
Thomas Game profile


Oct 22nd 2012, 2:23:34

Just a reminder about our policy. If you grab us, we retal, and that same country gets "grabbed" by your tag within 48 hours, it is deemed a RoR. It works the same if we LG someone who retalled us within 48 hours.

This has been our policy for many resets now and has remain unchanged. Our policy can be located here:

The actual language for this section of the policy is here:

Landgrabbing the Retaller/Retallee

- Any country that has made a retal cannot be landgrabbed for 48 hours.
- Any country that landgrabbed us and was retalled cannot be landgrabbed for 48 hours.
-Otherwise the landgrabs will be viewed as over-retalling and will be retalled according to standard escalating policies of 2:1, 3:2 etc

Thomas Game profile


Oct 22nd 2012, 11:56:58


TAN Game profile


Oct 22nd 2012, 12:05:03

Why 48 hours and not 24 hours?

Thomas Game profile


Oct 22nd 2012, 13:04:42

There are plenty of targets out there, you shouldn't need to hit that same country within 48. 48 is the standard retal window, so anything inside of 48 would be seen as you retalling a retal.

TAN Game profile


Oct 22nd 2012, 15:26:29

But why not lower it to 24? No one is holding a gun to your head and saying a window is a window and is defined only one way. You could have two windows: 1) Retals are to be taken within 48 hours, and 2) After the final retal is made, any hits made on that country within 24 hours would be considered a RoR.

Also, assume there are three countries in three different alliances A, B and C. The Sanct country is A. So if B hits A, and 24 hours later C hits A, C's hit is considered illegitimate?

Good luck enforcing that.

Thomas Game profile


Oct 22nd 2012, 15:52:29

No. This is tagwide. So if PDM retalled a Sanct country, and another Sanct country grabbed that PDM country within 48 hours, it would be deemed a RoR.

We established 48 hours because it's just easier to keep everything in that window. And with all honesty, there are plenty of targets out there. If you can't find another country to hit, then there is a problem.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 22nd 2012, 15:55:53

he is clearly talking about hits from the same tag within 24 hours

Edited By: H4xOr WaNgEr on Oct 22nd 2012, 16:00:34
See Original Post

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 22nd 2012, 15:57:29

mm actually based on the language of the policy it seems Lee it is for everyone, so nvm

Rockman Game profile


Oct 22nd 2012, 16:36:34

Originally posted by Thomas:
There are plenty of targets out there, you shouldn't need to hit that same country within 48. 48 is the standard retal window, so anything inside of 48 would be seen as you retalling a retal.

Your tag has only 19 countries. Is that what you call plenty?

Ivan Game profile


Oct 22nd 2012, 16:46:47

Theres more then 1 tag out there else im sure hed to farm your country rockman :)

Ivan Game profile


Oct 22nd 2012, 16:47:00

hed be happy to farm even

Rockman Game profile


Oct 22nd 2012, 16:55:20

Originally posted by Ivan:

Theres more then 1 tag out there else im sure hed to farm your country rockman :)

Well, there's only one Sanct country with more networth than me. And I'm not really trying to bounce retals. If I actually tried to bounce their retals, there would only be one Sanct country anywhere near me in networth.

10m networth countries grabbing 2m networth countries get such crappy gains. If they have only one country jumping in networth to take retals, then its no surprise that there's not 'plenty' of targets out there.

You could always petition qzjul to remove the bottomfeeding curve so that your other countries get more attention than your one high networth country. I'm sure he'd be happy to do a change like that which would further mess up the game.

Thomas Game profile


Oct 22nd 2012, 17:02:02

Policy has been updated to be more clear.

Edited By: Thomas on Oct 22nd 2012, 17:16:53
See Original Post