
iccyh Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 20:47:14

On AT, there seem to be a few common themes that occasionally get repeated:
Things are so, so hard for small tags because those bad, bad large tags keep abusing them.
People are leaving the game because large tags are so mean and nasty to smaller ones.

At various times, Titans have claimed that they are having a having an unnecessarily hard time on this server because of these things. This reset at least, that is certainly not true.

Why do I say that? Because I know for a fact that it was a case of "what goes around comes around" rather than "big guys picking on little guys". How do I know this for a fact? A Reminder (#36) is my country: I'm the one who quad tapped them earlier this reset and later farmed them after their deletions.

I'm sure those in Titans who read AT, and maybe other frequent AT goers as well, will recall that I crashed their little farewell thread at the end of last reset because I was not happy with how they'd topfed one friend of mine, missiled another, and messed with the round of one more besides. I was deliberately an asshole about it because I was under the impression that they were not going to play this round; I would have not bothered with the AT mess if they were going to play, as despite the impression I may give by posting so much I prefer action over words.

I was pretty unimpressed by their response, as while a negative response to my hostility was certainly warranted, they denied they had ever possibly done anything objectionable and attempted to hand-wave away their actions by describing them in terms that were favourable to Titans rather than actually based in fact. They completely misrepresented the size of the countries in question on the topfeed, they completely ignored the missile, and they completely ignored their unwarranted aggression against my third friend.

However, they decided to return for another round and I decided that if the opportunity arose I'd return the favour they paid to my friends. Obviously, I got the opportunity.

Allow me a moment to detail what happened and how:
I obtained spy ops on all Titans countries, figured out their ally circles, figured out their defenses, figured out what would be need to break them and roughly how quickly I'd need to run to be able to avoid their retals.

On seeing the ops, I discovered that their countries were all pretty horrible. The commies had very little tech including no weapons tech, while their other countries appeared to have loaded up on agri tech only. Their ally circles were hilariously bad and mismatched, with their offensive alliances worthless while their defensive ally circles left their largest countries unpaired with each other and very vulnerable.

I made my hits, build my new land, and bought up to avoid the retal.

Their only genuine retal attempt was pathetic. Their main retal threat was a commie that had 12k A, 2k of which was unbuilt, with full turns and full turns stored. They had enough money to run all of their turns and not build, or to build up their land and attempt the retal a day later after properly arranging their allies, purchasing some weapons tech, and getting better prepped. Their commie immediately ran their turns, and immediately bounced their only real retal attempt. The defending report shows no ally losses for them, because their only offensive ally had no jets. They never made a real attempt to properly retal. They did the laziest thing possible then threw their hands in the air and ran to AT.

While their representatives were attempting to get in contact with tellarion, #308 launched all of their missiles at me and did a handful of harmful spy ops. #308 then messaged me "retal done" after they got one nuke past my SDI. This appears to be how things work in Titans, where the people who claim to represent them have next to control over their members and where they aren't even sure of what they are doing. This certainly was the case last reset, where they claimed to not have topfed my friend and didn't even realize they had ever missiled someone.

The rest of the tag launched their missiles at me shortly after, justifying it by saying that their inability to retal in a competent manner (they could have retalled me if they had put in some actual effort, though I fully admit I wouldn't have made it easy for them) somehow meant that 30 odd missiles were somehow appropriate. #308 threw in another bunch of spy ops. Most of these missiles bounced (yay SDI!), and the only real damage I took from this was BPT loss from spy ops; I was still about 4k A up. #308's owner posted on AT saying that they were done if I left them alone, suggesting that they didn't care one way or another about their tag's representatives and were acting solo.

At this point Titans had demonstrated that they weren't worth talking to, that they had no control over their own tag, they had no ability to properly retal, and now that they'd spent all of their missiles there was next to nothing they could do if they were hit in the future. There was no reason to show any restraint in the future if an opportunity arose to hit them, my only concern was for the rest of my alliance as I didn't want Titans suiciding on my alliance-mates.

Then, the deletions happened and eliminated the need for restraint as #308 became the only real threat. I acted accordingly, as did others. #308 responded to hits on their country by hitting countries in the tag that hit them and were accordingly killed by SoF, #141 dropped their land rather than lose it to others, and #412 was farmed out of humanitarian range. There is one real country left in the tag, which I'm surprised is still alive after topfeeding Pinoy and Paradigm.

So, why did this all happen?
Because Titans isn't and wasn't a real tag. Their supposed leaders had no knowledge of what their members were doing, and had no control over them. They had only a weak ability to retal, couldn't properly leverage the resources they had available, and no real grasp on what the consequences of their actions would be.

None of this has anything to do with them being a "small tag" or large tags being "out to get them" and everything to do with them being incompetent. None of this would ever have happened in the first place if they had any kind of a clue, as if they'd been aware of their actions and accepted responsibility for them I wouldn't have been annoyed in the first place, and if they'd been competent I wouldn't have had the opening to hit them. I can't really say that I'm complaining, though, as I ended up with 9k A from them and they're basically dead.

Thanks for playing, Titans!

Titans got what was coming to them; their demise is their own fault.

PS: As one of the very few people playing who was part of the original Titans alliance back in the day (anyone else around aside from Hash?), I can't say I approve of your name choice in the slightest. We knew what we were doing and were actually a highly competitive group for the short time we lasted, rather than the absolute trash you appear to be.

PPS: Let this be a reminder that the first story to AT is not always the whole story, and that while everyone loves an underdog that doesn't mean the underdogs are actually deserving of the support they get.

Heston Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 20:56:48

Cool story
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 8th 2014, 21:10:15

I financially support this game; what do you do?

iccyh Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 21:13:43

Heston: I live for your approval.

Requiem: I'm starting to think reading comprehension isn't your strong point.

Heston Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 21:16:15

Little to say, all the time in the world to say it....
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

iccyh Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 21:18:19

Of course you'd find something to engage with other than the actual content, of course.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 21:26:42

Well at least I know you're a douche in every aspect of your personality, and not just politics. Good to know.

Heston Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 21:35:17

The actual content is fluff...i thought that was a given.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 8th 2014, 21:36:34

TLDR has nothing to do with comprehension. :D
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 8th 2014, 21:44:25

BTW if you put a TLDR it should be at the top of your post because people who TLDR don't scroll to the bottom ;)
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 21:47:55

Technically, only readers should use TL;DR

The writer would call it a Bottom Line Up Front (abbreviated BLUF), and yes, it would lead things off
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

iccyh Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 22:22:41

You guys are really no fun. I go out of my way to put game related content up here since the forums are so damn dead and all I get are meta comments? There's so much here to take issue with and you can't even be assed.

Of course I'm being a vindictive asshole, that's what you're supposed to do in this game: enjoy your friends, hate your enemies. Of course this post is huge, there's history here and I wasn't able to reply previously 'cause I was being responsible.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 22:29:53

Originally posted by iccyh:
You guys are really no fun. I go out of my way to put game related content up here since the forums are so damn dead and all I get are meta comments? There's so much here to take issue with and you can't even be assed.

Keep it down to maybe 300 words worth of issues and I might decide to attack you more viciously next time.


You ever going to tell me where you live?

Nekked Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 22:30:03

Pies iccyh

Nekked Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 22:30:47


Heston Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 22:40:26

Well you got some related feedback. So far one didnt even read, no need to respond to nothing... Another concluded, based on your post, that you are an douche in every aspect of life, then you agree...
Then i point out that it is fluff.
Now we are all supposed to feel bad cause you went out of your way to flame the fluffin titans and small tags? What does responsible mean to a slobbering retard? Is it something new in your life? Need a cookie ?
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 8th 2014, 22:52:39

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Originally posted by iccyh:
You guys are really no fun. I go out of my way to put game related content up here since the forums are so damn dead and all I get are meta comments? There's so much here to take issue with and you can't even be assed.

Keep it down to maybe 300 words worth of issues and I might decide to attack you more viciously next time.


You ever going to tell me where you live?

Berkeley my guess.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Heston Game profile


Nov 8th 2014, 23:08:21

Somewhere without flush toilets is my guess.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

crest23 Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 0:02:37

And just so that he doesn't edit it and for all to know, ....

Originally posted by iccyh:
On AT, there seem to be a few common themes that occasionally get repeated:
Things are so, so hard for small tags because those bad, bad large tags keep abusing them.
People are leaving the game because large tags are so mean and nasty to smaller ones.

At various times, Titans have claimed that they are having a having an unnecessarily hard time on this server because of these things. This reset at least, that is certainly not true.

Why do I say that? Because I know for a fact that it was a case of "what goes around comes around" rather than "big guys picking on little guys". How do I know this for a fact? A Reminder (#36) is my country: I'm the one who quad tapped them earlier this reset and later farmed them after their deletions.

I'm sure those in Titans who read AT, and maybe other frequent AT goers as well, will recall that I crashed their little farewell thread at the end of last reset because I was not happy with how they'd topfed one friend of mine, missiled another, and messed with the round of one more besides. I was deliberately an asshole about it because I was under the impression that they were not going to play this round; I would have not bothered with the AT mess if they were going to play, as despite the impression I may give by posting so much I prefer action over words.

I was pretty unimpressed by their response, as while a negative response to my hostility was certainly warranted, they denied they had ever possibly done anything objectionable and attempted to hand-wave away their actions by describing them in terms that were favourable to Titans rather than actually based in fact. They completely misrepresented the size of the countries in question on the topfeed, they completely ignored the missile, and they completely ignored their unwarranted aggression against my third friend.

However, they decided to return for another round and I decided that if the opportunity arose I'd return the favour they paid to my friends. Obviously, I got the opportunity.

Allow me a moment to detail what happened and how:
I obtained spy ops on all Titans countries, figured out their ally circles, figured out their defenses, figured out what would be need to break them and roughly how quickly I'd need to run to be able to avoid their retals.

On seeing the ops, I discovered that their countries were all pretty horrible. The commies had very little tech including no weapons tech, while their other countries appeared to have loaded up on agri tech only. Their ally circles were hilariously bad and mismatched, with their offensive alliances worthless while their defensive ally circles left their largest countries unpaired with each other and very vulnerable.

I made my hits, build my new land, and bought up to avoid the retal.

Their only genuine retal attempt was pathetic. Their main retal threat was a commie that had 12k A, 2k of which was unbuilt, with full turns and full turns stored. They had enough money to run all of their turns and not build, or to build up their land and attempt the retal a day later after properly arranging their allies, purchasing some weapons tech, and getting better prepped. Their commie immediately ran their turns, and immediately bounced their only real retal attempt. The defending report shows no ally losses for them, because their only offensive ally had no jets. They never made a real attempt to properly retal. They did the laziest thing possible then threw their hands in the air and ran to AT.

While their representatives were attempting to get in contact with tellarion, #308 launched all of their missiles at me and did a handful of harmful spy ops. #308 then messaged me "retal done" after they got one nuke past my SDI. This appears to be how things work in Titans, where the people who claim to represent them have next to control over their members and where they aren't even sure of what they are doing. This certainly was the case last reset, where they claimed to not have topfed my friend and didn't even realize they had ever missiled someone.

The rest of the tag launched their missiles at me shortly after, justifying it by saying that their inability to retal in a competent manner (they could have retalled me if they had put in some actual effort, though I fully admit I wouldn't have made it easy for them) somehow meant that 30 odd missiles were somehow appropriate. #308 threw in another bunch of spy ops. Most of these missiles bounced (yay SDI!), and the only real damage I took from this was BPT loss from spy ops; I was still about 4k A up. #308's owner posted on AT saying that they were done if I left them alone, suggesting that they didn't care one way or another about their tag's representatives and were acting solo.

At this point Titans had demonstrated that they weren't worth talking to, that they had no control over their own tag, they had no ability to properly retal, and now that they'd spent all of their missiles there was next to nothing they could do if they were hit in the future. There was no reason to show any restraint in the future if an opportunity arose to hit them, my only concern was for the rest of my alliance as I didn't want Titans suiciding on my alliance-mates.

Then, the deletions happened and eliminated the need for restraint as #308 became the only real threat. I acted accordingly, as did others. #308 responded to hits on their country by hitting countries in the tag that hit them and were accordingly killed by SoF, #141 dropped their land rather than lose it to others, and #412 was farmed out of humanitarian range. There is one real country left in the tag, which I'm surprised is still alive after topfeeding Pinoy and Paradigm.

So, why did this all happen?
Because Titans isn't and wasn't a real tag. Their supposed leaders had no knowledge of what their members were doing, and had no control over them. They had only a weak ability to retal, couldn't properly leverage the resources they had available, and no real grasp on what the consequences of their actions would be.

None of this has anything to do with them being a "small tag" or large tags being "out to get them" and everything to do with them being incompetent. None of this would ever have happened in the first place if they had any kind of a clue, as if they'd been aware of their actions and accepted responsibility for them I wouldn't have been annoyed in the first place, and if they'd been competent I wouldn't have had the opening to hit them. I can't really say that I'm complaining, though, as I ended up with 9k A from them and they're basically dead.

Thanks for playing, Titans!

Titans got what was coming to them; their demise is their own fault.

PS: As one of the very few people playing who was part of the original Titans alliance back in the day (anyone else around aside from Hash?), I can't say I approve of your name choice in the slightest. We knew what we were doing and were actually a highly competitive group for the short time we lasted, rather than the absolute trash you appear to be.

PPS: Let this be a reminder that the first story to AT is not always the whole story, and that while everyone loves an underdog that doesn't mean the underdogs are actually deserving of the support they get.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

iccyh Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 1:34:16

Well, this is fine I suppose. More material for another post I've been meaning to make is fine.

The tl;dr for that one is that the forums matter, and while the level of discourse on the forums has always been pretty fluffty, the trolling, racism, and the like that is rampant here is far more concerning in terms of retention than anything that happens ingame.

Being an asshole isn't necessarily a problem as long as useful things come of it, but you guys are uninvolved in anything besides trolling and do nothing to make this place any more interesting.

Edited By: iccyh on Nov 9th 2014, 1:41:26
See Original Post


EE Patron

Nov 9th 2014, 1:47:51

fluff this guy
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 1:54:09

Originally posted by blid:
fluff this guy

We are in 100% agreement! been a little while since that happened lol

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 1:58:41

The fact that your post had something to do with the actual game does not make it inherently interesting.

Personally, I viewed it as a rant. You are more than entitled to vent and express your opinion. Why are you getting upset at the rest of us?
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

iccyh Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 3:11:56

Viceroy: You're including yourself in the likes of Heston etc? And what makes you think I'm upset?

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 3:28:36

I was one of numerous "meta-commenters," and I happened to be the last one to post before your response. I assumed you included me in the grouping.

And for not being upset, you sure are spewing a lot of hate and vitriol all over these boards. Certainly not just you, but there's more than one way to troll a forum... EDIT: Although, if you are not angry, then I don't understand where this being a "vindictive asshole" is coming from...
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

iccyh Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 3:52:09

I can see how that'd possibly cause a misunderstanding; it wasn't my intent to include you.

My being a vindictive asshole was referring to my holding a reset over reset grudge for what Titans had done, then coming to AT to gloat about their demise. I'm no saint and I'm the first to admit that, but I do my best to reserve any vitriol for the deserving.

Heston gets it because he's got absolutely nothing positive to contribute to any discussion I've yet seen (does he do anything other than try to tear people down?), VicRattlehead gets it because he advocates for insane positions that lack any empathy for others, and all three of Heston, Vic, and KoHearts get it because they've no ability to separate one thread from another; every thread is a politics thread first and foremost and they've little tolerance for people who don't share their worldview. Requiem gets a little of it because he posts first and reads second (but calling what I've said there "vitriol" is a stretch), and blid is on the list to get it in the future because he's lazy and intolerant. Titans get it 'cause screwed with my friends and like to play the victim card when they're the ones at fault, and I think that's pretty close to about it for any kind of vehemence that I've posted on AT.

I'd love to hear what you think are examples of "hate and vitriol", considering.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 3:56:10

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Well at least I know you're a douche in every aspect of your personality, and not just politics. Good to know.

So right there, where I said this isn't politics, is me making this politics? You are even dumber than I gave you credit for.

Originally posted by iccyh:

Heston gets it because he's got absolutely nothing positive to contribute to any discussion I've yet seen (does he do anything other than try to tear people down?), VicRattlehead gets it because he advocates for insane positions that lack any empathy for others, and all three of Heston, Vic, and KoHearts get it because they've no ability to separate one thread from another; every thread is a politics thread first and foremost and they've little tolerance for people who don't share their worldview. Requiem gets a little of it because he posts first and reads second (but calling what I've said there "vitriol" is a stretch), and blid is on the list to get it in the future because he's lazy and intolerant. Titans get it 'cause screwed with my friends and like to play the victim card when they're the ones at fault, and I think that's pretty close to about it for any kind of vehemence that I've posted on AT.

That's quite a list. Protip: at some point, it's not all of the other people in your life who are the problem.

iccyh Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 4:04:16

That quote where you explicitly state that you're here to confirm an opinion you already held about me due to a discussion we had about politics? That's probably not the best one to pull out to make the case that not every thread is about politics.

You've made no comments except to attack me personally, and no attempt to engage with anything that's been said otherwise. Why are you on this thread? What compelled you to post here?

VicRattlehead Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 4:12:40

On the contrary, I came to see what you were saying about Titans and discovered that you were just posting to be an asshole. Literally no other purpose. Why should I respond in any other fashion?

Keep calm and troll on.

Heston Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 4:48:18

Im on a list. Lol.
Soon there will be a fox news reference and something about bush.... from a fluff thats not even an american. iccyh you are trying to hard to be relevant. Its making you look ridiculous. What country are you from? How about a clue?
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

tellarion Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 4:52:31

People so angry on AT. It's pretty sad...And I'm not talking about Iccyh. He's pretty damn level headed, even if his ingame actions paint him as an asshole :)

VicRattlehead Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 5:03:23

There is not one other person expressing anger on this thread. English motherfluffer, do you speak it?

tellarion Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 5:10:24

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
There is not one other person expressing anger on this thread. English motherfluffer, do you speak it?

Please don't fall into the trap of morons by trying to attack someone's language abilities. I am very well educated and my job is to teach English. Does that mean my English is always perfect? Of course not. But insinuating that my reading skills are lacking is simply asinine.

Originally posted by blid:
fluff this guy

Blid isn't angry.

Originally posted by Heston:
Well you got some related feedback. So far one didnt even read, no need to respond to nothing... Another concluded, based on your post, that you are an douche in every aspect of life, then you agree...
Then i point out that it is fluff.
Now we are all supposed to feel bad cause you went out of your way to flame the fluffin titans and small tags? What does responsible mean to a slobbering retard? Is it something new in your life? Need a cookie ?

Heston certainly isn't angry.

Ok, maybe you're right. It's hard to judge someone's true emotional state from text. But please, read what they actually wrote and tell me they were perfectly calm when they wrote those things. If they were, they have some pretty severe emotional shortcomings that seeing a therapist might help address...

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 5:11:43

Pulp Fiction Fail!
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 9th 2014, 5:56:29

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
There is not one other person expressing anger on this thread. English motherfluffer, do you speak it?

Please don't fall into the trap of morons by trying to attack someone's language abilities. I am very well educated and my job is to teach English. Does that mean my English is always perfect? Of course not. But insinuating that my reading skills are lacking is simply asinine.

Originally posted by blid:
fluff this guy

Blid isn't angry.

Originally posted by Heston:
Well you got some related feedback. So far one didnt even read, no need to respond to nothing... Another concluded, based on your post, that you are an douche in every aspect of life, then you agree...
Then i point out that it is fluff.
Now we are all supposed to feel bad cause you went out of your way to flame the fluffin titans and small tags? What does responsible mean to a slobbering retard? Is it something new in your life? Need a cookie ?

Heston certainly isn't angry.

Ok, maybe you're right. It's hard to judge someone's true emotional state from text. But please, read what they actually wrote and tell me they were perfectly calm when they wrote those things. If they were, they have some pretty severe emotional shortcomings that seeing a therapist might help address...

Your post lacks videos!! A recipe of some sort and many explosions. And a pin up poster for marshal to get off on :P

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

iNouda Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 6:41:19

Death to netters!

Heston Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 7:26:42

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
There is not one other person expressing anger on this thread. English motherfluffer, do you speak it?

Please don't fall into the trap of morons by trying to attack someone's language abilities. I am very well educated and my job is to teach English. Does that mean my English is always perfect? Of course not. But insinuating that my reading skills are lacking is simply asinine.

Originally posted by blid:
fluff this guy

Blid isn't angry.

Originally posted by Heston:
Well you got some related feedback. So far one didnt even read, no need to respond to nothing... Another concluded, based on your post, that you are an douche in every aspect of life, then you agree...
Then i point out that it is fluff.
Now we are all supposed to feel bad cause you went out of your way to flame the fluffin titans and small tags? What does responsible mean to a slobbering retard? Is it something new in your life? Need a cookie ?

Heston certainly isn't angry.

Ok, maybe you're right. It's hard to judge someone's true emotional state from text. But please, read what they actually wrote and tell me they were perfectly calm when they wrote those things. If they were, they have some pretty severe emotional shortcomings that seeing a therapist might help address...

Ill take that as a sign im doing something right from a guy that sits to pee, with friends that tuck their penis.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯



Nov 9th 2014, 11:08:11

You wrote a 1304 word essay about a spam tag. What the fluff dude.

Link Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 12:41:11

Originally posted by Requiem:

I Am a meat popsicle.


VicRattlehead Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 13:44:47

Blid seems dismissive and Heston amused.

And my "do you speak it" comment is a line from pulp fiction.

BladeEWG Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 16:08:42

I always enjoys iccys posts
The time he spent on this one is commendable
Well done!
Now come up with something else to amuse me!
Videos would indeed help and never dismiss the merit of a good explosion !



Nov 9th 2014, 18:36:16

Wow, I cant believe you made a stupid story out of all this.

iccyh Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 20:51:48

Prospect: I didn't get a chance to post any of this while it was happening.

If you're going to play on the alliance server, you've generally got two choices:
1. Play like an actual alliance
2. Eventually get farmed into the ground

Titans picked #2 and the only reason this hasn't happened sooner is 'cause the game is slowing down so no one put in the effort to exploit your obvious weakness. Some responsibility for that lies on you personally, as you certainly did a lot of things that undermined Titans' position.

I'd personally be much happier if Titans picked #1, but I honestly don't know if you guys have any future as a tag after the deletions.

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 22:30:26

#1 should read "Play the game our way"

Thank God this server is so open and welcoming to newcomers.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

iccyh Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 23:17:10

Viceroy: The point of the alliance server is to not to play solo, but to coordinate your activities, and get involved in things like politics and diplomacy. Prospect (and Titans in general) are solo players who happen to be in the same tag, and their actions reflect this.

This is not a case of being mean to newcomers, but rather a case of people trying to play the game like it was a solo server. Of course they're going to run into issues, and that's not the fault of the people here already.

The server is very willing to help newcomers who are willing to either join established alliances, is quite tolerant of new tags who play by the established rules, and is more than willing to entertain those who wish to fight against them.

What it doesn't have room for is solo players.

Viceroy Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 23:22:42

They're playing together, regardless of your opinion on the nature in which they operate. They simply aren't playing *your way*

This server does not have room for people who play outside what you deem acceptable.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

iccyh Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 23:36:25

Like every other server, this one is competitive, Viceroy. If people can't compete, the fault for that belongs on them alone and not on the rest of the server.

As a side note, I find your characterization of the status quo as "my way" pretty amusing, as if my opinion about how things should be (which I'm pretty sure I've never posted) matters more than how things actually are.


EE Patron

Nov 10th 2014, 0:38:41

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Blid seems dismissive and Heston amused.

And my "do you speak it" comment is a line from pulp fiction.
you are correct. i didnt read one word of his post lol
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 10th 2014, 1:47:34

Isn't it amazing how you can read a whole long thread and start almost immediately to skip right over iccy's posts without reading them except a couple annoying words.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Nov 10th 2014, 1:59:46

Originally posted by Getafix:
Isn't it amazing how you can read a whole long thread and start almost immediately to skip right over iccy's posts without reading them except a couple annoying words.