
Vic Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 6:15:00


<kingcobra>: this is not chess where you think 10 moves ahead, this is the big boy club you better think 100 if you hope to survive, and kid were thinking 1,000 moves ahead

Vic Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 6:15:20

seriously greatest thing i've heard in at least a few years

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 6:25:29


Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 6:28:51

lol ok AT approved!

Vic Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 6:39:13

look out for this guy he is a schemer !

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 6th 2013, 7:42:42

King will you have my babies
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Pride Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 7:44:37


Oh boy. Vickie get off kings nuts :p he runs circles around you. Haha

(You guys want to know my secrets ask King :)

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 15:03:26

lol :)

Vic Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 15:12:08

The cobra jumps to kill,
By some unimaginable force, missing,
Straight through the target, still.
Lights flicker,
Cobra gulps,
Knowning death is near,
For he hath awoken,
The cool,

Mr Clear.

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 15:17:17

Mr, Clear was found weak, He was found wanting, He was no match for the great master cobra, They fault like demon spawns but, when the battle was over, Mr clear was no more. So, once more the battle has raged and the war tired cobra leaves victorious onto the night.

Vic Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 15:27:35

and the cobra went into the night,
boasting in vain.
he entered the forest,
and here he'll be slain -
the group marched around him, laughing his name...
you can take clear,
but strawberry, and mango .
we run this gang

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 15:34:43

but, into these woods Unknown to Strawbery and Mango. More dangerous foes linger like black and white. Out of the shadow and into the light strawberry and mango face what a sight. Now Strawberry and mango had no beef with them but, soon they learned this low level snake had friends much higher then they. And with out measure or thought Mr WHite strikes down both strawberry and mango into the night. Because where the is one there is always many. With this story Clear, Mango, Strawberry learned one key lesson never mess with wandering snakes ;).

Hopeless Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 15:39:05

what you 2 smoking?

/thread closed

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 15:41:31

no /thead open

Vic Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 15:51:43

but white was away,
when i made hard friends.
out comes ronnie,
LC, and viper.
and their wrath have no end.

you see the thing cobra forgot is,
no matter your buddies,
a pup is a pup,
next set he'll tag RDjr
cause he aint a purebred,
he's just a mutt

herbs12 Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 16:09:38


anoniem Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 20:25:07

wow... it's like a line out of script written by ben affleck.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 6th 2013, 20:45:10

wtf is this.....dr.seuss high?

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 21:13:51

Those dont look too good
Get some practice at Haikus
King Cobra is win
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.



Jan 6th 2013, 23:53:34

Haha keep going fellas!

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 1:54:09

To be continued tomorrow

Red X Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 3:21:27

shut up
Originally posted by Leto:
I thought it was a Strategy based war game.

I am playing chinese checkers while y'all are playing chess, so i'm not sure.

archaic Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 3:49:32

This is better than Pyrrus and McKinley, TAN and Ford, Dolphin and TC . . .

I laughed, I cried, I am a different person for having experienced this.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Red X Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 4:32:34

you are also more gay now.
Originally posted by Leto:
I thought it was a Strategy based war game.

I am playing chinese checkers while y'all are playing chess, so i'm not sure.

archaic Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 4:41:15

gay is the new black, right?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Red X Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 4:43:27

sure, why not?
Originally posted by Leto:
I thought it was a Strategy based war game.

I am playing chinese checkers while y'all are playing chess, so i'm not sure.

zygotic Game profile


Jan 12th 2013, 21:26:54


Edited By: zygotic on Jan 13th 2013, 9:51:50
See Original Post

Cougar Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 3:44:00

/me FSes RD

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 15:06:06

With all of this going,
both parties a gloating,
there came a third party,
he laughed oh so hearty,
at this pathetic show,
of this snake and this chode.
There's no one who schemes,
better than this guy who is so keen,
only this man can,
only the candy man can.

ZIP Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 16:20:45

kingcobra is rated too high
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 13:07:17


Vic Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 13:13:26

the boy they called candy,
much little a man,
again blabbing nonsense,
so i'll make a last stand -
his mentor was pele,
a player quite great,
but a Gentleman too?
now candy learns his last fate -

see even your mentors,
they played for me,
bury your head,
i guess c'est la vie.

Edited By: Vic on Jan 14th 2013, 13:25:58
See Original Post

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 13:29:24

that was a nice rhyme,
but vic you gotta get with the times.

of gents and of mentors,
that was all in the past.
time to live in the present bro,
or you're not gonna last.

so get your head out of the sand,
grow a pair, be a man,
don't play a like a scrub,
play like a champ.

Edited By: CandyMan on Jan 14th 2013, 13:31:45
See Original Post

Vic Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 13:48:57

when your past is so checkered,
sky delitez ring a bell,
how quick you'd like us forget it,
but no, please do tell.

and speaking of present,
i got it on lock,
how about our NW competition?
what a small c...
.i must have meant, stock. ;)

what will i beat you by?
100 million or more?
will be fun for all of AT,
so troll me some more.

i was better than you then,
far better right now,
in the future dear friend,
you'll learn how to bow.

whether it's leading or netting,
you present little threat,
poetic style is lacking,
sure you went to princeton?
maybe just princeton prep?

i was always an underachiever,
you are the opposite kind,
presenting your best,
and it's little to mine,
try hard at school,
and now past your prime,
i'm a buddy to all,
even to pride,
master of skillz,
run the game from inside,

but again above all,
quiet you'll be,
when nw's will talk,
this set ends we'll see.

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 13:57:40

*shoots both candy and vic in the head. ENOUGH TALK MORE ACTION.

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 15:15:35

we'll continue king cobra,
vic knows as much as a i,
it's just a little ribbing,
and me pew pew pewing in vic's eye.

dear vic,
damn bro that's a long post,
you must've spent an hour,
writing that roast.

the funny thing is vic,
from all your sht talking,
i can tell you're ticked
but you do not much real walking.

you speak of glorious mergers,
of rd x omega x tie,
but all i see is hot air,
and no mergers in sight.

so just give it a rest,
i know you've put yourself to the test,
but talk only gets you so far,
real skill is the best.

and vic don't talk about school,
that talk isn't cool,
after all you did go to babson,
a small, wannabe ivy league school

i'd like to see you win,
i really do want to,
but somehow i see you mucking,
your own country you're fcking.

maybe i do have to be like sky elitez,
fa you to the top,
maybe only once you make top 10,
will you shut the fck up.

braden Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 15:29:44

when your past is so checkered,
sky delitez ring a bell,

i was in elitez, vic. what exactly are you implying?

Vic Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 15:37:30


speaking of ivy league,
my family's spoken for,
alumni lists at harvard and columbia,
before your family hit shore ... (F.O.B. joke what what what!!!)

so ivy impresses little,
to someone like me,
i was raised on it,
you upstart wann-a-be

now candy i say this with love,
for you are my boy,
someone like me doesn't get ticked,
i look back and laugh,
and whip out my ...

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 15:51:24

lol you and your vic have the same name.

Edited By: CandyMan on Jan 14th 2013, 15:54:56
See Original Post

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 16:09:01

dear vic,
i don't care about the name,
you were the one who brought it up,
you were the one being lame.

continuing on with the fob joke,
of big dogs and pups,
maybe i am a china man,
i eat dogs for lunch.

vic don't make fun of fobs,
let's stop bringing race into the equation,
coz you know as well as i,
your adopted niece is an asian.

seems with your jokes,
you like talking about *icks(corrected to fluff so...),
but it just means you have penis envy,
and a very small ...

Edited By: CandyMan on Jan 14th 2013, 16:15:08
See Original Post

Vic Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 16:24:37

finally something half decent,
but revealing a n00b,
FOB jokes were the backbone of 2025,
get back to work little stooge.

of penis envy,
this i have not,
it was a reference to your trip to paris,
if not mistaken - it was with your brother, i thought?

now move right along,
and try to stomach that lunch,
cause i'm coming back up,
and up with a punch -

a sharp pain in your side,
as you gurgle and puke me back out,
you can't stomach a dog,
you'd rather a mouse,

so never forget,
and to me dont talk bad,
cause i love me some asians -
afterall i'm your dad.

Edited By: Vic on Jan 16th 2013, 7:27:14
See Original Post

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 16:50:58

nice allusion to paris lol...

for the last time,
we're no longer in earth 2025,
don't mention the past again,
when you played when you were five.

it's almost lunch time,
you better go grab your food,
coz after your meal,
you're gonna get schooled.

no sharp pain in my side,
this dog's staying down,
you wish you could come out,
but get outta town.

if you were my dad,
that make you the fob,
you'd be working your butt off,
and not be a snob.

don't want me to talk bad?
if you can't take the heat,
go smoke a blunt, step away from the computer,
and go take a walk on the street.

Vic Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 17:16:03

what a tough guy,
talking bad about pot,
who is living in the past,
cause i sure am not -
no it's the one trying a 1950s reefer madness technique,
i'm no snob dummy,
it's not only lame but it's weak.
i knew you were soft,
but i didn't know how brittle,
oh little candy boy,
with an ego so big - confidence so little.

working your butt off,
sounds kind of ghey,
i don't work hard,
i work smart,
got it, ok?

i can handle the fire,
i'm practically flames,
so go keep on whining,
when calling me names.

i am what i am,
and that's quicker than you,
so go 'head and talk bad,
and i'll do what i do,
cause i just flick that string,
and look you move too!

Son Goku Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 17:39:31


CandyMan Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 18:03:57

recommending you to take a smoke,
is not talking bad about pot,
i'm just suggesting it,
because your head ran too hot.

oh no not a snob?
what about those pressed shirts,
and those button-ups,
and those sweaters you try to work.

you think you're flames,
but i'm sorry to say,
you're just just a pile of ashes,
just burnt out and played.

you think you're so quick,
the only thing you're quick is to hate,
let's just be honest bro,
you're just a flake.

a puppetmaster with no strings,
like an emperor with no clothes,
you make your oh so glorious moves,
with a butt to your nose.

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 18:04:55

Originally posted by CandyMan:
recommending you to take a smoke,
is not talking bad about pot,
i'm just suggesting it,
because your head ran too hot.

oh no not a snob?
what about those pressed shirts,
and those button-ups,
and those sweaters you try to work.

you think you're flames,
but i'm sorry to say,
you're just just a pile of ashes,
just burnt out and played.

you think you're so quick,
the only thing you're quick is to hate,
let's just be honest bro,
you're just a flake.

you're a puppetmaster with no strings,
like an emperor with no clothes,
you make your oh so glorious moves,
with a butt to your nose.

Trixx Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 18:06:48

Head of AT Spammage

ICQ: 138314471

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 18:09:39

game, set, match.

Vic Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 18:43:34


calling the game,
in typical candy fashion,
delusional mind bends,
bring out ill action.

game, set, match?
what you on about boy?
i'll call the fight,
don't dare be coy.

you then call me flake,
again a low blow,
how come all this hate?
so much for a bro,

your vengeance is shaky,
and your nose smells as much,
i'm seeing your weakness,
delusions of grandeur, more than a touch.

quick to hate?
no vic he loves all,
your jabs are aimless,
ending short where they fall.

give it a rest,
and wrap it right up,
still i am yawning,
just another rd junior pup

Vic Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 18:49:40

and speaking of kings,
i know of a throne,
i'm typing from one,
it's a porcelain bowl.

you write me from work,
i'm flattered by it,
but i write while i wipe,
to me you're just...


Edited By: Vic on Jan 14th 2013, 19:14:28
See Original Post