
Galandy Game profile


Aug 26th 2011, 16:31:17

The thing looks badass and I can not wait to see a review on this badboy.

However I must say, Price: US$2799.99 is a bit frightening.

Currently I run an Asus G73Jw.

Basically the same specs(minus the sandybridge in the Razer) but I'm 2 and a bit pounds heavier.

I spent on sale for this laptop $1599.99 plus taxes to put it up around 1800 ish. Then add in the $400 SSD and a 1 TB backup drive. 2500 ish. Add in a Razer Orochi, a Ironclad Mousepad, and a CoolerMaster SF-19 and we hit around the 2800 mark of this lappy.

To make up the taxes add in the fact I have a Pico projector, and array of media cables, Headset, external speakers, surge protector and a couple external HDD and we are basically at the same spending cost.

For the 2 extra pounds, a bit thicker of a laptop and a slightly slower processor I have to say I would rather my setup then Buying this thing.

I understand with HP in talks about moving out of the PC industry this is a great time to get in on their sales but at 2800 plus tax I think its a bit steep for most gamers and i dont think this helps the PC vs Console arguments.

Though I appreciate the effort from Razer, i would have rather seen the Switchblade released and under 1k. A Nintendo DSI size gaming netbook under the 1k mark would have separated from the pack and done wonders.

Too bad really.
<[FBI]ZEN> Which is funny...because I am Spanish and Native American mixed....which means I am a Mexican....
<Galandy>move to canada ZEN everyone else does
<[FBI]ZEN> And breed with a Quebecian
<[FBI]ZEN> To make the ultimate snob/migrant worker

NukEvil Game profile


Aug 26th 2011, 19:22:33

Wait for 6 months for the price to come down. By then, it'll be more or less obsolete anyways.
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galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Aug 26th 2011, 20:17:31

I hate you

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Jiman Game profile


Aug 26th 2011, 20:49:07

I would say get a desktop unless you do nothing but travel.

TheVoices Game profile


Aug 26th 2011, 20:57:39

Originally posted by Jiman:
I would say get a desktop unless you do nothing but travel.

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 26th 2011, 21:00:14

Pretty much - maybe I'm too old fashioned, but a laptop really only needs to handle what you actually need to take on the move. I'd rather buy a $750 desktop, a $1000 laptop, and take a $2500 vacation somewhere for that kinda money.

Galandy Game profile


Aug 26th 2011, 23:25:44

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Pretty much - maybe I'm too old fashioned, but a laptop really only needs to handle what you actually need to take on the move. I'd rather buy a $750 desktop, a $1000 laptop, and take a $2500 vacation somewhere for that kinda money.

Laptops are the new desktop. Sooner or later as parts get smaller and more popular there will be no need for desktops.
<[FBI]ZEN> Which is funny...because I am Spanish and Native American mixed....which means I am a Mexican....
<Galandy>move to canada ZEN everyone else does
<[FBI]ZEN> And breed with a Quebecian
<[FBI]ZEN> To make the ultimate snob/migrant worker

Sifos Game profile


Aug 27th 2011, 0:50:40

galleri uses a 386, it doesn't have built in rocket engines, but it gets the job done
Imaginary Numbers
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Sifos Game profile


Aug 27th 2011, 0:52:20

Laptops are most certainly not the new desktops. I will never go back to using a laptop at home. They can never match my current setup in comfortability.
Imaginary Numbers
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Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Aug 27th 2011, 2:02:18

agree with sifos

I have dual 24" monitors + a 17" monitor; that in and of itself is huge; I also refuse to use a keyboard right next to the screen; so if we're talking massive monitors + keyboard + mouse, what's a box beside you really anyway; plus i like having 100x the storage of a laptop... (currently have 8TB on my linux box)
Finally did the signature thing.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Aug 27th 2011, 2:02:47

though, that is a sweet laptop

I'd never use it tho

my GF would probably though, working in mining camps
Finally did the signature thing.

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 27th 2011, 2:26:05

See Galandy, that's my problem....they DO keep getting smaller - I love my dual monitor + TV out set up with wireless keyboard/mouse that can reach my couch, and enough storage to back up NASA. I could do it with a laptop with 2 graphics cards and a whole bunch of externals, but I'd be continually plugging and unplugging 1/2 a dozen peripherals every time I wanted to compute on the go, versus having a nice laptop I can sync up and just carry out of the house with me or up to the fluffter if it's time for a kill run :-)

Laptops have been around since before I was a teen, and they have yet to replace desktops as the primary means of computing, and still remain an accessory to home computing more than vice versa. Folks are saying the same about tablets, and again I say nonsense, they are just another accessory.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Aug 27th 2011, 2:28:49

yea... i think the people who didn't use a computer in 1994 will get tablets or laptops, and the people who had desktops in 1994 will still have desktops

Finally did the signature thing.

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 27th 2011, 2:39:21

lol! Could well be...

I think I was on my 4th of 5th computer by then, so I'm probably stuck.

Galandy Game profile


Aug 27th 2011, 2:45:20

When I was six i was tearing apart computers and putting them back together.

I grew up in a very tech oriented family. I used to always have a desktop. I always built my own and was quite happy with desktops.

We are talking back 186 to K5, Voodoo Video cards and all that.

Over the last two years i got better and better laptops and now have completely ditched desktops.

I have secondary monitors, a wireless mouse and keyboard and as technology advances with things like WiDi I don't even need to plug into the TV anymore to stream my high def media.

The best part of it all is everything is always with me at every point in time. I have a 70" TV(the projector) in my bag at all times plus everything I need to keep me happy in my laptop bag.

The laptop would probably put 90% of the computers here to shame in benchmarks and I have all the joys of a portable desktop. It is the main reason I sold my desktop and have moved to a completely portable option.

At the end of the day what benefits does a desktop have over my laptop? That's what I asked myself and well, the answer was right in front of me.
<[FBI]ZEN> Which is funny...because I am Spanish and Native American mixed....which means I am a Mexican....
<Galandy>move to canada ZEN everyone else does
<[FBI]ZEN> And breed with a Quebecian
<[FBI]ZEN> To make the ultimate snob/migrant worker

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 27th 2011, 3:19:05

Permanency is my biggest benefit from a desktop. I have a laptop if I want to be mobile, a smart phone if I want to travel light, but at the end of the day coming home to that box that's been connected 24/7, powered up 24/7, etc, etc is still preferable for me - I could do it all with my laptop, of course, but having it all stationary is just easier for me.

I don't think there's a right or wrong to it, really - it's just like the mac/pc/linux debate...whatever suits your needs the best is the best operating system.



Aug 29th 2011, 18:48:29

Soo what the Heck do you use for Graphics Galandy??
Unlike most computer parts graphic cards seem to be growing

Galandy Game profile


Aug 29th 2011, 20:01:03

What do you mean?

Like software wise, what do I use?
<[FBI]ZEN> Which is funny...because I am Spanish and Native American mixed....which means I am a Mexican....
<Galandy>move to canada ZEN everyone else does
<[FBI]ZEN> And breed with a Quebecian
<[FBI]ZEN> To make the ultimate snob/migrant worker

NRS Game profile


Aug 29th 2011, 20:02:12

bonus point

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 29th 2011, 20:51:06

very nice lappy that galandy :)
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Aug 30th 2011, 2:38:56

Yea, that's another thing... graphics wise, my GTX580 is almost as big as that laptop; so i'd have to imagine it outperforms it ;)

Finally did the signature thing.

Sifos Game profile


Aug 30th 2011, 13:18:27

Benchmarks mean nothing if you can't sit straight in front of it. To do that you'll need a separate screen. If you're using a separate screen, you'll have to use a separate keyboard as well to sit nice. I don't mind having a slightly bigger box under my desk rather than a smaller one on it, infact I'd prefer it since I don't have any space on the desk to put it anyway. That you get a cheaper computer with bigger options for configuration and exchanging stuff in it with time means quite a lot too :P

Laptops are good for mobility indeed, but I don't need mobility. I'm not going to say I'll never go back to a laptop at home, but I really don't see any reason why I ever would.
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Kid Game profile


Aug 30th 2011, 13:33:27


enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 30th 2011, 16:31:57

a gtx 580 consumes around 300 watts, if you had that sitting on your lap either the fans would be very large and noisy or youd better be sitting outside in winter

but this blade seems kind of bad and overpriced, the little one they were talking about a while ago looked good but might not ever get into mass production

Jiman Game profile


Aug 30th 2011, 18:50:11

You will always have to pay more (for a laptop) to get the same level of performance that you would get from a desktop.

Laptops are not performance machines.

Random search for a computer that looks better then this for less of the price.

Galandy Game profile


Aug 30th 2011, 22:10:28

How much power do you need though?

I can run every game on max settings, with the SSD everything is lightening quick and its always with me.

Yes your videocard has more power but name me some software that actually takes your card to the fullest that you use daily?

There is none. Software is years behind hardware so why not have the best you can in a portable setting?
<[FBI]ZEN> Which is funny...because I am Spanish and Native American mixed....which means I am a Mexican....
<Galandy>move to canada ZEN everyone else does
<[FBI]ZEN> And breed with a Quebecian
<[FBI]ZEN> To make the ultimate snob/migrant worker

Galandy Game profile


Aug 30th 2011, 22:11:25

Originally posted by Jiman:

Laptops are not performance machines.

Mine is. This thing is faster then most peoples desktops here with power to spare.
<[FBI]ZEN> Which is funny...because I am Spanish and Native American mixed....which means I am a Mexican....
<Galandy>move to canada ZEN everyone else does
<[FBI]ZEN> And breed with a Quebecian
<[FBI]ZEN> To make the ultimate snob/migrant worker

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Aug 31st 2011, 15:49:48

my issue with laptops is that it's harder to interchange components. Although I suppose as far as external USB devices go, that's why we have USB hubs:P
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 31st 2011, 22:20:05

Galandy, perhaps it's awesome but you don't have 2*gtx 580 in it and you dont have a desktop i7 2600K overclocked to 4+k ghz.
You don't have a superfast SSD & 12 TB of storage.
You don't have 4*screens plugged into your laptop.

I love my gaming laptop that i have at work for lonely nights but it just can't replace my desktop.
I want the best performance i can get and a laptop don't have it.
And if it had i would not like to pay 20*the price of a desktop for it.
Don of LaF

Jiman Game profile


Aug 31st 2011, 23:17:26

Originally posted by Galandy:
Originally posted by Jiman:

Laptops are not performance machines.

Mine is. This thing is faster then most peoples desktops here with power to spare.

Thats good, I can get the same machine for half the price.

Galandy Game profile


Aug 31st 2011, 23:18:13

No i DOnt and I do understand that, but the qeustion is what on a daily basis do you need that amount of power for?

Unless you are using some sort of CUDA application that takes full advantage of those video cards, besides knowing you have all that power, whats the point?

By the time that hardware can be used to its full potential you will have upgraded to something 10x better and so will have I.

Do you see what I'm getting at here? I owned a desktop for years and dont get me wrong i loved it. OC'd to insane amounts, Dual 295's(which still demolish most of todays high end cards) 8tb of storage and enough ram to impregnate an entire flock of sheep.

At the end of the day even when i was sampling cuda type applications that system was never used to its fullest.
<[FBI]ZEN> Which is funny...because I am Spanish and Native American mixed....which means I am a Mexican....
<Galandy>move to canada ZEN everyone else does
<[FBI]ZEN> And breed with a Quebecian
<[FBI]ZEN> To make the ultimate snob/migrant worker

Galandy Game profile


Aug 31st 2011, 23:22:20

Originally posted by Jiman:
Originally posted by Galandy:
Originally posted by Jiman:

Laptops are not performance machines.

Mine is. This thing is faster then most peoples desktops here with power to spare.

Thats good, I can get the same machine for half the price.

My CPU and VC are last gen along with the SSD, however I do think the price difference would be half. Laptops are Insanely cheap compared to a few years back and the price difference isnt that black and white like it used to be.
<[FBI]ZEN> Which is funny...because I am Spanish and Native American mixed....which means I am a Mexican....
<Galandy>move to canada ZEN everyone else does
<[FBI]ZEN> And breed with a Quebecian
<[FBI]ZEN> To make the ultimate snob/migrant worker

Jiman Game profile


Sep 1st 2011, 0:57:04

However I must say, Price: US$2799.99 is a bit frightening.

I addressed the concerns of price in the OP. If you want to get the same power as this laptop (blade) for that price, you can spend less on a desktop and still get something as powerful as the blade.

By the time that hardware can be used to its full potential you will have upgraded to something 10x better and so will have I.

Desktops also allow you to uprade your system little by little, instead where in laptops you normally have to buy an entirely new laptop to get any significant upgrades.

In the end, it is your money and you can do what ever you like. I am only pointing out the pro's and cons to assist you in your endeavor. I hope I have helped in some way.

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Sep 1st 2011, 14:39:33

Desktops > laptops > netbooks > tablets

Laptops have a shorter life span for the very fact that they get carried around, and tend to break.
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 2nd 2011, 10:31:56

Well for the 2700$ you can get a 14" alienware with more power then that Razer. Sure you don't get that fancy LCD screen that you won't use anyway ;-)

a 17" laptop is not mobile...
Don of LaF

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Sep 2nd 2011, 12:46:47

   [lap-top] Show IPA
a portable, usually battery-powered microcomputer small enough to rest on the user's lap.

Yes, it is mobile =P
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

evo Game profile


Sep 2nd 2011, 13:33:02

desktop is still much more reliable to me. mine,heavy dual crossfire + WC rig just to play earth =p

and i plan to upgrade it to dual WC setup. my laptop is only for viewing mails, or sometimes trading.



Sep 4th 2011, 6:13:37

Most modern games put a major draw on your video card and memory.
Maybe I am wrong and they are not utilized correctly but all I know is I am always looking for video and memory upgrades

Erian Game profile


Sep 5th 2011, 9:00:18

This laptop is damn sexy... but I'll keep my desktop for gaming. Especially GFX cards are a lot more powerful on desktop.