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Yeah, that's an issue and they should be ashamed. Does that have any connection with Antifa as well? I would do what I could to keep my kids from doing that especially if they were still minors.
I feel like antifa is more of an identity or ideology rather than an organization or something. I think if you're like a teen who wants to smash up the Van's store and steal some sneakers, you call yourself antifa. Or maybe Fox calls you that?
To me it seems primarily focused by conservative media to make these suburban kids who wrecked my city somehow related to my 15 years of peaceful protesting ive done, so as to degrade the movement and cause it to lose viability. And I think that's why all the bootlickers here seem to think I would riot or loot because I've worked in direct action politics for as long as I have. In other words, I think it's working.
I haven't ever seen an antifa with the flag in the wild. But anytime a teen in all black spray paints on a building they call it antifa. Idk.