Feb 28th 2011, 12:39:19
No other two alliances can boast as many as 7 pure 1v1 battles. It equates to over a year of fighting and countless hours sitting in war rooms killing each other.
For the first part of this great rivalry, SOF completely dominated SOL. SOL did not beat SOF in a 1v1 until 2005, at which point they won the next 3 in a row. After that, SoF and Helmet practically disbanded due to the rising prevalence of multies and cheating that was not being controlled by the admins.
To the rivalry!
First blood was drawn in the battle that made Elitez legendary. Al-man dared Startiger to FS SOL, which they promptly did. SOF joined Elitez and decimated SOL. Elitez countries were basically unkillable and SOF killed about 80 countries of SOL, Camelot and Legion.
After that battle, most of the 1v1s begin!
1v1 #1: Aug 17 to Oct 28, 2000
SOF(1) first strikes SOL(0) and wins
NorCal was making comments to Helmet concerning the TAZ and m0m0 division countries having very similar names and the fact that some of them were being deleted by Mehul (TAZ I think, not m0m0). NorCal carried these comments over to AT and Helmet and SoF declared war on SOL three days later.
SoF on SoL: 31427 (129 kills)
SoL on SoF: 20109 (72 kills)
SOF TNW: $1,165,697,000 (158 members)
SOL TNW: $756,101,000 (206 members)
.. 1v1 #2 to follow!
Months since LaF netgained: 22