
Prima Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 7:35:00

If you are a member of SoL this is to inform you I will be taking my retals.

this reset you hit my country 467 times, ultimately killing the country 10 days after I legitimately took 3 retals.

you now owe me 109,278 retals (escalating).

the rules I will use for my retals will be based on your own retals against my country

1. no time limits
--- this means I will take my retals during any reset I feel like taking my retals in. In as many resets as I feel like taking them in.

2. farm at will
--- this means I will hit any country I want as many times as I feel like hitting said country.

3. any type of attack is legit
--- this means I will retal anyway I feel like.

since a good percentage of SoL found it to acceptable to kill my country i.e. 14 countries out 73 tagged or 19% of the alliance I will simply take my retals on any country I see tagged as SoL.


You have hereby been notified that any hits coming from one of my countries are to be considered retals. If you do not want to be retaled upon by one of my countries in the future your best option is to simply not tag up as SoL.

The Retals will continue until such time:

1. you apologize for killing # 780 and publicly state you will stop killing countries for taking legit retals,

2. hell freezes over

3. or all 100K plus retals have been taken without RoRs.

lets have some fun.


P.S. to the rest of the alliances on the server I will not be tagged or take my retals while tagged or at any point after being tagged in your alliance during a reset.

in return:

War hits against SoL while tagged for an alliance warring SoL will not be deducted from the retals owed.

Edited By: Prima on Jan 31st 2011, 7:58:56
See Original Post
ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress

Kyatoru Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 8:39:30




Jan 31st 2011, 8:50:05

Go get them lovey!

bore Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 8:50:38


NorCal Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 9:13:18

This certainly doesn't help the situation. In fact, in my humble opinion it will hurt the untagged countries even more. I would ask respectfully that you do not pursue the above plan as it won't solve a thing... try my suggestions in the other thread.



Jan 31st 2011, 9:20:46




Jan 31st 2011, 12:34:37

Any sympathy you may have garnered with your last thread just evaporated with this attention seeking effort.

You play as an untagged, you lose your rights. Sad but true. If you are such a champion of untagged rights you should never join any alliance in this game. That includes the worst offenders in EVO and LaF who seem to pop up and spew righteousness in the face of their 5K hits a set on untagged players.

SOL hits untaggeds to keep up with the real offenders. You're a moron if you think this action will (a) make SOL anything but happy in killing your country (b) divert attention away from the real thugs in this game who try to direct attention away from themselves by denouncing SOL and SOF at every opportunity.

I'm sure any alliance that harbors a suicider will also make SOL all too happy. You've shown your true colors here. An attention seeker who has masqueraded as a hard luck story.
SOLs Resident Pest
ICQ: 62258728
<Makinso> from behind works the best

WH Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 12:54:19

i support this message.

spawn Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 13:09:55

gogo Tigress!
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

locket Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 13:12:55

you could apologise to him. its a simple way to get rid of a suicider.

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 13:19:33

Dear Tigress,

I'm so sorry,



P.S. I am SOL.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

bore Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 14:51:13

i think you should hook up with these:

as far as i can see, all three are all-x untagged that sol found it necessary to kill after farming? also this one

who seems to have been killed off after trying to retal a couple of sols huge amount of lgs?

Ravi Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 14:55:46

As the real power in SOL I must inform you that your retal period has expired. Any further hits on SOL will be treated as land grabs on an escalating basis.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Detmer.

LCN Big Mouth
RM President
FBI President For Life
Maki is a POS
Maki's Owner



Jan 31st 2011, 18:31:34

"You play as an untagged, you lose your rights."

sorry NorCal, sad perhaps but not true ... in my opinion anyway

untagged countries have every right to retal for grabs on them.

thats not the problem

the problem is SoL decided to kill her for taking her retals on your hits

go Tigress!!
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Prima Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 19:56:23

Firstoff, big thanx to: Kya, OrigOzzyB, bore, pocketchange, WH, Ruthie, and spawn, for the support ;)


locket: "you could apologize to him. its a simple way to get rid of a suicider."

--- Locket while i appreciate your effort to deescalate the situation i must correct you in clearly stating these will be retals and not suicide runs. Never was never will be a suicider.
--- Big difference they will see me coming at them but there won't be a thing they can do about, it.
--- On the flip-side a suicider would hide and wait for an opportune moment to strike and do as much damage as possible. Just not my style :)
--- My intent is to take my retals from SoL as early in the reset as possible so I can restart, tag up to play my game for the rest of the reset.
--- If I happen to die in a war I may be a little slow in restarting since I get an extra country to take retals with :)

--- I'm sure you understand 100k retals will take a very long time to complete, so to get this out of the way as quickly as possible I will need to use every opportunity given to me.
--- I will be deleting the country after to ensure RoR do not occur, we do not want SoL to make this mistake again thereby accruing more retals.
--- This will be more for SoL's benefit because they have such a hard time understanding the concept of legit retals.
--- I am not out to get more retals on Sol after all, and will do what i can to take my retals as quickly as possible.
--- Meanwhile I understand the need to minimize the potential for more retals being owed ;)

--- My advice to SoL members is get turrets, get tanks, and get SDI before coming out of protection and tagging up ;)


NukEvil: "Dear Tigress, I'm so sorry, Sincerely, SOL. P.S. I am SOL."

--- NukEvil, aren't you glad Evo isn't on the receiving end of this one,
--- make sure you add a Tigress clause in your pacts, and next time get a hold of trife before hitting LCN's exclussive untagged landfarm :)
--- Of course this could change if Ravi takes to long to bring RM back, and I will need to give rights to RD for a reset or two so Ravi knows I'm not kidding :p
--- in which case good luck getting permission from Mr. Lime to share the land with you ;)


bore: "i think you should hook up with these: (#485,#493,#765,#1050)" <<-- edited and shortened for ease of responding

--- i will take these retals on my own, i was not in a clan when this occurred and i won't be in a clan when this is gets resolved.
--- nor do I expect any clan to take care of this for me, or to protect me from SoL, it is not their fight, nor should it ever be.
--- besides there are plenty of peeps looking to organize untags, i see two at the moment with Inertia, and UnClanned.


Ravi: "As the real power in SOL I must inform you that your retal period has expired. Any further hits on SOL will be treated as land grabs on an escalating basis.
if you have any questions feel free to contact Detmer."

Ravi: Now for some odd reason I believe this... :p ... restart RM for a reset and I will let bygones be bygones :)
--- as you see I can be reasonable ...there is no need for SoL newborn blood to be spilled.
--- Besides only LCN has a signed contract allowing them to farm my untagged countries, attempting to extend this contract over to Sol is just not acceptable :p


BiffBuff: I'm not even going to quote what you wrote, just because I really do not feel like doing so :)

--- But for those interested they can scroll up a little a read what you wrote.
--- Now I am starting to understand what the problem actually is, you all thought I was looking for sympathy and completely underestimated the situation.
--- lol that is cute, I almost feel bad about this now.
--- Your post actually went to show why out of all of this, I am going to be perfectly within my rights to retal Sol to my hearts content in whatever way I want for almost as long as I want ;)
--- I just say for as long as i want because i really dunno if I will be able to take all 100k retals within my own lifetime i will try though :)
--- I would hate having to go to heaven and ask St Peter for retal rights on SoL members in heaven :) Which I would probably get BTW ;)
--- We could of course resolve this quickly wherein SoL gives me a country to Farm and Kill next reset and apologizes for killing #780
--- But we all know this won't happen so it's happy hunting time ;)


NorCal: "This certainly doesn't help the situation. In fact, in my humble opinion it will hurt the untagged countries even more.
I would ask respectfully that you do not pursue the above plan as it won't solve a thing... try my suggestions in the other thread."

--- A voice of reason in the wilderness, I will be tagged up next reset, probably a little late but definitely tagged up.
--- Praetor made it very clear in the other thread that he does not give one man tags a DNH,
--- so based on his words I do believe that even had I approached him midset when I started the country he would have denied it outright.
--- There would have been no reason for Praetor to give someone like me a DNH.
--- Now here is the question;
----- Had I approached you and said: "I am willing to let go of retals currently owed to me (which I am definitely in a position to take) for a DNH, would you have given me the DNH?"
--- Because this was the offer other alliance FAs accepted and the SoL FA obviously refused.
--- So my final conclusion in all of this was SoL was actively seeking countries to kill post war, based on their repeated actions.
--- SoL absolutely cannot justify the kill because they were given every opportunity to let this go asis with huge advantages on their side.

Perhaps a SoL FA would like to talk, but this is completely up to SoL leadership personally I know exactly which direction I am headed in.
It is purely up to SoL leadership to decide if they want to mitigate this problem or just let it escalate.

Saying this would hurt untags even more is kinda of the point behind why this thread was created

i.e. if SoL goes out and kills untagged countries at will just for the fun of it then...
what incentive do untagged countries have to go thru the steps of contacting FAs or keeping retals to SS/PS ???

you really cannot hurt untags anymore then what SoL is currently doing

so this is basically a thread to let them know there is nothing left to lose at this point ;)

Edited By: Prima on Jan 31st 2011, 20:22:27
See Original Post
ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress

zygotic Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 20:14:50

INERTIA will be policing for Prima

pass - Episonic

A bit like Sky Elitez but without the multi's

Edited By: zygotic on Jan 31st 2011, 20:25:12
See Original Post

Helmet Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 20:22:01

If I were to guess I'd imagine Prima intends to join Sol, get in their tag, grow and then attack them. I would have just apologized. It's not that hard.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 20:29:40

Originally posted by zygotic:
INERTIA will be policing for Prima

pass - Episonic

A bit like Sky Elitez but without the multi's

so, you'll be getting FA'd into the top 10 this set, will ya?
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Prima Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 20:33:24

nope Helmet i won't be doing that, I do not suicide.

That is the easy way out I intend to take my retals at the start of every reset, restart and tag up to play my game ;)

this way no other alliance needs to get involved or have to pay because SoL goes on some blood-lust rampage for being retaled. As we all know they are currently known to do this when legit retals are taken against them.

So obviously we need to keep this one as Tigress v. SoL.

No reason for other alliances to be affected by what I feel needs to be done.

Perhaps Sol's new pacts will have a "if you harbor tigress clause in it" which will only go to show how weak they really are and unable to take and accept retals owed ;)

/me considers joining SoF 72 hours after each retal run ;D
ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress

HosstheBoss Game profile

New Member

Jan 31st 2011, 20:38:51

How is this a debate? You're crying because your untagged country got killed for taking retals on a big alliance?

Sure, you have a right to retaliate for hits on your country.. but SOL has a right to kill you for it... who cares if you think its mean? Join an alliance or play on a different server.

If I were in SOL I would destroy your country over and over again without mercy.

If you don't like players using the benefit of tag protection in the alliance server, then don't play on the alliance server.

HosstheBoss Game profile

New Member

Jan 31st 2011, 20:39:06

for the record, i don't play on the alliance server

Prima Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 20:59:04

Originally posted by HosstheBoss:
for the record, i don't play on the alliance server

well this did explain it, for the record the alliance server is a prime hunting ground for anyone with an absolute mean-streak in them. Very low def super land-fat countries with a lot of peeps getting really really upset if someone were to take advantage of this reset after reset.

My question here would be do you want me to put a netting alliance kill team together just for my own personal gratification. Especially when I see post like yours popping up. I think 50-60 super active we luv to kill it if it moves types would do wonders for the attitude some have on their rights to net and farm untags. Especially when their thought process turns to killing the untagged after it played within the unwritten rule-set.

Perhaps we start with Evo/LaF/Sanct, and when they ask why we effed their netting sets just point them to SoL and say hey they really should not have killed #780. you know just for kicks and giggles. is this a more acceptable solution to you???

your type of post is a great example of the attitude which leads to alliances like Sol doing what they do.
ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:01:00

blame NOW3P, but this thread reminds me of BOLTAR WANTS BATTLE.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Helmet Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:07:14

I guess I'm a little more vicious. That's what I would have done. haha

Prima Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:08:20

lol ... now that is a phrase i have not heard in a very long time ;) ... But I sure did luv his war cry ;)

Where is Boltar??
ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress

zygotic Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:11:11

INERTIA will retaliate using any method they choose on any country in the offending tag
tag - Episonic

INERTIA. A bit like Sol but with morals

Prima Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:11:26

lol Helmet... I like the slow burn after, 20-30 resets I'm sure SoL will begin to realize I'm not going away ;D

ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress

Link Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:15:52

good luck with this :)

I Am a meat popsicle.


Prima Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:19:22

thanx link, I'm sure I will need it ;)
ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress

Junky Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:22:03

so you intend to suicide on Sol, as SOL will probly kill your country giving you basically "unlimited" retals for killing your next country, and country after that, and country after that, and country after.... this could be long.. your just gonna have to call yourself Image at this pace... you can join them.

I think you were a suicider if I remember correctly, didn't you have a small clan you were in against LaF wayyyy back in the day... I remember a Prima Suicider...
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Prima Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:31:47

hey Junky I never suicided, and i did run Poetic Justice for a while on the EC server (took it from 2 members to 20 or so members). BTW LaF along with many other clans gave us the uNaps we needed to survive.

And yes when 2-3 members from poetic justice used my tag to suicide on SoL and it was my 30k Fascist farmer that was given to SoL to farm for 72 hours!!!! So come again on how I ran suiciders???

I never suicided nor will I; but by my reckoning there are a few retals owed here and will be taking them. If you want to go out of your way to call it suiciding then go for it.

for the record there won't be a country for them to kill after i take my retals.
ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress

Junky Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:36:57

Originally posted by Prima:
hey Junky I never suicided, and i did run Poetic Justice for a while on the EC server (took it from 2 members to 20 or so members). BTW LaF along with many other clans gave us the uNaps we needed to survive.

And yes when 2-3 members from poetic justice used my tag to suicide on SoL and it was my 30k Fascist farmer that was given to SoL to farm for 72 hours!!!! So come again on how I ran suiciders???

I never suicided nor will I; but by my reckoning there are a few retals owed here and will be taking them. If you want to go out of your way to call it suiciding then go for it.

for the record there won't be a country for them to kill after i take my retals.

so basically a suicider
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Prima Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:39:05

have fun :)
ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress

HosstheBoss Game profile

New Member

Jan 31st 2011, 21:40:20

"so basically a suicider"


Prima Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:42:57

thank you
ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress

ibujke Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:44:20

Originally posted by Junky:

Someone would say that you want to get suicided on. Calling iMag, Image...

iMagNum stands for "Imaginary Numbers", not "Image depicting the full scale of Junky`s failure".

Kyatoru Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:45:40

Although you do resemble Junky's failure...

Junky Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:46:56

I'll call you what I want, when I want :-P any act to prevent me todo so will get them Retal'd by me, at any given time/set/country. and such.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

ibujke Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:54:58

That`s cool Junky. I`m just saying, someone might read it as you wanting to get suicided on. Would hate to see that happen.

Sifos Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 21:55:37

Originally posted by Prima:
--- My advice to SoL members is get turrets, get tanks, and get SDI before coming out of protection and tagging up ;)


(or atleast join imag?)
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Patience Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 22:07:51

You go, girl... I'm half tempted to start up and help you retal. :p

I say again, if ANYONE in any of my former alliances had hit ANYONE (tagged or not) that many times, I would have handed him over and helped carve him up. SOL, defending that behaviour is just not right. And now you're reaping the rewards. Enjoy!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Kyatoru Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 22:09:32

Sol, please detag deerhunter.

Thank you.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 0:37:09

Originally posted by Patience:
You go, girl... I'm half tempted to start up and help you retal. :p

I say again, if ANYONE in any of my former alliances had hit ANYONE (tagged or not) that many times, I would have handed him over and helped carve him up. SOL, defending that behaviour is just not right. And now you're reaping the rewards. Enjoy!

You wouldt be the first to try and kill Dragon, and fail, but im sure he will be happy if you try.

As for giving us more targets, im sure you will tire of dying before we tire of killing your restarts, and hit my country as much as you want, lol, your cruscade opts that someone cares, so you lost before you started.



Now how many more threads are you gonna make, or did you not get the attention you wanted, or did we stop your spin ?
by all means, keep it up, you know what they say, all PR is good PR !
If we had wanted to kill you for the retals, you wouldt have lasted the ~7 days you did before you got killed (landkilled ? )

Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

Makinso Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 0:45:49



This I threaten to harm the whole wide world if I have to and when people ask why I'll tell them SOL caused all this attitude!! is flat out funny and a little silly lol.... actually it's kind of cute LMFAO.. So to mirror your silly behaviour. If you keep up with your silly attention drawing we will implement a 1:kill retal policy for spamtags/untags.

If that doesn't help well I guess we'll be taking away all the untagged land for a few sets and when netters ask where their bottomfeeding farms are we'll tell them it's all your fault :-)


Edited By: Makinso on Feb 1st 2011, 0:52:55
See Original Post

warKitty Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 0:48:26

I am gonna say one thing off note here, cause I can...

Tigress, you are a disgrace to that name... Show some pride and STFU...

And on a further note

-steals all Tigress' mice and fish and other animal game-

Meh, you sicken me you are really petty... THIS IS A GAME!!! And ALL YOUR MICE R BELONG TO ME! =P
FFA - Death Knights Emperor <br>
Alliance - Death Knights Head of Internal Affairs<br>
[ICQ 317982982 ][ MSN ]

Junky Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 0:51:14

Originally posted by warKitty:
I am gonna say one thing off note here, cause I can...

Tigress, you are a disgrace to that name... Show some pride and STFU...

And on a further note

-steals all Tigress' mice and fish and other animal game-

Meh, you sicken me you are really petty... THIS IS A GAME!!! And ALL YOUR MICE R BELONG TO ME! =P

those are fighting actions, I'll empliment a 1 mouse : 10 retal policy for any and or all mice taken on behalf of prima, who will be busy the rest of the time this game is online retaling SOL.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Klown Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 0:52:10

"That is the easy way out I intend to take my retals at the start of every reset, restart and tag up to play my game ;)"

I don't expect that plan to work as I imagine SOL would kill any alliance that takes you in.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 0:53:58

Originally posted by Klown:
"That is the easy way out I intend to take my retals at the start of every reset, restart and tag up to play my game ;)"

I don't expect that plan to work as I imagine SOL would kill any alliance that takes you in.

Wouldnt that hurt the game?

vern Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 0:55:01

i will donate all missle labs to the here kitty kitty....meow

Makinso Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 0:56:43

Originally posted by ibujke:
Originally posted by Klown:
"That is the easy way out I intend to take my retals at the start of every reset, restart and tag up to play my game ;)"

I don't expect that plan to work as I imagine SOL would kill any alliance that takes you in.

Wouldnt that hurt the game?

Since when did we ask for your opinion? :)