
LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Oct 30th 2013, 12:46:00

You feel wronged by the game admins for deleting your innocent countries for being associated with RD? You feel like saying you are quiting this game because of EE deleting you? Personally, I wouldn't be pissed at the admins for acting upon broken promises by RD leadership and ILLEGAL activities, rather Id be pissed at my clan leadership for getting my 2 month hard work instantly poofed. I would also then realize that this hacking goes way past the game, and dips into real life if people have the same username/password for other sites. I've been in SOL for over 9 years now, and if this suddenly happened againsnt SOL, I would move on to another clan and never talk to those leaders again. If you think these hackings didnt benefit RD as a clan this set, then you might as well leave the game, and you should also NOT change your passwords or api code for anything either (as that is the logical way this thinking goes).

Otherwise wakeup, and join a different alliance so that you hopefully won't get caught in the crossfire again.
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 12:57:21

quit playing the game if the admins can't secure it properly from being effected by outside influences. like it'll make a difference when the next clan gets deleted because a member of it hacked the server.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.



Oct 30th 2013, 13:06:51

So its the admins fault that people will do whatever they can, including hacking, to get ahead in a damn game?


Have the RD members responsed (besides fluffing about deleted countries) to what they are going to do about this going forward, or will the same people still be leaders there.
Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2013, 13:12:40

they're the ones responsible for the security of the site. if the site isn't secure, then these problems can't be fixed and it's a waste of time playing if you're an innocent player who is going to be continually affected by this type of horse crap.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Mr Jade


Oct 30th 2013, 13:57:02

Okay... to reference a post I'd made in Pang's thread about this whole thing that has only been read by Taveren, and respectfully commented on without any fluff-talk or slanderous bullfluff. (thank you by the way)

Originally posted by Mr Jade:
Originally posted by Taveren:
A number of users have questioned the morality of deleting the entire tag. Others have stated that they feel sorry for those who were wrongfully deleted. The users who were victims of this security breach empathize with those in RD who did nothing wrong.

With the exception of Locket who mentioned it in passing, no RD member has expressed any kind of regret toward the other victims. First came the demands of proof, then came the outrage over LaF's inconsistent punishment, then the belief that the availability of the information invalidates the means by which it was gathered. RD seems to have failed to recognize how the rest of the server feels.

LaF expressed regret over it's activities in May 2012 and committed itself to change. All we've seen here is attempts to discredit, attempts at justification, and deflection. Does anyone in RD even believe that members of their alliance have done wrong?

Look, I feel bad this happened, I am righteously pissed off at the few in this alliance who had gone out of their way to go ahead and do something this fluffed up. I wasn't involved in any of the actions taken by the few who did perpetrate this, as I rarely even visited the site. But at the same time the Admins know of at least TWO of the people who did this, and instead of taking administrative action against those that they KNOW did this, they've punished the entire alliance. I am not trying to discredit anyone, justify anything or deflect a fluffing thing. I will fully say it: YES THESE fluffERS CHEATED. Reading the original post of this thread was the only way I was made aware of it... and I am still furious.

I will also say that in the years since I have played in Alliance Server, this is the first time I have EVER been deleted, and it wasn't even my fluffing fault. The ONLY reason I am pissed off about being deleted, is the fact that because of this entire "guilty by association" mindset, my country being "deleted for rules violations" because of the actions taken by a few... STILL paints me in a negative light, regardless of having played legitimately since the second set of Alliance Server (for those who would try and twist this, I didn't play the first set).

I can say that there are those in RD who are also righteously pissed off at the actions taken by the few who did perpetrate this, I can say that there are those in RD that are pissed at those responsible, and have demanded that they step down from leadership and/or are removed from the alliance altogether. We still do not know of the third person responsible for this, as of yet no one has come forward. Some have already restarted and have gone on to join other tags, others have began talking about forming an entirely new alliance and just leaving the Reservoir Dogs name behind, as some believe the alliance name has been irrevocably tarnished with these events. So, in saying that you believe we haven't failed to recognize how the rest of everyone feels, is just bullfluff. We're trying to do damage control here, and we have to sift through a mountain of bullfluff in order to root out the guilty parties here so we can move on. Whether or not Reservoir Dogs survives in name after this set is irrelevant, being punished by the admins for the actions of a few is a bit harsh, but also irrelevant in the long run. Having our individual reputations damaged as a result of being unknowingly implicated in something most of us had zero knowledge of... that's what the bulk of us are pissed about. Having everyone, including the trolls and self-righteous, sanctimonious assholes saying we deserved this because those of us legitimate players played in a tag with our friends... that's ten times worse.