
Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2011, 8:21:02

That's right!

I find it absolutely amazing,

NM has agreed to fight SOF, alongside collab and a third party.

But to this point no one is stepping up!

Stop, think about it,
NM fighting,
who wants to see this?

How long has it been since NM particpated in a FS?
over a decade!

How long has it been since NM was involved in a war,

How long have I been working slowly, painstakingly towards this moment,
me, a warmonger at heart,
wondering if I could ever get NM to agree to war,

and I get a group 100% ready for war! (Notice its a particular war, with a group we respect alongside others we respect...this is an important distinction.)

and the server lets me down?
The server let's itself down?

A chance to see NM's second FS in 14 yrs of playing?


that's all I got to say:)

Now, someone:)
grow some!

Its time for a Monster Ball!

Z is #1

braden Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 8:30:16

`How long has it been since NM was involved in a war,

i was there, and i actually feel bad that i am not there again :(

mad respect to monsters!

`wondering if I could ever get NM to agree to war` you should be glad i wasn`t there to fight you tooth and nail :P
(one of my all time favourite alliances, i only wish i could help :( )

locket Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 8:43:56

Honestly I think evo should do it since they never war. My other opinions are that if imag stands by their destroying of NA till they dont exist theory that sof should make it them.

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Jan 28th 2011, 9:04:10

heh. keep making up theories locket =)

good to see NM warring.. but i don't see how i'm going to miss it.
EE Developer

locket Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 9:33:59

you guys posted that in the other thread -_-

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Jan 28th 2011, 9:35:24

i think you'll find that llaar posted part of a conversation that he had with Soviet.
EE Developer

Helmet Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 11:41:31

I agree with Servant. This is total Bs.

Soviet Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 14:36:19

I don't feel the need to war just for SoF's sake. If they wanted to war, they shouldn't have become as massive as they are, or they should start spinning off tags to make target finding easier.
Imaginary Numbers

Helmet Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 14:41:01

We don't need permission to war or to spin off to war. We're trying to be courteous to the netgainers. We can find a war any time we want, easily.

Soviet Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 14:45:17

True enough. But that statement goes against what Ivan is seemingly aiming to do with SoF and the current state of Alliance.

But posts like this, from NM who hasn't warred in years, calling out the rest of us to give into SoF's temptation to war, is total BS. I don't think any clan needs to bow down when SoF wants to war. I also don't think NM should feel obligated to get a war after so long.
Imaginary Numbers

Klown Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 15:05:58

"I don't think any clan needs to bow down when SoF wants to war"

... SOF can just FS you if they want.

Galandy Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 15:11:17

Then why didnt they?

I think thats the point of the thread
<[FBI]ZEN> Which is funny...because I am Spanish and Native American mixed....which means I am a Mexican....
<Galandy>move to canada ZEN everyone else does
<[FBI]ZEN> And breed with a Quebecian
<[FBI]ZEN> To make the ultimate snob/migrant worker

joe2 Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 15:26:55

if we don't get a third party we could be sof+collab+NM againsts the server :P

Helmet Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 15:41:18

Originally posted by Soviet:
True enough. But that statement goes against what Ivan is seemingly aiming to do with SoF and the current state of Alliance.

But posts like this, from NM who hasn't warred in years, calling out the rest of us to give into SoF's temptation to war, is total BS. I don't think any clan needs to bow down when SoF wants to war. I also don't think NM should feel obligated to get a war after so long.

Well, I'm not Ivan. :P I also didn't say what SoF was doing, I said what SoF "could" do.

Who's asking someone to bow down to SoF? Who said NM feels obligated? Those comments make no sense to me. SoF is politely asking for a war, which we have no obligation to do.

I've seen a lot of crying on these forums about how Sof is getting too big, wah wah wah wah. What we're doing is basically trying to get a prearranged war, which anyone with half a brain should be happy with.

1) You don't have to worry about getting a blindside FS from SoF.
2) You don't need to worry about getting called in to this war because there will be no asking for help from allies on either side.

What's the negative?

Edited By: Helmet on Jan 28th 2011, 16:18:22
See Original Post

Helmet Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 15:42:28


martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 28th 2011, 16:25:10

Helmet just broke a forum rule:
never make posts on this forum that make sense.

AT head of TAN
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Thomas Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 16:46:38

Helmet speaks the truth. You enable yourself to netgain peacefully for two sets after the war as SoF stated previously they would be willing to sign a multiple set uNAP.

anoniem Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 17:32:14

Originally posted by Helmet:
We don't need permission to war or to spin off to war. We're trying to be courteous to the netgainers. We can find a war any time we want, easily.

Is that by threatening to tag-kill a netgaining alliance, because they don't agree with a point you've made on AT?

Anyway, I've tried to speak to a SoF leader several times this week, to no avail.

Soviet Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 17:33:24

Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by Soviet:
True enough. But that statement goes against what Ivan is seemingly aiming to do with SoF and the current state of Alliance.

But posts like this, from NM who hasn't warred in years, calling out the rest of us to give into SoF's temptation to war, is total BS. I don't think any clan needs to bow down when SoF wants to war. I also don't think NM should feel obligated to get a war after so long.

Well, I'm not Ivan. :P I also didn't say what SoF was doing, I said what SoF "could" do.

Who's asking someone to bow down to SoF? Who said NM feels obligated? Those comments make no sense to me. SoF is politely asking for a war, which we have no obligation to do.

I've seen a lot of crying on these forums about how Sof is getting too big, wah wah wah wah. What we're doing is basically trying to get a prearranged war, which anyone with half a brain should be happy with.

1) You don't have to worry about getting a blindside FS from SoF.
2) You don't need to worry about getting called in to this war because there will be no asking for help from allies on either side.

What's the negative?

You're still missing my point. Servant made this thread that is saying "hey EE you guys are wussies! Grow a pair and join NM and Collab to war the mighty SoF! NM hasn't warred in years, you should be doing it next set too!" I don't agree that it is correct to be calling the rest of the server "wussies" for opting out of this war. Especially when NM has been peaceful for so long. Maybe if this thread was made by collab I would find it less offensive.

As for your "benefits", those would only apply to those NOT participating in the war. Why don't you try listing positives for the people who DO participate like Thomas just did, although his points don't necessarily apply to everyone.
Imaginary Numbers

WH Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 17:44:56

if only every alliance had a leader as great as sov!

PapaSmurf Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 17:55:10

I feel like you are under estimating monsters fighting ability.

(not in monsters)

Soviet Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 17:58:56

I wasn't estimating monsters fighting ability at all. They've been dormant for over a decade according to Servant, now all the sudden everyone else are wussies for not stepping up to war.

Pot, meet Kettle.
Imaginary Numbers

Galandy Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 18:17:50

Originally posted by PapaSmurf:
I feel like you are under estimating monsters fighting ability.

(not in monsters)

I Have a question on this point. iMag gets ripped on left and right for being fluff warring clan. w/e, but a netting clan that used to get HAMMERED by iMag decided to fight again after god knows how many years and Soviet is underestimating their fighting ability?

I thought Monsters was fluff back then when it came to member participation after the FS. Does that hold weight now? Probably not, they could pull a 180 from way back when and hammer the ever living hell out of SoF and not lose a member due to l33t walling skillz. Its doubtful but I'm just saying.

Are the assumptions really needed?
<[FBI]ZEN> Which is funny...because I am Spanish and Native American mixed....which means I am a Mexican....
<Galandy>move to canada ZEN everyone else does
<[FBI]ZEN> And breed with a Quebecian
<[FBI]ZEN> To make the ultimate snob/migrant worker

hanlong Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 18:25:59

some of us have been fighting lots in the past few resets...

if NM is fighting 50% of their resets like the rest of us, then that's another story ;P

if LaF haven't fought those two wars recently with SOL, i'd be the first to sign up =)

Edited By: hanlong on Jan 28th 2011, 18:32:31
See Original Post
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

PapaSmurf Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 20:34:23

Okay, I understand where you are coming from.



Jan 28th 2011, 20:49:47

WoF would love to join but its our first set out. Our first set out we need to think about growing the clan before taking it into war. we are netting this set and building relationships.

On a second note when was the last time Omega warred?
Quit why am i still posting?

ibujke Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 20:53:04

I believe it was in the 4th set, called in by LCN vs SoL.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 29th 2011, 1:04:47

Just curious, to continue with the previous trend, is NM getting a 7 year pact for this fight? =P



Jan 29th 2011, 1:40:07

Originally posted by hanlong:

if LaF haven't fought those two wars recently with SOL, i'd be the first to sign up =)

fair enough imo, can I pencil you in for the next one?

Originally posted by Prometheus:
WoF would love to join but its our first set out. Our first set out we need to think about growing the clan before taking it into war. we are netting this set and building relationships.

Can I pencil you guys in as well? WoF + Laf + somebody sweet we already got it almost set up
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 29th 2011, 3:41:53

I apologize if I offended anyone:)

It was made completely tounge in cheek, while still hoping to find that third alliance.

Of course I dn't thinkOmega/evo/LCN/LAF/RD/NA/SOL/PDM etc are wussies.

I was just having some fun:)

Edited By: Servant on Jan 29th 2011, 3:50:14
See Original Post
Z is #1

mrford Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 3:45:05

I do
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Kyatoru Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 3:45:26

Anyone offended by being called a wussy, is probably in fact, a wussy.

iXenomorph Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 4:18:11

That sir, I find most offensive.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 4:36:28

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by hanlong:

if LaF haven't fought those two wars recently with SOL, i'd be the first to sign up =)

fair enough imo, can I pencil you in for the next one?

Originally posted by Prometheus:
WoF would love to join but its our first set out. Our first set out we need to think about growing the clan before taking it into war. we are netting this set and building relationships.

Can I pencil you guys in as well? WoF + Laf + somebody sweet we already got it almost set up

As LaF's HoW I am pushing to attack! lol. I'll continue lobbying ;-)



Jan 29th 2011, 4:52:42

For some, Being called a Wussy, is actually a step up!
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

Warster Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 8:24:13

umm i dont recall IMAG ever hammering Monsters at all
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

ibujke Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 11:38:13

Originally posted by Warster:
umm i dont recall IMAG ever hammering Monsters at all

So you`re saying that it didn't happen or that you have a bad memory?

Warster Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 12:00:56

that it didnt happen

i only know of 1 war between monsters and IMAG

and you certainly wouldnt call that a IMAG win
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

iNouda Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 12:33:07

History is written by the hammer-ers

ibujke Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 12:46:03

Warster, I also know of only one war between iMag and Monsters and I would certainly call that an iMag win.

Not sure what war you are referring to, but I am certain that last time iMag and Monsters warred, iMag went on to another war afterwards while still having original countries. I am not certain of it, but I doubt the war between iMag and Monsters ended without one side being tagkilled.

Monsters made a good effort, didnt whine (like the others that set), but they were killed. I have respect for Monsters, I like them (you?) but what you are saying is just not true.

Kisses and hugs.

Warster Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 12:52:44

really you want the stats of the war in 2008???
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

ibujke Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 12:57:49

No, I don't. Where did you get that idea?

You stated what you remember, I stated what I remember. You stated it with certainty, I did the same.

Why are you so upset that you had to use three question marks? I`m sorry if I hurt your feelings. Didn't realize you were so sensitive. :(

Warster Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 13:01:48

you claim you guys won, According to the stats recorded on the Monsters Site thats is incorrect,
Maybe it was a Different war

3 question marks???

i always do 3

the war ended in more of a stalemate, we had doubled your hits but you had also hit FA and Rogue who didnt really fight back

Edited By: Warster on Jan 29th 2011, 13:27:07
See Original Post
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

ibujke Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 13:05:19

Then you are quite disturbed <3

You make a claim and provide no back up. Why wouldnt I say that we have it recorded on iMag`s site? In fact, thats exactly what I`ll do.

We have it recorded on iMag`s site.

Edit: Editing a post I already replied to is not nice.

Edited By: ibujke on Jan 29th 2011, 13:12:59
See Original Post

WH Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 15:26:38

I saw it!

Soviet Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 22:25:51

The last war I remember between iMag and Monsters wasn't even a war at all. We FSed Monsters and they didn't even fight back.

So please, Warster, show those stats you have because I'm very interested to see them.
Imaginary Numbers

Warster Game profile


Jan 30th 2011, 0:39:52

i know what war you guys talking about

it was the reset Sol hit monsters

Imag jumped in later but Monsters focused on Sol
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

hanlong Game profile


Jan 30th 2011, 9:26:02

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by hanlong:

if LaF haven't fought those two wars recently with SOL, i'd be the first to sign up =)

fair enough imo, can I pencil you in for the next one?

Originally posted by Prometheus:
WoF would love to join but its our first set out. Our first set out we need to think about growing the clan before taking it into war. we are netting this set and building relationships.

Can I pencil you guys in as well? WoF + Laf + somebody sweet we already got it almost set up

Chevs: you don't have to worry about setting up wars for LaF. you should know from history we fight approximately 40% of the time. =)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Dragonlance Game profile


Jan 30th 2011, 23:47:17

EE is filled with pussies atm.

AxAlar Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 1:58:10

Originally posted by Dragonlance:
EE is filled with pussies atm.

And yet, its a wonder so few of these people are getting laid!

/me waits for the AxA cant get laid jokes.
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517