


Mar 12th 2012, 11:28:21

why does anoniem spend so much energy on this?

maybe it's because he is trying to mis-direct attention?

maybe anoniem was actually one of the more prominent colours in RD!

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

ArsenalMD Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 11:32:52


JamesBond007 Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 12:02:31


Nekked Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 13:24:05


Son Goku Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 15:00:26

Originally posted by anoniem:
eugene's history - he's a fluff.

We can all agree on that!

hanlong Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 18:19:25

i still don't get your point.

someone else's grudges with a third party is not my problem, it's between those two parties. they should deal with it themselves and work it out. nothing i can do to change that. like i said, last time SoF attacked RD we were uNAP to SoF and FDP to RD, so really i don't see your angle here? SoF has uNAPped RD ever since we FDPed SoF so if anything, i think i helped calm down those grudges with some of my mediation efforts =) you can ask both mr. silver and helmet on this one, i've been trying hard to mediate between them so people won't hold long term grudges against each other (but old rivalries don't die easily, just look at evo/laf :P, sometimes they just need to fight it out)...

regardless though, i'm only concerned about people with grudges with us ;P i'm not the world grudge police :P you are free to be that tho anoniem if that's what evo chooses to be. i don't get exactly what you want LaF to do and what your point was, which is why i asked for your angle in the first place (other than to troll LaF for no reason as what you normally like to do :P)

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 12th 2012, 18:26:32
See Original Post
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

locket Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 19:18:29

Originally posted by hanlong:
i still don't get your point.

someone else's grudges with a third party is not my problem, it's between those two parties. they should deal with it themselves and work it out. nothing i can do to change that. like i said, last time SoF attacked RD we were uNAP to SoF and FDP to RD, so really i don't see your angle here? SoF has uNAPped RD ever since we FDPed SoF so if anything, i think i helped calm down those grudges with some of my mediation efforts =) you can ask both mr. silver and helmet on this one, i've been trying hard to mediate between them so people won't hold long term grudges against each other (but old rivalries don't die easily, just look at evo/laf :P, sometimes they just need to fight it out)...

regardless though, i'm only concerned about people with grudges with us ;P i'm not the world grudge police :P you are free to be that tho anoniem if that's what evo chooses to be. i don't get exactly what you want LaF to do and what your point was, which is why i asked for your angle in the first place (other than to troll LaF for no reason as what you normally like to do :P)

Lets land farm them next set ;)

Revolver Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 0:43:27

If you were asking me .. I would say we FS them.. back in the days.. an assh*le like anoniem could start a war with his loud mouth. Why should we be soft now ?

Originally posted by hanlong:
i still don't get your point.

someone else's grudges with a third party is not my problem, it's between those two parties. they should deal with it themselves and work it out. nothing i can do to change that. like i said, last time SoF attacked RD we were uNAP to SoF and FDP to RD, so really i don't see your angle here? SoF has uNAPped RD ever since we FDPed SoF so if anything, i think i helped calm down those grudges with some of my mediation efforts =) you can ask both mr. silver and helmet on this one, i've been trying hard to mediate between them so people won't hold long term grudges against each other (but old rivalries don't die easily, just look at evo/laf :P, sometimes they just need to fight it out)...

regardless though, i'm only concerned about people with grudges with us ;P i'm not the world grudge police :P you are free to be that tho anoniem if that's what evo chooses to be. i don't get exactly what you want LaF to do and what your point was, which is why i asked for your angle in the first place (other than to troll LaF for no reason as what you normally like to do :P)

locket Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 1:21:23

Originally posted by Revolver:
If you were asking me .. I would say we FS them.. back in the days.. an assh*le like anoniem could start a war with his loud mouth. Why should we be soft now ?

Originally posted by hanlong:
i still don't get your point.

someone else's grudges with a third party is not my problem, it's between those two parties. they should deal with it themselves and work it out. nothing i can do to change that. like i said, last time SoF attacked RD we were uNAP to SoF and FDP to RD, so really i don't see your angle here? SoF has uNAPped RD ever since we FDPed SoF so if anything, i think i helped calm down those grudges with some of my mediation efforts =) you can ask both mr. silver and helmet on this one, i've been trying hard to mediate between them so people won't hold long term grudges against each other (but old rivalries don't die easily, just look at evo/laf :P, sometimes they just need to fight it out)...

regardless though, i'm only concerned about people with grudges with us ;P i'm not the world grudge police :P you are free to be that tho anoniem if that's what evo chooses to be. i don't get exactly what you want LaF to do and what your point was, which is why i asked for your angle in the first place (other than to troll LaF for no reason as what you normally like to do :P)

Then I shall only inquire of your opinion before I start trouble! ;)

euglaf Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 2:20:46

actually i never understood the point of comment because laf never backed sof when they FS'd RD. so my initial interpretation was that you were going for something regarding laf = rd. clearly hanlong also had no idea what the actual point was either until iscode cleared it up.

i only feel sorry for iscode who has to be your interpreter.

and what i stated about hypocrisy vs irony is still correct based on what i thought you said. nor was i trying to be facetious, but since you like to be a fluff online we'll just let you think i was.



Mar 13th 2012, 3:40:24

sorry i have since been informed from my earlier post that the TC = RD things was a load of bullfluff that was fabricated )not that i ever read into it) as many alliances have former RD players (yes the cheating ones)in them and i could not care less (i too was on the anal reaming end of RD while in UCN)

I never followed AT much at all so i didn't actually see where real RD members and heads came out and refuted LC's logs and such that made TC appear to be part of them. For that TC i am sorry.

anoniem Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 8:32:16

what isn't there to get? you complain about other people goading you on AT, yet you've down the same this reset. you talk about private FA, yet you've done the majority of yours on AT. you talk about not holding grudges, but you still don't understand you have an FDP with an alliance that actively FSed an alliance only last reset due to a grudge.

troll laf for no reason? hanlong you are full of it, as usual. your words are meaningless.

eugene: homophobic as well as facetious? wow, i wouldn't want to cross all 3 foot of you in a dark alley.

anoniem Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 8:50:01

as for you revolver - i'm pretty tired of your asinine and childish comments. you come in mid-way through a thread and throw in some random ill-conceived nonsense. get a life, and stop following me around.

eugene insulted me first, so i retorted. you don't like it? then tell him to keep quiet, if he can't play nice.

locket Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 9:08:05

Anoniem.. why do you and your friends always seem to think that even one person in this game would "follow you around". Get your ego in check dude.

The matter that Laf posted on AT with regards to FA this set was requested very frequently by various evo members over and over for weeks so yah... you can thank yourself for that.

You talk about grudges? You are part of an alliance that tried to orchestrate a singling out and blindsiding of the alliance you are trying to troll right now.

Should every grudge be ignored? I assume you refer to Sof. Considering Sof's only reason to dislike Evo stems from the last 1-14 sets and not from 6-7 years ago I would say it is much more applicable and relevant. I also don't remember seeing the word grudge in their Dec. but I guess you can remember the facts as you wish to as you usually do.

You should stick to fighting the landtrader war instead ;) AT is much more pleasant without Evo/Laf bickering.

locket Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 9:09:19

Oh and childish... I guess getting tired of constant jabs and insults from children has something to do with childishness. But Revolver is not childish.

anoniem Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 9:34:59

Your alliance posted secret logs that involved 3 leaders from 3 different alliances - when nobody else in those alliances were even privy to it. Evo signed a UNAP with LaF this reset, despite you FSing us twice in a row, so I don't know how we still have a grudge against you, because if we wanted to gang-bang you what was stopping us? Why, would we have signed a UNAP if our intention was to alienate then gangbang you? So I don't get the point. I personally haven't forgiven LaF for their actions, but I have put those ill-feelings to bed. The only time we wanted to war you was last reset, but SoF FSed us first.

As for the war (with SoF) last reset - why don't you actually read some of the posts from SoF heads as to their reasoning. They stated it was due to the friendly war. If those weren't the reasons, then why post them as such? Why lie? If you are going to war someone just because you don't like them, then state it as such. People won't like it, but who can argue if you have given an open and honest reason? That friendly war occurred over a year ago, if that isn't a long-time grudge then please tell me what is.

As for LaF, I haven't disputed your alliance's reasons for war this reset - I just thought the reasoning was hypocritical. Most alliances would try to pre-empt an attack on them. This doesn't have to be EVO vs LAF, but whenever I post you assume I'm making an attack on LaF rather than an assertion, which I would have made regardless of my alliance ties.

A persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury.
Be resentfully unwilling to give, grant, or allow (something).

anoniem Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 9:39:29

And, by support I mean doing nothing to dissuade grudges.

If [enter_arbitrary_alliance_name_here] decide to do something my alliance is "apparently" against, and then I proceed to upgrade them to a DP the following reset, then doesn't that make me a hypocrite?

P.S. I'm not against LaF or SoF. I am just as critical of my own alliance in-site - you can ask anybody.

I had always thought LaF were the best alliance in the game, until you had SolidSnake FS us years ago, then my opinion completely changed. Not that I don't think your alliance isn't great anymore, but it's hard to trust anybody that says one thing and then does another.

Edited By: anoniem on Mar 13th 2012, 9:43:25
See Original Post

hanlong Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 9:47:23

let's get some facts straight

1) "eugene insulted me first, so i retorted. you don't like it? then tell him to keep quiet, if he can't play nice."

look back at this thread. eugene posted AFTER you insulted LaF for being hypocritical.

2) "but you still don't understand you have an FDP with an alliance that actively FSed an alliance only last reset due to a grudge."

yes we are FDPed to SoF and they attacked TIE for the actions done on the previous reset on them. same leadership teams on both sides, same players more or less.

i'm referring specifically to Arsenal holding a grudge from 2005 when most of LaF's current heads weren't even playing. i actually didn't even know about this history until eugene filled me in what went on exactly back then. except for this reset, every reset i was a head/don in the past we were ALWAYS FDPed to MD with no exceptions. it really is an unjustified grudge because he's getting his revenge on guys who are unprivy to what went on during the time he had conflicts with LaF (presumably during the TC era from the logs)

and again if you are referring to SoF's "10 year old grudge war" against RD a year ago, let me remind you for the 3rd time that we were FDP to RD and uNAP to SoF during that time.

6 year grudge vs 1 reset is a big difference.

EDIT: oh you also referred to SoF's "grudge war" against Evo. i'm sure they would've hit you earlier if it wasn't for that 4 reset uNAP you guys signed. that's what they said in that war dec actually. would that have made it better? and again, same leadership teams from that friendly war until now.

it's like if SoF warred Evo over something Paulinsk did back in 1999, wouldn't you be like wtf? it is in no way comparable to say warring for something the current leadership team in Evo has done recently.

maybe i need to clarify what i meant by grudges. i believe you should be held responsible for the actions you take as a leader. perhaps we can stretch it (but really this is getting borderline bullfluff, and i really don't believe in this) so that you can even hold the baggage of the actions of the leader immediately before you.

HOWEVER, if its like 15 leaders ago and 6 years ago, then there's a huge problem there.

you aren't comparing the same things here anoniem.

and PS i thought we addressed the whole issue multiple times about why LaF didn't get along with Evo was because a few individuals from your alliance loves to be outspoken on AT. i wonder who it is ;P if the thread has nothing to do with Evo (like this one), then move along and stop trying to make every AT thread about evo vs laf...

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 13th 2012, 10:01:06
See Original Post
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 10:06:33

you mean like when you came back as don and didn't resign our unap. then had your TTRs attempt to farm evo (while you were one of them, and thought i didnt know) and blamed it on the fact that "some old laf members just like to grab". you wouldn't allow us to take appropriate retals on a certain country (which was yours and you also thought i didn't know that). i accepted that, so that we could move on, and never brought up the fact that i knew it was your country.

that is one reason of several reasons why evo should feel more aggrieved than Laf and one of the many reasons why arguments spilled over to AT.

not to mention when SS was in charge while you were not around back in e:2025 - it was LaF members that started to disrespect evo first. you were fighting wars, and then decided to go on a crusade against evo on AT, saying that we weren't good, and if you had been netting the whole avg nw thing would have been different.

dont think i forget these things.

p.s. you really need to start using a dictionary before you start throwing words around and blindly hoping they stick.

A disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action.

calling someone a hypocrite is neither of the above. being a hypocrite pertains to a false pretence. whatever next - if i say you're wrong, are you going to view that as an insult too?

Edited By: anoniem on Mar 13th 2012, 10:16:06
See Original Post

hanlong Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 10:17:07

sounds like you hold grudges too ;)

when i came back, i signed almost no one. don't feel too special. i wanted a clean slate and not be tied down to the politics of my predecessors and find out the reality of who wants to be nice/mean to LaF myself.

"then had your TTRs attempt to farm evo" is so untrue, when we hit a lot of unpacted alliances equally for land generation since bottomfeeding sucked and there was no land. you guys were all welcome to retal. i think evo was hit the least compared to many other alliances so really you are reaching to distorted reality here ;)

you also quickly forgotten what happened that reset. you were ok to retal on my country, but you did it in 72 hours instead of 48 hours. and when i retaled the landgrab, you guys RoR and it escalated to the point where we finally agreed to L:L it so everyone makes ghosts acres and ends up happy. i found that completely reasonable since everyone won in the end in terms of acres.

2011-02-14 20:59:33 PS Vacationing In Europe (#36) LaF m0m0 h0m0 (#422) EVOosso 2775A (3625A)

2011-02-17 19:55:46 PS Walls of Helmets Burning Crotch (#392) EVOosso Vacationing In Europe (#36) LaF 1899A (2781A)

and things escalated from there. no one said you couldn't take appropriate retals on my country. stop trying to make up fluff. you just chose to retal it past the 48 hour retal window, hence why it became a problem. the fact that 100% L:L on both sides (and gaining off ghosts) was the end result was very fair i thought considering you guys screwed up by retaling close to 72 hours after the initial landgrab against our retal policy.

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 13th 2012, 10:19:49
See Original Post
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 10:23:07

our policy was 72hrs. don't like someone else's policy then don't grab them.

want to be treated properly, then don't lie.

p.s. btw locket there are logs of marco talking about gangbanging evo with laf prior to last reset, so please don't bring up gangbangs again!

hanlong Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 10:33:14

oh yah btw

i remember one more point.

i was thinking why evo/laf started off so bad because when i came back i really had 0 impression of any alliance and was extremely green and had to build my impression based on the actions of how each alliance treated LaF.

my first Earth Empires experience was my country getting randomly suicided. and when i ally spied it it was tech allied to two Evo countries. (my first evo experience :P) another LaF country was also randomly suicided that reset and was in rank 12. i FAed him t10 displacing an Evo in response. and you guys made that huge stink thread about it (my first taste of evo AT flaming).

THEN i grabbed evo the following reset which is the situation you were talking about earlier. but in the end we still resolved it where everyone got their land back and gained off ghosts.

let's get these things straight ;P you started it first ;)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

hanlong Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 10:40:23

i would also like to add that despite all of this i pushed forward a peaceful resolution to all of this after all of that. but every reset since you guys kept on flaming us on AT and spewing more garbage at us (despite many warnings that such actions will lead to hostilities) to the point where i was fed up so i left this game since i didn't think war was the answer (unlike MD, evo are a netgaining alliance like us, so i was always hopeful a peaceful resolution can be reached) and it was pointless to argue all day against you guys.

SS thought it was more appropriate to hit the guys who taunt/insult you every day for the past 3-4 resets and that's where the modern day LaF/Evo tensions started ;) like i said many times, i don't think war is the answer unless i'm backed into a corner since i'm a treehugging hippy, but not all LaF heads think the same as me.

P.S. doesn't seem like you still get what went on considering you are still flaming LaF night in and night out.

P.P.S. having qzjul FAing MD against the terms of our uNAP also does not help LaF/Evo relations either ;)

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 13th 2012, 10:47:19
See Original Post
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

locket Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 10:47:08

Originally posted by hanlong:
i would also like to add that despite all of this i pushed forward a peaceful resolution to all of this after all of that. but every reset since you guys kept on flaming us on AT and spewing more garbage at us (despite many warnings that such actions will lead to hostilities) to the point where i was fed up so i left this game since i didn't think war was the answer (unlike MD, evo are a netgaining alliance like us, so i was always hopeful a peaceful resolution can be reached) and it was pointless to argue all day against you guys.

SS thought it was more appropriate to hit the guys who taunt/insult you every day for the past 3-4 resets and that's where the modern day LaF/Evo tensions started ;) like i said many times, i don't think war is the answer unless i'm backed into a corner since i'm a treehugging hippy, but not all LaF heads think the same as me.

P.S. doesn't seem like you still get what went on considering you are still flaming LaF night in and night out.

No Hanlong, we are clearly following him.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 13:07:22

i'm referring specifically to Arsenal holding a grudge from 2005 when most of LaF's current heads weren't even playing. i actually didn't even know about this history until eugene filled me in what went on exactly back then. except for this reset, every reset i was a head/don in the past we were ALWAYS FDPed to MD with no exceptions. it really is an unjustified grudge because he's getting his revenge on guys who are unprivy to what went on during the time he had conflicts with LaF (presumably during the TC era from the logs)

*sigh*... hanlong, nobody can do FA work with you in private or public when you just don't listen. :(

I'm losing respect for you and I'd prefer not to.

Nekked Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 13:29:18

Pies all...SPLAT!

NukEvil Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 14:29:31

Oh, goody! Another EVO/LaF thread!
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

SolidSnake Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 14:32:56

Originally posted by Atryn:

*sigh*... hanlong, nobody can do FA work with you in private or public when you just don't listen. :(
I'm losing respect for you and I'd prefer not to.

He's clearly not directing that at md, and so clearly isnt doing any fa work. Although he is responding to a troll...

Originally posted by anoniem:

not to mention when SS was in charge while you were not around back in e:2025 - it was LaF members that started to disrespect evo first. you were fighting wars, and then decided to go on a crusade against evo on AT, saying that we weren't good, and if you had been netting the whole avg nw thing would have been different.

Actually, my first reset as don I dropped evo from fdp to unap simply because there was no reason to have an alliance that pacts out and is unwilling to war as an fdp. For days I was spammed by evo leaders flipping out, including multiple threats about what would happen if I decided to hit evo and promises ix would stomp us. At the time I found that entertaining and had more important issues than evo to deal with, so ignored it. But similarly to hlw's experiences since coming back as don, it set the tone for things to come.

Originally posted by anoniem:

I had always thought LaF were the best alliance in the game, until you had SolidSnake FS us years ago, then my opinion completely changed. Not that I don't think your alliance isn't great anymore, but it's hard to trust anybody that says one thing and then does another.

When I fs'd you in e2025, you knew it was coming. I know evo at the time didn't realise this because you'd never been involved in a war. But if you want to talk the talk, eventually you have to walk the walk. Even to this day as far as I can tell evo are an alliance that need peace, so why is it their leaders are so intent on creating confrontation...

hanlong Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 16:33:07

Originally posted by Atryn:
i'm referring specifically to Arsenal holding a grudge from 2005 when most of LaF's current heads weren't even playing. i actually didn't even know about this history until eugene filled me in what went on exactly back then. except for this reset, every reset i was a head/don in the past we were ALWAYS FDPed to MD with no exceptions. it really is an unjustified grudge because he's getting his revenge on guys who are unprivy to what went on during the time he had conflicts with LaF (presumably during the TC era from the logs)

*sigh*... hanlong, nobody can do FA work with you in private or public when you just don't listen. :(

I'm losing respect for you and I'd prefer not to.

i'm guessing you are MD so thanks for being biased ;)

what exactly have i not been listening to? the only reason i heard in private was you "wanted to a challenging war so you chose to drop LaF". for a long time FDP, you couldn't even have the decency to prearrange something with me and instead reached out to our two enemies (at that time), ruin our peace deals by inserting dumb void clauses, and try to isolate us from all of our allies. did you not read the same chat log i did? maybe you should read it. no one from MD has explained why that was done. i kept on being fed the same "oh we just wanted a good war". i can totally agree with that point. it's definitely legit for a war alliance like MD to try to find good fun wars for itself. but the means which arsenal took to get there drips of grudges against LaF. the methods used was more similar to what you would do to someone who has actively fluffed you over in the past few resets and you are going all out to destroy them, not someone you want to have a good challenging 1v1 war with. and seeing our recent history, i seriously don't see a legit reason why arsenal would be this pissed at us (away from a 2005 grudge). we might have some disagreements and bumps but you can't tell me with a straight face that LaF has tried to maliciously screw MD over since the time you guys came back.

you seem to forgot when u came back how i gave you guys strategies and showed you our tools to try to get you back into this game. even as recent as last reset i forgave a typo hit on us from MD because i thought we were good FDPs to each other. if i wanted any ill will from MD i would've have wasted all that time building that friendship. yes, i am extremely upset about this situation because if it was an enemy doing this to me, i would understand. but for someone who i spent my time/efforts to help turn around and do this to me, it's a different story. if you can't see that you need to take off your rose colored glasses.

you have to see it from my perspective. like i said every reset i was a leader in LaF we were always FDPed to MD. i used to talk to Samoan all the time back in the 90s and early 2000s. i've helped him start up Titans with IA work and was offered the head IA position, i accepted but decided to stay in LaF last minute. always got along with MD fine ;P

you can ask around any other alliance leader, all of them can do FA work with me fine. i'm extremely fair when it comes to FA work ;P

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 13th 2012, 16:42:42
See Original Post
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

davidoss Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 17:13:38

In before the rest of the trolls!

anoniem Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 19:02:08


DonKarnage Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 20:07:41

He who defends everything, defends nothing.

hanlong Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 20:18:13

Originally posted by DonKarnage:
He who defends everything, defends nothing.

he who defends nothing, is guilty ;)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

davidoss Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 20:50:04

He who defends nothing, is Liverpool FC.

DonKarnage Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 20:52:44

Originally posted by hanlong:
Originally posted by DonKarnage:
He who defends everything, defends nothing.

he who defends nothing, is guilty ;)

In what crazy upside down world do you live in?

davidoss Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 21:14:15

Originally posted by DonKarnage:
Originally posted by hanlong:
Originally posted by DonKarnage:
He who defends everything, defends nothing.

he who defends nothing, is guilty ;)

In what crazy upside down world do you live in?

This cool place called Earth. You should visit it some time. It's where all the cool kids are at.

hanlong Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 22:27:50

Originally posted by DonKarnage:
Originally posted by hanlong:
Originally posted by DonKarnage:
He who defends everything, defends nothing.

he who defends nothing, is guilty ;)

In what crazy upside down world do you live in?

i dont know what country you live in, but in the US if you don't defend any of your accusations brought forth by another person in court, i'm sure the jury will find you guilty :P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Nekked Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 1:50:27

DonKarnage you had just return to md, from the saints back then!

P.S. I know md's history!

Atryn Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 2:39:35

P.S. I know <some of> md's history!


ArsenalMD Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 12:14:25

Originally posted by En4cer85:
sorry i have since been informed from my earlier post that the TC = RD things was a load of bullfluff that was fabricated )not that i ever read into it) as many alliances have former RD players (yes the cheating ones)in them and i could not care less (i too was on the anal reaming end of RD while in UCN)

I never followed AT much at all so i didn't actually see where real RD members and heads came out and refuted LC's logs and such that made TC appear to be part of them. For that TC i am sorry.

urr what?

Given he was directly IP matched for Mr. Cream in RD's GT site against his LaF Don account and via a trace IP via ICQ it doesn't matter what logs you did or did not see.

Sorry bro but you had many Don's being in RD. (Not that MD is cleaner than clean - Ampy was found to be in RD and subsequently banned for life).

Not that this all matters now, but just to set the record straight.



Mar 14th 2012, 12:51:43

Wait, so how did you come across Mr.Cream's RD GT site IP?

You had to BE in RD for that, wouldn't you?

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

anoniem Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 13:01:10

^idiot alert.

ArsenalMD Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 13:14:51

If Forgotten said it, well then it must be true!

torment Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 13:49:23

cream is world big devils!

dai cream dai!

locket Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 15:07:35

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Wait, so how did you come across Mr.Cream's RD GT site IP?

You had to BE in RD for that, wouldn't you?

I do seem to remember him claiming he got all the info himself

davidoss Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 16:14:06

Why do we keep digressing from the main topic?

Atryn Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 20:26:46

Because the main topic is moot at this point?

Chewi Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 21:28:33

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
Originally posted by En4cer85:
sorry i have since been informed from my earlier post that the TC = RD things was a load of bullfluff that was fabricated )not that i ever read into it) as many alliances have former RD players (yes the cheating ones)in them and i could not care less (i too was on the anal reaming end of RD while in UCN)

I never followed AT much at all so i didn't actually see where real RD members and heads came out and refuted LC's logs and such that made TC appear to be part of them. For that TC i am sorry.

urr what?

Given he was directly IP matched for Mr. Cream in RD's GT site against his LaF Don account and via a trace IP via ICQ it doesn't matter what logs you did or did not see.

Sorry bro but you had many Don's being in RD. (Not that MD is cleaner than clean - Ampy was found to be in RD and subsequently banned for life).

Not that this all matters now, but just to set the record straight.

So like 2 or 3 Dons = many?

Son Goku Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 21:32:51

Originally posted by Chewi:
So like 2 or 3 Dons = many?

There's only been 30 different Dons!

Marco Game profile


Mar 14th 2012, 22:21:57

i dont know what country you live in, but in the US if you don't defend any of your accusations brought forth by another person in court, i'm sure the jury will find you guilty :P [/quote]

Actually you have the right to the 5th amendment, and the accuser/prosecution has to prove guilt without a reasonable doubt