
Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 13:24:03

This thread started due to our discussion in Alins thread but i'm of the opinion we shouldn't pollute that thread and make a new 1 for it.

My opinion is that if you do have arguments on some thing idea or that if you try to be condescending or sarcastic of something or someone or even if you trash talk someone you should use correct spelling and grammar or it doesn't have any meaning at all, if you try and be smart about something or act smart about something you should do it all the way.

It isn't enough to have a smart argument or a correct idea about something if you are illiterate and show everyone that you are and don't care about it and gives ppl a chance to spin your arguments (or even the sarcasm or trash talk) around, it doesn't help to get your ideas across to everyone if you act stupid and ppl think you are stupid, it only nullifies your ideas rendering them useless.

If you act smart about something then be smart, if you have an argument in a post on a forum then for fluff sake write correctly and i mean spelling and grammar especially if you have a correction line that helps you.

Also if you want to change a point of view about a culture or race that you belong to and are fed up with racial comments like "you are Romanian so you are a gipsy" you should start with changing yourself and show people that there are exceptions from their generalizations and not just act high and mighty and tell them not to generalize, it's what people do, generalization is how the human psychic works for example if i travel a lot and meet a lot of French that have no idea of the geography, history or people of the places they visit or even of Europe for that matter and say Bucharest is the same as Budapest or Bruxelles is in France when it's the capital of Belgium, i'm bound to generalize and say all Americans are stupid and have no culture, that doesn't mean that there aren't exceptions to my rule of thinking but as i've yet to see them and the general population falls into this category my rule stands. The more exceptions we meet the more our rules of thinking about a people will change.

Edited By: Souly on Dec 15th 2014, 19:01:25
See Original Post

braden Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 14:15:18

people who think america doesnt have culture dont know who thomas hart benson or henry david thoreau are. that is nobodys fault but their own. id suggest anything by ken burns if they ever want to know what theyre talking about. but people educating themselves is a lot to ask, i know.

Kalick Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 17:06:54

Culture/intelligence apparently means knowing things about Europe.

Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 17:14:25

i have nothing to do with this thread. I do not share any of this idiot ideeas.
That`s all folks!


Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 17:23:29

A Random american should ask him the followin question:

"Name the presidents of USA in 1910, 1920 , 1930, 1940 and 1950."
HE won`t do it without wikipedia. Case close...

Kalick Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 17:29:44

Yeah, that was kind of my thought. I would not consider a traveler to be stupid/uncultured if they visited Los Angeles but did not know the capital of California.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 15th 2014, 18:02:07

I didn't read your post it is too long.
I financially support this game; what do you do?

braden Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:09:38

my guess is teddy, woody, herby,, franky, and then either harry or ikey..

oh, im not american. sorry.

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:22:48

Originally posted by braden:
people who think america doesnt have culture dont know who thomas hart benson or henry david thoreau are. that is nobodys fault but their own. id suggest anything by ken burns if they ever want to know what theyre talking about. but people educating themselves is a lot to ask, i know.

it's Thomas Heart Benton and i think he was a painter.

Also i've learned about Henry david Thoreau in College he was a abolitionist and and fought against slavery if i remember correctly.

Originally posted by Alin:
A Random american should ask him the followin question:

"Name the presidents of USA in 1910, 1920 , 1930, 1940 and 1950."
HE won`t do it without wikipedia. Case close...

Of course i don't know all those presidents and there were time intervals for presidents in USA i do belive in the 1920's there were about 3 presidents 1 of which was Hoover, JFK was elected in 61 till 63 when he was assassinated after him was Jhonson then Nixon (also learned this in college) also the 1st president was George Washington don't know the date then there was Lincoln in 1861 but i guess that you didn't even know that Alin and was just arguing for arguments sake :) (ironic smile, in case you don't realise that).

Originally posted by Kalick:
Yeah, that was kind of my thought. I would not consider a traveler to be stupid/uncultured if they visited Los Angeles but did not know the capital of California.

Sacremento :)

those were just examples of how the human mind works Kalick it wasn't meant to be taken per se. but i guess you can just ignore the words "for example"

braden Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:28:07

you sir are correct, i fluffed the name.

braden Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:30:00

t and s arent even close to one another on the samsung keyboard.. makes me wonder where else id miused his name :(

Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:35:31

this guy should be keept for amusment. Metagaming ( some will understand ) tells me he can use internet...

Let me put this in plain crystal clear english.
Name the presidents of USA in 1910 1920 1930 1940 and 1950 not in 19xx`s.

Let me draw you a scheme :

In 1910 there was a president. He was elected in "i don`t care which" year. Name him - without internet.
I choose that period because it is representative for this world. First WW, Interwar period, second WW. It is representative for what we all are today. Soooo....

And no, i can`t name them. But your argument is void.
As i predicted, this guy is not smart.

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:36:10

:)))) it's ok it happened that i read about him somewhere and remembered it, i'm not all knowing neither do i expect anyone to be but having some culture doesn't heart

P.S: read my last comment in Alin's thread and you'll find out a big irony there :)))

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 15th 2014, 18:50:47

Originally posted by Souly:
you'll find out a big irony there

please tell me its an improvement when it comes to ironing shirts !
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:53:04

it is if you want to run out of shirts :))), i can help take some off your hands Akula but they might not fit me :P

Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 18:53:42

Irony, you know what irony is?

Irony is when you call me an "attention whore" in a thread that is intended to make people think twice before they close a thread.

You see the irony here? I doubt you do ...

12 hours latter you open a thread to troll the americans which are basically >70% in this game.

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 19:00:45

For fluff sake they were just examples, the 1st examples that came to mind you dumb fluff, stop making arguments that aren't valid, you are just showing everyone that does understand, just how much you don't understand of what is being posted.

And now if it makes you fell any better i'll change Americans to French which you all hate... hope no one's fluffing french in this game so they start getting upset about an example!

And yes i also know quite a bit about France just if some of you are wondering

the thing in question was if some of you guys believe that when making an argument or smack talking to someone it should be done in a correct way and with some knowledge about what you are talking if it's an argument and write it correctly and understandably if it's trash talk, jokes, ironies or is it just to much to ask ppl in general not to fluff up a language so much that no one understands thair ideas, the other part was just an example of how the human psychic works.

Also just and advice to Alin: you say that you learned English with this game and are trying to improve it by posting on these boards well it'll help you improve it if you try at least to write correctly and i do mean spelling and grammar or even that improving argument you've made looses it's validity ( i know cos'my spelling sucks but the more i correct myself the less correcting i need to do)

Also if there are any French out there that play the game and read the example in the 1st post that now almost makes no sense you don't mind i'm using you for an example :)

Edited By: Souly on Dec 15th 2014, 19:13:04
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 19:15:38

You can`t go in a comunity, make a total idiotic remark about them and say - it was just an example.

Carry on ... don`t mind me ( i bet you are from the N-E part of our beautiful country).

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 19:24:04

It's not a remark it is an example as i said in the post but you still keep making arguments for argument sake which is kind of sad also you don't try to argue with the valid things i said as you can't, and that seems dumb to me.

Also what does it matter where i'm from, if you understand what the initial thread was about and not tie your arguing to an example of how the human mind works it's fine, if you don't then tough luck and stop being a smart ass unless you do come with some valid points.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 20:45:19

Originally posted by Alin:
Name the presidents of USA in 1910 1920 1930 1940 and 1950 not in 19xx`s.

This is off the top of my head.

Harding (I think he was elected in 20, so maybe Wilson was still president until 21)

I will post if I was correct in a minute.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 20:47:22

Bah, I was wrong about Ike, it was still Truman in '50, if I'd have spent a few seconds actually thinking about it I'd have figured that out. I was right about the rest, including the fact that Harding was elected in the 1920 election, so depends on the question's exact criteria.

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 21:24:07

wasn't Hoover elected in 29? Does that count as the 1920's or 30's?

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 21:57:29

Hoover was elected in '28, sworn in in '29. He was definitely president in '29, that's when the stock market crashed and the Depression started. They called the shack-towns homeless people lived in "Hoovervilles."

mdevol Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 22:06:24

Oddly, I agree with Alin here.

The entire premise of this post was written in the pretense that your intended audience isnt smart enough to troll/argue/communicate properly and are stupid. You then chose an example (as accurate as ot may or may not be) that implicates the vast majority of your audience.

You argue for people to be more thoughtful while posting debates and arguments while using a silly example to illustrate your point.

Your overall point has merit, but your delivery on that point, and ironically the very thing this thread is making a statement about, is medicore at best.

+1 USA
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 22:50:44

Boy now i get why mr ford thinks what he thinks.


No my argument as you can well read wasn't about being thoughtfull it was at best about being knowledgeable about the subject when you make an argument not just make arguments for arguments sake as some of you do and it was about if you try to be as smart ass and trash talk someone or make condescending remarks or are being sarcastic, ironic towards someone in a language you should at leas know how to spell and the grammar of said language and not make a full of yourself by trying to look smart when you are in fact illiterate, especially if you have a correction red line for your spelling.

Hot the fluff can you be thoughtful if you are sarcastic, ironic or trash talk someone?!? That beats me. :)

TAN Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 23:24:11

No love for Woodrow Wilson? :(

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 23:34:13

Originally posted by TAN:
No love for Woodrow Wilson? :(

No, he is legit one of the worst 5 presidents we've had.

Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 23:41:49

he had 2 mandates 1 after the other, he couldn't have been that bad :)

TAN Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 23:54:29

He said name the presidents of the USA. He didn't say the "good presidents".

braden Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 23:59:21

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Originally posted by TAN:
No love for Woodrow Wilson? :(

No, he is legit one of the worst 5 presidents we've had.

who lets women vote? i'm guessing he had no penis, like most deplorable socialists..

lets wait to see how this ends up being racist.. oh, black isn't a colour. that should do it.

timmie Game profile


Dec 16th 2014, 0:13:11

I will never get the few minutes its taken me to read this post back but here is my two cents. I think your entire post about being smart and using correct grammar and spelling is the same close minded bullfluff that limits peoples ability to achieve great things. Spelling and correct grammar have absolutely nothing to do with being smart. Define smart? If i can use autocorrect on a forum whilst posting about something i may have an interest in does that make me smart? NO. Greatness and some of the worlds greatest achievements were made / discovered by people who didn't attend university and couldnt give a flying fluff about using correct grammar or spelling.

You could have a concreter who never finished high school, but could tell you 1000 different real facts about concrete, pouring, setting, weight and stress limits without needing a calculator and by fluff he is incredibly knowledgeable on structures and anything to do with concrete. Does that make him dumb, or his points on concrete less valid because of grammar or english? fluff me.

What about a landscaper or horticulturist who has worked with soil, earth, plants and gardens for years and years. You get the point. Doctors, dentists, inventors dont become amazing at their craft in a book or following correct grammar. They become amazing by putting their hands and thoughts to work, taking years or hard work.

The point here is who are you, or anybody to define someone as being smart or not, or that somebody's point or knowledge on a topic isn't valid because they didn't use correct spelling or have a high? IQ, use of grammar? University degree? Seriously that is such close minded BS.

Do i think that to a point grammar, spelling and correct punctuation have a place? Of course.'It creates a standard to which communication can actually happen. I just don't think it has much to do with being smart, justifying an opinion or knowledgeable in something.


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 16th 2014, 0:13:13

There it is!

/eats popcorn

/awaits closure of thread
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Souly Game profile


Dec 16th 2014, 1:01:48

sorry timmie but a concreter who could tell you 1000 different real facts about concrete isn't smart he's maybe a specialist in his field, but if you discuss something other than his field you can't make real conversation

also doctors, dentists not to mention inventors sure are knowledgeable and have to study a lot and you can bet your ass the know how to write and they don't argue for the sake of argument :)

but you do have some points that are correct as you don't have to have a University degree to do great things but you have to have high IQ and be knowledgeable these people are self thought ppl and they do have high IQ's

Also we're on a forum where we write our opinions so you bet your ass the communicating your so that most people understand you is important and has a lot to do with grammar in the least.

P.S: thx for your 2 cents i think that your actually 1 of the few that gave some arguments and a comprehensive point of view even though it partially differs from mine :P

timmie Game profile


Dec 16th 2014, 1:44:47

Yes it was in the end just my 2 cents. But that's my point who determines if someone is smart or knowledgeable? Its not correct use of grammar. I guess it all comes down to the actual subject of discussion. If were talking about concrete or concrete structure testing the concreter may mot know how to use correct sentencing grammar but he knows everything about the subject matter, he is smart we are dumb. Grammar and spelling have no place except maybe in context of communication. Has no weight or baring on whether he his deemed 'smart' or if his opinion is creditable because clearly in that circumstance between him and you/i he is extremely knowledgeable. I could use all the grammar / spelling / big boy words but still come across as dumb.

I guess I just dont believe spelling and grammar in this day and age dictates experience / knowledge / understanding.

timmie Game profile


Dec 16th 2014, 1:46:24

Smart phone on these forums is incredibly difficult for a dummy like me. I just cant be effed fixing my big ass finger popping all over this virtual keyboard.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Dec 16th 2014, 2:46:11


Originally posted by Souly:
This thread started due to our discussion in Alin{'}s thread{,} but {I}'m of the opinion we shouldn't pollute that thread and {WE SHOULD INSTEAD} make a new {ONE} for it.

My opinion is that if you do have arguments on some {DEL "THING"} idea{,} or {DEL "THAT"} if you try to be condescending or sarcastic of something or someone or even if you trash talk someone{,} you should use correct spelling and grammar{,} or it doesn't have any meaning at all{. NEW SENTENCE} {I}f you try {TO} be smart about something or act smart about something{,} you should do it all the way.

It isn't enough to have a smart argument or a correct idea about something if you are illiterate and show everyone that you are and don't care about it and give {DEL 'S'} {PEOPLE} a chance to spin your arguments (or even the sarcasm or trash talk) around. {NEW SENTENCE} {I}t doesn't help to get your ideas across to everyone if you act stupid{,} and {PEOPLE} think you are stupid. {NEW SENTENCE} {I}t only nullifies your ideas{,} rendering them useless.

If you act smart about something then be smart{NEW SENTENCE} {I}f you have an argument in a post on a forum then for fluff sake write correctly{,} and {I} mean spelling and grammar{,} especially if you have a correction line that helps you.

Also{,} if you want to change a point of view about a culture or race that you belong to and are fed up with racial comments like "you are Romanian so you are a gipsy" you should start with changing yourself and show{ING} people that there are exceptions from their generalizations {FIND SOME WAY TO BREAK THE NEXT 120+ WORDS UP INTO MORE THAN ONE SENTENCE. PREFERABLY FOUR OR FIVE SENTENCES} and not just act high and mighty and tell them not to generalize, {ITS} what people do, generalization is how the human {PSYCHE... UNLESS YOU MEANT THAT MIND READERS WORK THIS WAY} works for example if {I} travel a lot and meet a lot of French that have no idea of the geography, history or people of the places they visit or even of Europe for that matter and say Bucharest is the same as Budapest or Bruxelles is in France when {ITS} the capital of Belgium, {I}'m bound to generalize and say all Americans are stupid and have no culture, that doesn't mean that there aren't exceptions to my rule of thinking but as {I}'ve yet to see them and the general population falls into this category my rule stands. The more exceptions we meet the more our rules of thinking about a people will change.

jjterrico Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 16th 2014, 2:53:39

After reading the first post, I understand the need for proper grammer and spelling...but what about punctuation? A missed comma can be the difference between a paragraph and a sentence or three.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Dec 16th 2014, 3:02:08

Originally posted by Souly:
Originally posted by braden:
people who think america doesnt have culture dont know who thomas hart benson or henry david thoreau are. that is nobodys fault but their own. id suggest anything by ken burns if they ever want to know what theyre talking about. but people educating themselves is a lot to ask, i know.

{ITS} Thomas Heart Benton{,} and {I} think he was a painter.

Also{,} {I}'ve learned about Henry {D}avid Thoreau in {c}ollege. {FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, NEW SENTENCE!} {H}e was a{N} abolitionist and {DEL SECOND AND} fought against slavery{,} if {I} remember correctly.

Originally posted by Alin:
A Random american should ask him the followin question:

"Name the presidents of USA in 1910, 1920 , 1930, 1940 and 1950."
HE won`t do it without wikipedia. Case close...

{REWRITE THE ENTIRE FOLLOWING PARAGRASENTENCE} Of course i don't know all those presidents and there were time intervals for presidents in USA i do belive in the 1920's there were about 3 presidents 1 of which was Hoover, JFK was elected in 61 till 63 when he was assassinated after him was Jhonson then Nixon (also learned this in college) also the 1st president was George Washington don't know the date then there was Lincoln in 1861 but i guess that you didn't even know that Alin and was just arguing for arguments sake :) (ironic smile, in case you don't realise that).

Originally posted by Kalick:
Yeah, that was kind of my thought. I would not consider a traveler to be stupid/uncultured if they visited Los Angeles but did not know the capital of California.

Sacr{A}mento :)

{T}hose were just examples of how the human mind works{,} Kalick. {NEW SENCTENCE} {I}t wasn't meant to be taken {LITERALLY (?)} per se{,} but i guess you can just ignore the words "for example"

jjterrico Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 16th 2014, 4:02:17

Haha!! My bad, I should have finished looking at the rest of the list before opening my mouth! Nicely done, I must say!

Alin Game profile


Dec 16th 2014, 7:02:50

cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too.

Some of you should stop the attacks on myself ( or any other person on this forum ) because the spelling and/or wording is not 100% pure.

That is the last resort of stupid people ...

Of course, persons like mrford will come and tell me that i am complaining. I am not - keep attacking me on "how" i spell/word when i type in my 3rd language. I am just being combative about it.

And the new faces, should understand that wording/spelling is not exactly why some people don`t like others. It has more to do with this forum/game history and the way some of us act in in relation with the others.

I am the type that shoots what i believe to be the "truth" in your face. I am not exactly the most popular guy around.

( this post was not meant to be for SAM - nice irony up there )

Edited By: Alin on Dec 16th 2014, 12:02:22

Souly Game profile


Dec 16th 2014, 11:53:35

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:

Originally posted by Souly:
This thread started due to our discussion in Alin{'}s thread{,} but {I}'m of the opinion we shouldn't pollute that thread and {WE SHOULD INSTEAD} make a new {ONE} for it.

My opinion is that if you do have arguments on some {DEL "THING"} idea{,} or {DEL "THAT"} if you try to be condescending or sarcastic of something or someone or even if you trash talk someone{,} you should use correct spelling and grammar{,} or it doesn't have any meaning at all{. NEW SENTENCE} {I}f you try {TO} be smart about something or act smart about something{,} you should do it all the way.

It isn't enough to have a smart argument or a correct idea about something if you are illiterate and show everyone that you are and don't care about it and give {DEL 'S'} {PEOPLE} a chance to spin your arguments (or even the sarcasm or trash talk) around. {NEW SENTENCE} {I}t doesn't help to get your ideas across to everyone if you act stupid{,} and {PEOPLE} think you are stupid. {NEW SENTENCE} {I}t only nullifies your ideas{,} rendering them useless.

If you act smart about something then be smart{NEW SENTENCE} {I}f you have an argument in a post on a forum then for fluff sake write correctly{,} and {I} mean spelling and grammar{,} especially if you have a correction line that helps you.

Also{,} if you want to change a point of view about a culture or race that you belong to and are fed up with racial comments like "you are Romanian so you are a gipsy" you should start with changing yourself and show{ING} people that there are exceptions from their generalizations {FIND SOME WAY TO BREAK THE NEXT 120+ WORDS UP INTO MORE THAN ONE SENTENCE. PREFERABLY FOUR OR FIVE SENTENCES} and not just act high and mighty and tell them not to generalize, {ITS} what people do, generalization is how the human {PSYCHE... UNLESS YOU MEANT THAT MIND READERS WORK THIS WAY} works for example if {I} travel a lot and meet a lot of French that have no idea of the geography, history or people of the places they visit or even of Europe for that matter and say Bucharest is the same as Budapest or Bruxelles is in France when {ITS} the capital of Belgium, {I}'m bound to generalize and say all Americans are stupid and have no culture, that doesn't mean that there aren't exceptions to my rule of thinking but as {I}'ve yet to see them and the general population falls into this category my rule stands. The more exceptions we meet the more our rules of thinking about a people will change.

Even though I know my English isn't that good I do try to improve myself and i do appreciate your corrections SAM but for fluff sake IT IS {IT'S} and not {ITS}

or Bruxelles is in France when {ITS} the capital of Belgium: or Burxelles is in France when in fact IT IS {IT'S} the capital of Belgium

{ITS} what people do: IT IS {IT'S} what people do

ITS is a possessive pronoun and IT IS{IT'S} used in a totally different way: The mother bear protected ITS cub from the wolves. See what i did there the bear cub belongs to the mother bear IT IS{IT'S} possession so you use ITS.

It seems that you shouldn't go correcting what you don't know and look stupid. That was what the original post was about.


"If you act smart about something then be smart, if you have an argument in a post on a forum then for..."

I did use a comma there but i'm not quite sure it was the right thing to do. :P

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Dec 17th 2014, 14:24:05

"Speaking your mind about things in the correct way"

some us join in on the discussions simply because we drank too much beer. anyway, if you're really want to understand humanity's problems, you might want to spend more time reading. same old problems, different millenia.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.