
Red X Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 20:20:45

What should I get. I am due for a upgrade in feb. I am running a nexus. I wanted another nexus, but verizon does not support them. I am checking out the note 3 i do beleive it is. Anyway, what do you all think I should get. I want a good phone that will last well past my next upgrade. With that said I know it wont be fast, but I want it to be able to last. What are you guys thoughts on Blackberry, Android, and Windows. Apple, well I refuse to use iPhones.
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 7th 2014, 20:39:43

like my Nokia Windows Phone 8. Verizon data plans are too expensive though. i dunno. i only bought it cause it's linked in to my xbox live account. it survived the second or two that it spent at the bottom of my bathtub. not sure how long it was immersed. i was too busy saying "Oh fluff, Oh fluff, Oh fluff, Oh fluff" to notice.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

BobOnThis Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 20:43:23

Out of those three, if you want much for apps go with Android. I always had windows phones prior to my current phone. Apps are nearly non-existent, but the OS itself was solid. Errors were few and far between.
Never had a blackberry but haven't heard much about them lately.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 20:43:43

iPhones last a long time.

If you intend to play some games on it, get an iPhone. If you don't, then really any phone will do. Generally speaking, an iPhone is more responsive (reacts faster when you touch the screen, due to OS architecture) and smoother on transitions/animations, but an android/windows phone is more rootable/customizable. Note also that when new apps come out, iOS platform almost always comes out first, then android port a few months later (this is due to the difficulty of programming on android devices due to OS fragmentation, store fragmentation and screen resolution/density fragmentation).

Depends what you really want out of a phone. For eg, do you care about the camera on it? Plan to travel and take pictures with it? Lumia might suit you if so.

Other factors such as whether your work environment requires your phone to be camera-less (eg, govt or military areas), or perhaps waterproof, etc.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 20:49:20

Also, if you intend to use your phone past the next upgrade (as stated in original post), you probably must have thought the same thing when you did your previous upgrade. What changed? Would the same not happen again in 2 years?

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 7th 2014, 21:11:46

I don't notice iphones lasting any longer than their android counterparts tbh. Also, can you still get cameraless phones these days?
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Red X Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 21:17:24

well Xin the charger port is messed up on my nexus, and well, i refuse to pay to have it fixed. The port is messed up due to my fault. I don't play a lot of games. I like to customize my stuff and I do not like apple because when they make a new iOS or do a update its always for like the newer one i.e. 5s or what not. I like the note 3 because of screen size. its like a mini tablet and i can watch netflix on it haha. just wanted thoughts from everyone that has a clue. I really do not have a clue about it.
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Marshal Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 22:03:31

Originally posted by martian:
Also, can you still get cameraless phones these days?

yea although those are mostly low end phones,
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 22:05:48

I just buy each new iPhone, but I am a frivolous jerk who makes too much money and has no wife/kids/mortgage.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 23:41:53

Originally posted by Red X:
What should I get. I am due for a upgrade in feb. I am running a nexus. I wanted another nexus, but verizon does not support them. I am checking out the note 3 i do beleive it is. Anyway, what do you all think I should get. I want a good phone that will last well past my next upgrade. With that said I know it wont be fast, but I want it to be able to last. What are you guys thoughts on Blackberry, Android, and Windows. Apple, well I refuse to use iPhones.

Out of all the phones that I get calls for I would say that I havn't had any about Windows phones, either because the other ones are that popular or Windows phone have the least problems. I am working for Verizon right now as a Tech Coach. I don't have many calls about Blackberry phones either, I had about 3 or 4 calls about the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 just earlier today Mostly issues connecting to Wifi, I believe it's a factory defect, but the ppl who call are pretty satisfied with the phones overall. I'm an Android guy myself. The iPhones are pretty neat and easy to fix but are very security oriented and if something goes wrong with it or you need an update as with most phones be ready to pull up iTunes or iCloud and back everything up. We do a lot of Hard Resets with those phones, but they are very popular none the less. It's really about preference. What main things do you need your phone for, because depending what you need it for, there is a specific phone that is geared for what you need it for.
Do as I say, not as I do.

E2025 Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 0:10:44

Got a DroidX that has lasted me 3 years, I've dropped it a thousand times and it still ticks away.

andrewmmuller Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 0:11:47

the problem with new phones these days are the size. they keep getting bigger. that is the reason i bought an iphone 4s as my last new phone. i'm due for an upgrade but even the iphones are getting bigger. all i want is a phone that is fast enough to last 2 years without feeling slow and is small enough to put in my pocket. most of the new ones feel like graphing calculators :( ie the note

bertz Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 1:24:59

Sony Xperia Z1 or Z1 compact.

grimjoww Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 2:33:34

Iphone 5S !!

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 2:35:33

Originally posted by Red X:
well Xin the charger port is messed up on my nexus, and well, i refuse to pay to have it fixed. The port is messed up due to my fault. I don't play a lot of games. I like to customize my stuff and I do not like apple because when they make a new iOS or do a update its always for like the newer one i.e. 5s or what not. I like the note 3 because of screen size. its like a mini tablet and i can watch netflix on it haha. just wanted thoughts from everyone that has a clue. I really do not have a clue about it.

Well the latest iOS still supports devices made 4 years ago (iPhone 4), so while it is correct to say they make new phones, they still support old ones. If you want to watch movies/videos, I will honestly just suggest you get a phone AND a tablet, eyes get painful after a while when watching a small screen.



Jan 8th 2014, 3:18:17

Xin, your biased, you write games for iOS.

I actually sell phones for a living.

iOS 6 rendered iPhone 3 & 3GS a paperweight, so did iOS 7 on iPhone 4 & 4S.

For god knows why, you will see the phone running a full snail pace when running these newer iOS on older iPhones.
Sure, a good hard reset and wipe will make it faster, but over time, it slows the phone down to a pulp, and you are forced to buy a new phone.

And guess what, if you are heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem, you are then forced to buy another Apple phone.

I would personally suggest a combo of phone and tablet as well.

My current rotation this past week

Apple iPhone 5s
Google Nexus 5
Samsung S4

Apple iPad Mini
Google Nexus 7

Plus a shelve full of older phones, all from manufacture reps as gifts or prizes.

I personally love the G2, already bought my own for when the one I'm using gets recalled by my company.

Originally posted by andrewmmuller:
the problem with new phones these days are the size. they keep getting bigger. that is the reason i bought an iphone 4s as my last new phone. i'm due for an upgrade but even the iphones are getting bigger. all i want is a phone that is fast enough to last 2 years without feeling slow and is small enough to put in
my pocket. most of the new ones feel like graphing calculators :( ie the note

Get the Moto X, small enough phone that has neat features that will enhance your phone experience.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 8th 2014, 3:40:15

I have the Google nexus something, I really like it and so far, so good in 7 months of abuse haha.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 8th 2014, 7:58:01

oh, i also got the Windows Phone because i can use it as a WiFi hotspot for my other electronics. forgot about that because i turned it off for a couple months because the data plans are too expensive to use it for much of anything.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Ka Mac


Jan 8th 2014, 9:00:19

I'm satisfied with my Samsung Galaxy Note 2, I've heard Note 3 is a tad better. It's like a mini-tablet. Lots of apps, games at the Android Market.

and oh, quadcore processor.

Lilmxcn Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 9:48:52

Yea my cousin has a note 3... And she loves it... It's lasted her for a while now... It seams fast not many problems It comes wit a stylist so if ur fingers are to big to press somethin... Androinds are good phones... I just don't understand them... So I have an iphone its good enough for me...

Atryn Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 14:02:42

Check out Sprint Spark if you are in one of those markets...



Jan 8th 2014, 15:14:06

I have an HTC One X, love it.

Savage Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 15:21:17

I've had an iphone 4 since the day they released and it still runs fast & smooth. I'll likely be going to 5s shortly.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 15:22:40

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Xin, your biased, you write games for iOS.

I actually sell phones for a living.

iOS 6 rendered iPhone 3 & 3GS a paperweight, so did iOS 7 on iPhone 4 & 4S.

For a phone seller, you might actually want to check your facts lest you mislead your customers with your biasness. You got 3 facts wrong.

1. iOS7 can be installed on iPhone 4 and 4S, and still works fine without noticeable slowdowns (you can turn off the dynamic backgrounds, parallax, frills, etc).
2. And my 3GS is still perfectly fine and usable on iOS 6.1 which can still be downloaded and installed on an iPhone 3GS. Most apps still support iOS6. It is definitely not a paperweight.
3. I write games for BOTH Android and iOS, not exclusively iOS as you seem to think. I also did not outright suggest him to buy an Apple product.

Also, he's looking to buy a new phone. Why would he buy an old iPhone and run a new iOS on it?

Edited By: Xinhuan on Jan 8th 2014, 15:35:25
See Original Post

hellfish Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 16:22:26

in the end red X it depends on what you do with your phone. we all can make suggestions based upon what we like but find out what you really do and use your phone for and then, get a phone that allows you to do that.



Jan 8th 2014, 17:46:47

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
Xin, your biased, you write games for iOS.

I actually sell phones for a living.

iOS 6 rendered iPhone 3 & 3GS a paperweight, so did iOS 7 on iPhone 4 & 4S.

For a phone seller, you might actually want to check your facts lest you mislead your customers with your biasness. You got 3 facts wrong.

1. iOS7 can be installed on iPhone 4 and 4S, and still works fine without noticeable slowdowns (you can turn off the dynamic backgrounds, parallax, frills, etc).
2. And my 3GS is still perfectly fine and usable on iOS 6.1 which can still be downloaded and installed on an iPhone 3GS. Most apps still support iOS6. It is definitely not a paperweight.
3. I write games for BOTH Android and iOS, not exclusively iOS as you seem to think. I also did not outright suggest him to buy an Apple product.

Also, he's looking to buy a new phone. Why would he buy an old iPhone and run a new iOS on it?

Stop being so serious, jeez.

My facts are as this, I have, on average, 10 people a day complaining how slow their 4 & 4s is after upgrading to iOS 7.

My question to you is whether you actually use your 3GS on a daily basis, or is it more for testing the game you wrote.

I actually agree that Android screen size and resolution size fragmentation is probably the biggest challenge for any app developer, but on the other hand, that is what makes it so good for consumers, there's a screen size for every consumer's desire.


I break it down easily for those that is trying to pick a phone, how do you want to use your phone?

Do you need to run Office/Excel Spread Sheets daily, edit and send back through your mobile device?
Exclusive Windows phones runs Office/Excel perfectly, especially if this is a business phone, the new Nokia Lumia 1520 looks fantastic.

Are you an Apple user, PC, Apple TV, iTunes. The Apple iPhone does offer unmatched synergy with your computer for your hassle free sync. Try to wait for the new iPhone that will come out this year, it either will be the same as this years, or they might finally catch up and have a 5" screen that will make your phone experience a lot better.

Are you a heavy phone user that uses it for emails, calendars, and need information on the go, constantly?
Android provides live widgets that you can run productive applications straight on your screen without the need to jump through loops just to find out what is happening three weeks from now.

Are you insane? Go get a Blackberry.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 8th 2014, 18:03:46

Originally posted by Forgotten:

Do you need to run Office/Excel Spread Sheets daily, edit and send back through your mobile device?
Exclusive Windows phones runs Office/Excel perfectly, especially if this is a business phone, the new Nokia Lumia 1520 looks fantastic.

maybe they gave me the sucky version of mobile Office apps. not sure what they're good for. Word might be good for rough drafts. Editing/formatting sucks in Excel. have no idea what to do with One Note.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Bikerman Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 18:16:49

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
Xin, your biased, you write games for iOS.

I actually sell phones for a living.

iOS 6 rendered iPhone 3 & 3GS a paperweight, so did iOS 7 on iPhone 4 & 4S.

For a phone seller, you might actually want to check your facts lest you mislead your customers with your biasness. You got 3 facts wrong.

1. iOS7 can be installed on iPhone 4 and 4S, and still works fine without noticeable slowdowns (you can turn off the dynamic backgrounds, parallax, frills, etc).
2. And my 3GS is still perfectly fine and usable on iOS 6.1 which can still be downloaded and installed on an iPhone 3GS. Most apps still support iOS6. It is definitely not a paperweight.
3. I write games for BOTH Android and iOS, not exclusively iOS as you seem to think. I also did not outright suggest him to buy an Apple product.

Also, he's looking to buy a new phone. Why would he buy an old iPhone and run a new iOS on it?

My iphone 4 is slow as crap after installing ios7 - it is up to the point where I don't think my next phone will be an iphone
REALLY crappy
(wife have iphone 5s and it is runing as it should, but I'm still mad about my 4 and how it has become after "upgrading" it to ios7)

ohh, btw, worked 10 years as a network guy in a mobile company, have had 100's of phone for testing, so I'm almost sure it is not a setup fault :)

Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 20:03:48

Originally posted by Bikerman:
My iphone 4 is slow as crap after installing ios7 - it is up to the point where I don't think my next phone will be an iphone

Try some of these and see if it helps:
Another website claimed “Disable ‘documents and data’ in the iCloud settings and that fixes all keyboard problems.” which seemed to work for some as well.

I'll admit there is some truth to ios7 slowing down iPhone 4, and Forgotten is correct on that one, but a bunch of it can be mitigated.

Lilmxcn Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 21:45:26

My iPhone 4S works just fine wit the newer update ... A lil beat up but still runs good...

Bikerman Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 22:29:39

Ill give them a go
Didn't know there was any issue with the keyboard, but then again I have never had dokument and data sync in icloud :)

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 22:45:51

Originally posted by Bikerman:
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
Xin, your biased, you write games for iOS.

I actually sell phones for a living.

iOS 6 rendered iPhone 3 & 3GS a paperweight, so did iOS 7 on iPhone 4 & 4S.

For a phone seller, you might actually want to check your facts lest you mislead your customers with your biasness. You got 3 facts wrong.

1. iOS7 can be installed on iPhone 4 and 4S, and still works fine without noticeable slowdowns (you can turn off the dynamic backgrounds, parallax, frills, etc).
2. And my 3GS is still perfectly fine and usable on iOS 6.1 which can still be downloaded and installed on an iPhone 3GS. Most apps still support iOS6. It is definitely not a paperweight.
3. I write games for BOTH Android and iOS, not exclusively iOS as you seem to think. I also did not outright suggest him to buy an Apple product.

Also, he's looking to buy a new phone. Why would he buy an old iPhone and run a new iOS on it?

My iphone 4 is slow as crap after installing ios7 - it is up to the point where I don't think my next phone will be an iphone
REALLY crappy
(wife have iphone 5s and it is runing as it should, but I'm still mad about my 4 and how it has become after "upgrading" it to ios7)

ohh, btw, worked 10 years as a network guy in a mobile company, have had 100's of phone for testing, so I'm almost sure it is not a setup fault :)

Do a backup, Factory reset and than restore so you can get your iOS 6 back.
Do as I say, not as I do.

skitch Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 0:17:30

You should get an iPhone. It's basically crazy to get anything else.

bertz Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 1:40:00

Originally posted by Forgotten:

I break it down easily for those that is trying to pick a phone, how do you want to use your phone?

Do you need to run Office/Excel Spread Sheets daily, edit and send back through your mobile device?
Exclusive Windows phones runs Office/Excel perfectly, especially if this is a business phone, the new Nokia Lumia 1520 looks fantastic.

Are you an Apple user, PC, Apple TV, iTunes. The Apple iPhone does offer unmatched synergy with your computer for your hassle free sync. Try to wait for the new iPhone that will come out this year, it either will be the same as this years, or they might finally catch up and have a 5" screen that will make your phone experience a lot better.

Are you a heavy phone user that uses it for emails, calendars, and need information on the go, constantly?
Android provides live widgets that you can run productive applications straight on your screen without the need to jump through loops just to find out what is happening three weeks from now.

Are you insane? Go get a Blackberry.

LMAO. Love this



Jan 9th 2014, 2:53:20

Factory reset will still give you iOS 7

Xin, see, I'm not crazy. And let's be honest here, average user is NOT going to fiddle with settings to get a faster phone, they use it, they trust the company, the company throws a new update, they update, and the phone is dead.

The truth is, Apple controls both the hardware and the software, and now the charger port too. They can make the phone fry itself if you use a charger that isn't Apple approved products, yes there are bad chargers out there, but Apple actually controls the software and hardware, they decide how fast YOUR phone is running by the version of the software.

Samsung just released 4.3 Jellybean for their Android phones.
Guess what, they didn't fine tune it enough, and it's giving everyone a hell of an issue. Data going on and off by itself, things not working completely.

Blackberry, lol. well, actually 10.2 actually did make the experience better.

If you want to have truly worry free that some software update is going to kill your phone, go with the Nexus 5, and just stay as the 4.4.2 Kitkat, or at least whatever that comes in the next half year.

Or, get the iPhone 5c and don't ever update it.

also 5c > 5s. the few benefits do not out weight the extra cost.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 9th 2014, 8:17:27

Originally posted by skitch:
You should get an iPhone. It's basically crazy to get anything else.

bah. i don't feel like reminding Apple users that the Apple logo is the mark of the beast at the moment. maybe later.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Bikerman Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 11:36:05

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by Bikerman:
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
Xin, your biased, you write games for iOS.

I actually sell phones for a living.

iOS 6 rendered iPhone 3 & 3GS a paperweight, so did iOS 7 on iPhone 4 & 4S.

For a phone seller, you might actually want to check your facts lest you mislead your customers with your biasness. You got 3 facts wrong.

1. iOS7 can be installed on iPhone 4 and 4S, and still works fine without noticeable slowdowns (you can turn off the dynamic backgrounds, parallax, frills, etc).
2. And my 3GS is still perfectly fine and usable on iOS 6.1 which can still be downloaded and installed on an iPhone 3GS. Most apps still support iOS6. It is definitely not a paperweight.
3. I write games for BOTH Android and iOS, not exclusively iOS as you seem to think. I also did not outright suggest him to buy an Apple product.

Also, he's looking to buy a new phone. Why would he buy an old iPhone and run a new iOS on it?

My iphone 4 is slow as crap after installing ios7 - it is up to the point where I don't think my next phone will be an iphone
REALLY crappy
(wife have iphone 5s and it is runing as it should, but I'm still mad about my 4 and how it has become after "upgrading" it to ios7)

ohh, btw, worked 10 years as a network guy in a mobile company, have had 100's of phone for testing, so I'm almost sure it is not a setup fault :)

Do a backup, Factory reset and than restore so you can get your iOS 6 back.

You can't go back to ios6 anymore (without having it jailbreaked - and it is a company phone so it is not jail broken) :)

iNouda Game profile


Jan 9th 2014, 12:15:47

The Lumia 929 should be out on Verizon soon. According to theverge, that thing is a beast.

"The 5-inch device includes a 20-megapixel camera, 2.2GHz quad-core processor, and a 2420 mAh battery according to the specifications listed by Verizon."

If the Lumia 1520 is too big for you, then the 5 inch 929 should be a better fit since its specs are comparable with the larger Lumia, which is among the best (spec-wise) phones on the the market right now.