Originally posted by Drow:
10 mil turrets is no small amount, and definitely nothing to sniff at. the point I was making is the fact that for that amount of acres GRABBED, the target also had FAR more land than the attacker. jets and turrets cost roughly the same to maintain. this is why the implication (through costs for land) that the defender was under defended.
You're really missing the point here. It's the fact that his land could never be defended from attack because of the way the game is designed. No amount of turrets that he could realistically have could prevent him from being LGed.
This is theoretical of course. Also Detmer's "d/where_you_stand_in_the_grand_scheme_of_things" is very subjective and really means nothing more than "We could break you therefore you didn't have enough defense" which is absurd i.e. read above.