
Hello Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 8th 2014, 23:15:21

Unfortunately in the next 2 sets they will be back to 15 members and decided to attack 2 wars clans. Way to go guys you will never be able to net again! Not a very smart move if you are looking out for the best interest of the clan. Or maybe you are looking at SOF's butt as you are getting your head out of their ass's. I just hope Sof will be backing you in future sets but I really need to say RAGE you will be on your own. BAD MOVE GUYS

WArriOR Game profile


Jul 8th 2014, 23:27:42

*hands you a tissue
Ninja Kicked the Dam Rabbit

Hello Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 8th 2014, 23:28:39

I know you are going to say "well we are Rage we like to WAR" but not when you get killed in the 24 hour FS! That is what will happen in 2-3 sets when all your players go back to SOF or go back to retirement

Nuketon Game profile


Jul 8th 2014, 23:44:32

Agree, not a wise move by Rage. But when you have Sov pulling the strings, I guess it all makes sense.

BladeEWG Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 0:13:00

"Way to go guys you will never be able to net again!"

Huh? I've never seen Rage even try to net.
That may have happened when I was gone I suppose.
I'll have to go to our forums and see what this net stuff really is I suppose.
but since I'm not sure, I figure I'll not be missing it anyhow ;)

aponic Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 0:41:12

More like Rage is showing some flex now that they have rebuilt and reorganized. SOF has helped several alliances on the server rebuild - why wouldn't they support that kind of ally?

Suncrusher Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 1:06:42

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
"Way to go guys you will never be able to net again!"

Huh? I've never seen Rage even try to net.
That may have happened when I was gone I suppose.
I'll have to go to our forums and see what this net stuff really is I suppose.
but since I'm not sure, I figure I'll not be missing it anyhow ;)

oh i thought you guys were netting last set?



Jul 9th 2014, 1:08:59

Whee!! Threatening a war alliance with never netting again. That will scare them into submission.

Grimm Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 1:13:51

SC - Rage has a deep rolodex, they pulled it out when they got fscked while trying to net and got a bunch of us old warmongers out of retirement. Personally I wouldn't mind a netting set these days but I do have some catching up to do in all time civs killed :)

Fuji Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 1:14:20

Originally posted by aponic:
More like Rage is showing some flex now that they have rebuilt and reorganized. SOF has helped several alliances on the server rebuild - why wouldn't they support that kind of ally?

I wonder if anyone else thought this was funny.

juice Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 1:14:41

Rage spent about a year fighting RD. We were the only clan to ever survive war with RD, without losing all our members. This was back when RD would declare war until they were able to use your tag because your clan no longer existed after they were done with you.

I think we can handle whatever comes next.

Grimm Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 1:16:21

That Ninja Vanish set - Good times.

Twiz Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 2:10:17

Originally posted by Hello:
Unfortunately in the next 2 sets they will be back to 15 members and decided to attack 2 wars clans. Way to go guys you will never be able to net again! Not a very smart move if you are looking out for the best interest of the clan. Or maybe you are looking at SOF's butt as you are getting your head out of their ass's. I just hope Sof will be backing you in future sets but I really need to say RAGE you will be on your own. BAD MOVE GUYS

Basically this is how you cry about something. Make a new post and say "clan you won't get to net again". lol

Nekked Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 2:16:07

Some clans just go elsewhere to play games...

Then return, after years away.

Red X Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 2:30:28

Rage will be just fine lol
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Darrian Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 4:50:20

This is funny
~bad as i wanna be~

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 6:11:51

Thanks to this post I just may have to stay on in Rage a few more sets:)

locket Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 6:19:27

Why do war clans always try to hold the "never net again" bullfluff over people? Oh no! A small clan entered into a war to support their ally! That deserves never ending hatred! Grow up. fluffing child.



Jul 9th 2014, 6:54:44

The funny part is, they aren't small. They are the 5th largest.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Jul 9th 2014, 7:23:28

I don't see how this post is trolling or in any way untrue. RAGE got big, decided to FS LCN, MD and SOL whose allies are pacted out of the war this set and who were unprepared. Next set you'll have those three prepared with PDM and Evo, RAGE will probably lose and go on a downward spiral and become what it was last set.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Flamey Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 7:45:03

I knew Evo was planning against us for next set, LCN maybe - but it would hurt them more than Rage or SoF.

As far as I know Rage and PDM have been pacted for a while (maybe FDP?) and we in SoF have been NAPed and had decent relations with PDM for a year, including helping them with recruitment at one point. Why would they turn round and hit us seeing as they've had traditionally poor relations with SoL, themselves got blindsided by LCN in the recent past and have never been backed up by MD in a war where PDM have been against the rocks?

p.s. I forgot MD once persauded us to CF against against PDM a few years ago and then didn't resign our FDP and joint FSed us with PDM the set after.

foresaken Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 8:18:06


archaic Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 12:24:46

Originally posted by Flamey:

As far as I know Rage and PDM have been pacted for a while (maybe FDP?) and we in SoF have been NAPed and had decent relations with PDM for a year, including helping them with recruitment at one point.

Alright, I'm not in PDM, and I have retired from this server, but I cannot let this piece of revisionist history bullfluff go unanswered. Flamey, Sof and PDM are pacted because we got sick of getting killed by you guys set after set during your 'Laf's Lapdog' phase. Sof paid lip service to 'helping them with recruitment' after our membership dipped into the teens, but never actually provided any help. Sof proved to be a huge net loss to PDM membership. We hated you guys then, and certainly don't like you guys now. PDM is out of the coalition warring business for good, you and Laf drove off most of our members and all of our leaders. The reason PDM won't war you guys next set in support of our allies is because PDM's spirit is gone. I don't know if you and Sov are liars or if you really believe your own bullfluff.

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Sov Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 13:07:26

Originally posted by archaic:
Flamey, Sof and PDM are pacted because we got sick of getting killed by you guys set after set during your 'Laf's Lapdog' phase.

Incorrect. We actually were unpacted for many sets due to PDM not accepting SoF's anti-landtrading clauses, however Tisya and I met irl and we had an understanding that SoF and PDM would treat each other as pacted even if unpacted. Eventually I decided to just drop the clauses for PDM and ONLY PDM.

Originally posted by archaic:
Sof paid lip service to 'helping them with recruitment' after our membership dipped into the teens, but never actually provided any help. Sof proved to be a huge net loss to PDM membership.

Also incorrect. Your membership was at the same level many sets after PDM/SoF wars ended prior to LCN blindsiding PDM out of the blue, and this is where I came in. After LCN made it's strike on PDM things were in a dire state. Many members left and the existing leadership (under TAN) were considering disbanding PDM and quitting. I then met with TAN and Tisya and got both motivated into rebuilding PDM rather than giving up.

I personally spammed over 2000 recruiting messages for PDM. I discussed recruiting with PDM leaders and motivated them into stepping up as well. I do not take credit for PDM restoring itself to even greater numbers the following set, however I did assist PDM as best as I could and as much as PDM would allow me. I did so whilst asking NOTHING in return. I even helped PDM secure many pacts from potentially hostile Alliances in the following sets.

If you want, we could just post up screenshots of all my threads on the PDM site and logs of all my conversations with PDM leadership, you know I keep everything.

Originally posted by archaic:
We hated you guys then, and certainly don't like you guys now. PDM is out of the coalition warring business for good, you and Laf drove off most of our members and all of our leaders. The reason PDM won't war you guys next set in support of our allies is because PDM's spirit is gone. I don't know if you and Sov are liars or if you really believe your own bullfluff.

And you and your friends accuse me of holding grudges wherein you are holding a grudge for events that transpired 2.5 years ago when there has been nothing but goodwill between both leaderships of both alliances since then.

I will concede that SoF may not have helped PDM, but I certainly did. And I did not do it to influence PDM or manipulate PDM like you and your friends would have everyone believe, I did so to help PDM and to help the game like I have done for many Alliances here over a long period of time.

Sov Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 13:09:25

Originally posted by Hello:
Unfortunately in the next 2 sets they will be back to 15 members and decided to attack 2 wars clans. Way to go guys you will never be able to net again! Not a very smart move if you are looking out for the best interest of the clan. Or maybe you are looking at SOF's butt as you are getting your head out of their ass's. I just hope Sof will be backing you in future sets but I really need to say RAGE you will be on your own. BAD MOVE GUYS

As a bitter LCN member you are entitled to say whatever you want about Rage, but I bet regardless of whatever happens Rage will still be 1.5x the size of LCN in the next 2 sets. So much for LCN rebuilding under Servant, in a matter of a couple of weeks Rage surpassed Servant's 3 sets of effort.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jul 9th 2014, 13:18:39

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )




Jul 9th 2014, 14:50:21

"More like Rage is showing some flex now that they have rebuilt and reorganized. SOF has helped several alliances on the server rebuild - why wouldn't they support that kind of ally?"

MD gave them a home for as long as they wanted one and pacted them and wished them success when they left to go out on their own. Why would they FS that kind of ally?

some of you are unbelievable

Edited By: Ruthie on Jul 9th 2014, 14:54:20
See Original Post
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

Sov Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 15:15:09

Originally posted by Ruthie:
"More like Rage is showing some flex now that they have rebuilt and reorganized. SOF has helped several alliances on the server rebuild - why wouldn't they support that kind of ally?"

MD gave them a home for as long as they wanted one and pacted them and wished them success when they left to go out on their own. Why would they FS that kind of ally?

some of you are unbelievable

Out of 37 members there are probably less than 10 who were in Rage when it left MD (and of them, only 2 are leaders), yet you think they owe you something? Where was MD when it's closest ally LCN blindsided Rage for no reason? And then where was MD when LCN FSed them a 2nd time only 2 weeks later?

You gave them a home, how nice of you. SoF also housed Rage for just as long as MD did as well under Ivan's leadership. You did not see us crying to the moon and back when Rage FSed against us and LAF in the SPERM war post Hanlong, which they did because MD called them in.

What has MD done for Rage since it went on it's own? Oh you gave them some written strats. Wow, I guess they should be owing their existence to you forever.

Ivan Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 15:45:11

Cant really help myself from posting, I think politically rage just shot themselves a little bit in the foot if they had stayed out of this war and kept recruiting they could potentially have been the new power house in the server in a couple of sets with the right dedication from their members/leadership it might still go that way but i think the odds lowered themselves quite a bit.

And all of you spend waay to much time on this crap game


Atryn Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 16:11:40

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by Ruthie:
"More like Rage is showing some flex now that they have rebuilt and reorganized. SOF has helped several alliances on the server rebuild - why wouldn't they support that kind of ally?"

MD gave them a home for as long as they wanted one and pacted them and wished them success when they left to go out on their own. Why would they FS that kind of ally?

some of you are unbelievable

Out of 37 members there are probably less than 10 who were in Rage when it left MD (and of them, only 2 are leaders), yet you think they owe you something? Where was MD when it's closest ally LCN blindsided Rage for no reason? And then where was MD when LCN FSed them a 2nd time only 2 weeks later?

You gave them a home, how nice of you. SoF also housed Rage for just as long as MD did as well under Ivan's leadership. You did not see us crying to the moon and back when Rage FSed against us and LAF in the SPERM war post Hanlong, which they did because MD called them in.

What has MD done for Rage since it went on it's own? Oh you gave them some written strats. Wow, I guess they should be owing their existence to you forever.

Pretty sure RAGE made that decision on their own Sov. IIRC, all the allies in the SPERM coalition were pretty pissed off about the hacking/cheating and SoF's backing of LaF afterward.

As for the other stuff, we did a lot more than give them strats. I personally did a lot more for them than that. And no, the recent wars RAGE has been in, we couldn't side with them due to existing pacts. But yes, I was the first one in #ragewar telling FDF they were being hit and offering to help contact his members. Nothing against LCN but I felt I had that kind of relationship with RAGE/FDF. Didn't really help though as much of RAGE was unreachable at the time.

Sov Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 16:18:59

Originally posted by Atryn:

Pretty sure RAGE made that decision on their own Sov. IIRC, all the allies in the SPERM coalition were pretty pissed off about the hacking/cheating and SoF's backing of LaF afterward.

Rage were the last Alliance to enter the war and did so almost 2 weeks after the war first started, so I am inclined to think it had nothing to do with the scandal.

mrford Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 16:32:19

should the SoL/MD side talk about hacking and cheating?

tune in at 11 to find out
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

tellarion Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 16:38:25

Birdy birdy tweet tweet tweet.

tellarion Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 16:39:44

Originally posted by mrford:
should the SoL/MD side talk about hacking and cheating?

tune in at 11 to find out


Care to enlighten us mere mortals? It's already past 11pm here, good sir!



Jul 9th 2014, 17:09:41

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by Ruthie:
"More like Rage is showing some flex now that they have rebuilt and reorganized. SOF has helped several alliances on the server rebuild - why wouldn't they support that kind of ally?"

MD gave them a home for as long as they wanted one and pacted them and wished them success when they left to go out on their own. Why would they FS that kind of ally?

some of you are unbelievable

Out of 37 members there are probably less than 10 who were in Rage when it left MD (and of them, only 2 are leaders), yet you think they owe you something? Where was MD when it's closest ally LCN blindsided Rage for no reason? And then where was MD when LCN FSed them a 2nd time only 2 weeks later?

You gave them a home, how nice of you. SoF also housed Rage for just as long as MD did as well under Ivan's leadership. You did not see us crying to the moon and back when Rage FSed against us and LAF in the SPERM war post Hanlong, which they did because MD called them in.

What has MD done for Rage since it went on it's own? Oh you gave them some written strats. Wow, I guess they should be owing their existence to you forever.

wow ... I never said they owed us anything. And I sure as hell am not crying, especially over Rage ... or SoF for that matter. I was merely responding to something aponic wrote. I wasnt even in MD when Rage came, I was in SoF at the time.

I should have known better .... you constantly toot your own horn and think your fluff dont stink but everyone else's does.

What a fluffing drama factory this forum is. Thank god I take nothing you say seriously and I come here for the entertainment value on my breaks, lol
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

mdevol Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 20:40:09

/me waits until 11

That is awfully ballsy to accuse SoL of cheating and hacking.....

I have heard nothing from the mods/devs and been presented with no evidence of such hacking or cheating. So this is news to me.

If you find any, please present it to the mods and to SoL leadership so we can work to deal with the issue. There is no room for that garbage in this game.

And I am the one that throws things at the wall hoping it sticks?

Edited By: mdevol on Jul 9th 2014, 20:48:35
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Red X Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 20:45:36

11 is past my bed time.
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Scribble Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 21:17:59

Just break it now like every other news channel does....I want to see it on twitter or it didn't happen!



Jul 9th 2014, 21:27:09

is that 11 gametime? :P
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

mdevol Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 21:46:01

11 days from now?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Suni Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 22:21:42


UpTheIrons Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 22:43:42

mdevol Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 23:06:48

MemberJul 1st 2014, 8:23:09

We will see how ironic it is in the next day or so :)


Still waiting....
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Heston Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 23:15:01

What ya waiting for?
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Riddler Game profile


Jul 10th 2014, 0:35:52

I was trying to avoid all the drama. But let me tell you guys something. I was in the leaderboard in Rage when the option of getting involved was mentioned. SoF has earned our respect and after we had our fill of a revenge beating against LCN we were bloodthirsty. There was no string pulling etc... we figured this was our only other viable option for war.
I would like to think I still have friends in many alliances so this was nothing personal to anyone of them. But this was indeed to help our current FDP as we would do for ANY fdp in ANY given set. Everyone knows this.

FailDiegoFail Game profile


Jul 10th 2014, 0:53:44

Originally posted by Hello:
Unfortunately in the next 2 sets they will be back to 15 members and decided to attack 2 wars clans. Way to go guys you will never be able to net again! Not a very smart move if you are looking out for the best interest of the clan. Or maybe you are looking at SOF's butt as you are getting your head out of their ass's. I just hope Sof will be backing you in future sets but I really need to say RAGE you will be on your own. BAD MOVE GUYS

looks like someones got their whining pants on :P

Sov Game profile


Jul 10th 2014, 1:00:29

Originally posted by Ruthie:

wow ... I never said they owed us anything. And I sure as hell am not crying, especially over Rage ... or SoF for that matter. I was merely responding to something aponic wrote. I wasnt even in MD when Rage came, I was in SoF at the time.

You are a part of a leadership team in MD which has been bombarding Rage leadership with many such guilt trips and outrageous sentiments. Maybe you yourself have not said much but alas your colleagues have, and it is disgusting.

Originally posted by Ruthie:

I should have known better .... you constantly toot your own horn and think your fluff dont stink but everyone else's does.

I think this statement says a lot. You think I am on here tooting my own horn when almost any comment I have posted on here in the past few months has been answering the attacks from leaders on your side. I think we have now discovered the crux of the issue, you all suffer from such huge inferiority complexes that you all know no other way to state your case other than to launch personal attacks and insults.

Twiz Game profile


Jul 10th 2014, 1:48:45



tellarion Game profile


Jul 10th 2014, 1:49:35

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by Ruthie:

wow ... I never said they owed us anything. And I sure as hell am not crying, especially over Rage ... or SoF for that matter. I was merely responding to something aponic wrote. I wasnt even in MD when Rage came, I was in SoF at the time.

You are a part of a leadership team in MD which has been bombarding Rage leadership with many such guilt trips and outrageous sentiments. Maybe you yourself have not said much but alas your colleagues have, and it is disgusting.

Originally posted by Ruthie:

I should have known better .... you constantly toot your own horn and think your fluff dont stink but everyone else's does.

I think this statement says a lot. You think I am on here tooting my own horn when almost any comment I have posted on here in the past few months has been answering the attacks from leaders on your side. I think we have now discovered the crux of the issue, you all suffer from such huge inferiority complexes that you all know no other way to state your case other than to launch personal attacks and insults.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

And bonus PRE-EMPTIVE ATTACK: Yeah, I'm guilty of it too.

Garry Owen Game profile


Jul 10th 2014, 2:27:02

Wow. For a thread about Rage, y'all are all about yourselves. And all you are really showing is how little you understand or even know about Rage.

Rage will be what Rage will be, and ultimately we will decide our own fate. No amount of constant gangbanging will kill Rage, only our internal relationships matter long term. Rage did indeed lead a coalition to defeat RD at the height of RD power, and look who is still here. :) We have been thru some really hard times and some really great times. Always the deciding factor has been internal to Rage.

Thank you MD for hosting us for a year. Indeed you were kind and gracious hosts. You allowed the very few Ragers with you to keep our own identity and when we left it was on very friendly terms. I also remember spending a whole lot of time fighting MD's wars and spending time motivating Ragers and MDers for those wars, and the netting and whatever other goals that MD leadership posted. I feel we were not just wandering tennants but active and productive members of your clan. To include killing a lot of SoF countries, even with some friends over there. Never a word of dissent, complaints on leadership or holding back. RAGE was 100% in support of MD while we were there.

Last set we were indeed 15 members (less than 10 really - we had to abolish teams because we didnt have enough members for more than one team). And we were trying to netgain and recruit. Being FS'd by LCN - MD's ally - was very painful. Screwed up every plan we had and conventional wisdom was that our few members would run off. A couple of them did so they could netgain in peace. When we got LCN to back off we kinda hoped you would help get them out of the war completely. But honestly, the Rage leadership at that time was inactive and who knows what was actually asked of you, or offered that never went anywhere. Not going to pass the bag on that one - were were screwed up and LCN took advantage of it.

But the LCN fiasco pushed a crisis for Rage - resulting in a change of leadership and completely re-invigorated Rage. The biggest evidence of this is the surge of old Ragers back to the ranks. We have 37 tagged right now, and more coming back to the site every day! So in a way getting screwed by LCN has helped Rage. :)

Now look at those numbers -- we had about 6 Ragers in MD at the end... and now we are 37!! This is not the Rage that came to MD. This is not the Rage that was struggling to netgain and wanted to be left alone last set. This is 30 old-school, take no crap, fight before thinking, Motherlovn' RAGERS back online!! Some are back after over 10 years! We have at least 3 former Rage presidents here, and half the clan has held the rank of Team Leader or above. These guys know nothing of MD - except during the last set they played it might have been a war against MD. Or with MD. To be honest, most have very little tie to SoF either. We have a history of fighting with and against SoF too. Rage has been here a long time. Except that SoFties were in warchat with us last set against LCN and have trained our WCL's on the new ways of warfare and gave us a bot to help with that.

What will happen to Rage is MD builds a gang-bang on us? That all depends on the Ragers we have. If the 30-40 guys we have now stay - then MD+ is in for a world of hurt. Because these guys are old-school and know how to fight... and fight... and fight. No matter if we get killed or farmed or whatever. Been there, done that, and kicked butt afterward. On the other hand if RL drags these guys back, and the kids take priority over wargaining and we drop back to 10 members? Then I guess we get killed and farmed. And restart and restart. Because that will be back to the core guys who just never stop being Rage. Either way the result will be because of Rage internal relationships.

Bottom line - we dont want a blood-feud with MD. Or LCN for that matter. Rage is happier with wars coming and going. You know... like a wargame. :) But we are looking good for keeping our returnees and being a serious player in EE again. :) Happy days to you all. And RAGE ON. :)