Oct 4th 2010, 14:14:16
* Paradigm retals 1:1 and only accepts 1:1 retals for cross country retals (when the retaller is not the country for whom the retals are being made).
* Paradigm escalates retals on an entire tag basis in a 48 hour window. The first three hits on Paradigm by any countries in another given tag to any countries in Paradigm will be retalled 1:1. The fourth, fifth and sixth hits from the same given tag against Paradigm will be retalled 2:1 each. The seventh, eighth and ninth hits are retalled 4:1 each. Escalation continues with this pattern of doubling for every three additional hits.
* Paradigm retals retal on retals (RoRs) double normal grabs based on how it fits into the escalation scheme described above.
* Paradigm retals land:land (L:L) for country:country (when the retaller is the country for whom the retals are being made) or standard escalation, whichever yields higher results for them. Paradigm only accepts L:L retals for country:country retals (not factoring in ghost acres). L:L retals stop once 90% of the land has been recovered if buildings make up 10% of the land lost.
* If an alliance puts a country of it's own into diminishing returns that has hit Paradigm within 48 hours and Paradigm has not yet retalled they will take the land from someone else in that alliance.
* Paradigm will only accept responsibility for detaggers for 48 hours from detagging. They only hold other tags accountable for detaggers for 48 hours from detagging.
* In Paradigm policy there is no such thing as a topfeed. Their basis is that the definition of a topfeed is irrelevant for L:L retals and if the country itself isn't getting the land back then the returns aren't important as the person who suffers does not receive the reparations.
* Paradigm does not have a set standard to define when to maim, farm or kill a country. For example after five attacks from a country and they might think about killing it but it depends on the nature of the hits and what they feel the country's intentions were. Paradigm states that they do not need legalese authority to kill something if it is giving them grief.
* Paradigm accepts any 1 attack for any 1 attack and reserves the right to retal under the same principle. If a Paradigm country grab you, you can retal with an equal number of attacks of your choosing such as but not limited to ABs, Cruise missiles, CDs as long as the number of hits match up. This can also be applied in conjunction with the escalating hit policy.
* Paradigm only accepts land grabs for L:L retals.
* Paradigm does not recognize the in-game action of declaring war as affecting the number of retals owed. Their reasoning is that declaring war only hurts the country who did it through increased expenses. It is equivalent to weapons tech that you only buy for a short period of time.
* Anything Paradigm signs in a pact supersedes these policies.
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