Originally posted by Junky:
Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I don't see how a lack of fighting would kill the markets what so ever.
It may depress the mid round military units (over supply) but at the same time probably not, as I assume less people would run indies (given that they stink).
Techers would be fine, why would everyone suddenly run tech starts if they are netting? Do all the netters run tech starts now? no....
Tech markets are weaker now than they have been in the past because of fighters, not netters.
Its the fighters that are making 50% + of their countries run techers, something that netters typically wouldn't do because diversifying strategy selection reduces market risks and increases the expected value of the final ANW...
Good netters do Tech start... it gives them a bonus to thier early netting.. people would be fools not the Tech start.. I don't like to tech, but I still Tech start at the begining to drive my Food bonus up.. I'm not saying it'll be a total bust... Just the Buying of Tech would be hella lower then what it is now.. it wouldn't be a viable option to use to netgain.. just like Oilers.. it wouldn't be viable.. sure you'll get afew people buying oil.. but in the end you'd lose more net then anything when your oil returns cause it wasn't all bought out.. all strats would get hit hard.. thats why the Netgainers need war mongers.. it completes the Cycle needed for all people..
oilers need wars to sell thier oil, Techers need wars to sell thier war tech.. even farmers need wars.. not sure about the Cashers.. thier strat is probly not gonna change with or without wars.. I could see alot of people suiciding the top 10 to help thier allies get in the top 10..
ya, no netting strats require tech
nor do netters require any oil at all
netters don't do kill runs either
and netters would NEVER fight a war on their own volition! :p
I think this debate is kind of pointless. It's not about someone getting to have fun at the expense of someone else's fun, it should be a discussion about how we can ALL have fun the vast majority of the time.
The solution for that is for fighters to fight fighters more often (who enjoy fighting) which will allow netters to move into a position where they are able to control their own destiny to more of a degree.
The main reason why netting focused clans are always trying to pact out and net is because they just want to get netting rounds in before they get hit or are forced to fight wars.
If we had a culture where the politics were dominated by fighters vs fighters, with netters providing backup (as existed for many years) I think the server would be much healthier.