you.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Viceroy Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 4:18:02

Originally posted by Kalick:
Originally posted by martian:
and by posting and whining about it repeatedly arsenal has pretty much disqualified everyone from MD from consideration. Good job bro.
I don't know what you have shoved up your ass lately but being antagonistic towards myself and other staff is a sure way not to get what you want.

That's silly. If you guys need a new mod, take the best person. Don't get dragged down into this game's political BS.

Amen. Any moderator and administrator must be above this.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Aug 5th 2014, 4:22:53

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by martian:
I love you all.

is that in a bromance way, or should we all start chanting "no homo"? :p

I was a bit worried for all of you when I seen that ...and in the topic ;)
I think martian was feeling as good I was last night on sinus meds. Eh who knows...maybe he was on sinus meds too.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 4:32:56

Good work Martian!!!!!
Do as I say, not as I do.



Aug 5th 2014, 4:42:32

Originally posted by martian:
Originally posted by TAN:
If they give someone from MD mod powers, then every other alliance without a mod will cry foul. Then we'll have 20+ mods.

Besides there is already a PDM mod, and as we've been saying for 10+ years now, you can't spell PDM without MD.

and by posting and whining about it repeatedly arsenal has pretty much disqualified everyone from MD from consideration. Good job bro.
I don't know what you have shoved up your ass lately but being antagonistic towards myself and other staff is a sure way not to get what you want.


My position on you is clear as day Martian. The last two massive cheating scandals you've had to be handed the evidence for anything to happen. When has the admin team (i.e. you) ever come up with anything on your own. MD has had a hand in most if not all the major anti-cheat movements in EE and E2025 history.

Disqualify all you want, you just don't like what I have to say and that fact that I of all people are saying it.

The math is simple, the alliances which have proven track records of being cheated AGAINST and have virtually no record of actually cheating should be given a hand in modding the game (at least in an oversight capacity). We aren't and every year or two someone cheats against us and all you say is "oh sorry yup found this massive cheating lets delete some countries and maybe "ban" people" -< none of which has any teeth whatsoever.

I choose to takeup my points with Qz in private because unlike you he doesn't mod me on AT at every turn.



Aug 5th 2014, 4:43:07

Originally posted by euglaf:
Some people take this game way too seriously. Any person who launches a "full investigation" into rumors probably needs to re-evaluate what they're doing with their time. Seriously, it is probably on the same level as KJ harassing people in real life.

Also, as I have said to MANY people over the course of the past 2 years, anyone who reads into rumors in this game is an idiot.

eug, get your facts straight, KJ was harassed in RL first.



Aug 5th 2014, 4:51:23

Originally posted by Viceroy:
Originally posted by Kalick:
Originally posted by martian:
and by posting and whining about it repeatedly arsenal has pretty much disqualified everyone from MD from consideration. Good job bro.
I don't know what you have shoved up your ass lately but being antagonistic towards myself and other staff is a sure way not to get what you want.

That's silly. If you guys need a new mod, take the best person. Don't get dragged down into this game's political BS.

Amen. Any moderator and administrator must be above this.


Syko_Killa Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 4:53:23

This isnt E2025, this is EE just let the past be the past. EE was supposed to be a fresh start for this game, but too many of you morons have brought your old hatred and conflicts here. You all killed the game once and your killing it again. So I say how about that server war to sort things out?
Do as I say, not as I do.

Boltar Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 4:54:04

good job green man. and the canuck

Syko_Killa Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 4:59:47

Also without any staff or admins running the game, the problems that you speak of would be far worse ARSENAL, just imagine if they all quit and decided to let the game run as is on auto-pilot and reset itself when its supposed too. This game would be hectic to say the least.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 5:06:28

You know that might actually be a fun server, one where you could pretty much do whatever you want without any mods or staff to play referee. Just make sure that it doesn't have a thread for discussions like the other servers. Make it a server without most of the rules the other servers have, of course no bot running, but other than that, just pretty much free to do as you please and it must have clans. But not like the alpha server. Must have a certain amount of turns and such to make it a bit challenging. Also would be cool if you included a new government type with different strengths and weaknesses. Now my mind is just running wild.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Boltar Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 5:34:29

it use to be like that on team Syko

iScode Game profile


Aug 5th 2014, 6:08:59

It looks like I probably wont get a response to my above post sooo...

While I don't agree with the result of your investigation martian and probably never will, thank you for taking the time to look into it. You wont hear from me about this again, I will accept your findings and leave it at that.

My apologies to anyone who wasted any time on this investigation due to the complaint I laid including alliance leaders.
God of War