
BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 21:16:47

Take a look on the news on #29, Candyman's country. He grabbed myself and my DEEZNUTS clanmate a total 34 times in a few days. LaF in total grabbed the untagged DEEZNUTS countries 105 times in like 4 days!

As will be stated by LaF Leaders I had every intention of suiciding LaF anyway, thats fine. However the fact is with that amount of grabs on someone you get what you deserve. My suicide went from being an act of hate to a justified act of vengeance! If you grab an untagged that amount of times in such a short period, you quite probably deserve to be suicided. Its happened me even, I have been suicided after grabbing someone a few too many times, its the risk you run.

Candymans response to being AB'ed by me was to approach me and start spouting off threats (note right now that I have been banned from Evolution for suiciding other alliances). He made another threats suggesting he would suicide Evolution (I don't care, they booted me!) and then some less than suggestive and more downright blatant threats saying he would suicide Evolution (again, don't care, do it!!).

My advice to LaF Leadership is stop trying to take the moral high ground (lol...laf and morals!) when you have people like Rockman and one of your leaders even in the form of Candyman making threats.
[01:23] <CandyMan[LaF]> either that or I'm gonna quit laf
[01:23] <CandyMan[LaF]> go on vacation for 72 hr
[01:23] <CandyMan[LaF]> come back
[01:23] <CandyMan[LaF]> and have some fun:)
[01:27] <CandyMan[LaF]> I'm gonna get anoniem first
[01:30] <CandyMan[LaF]> Evo not gonna make avg net
[01:33] <CandyMan[LaF]> I used to be one of the neutral folks vs evo
[01:33] <Madrox> btw, thx vic
[01:33] <CandyMan[LaF]> I think I'm gonna be like u KJ
[01:33] <CandyMan[LaF]> have some fun:)

And another LaF Leader in with some threats;

[18:09] <KaiN> just kill evo
[18:09] <h347> ya
[18:09] <h347> im considering it
[18:12] <h347> looks like Evo will have to die again

Lets clarify here, your member farms the fluff out of 2 untagged countries that then suicide him, and your Leaders are threatening to suicide or kill a different alliance because of this? Who is the petty one here? =) If you want sympathy you gotta try harder loves. By all means kill Evolution, you obviously want to and quite frankly as little as you will believe this, they bootedd me (some credit can go to SoF for that, you shouldd thank them for the suicides!) and I do not care. =)

As I said to h347;

1[18:23] <BattleKJ> nah tbh i felt pretty guilty when i found out it was candyman i AB'ed, hes pretty nice.. i felt very guilty
02[18:24] * TROUTFACE () Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:24] <h347> well
01[18:24] <BattleKJ> and he's put a lot effort into grabbing and making a good country
[18:24] <h347> you could just stop?
01[18:24] <BattleKJ> =/
[18:24] <h347> well, you're just ABing the biggest countries
[18:24] <h347> who've obviously put in effort
[18:24] <h347> so..
01[18:24] <BattleKJ> im just fluffting you
01[18:24] <BattleKJ> i didnt feel guilty
01[18:24] <BattleKJ> JAJAJAJAJA


Edited By: BattleKJ on Oct 30th 2012, 21:23:28
See Original Post

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 30th 2012, 22:09:22

are they untagged or are they tagged "DEENUTZ" ?

Also, as you said, you were planning to suicide us anyway. Just as you have the past couple rounds. Why would we leave your country alone so you can grow more to hit us even harder?

Use your brain, as hard as that may be for you.

Thomas Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 22:13:48

KJ -- I don't think he's the only one who thought you were in Evo. Having said that, once it was established you were no longer in Evo, the threats should have subsided. Apparently not.

Every country has a right to fight back. If you farm a country, that land is not exclusively yours. They have the right to obtain it back.

LaFinglolrik Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 22:52:57

candyman had 50k tanks. :P

anoniem Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 22:58:38

suicide my country first. i really couldn't give a toss.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Oct 30th 2012, 22:58:54

KJ, give me some of your gambling winnings!!

oh, and also -- go back to playing a country in a tag rather than playing to cause trouble, please.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2012, 23:01:31

KJ-- Playing to sucide on others isn't a great way to spend your time if you ask me. Listen to pang.
I financially support this game; what do you do?

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 23:12:53

SoF told Evolution if I am tagged there they will kill them. When one of the biggest alliances in the game is dictating such things and making such threats playing untagged is the better option.

EDIT: Being more specific Sov your glorious forum mod who really wants to help the game grow (his own alliance at the expense of others)... made such threats!

Edited By: BattleKJ on Oct 30th 2012, 23:21:02
See Original Post

locket Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 23:23:24

The game is better off without you and Im sure your fictional wife would be better off if "both" of you actually quit too. Congrats on failed drama.

iScode Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 23:28:52

well KJ, you are a tool, i completely understand why sof would say such a thing, you abused EVO's tag to suicide RD.

I mean hell, at least do what i did in E2025 and like try and join lf and suicide them from in their own tag rather than screwing over your ex alliance.
God of War


BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 23:31:16

Originally posted by iScode:
well KJ, you are a tool, i completely understand why sof would say such a thing, you abused EVO's tag to suicide RD.

I mean hell, at least do what i did in E2025 and like try and join lf and suicide them from in their own tag rather than screwing over your ex alliance.

I did no such thing and if I did, would deny that RD deserve it anyway?

Pain Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 23:32:50

you didnt try to hide in the EVO tag this set? go ahead and try to lie about that.
Your mother is a nice woman

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 23:47:13

Originally posted by Pain:
you didnt try to hide in the EVO tag this set? go ahead and try to lie about that.

I was not hiding.

iScode Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 23:47:46

Originally posted by BattleKJ:
Originally posted by iScode:
well KJ, you are a tool, i completely understand why sof would say such a thing, you abused EVO's tag to suicide RD.

I mean hell, at least do what i did in E2025 and like try and join lf and suicide them from in their own tag rather than screwing over your ex alliance.

I did no such thing and if I did, would deny that RD deserve it anyway?

Dude your leaders admitted it. A member gave you the tag, when thy found out they booted you.

You abused EVO's tag, regardless if you waited 72 or 132 hours before hitting RD. getting the tag of a member is abuse of a tag.
God of War


iScode Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 23:48:59

Justin Bieber (#278) - That was the country right?
God of War


BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 23:53:14

Yes. That was my country. I was not given the tag by a member :)

locket Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 23:56:22

He suicided RD a few sets back and still denies it despite it being obvious as fluff that he is lying so meh. Mr Honesty never tells the truth

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 30th 2012, 23:58:20

Originally posted by locket:
The game is better off without you and Im sure your fictional wife would be better off if "both" of you actually quit too. Congrats on failed drama.

Why is that locket? Because after having a pact broken and blindsided by LaF I led Evo into several wars against your beloved cheating alliance LaF? Because I post on AT stating I dislike LaF and co?

Sov Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:04:24

KJ is a try hard.

I think LAF should feel absolutely honored that they made KJ obsessed with them.

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:14:39

Yeah okay #1 MOD! How about you address the fact that you're threatening to FS alliances if they allow someone you personally dont like there?

Sov Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:18:36

No I just like holding people accountable for their actions :)

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:22:21

What are you holding me accountable for Sov? Daring to lead an alliances victory over SoF at war? You really have nothing else to be bitter of. You won the other wars through gangbanging us.

Sov Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:27:37

You feel that you can leave Evo for a set and suicide on Alliances at will and then re-join Evo the following set. It's like a spoiled child who does things for attention and knows he can get away with it, think of it as me teaching you a life lesson that actions have consequences.

I am making you a better person KJ. You should be thankful.

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:32:39

Hahaha, and thus the suiciding continues. You must be LaF's hero! :)



Oct 31st 2012, 0:34:22

KJ, please do Earth a favor and leave. Thanks.

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:38:39

Why don't you leave Anonymous?

Sov Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:45:24

Showboating and attention seeking... KJ still tries too hard.

I think it's cute.

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:50:38

You should worry about your own failures instead of concentrating on someone else ;)

Sov Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:56:26

Actually there is a lesson I tried to teach you 2 sets ago but you never took it on board. I had to teach you the same thing on this forum just 2 weeks ago. At least you get the idea of it, now I just have to ensure you understand it in the context of your own actions.

Life is a lesson, and I am KJ's teacher.

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:57:44

You're responsible for LaF being suicided then! =)

Edited By: BattleKJ on Oct 31st 2012, 1:05:37
See Original Post

archaic Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 0:58:21

KJ, we've all had enough of doz NUTS for one set, go take a nap - jeeze bro, the whole Fatty impersonation is starting to make us not miss you
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Sov Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 1:06:24

LAF understand that I am trying to make you a better person KJ. They support me.

matti Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 1:17:03

Love watching KJ get owned by Sov
SoF Henchman

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 1:17:34

Awww thats so sweet!

archaic Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 1:47:27

the thing is, I really like KJ, he's smart and he cracks me up in IRC when we were getting our 9th, 10th consecutive beatdown from Sof/Laf . . . and I know how he feels, because I feel the same way, but he just cares waay too much and he acts on it way too much. KJ needs to be the guy that doesnt show how he feels so much, chics don't really dig it
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

CandyMan Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 2:58:41

I am one of the most neutral to Evo here. Hell I even though about joining Evo when I came back from retirement since Anoniem was there. All these ee politics and alliance optics aside, It's just sad to see a decent netting clan continue to be tainted by attention whoring trash players like KJ.

From a game growth perspective, I really don't see how running suiciders will do anything to promote growth of the game. KJ may talk of his justice in fighting against big bad LaF, but I don't really see it this way. Sure you take down a couple countries and ruin their finishes, but from an alliance perspective it's only going to piss them off and find some way to get even. Suiciders beget more suiciders and wars. Doesn't solve any problems.

phx Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 3:07:24

can u guys stop giving this tool attention..he would go away then



Oct 31st 2012, 3:07:32

god archaic I can't believe you said you like KJ. you going to admit having a crush on dagga too? as unpopular as it might make me I 100% agree with Sov and his actions.



Oct 31st 2012, 3:18:35

KJ = Being immature since.. his entire life. You are the worst poster here. All you do is fluff and moan, and everyone here is sick of it and we don't care what you have to say half the time.

archaic Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 3:27:12

Originally posted by TheMatrix:
god archaic I can't believe you said you like KJ. you going to admit having a crush on dagga too? as unpopular as it might make me I 100% agree with Sov and his actions.

I don't approve of KJ, but one to one in IRC, he's ok. Its just when he gets all indignant nerd rampage about Laf over and over again, he gets old. The suiciding is lame, but lets face it - we've all had the urge to do it once and a while, and back in the day it was a viable political tool. KJ has just escalated to a point where he is trapped by his circular obsession and cant walk away.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Kinnin Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 4:32:49




Oct 31st 2012, 4:34:16

Yo, chill.

Ivan Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 5:15:35


Pride Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 5:15:44

Lol I think this is a do you like KJ confession thread?

locket Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 5:58:46

The score isn't in his favor then :P

bertz Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 8:01:11

Originally posted by CandyMan:

From a game growth perspective, I really don't see how running suiciders will do anything to promote growth of the game. KJ may talk of his justice in fighting against big bad LaF, but I don't really see it this way. Sure you take down a couple countries and ruin their finishes, but from an alliance perspective it's only going to piss them off and find some way to get even. Suiciders beget more suiciders and wars. Doesn't solve any problems.

^ This

BattleKJ Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 11:25:51

Originally posted by CandyMan:
I am one of the most neutral to Evo here. Hell I even though about joining Evo when I came back from retirement since Anoniem was there. All these ee politics and alliance optics aside, It's just sad to see a decent netting clan continue to be tainted by attention whoring trash players like KJ.

From a game growth perspective, I really don't see how running suiciders will do anything to promote growth of the game. KJ may talk of his justice in fighting against big bad LaF, but I don't really see it this way. Sure you take down a couple countries and ruin their finishes, but from an alliance perspective it's only going to piss them off and find some way to get even. Suiciders beget more suiciders and wars. Doesn't solve any problems.

The righteous are preaching! Only days ago you were threatening to suicide the alliance you feel nuetral to! Hahah

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 31st 2012, 11:28:29

Apparently there is an easter egg in this thread. I still cannot find it.
I am getting really fluffty over it too.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Vic Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 11:41:01

KJ - his remarks were meant facetiously. LIttle smug Princeton boy, candy is.

You make it sound as if you've been suiciding LaF top countries deep in the set or something. Early reset ankle biting is nothing.
In my day, son, 100m nw couldn't even stop a dedicated suicider.

Look at you, throwing a few ABs at 2m nw countries, pathetic. At least buy some warfare.

Carry along old boy

Helmet Game profile


Oct 31st 2012, 14:38:42

BKJ = Angry, sore loser. He's the kind of person that runs bots, suicides, etc. How he became a leader in Evo I'll never understand.

While the actions of people like him have made me consider suiciding for revenge on a few occasions, I've never done it and that's what separates the cry babies from the adults.