Apr 13th 2020, 9:50:05
Hello, I am Tilda, or back in the day Timbo or Timboktoo, I'm posting under my real name these days.
Back in the day means really back in the day.... 2003 I think we started.
GAT or General Any Topic was a forum board on the Star Wars Galaxies site, we were waiting for the game to be released so hung out there. Someone found Earth2025, so hundreds of us invaded screwingup countries invading left right and centre and generally being pains in the assess aka n00bs who pawn. (Lord we all used to type in L337 speak too..... oh my word)
After about a week, most of them buggered off back to the SWG boards, and a few of us stayed, eventually merging into Paradigm. PDM taught us how to net ( I can dimly recall it). I left in around 2006 I think as circumstances changed. Now with social lockdown I was surfing and looking at old haunts, old memories, and found this place. I had to join!
Couldn't post for a few weeks, but Primeval has fixed that for me (thanks).
So HI, again. Anyone remember me, or the GAT?
Tilda M00 x
Back in the day means really back in the day.... 2003 I think we started.
GAT or General Any Topic was a forum board on the Star Wars Galaxies site, we were waiting for the game to be released so hung out there. Someone found Earth2025, so hundreds of us invaded screwingup countries invading left right and centre and generally being pains in the assess aka n00bs who pawn. (Lord we all used to type in L337 speak too..... oh my word)
After about a week, most of them buggered off back to the SWG boards, and a few of us stayed, eventually merging into Paradigm. PDM taught us how to net ( I can dimly recall it). I left in around 2006 I think as circumstances changed. Now with social lockdown I was surfing and looking at old haunts, old memories, and found this place. I had to join!
Couldn't post for a few weeks, but Primeval has fixed that for me (thanks).
So HI, again. Anyone remember me, or the GAT?
Tilda M00 x