Sep 17th 2018, 1:01:17
AFAIK this is the only server with bots.
The field is just too small for players to land grab players with any hope of success. With the exception of a very few players like Marshal, everybody thats left knows how to play. You can get good returns topfeeding once or twice, but only for a short time until you become the fat one and start getting top fed. At that point it becomes crabs in a bucket just holding each other back.
Alternately Laf and Sol could reform SLIT (sort of) and farm the rest of the server. Then its just server war after server war followed by endless suiciding and Omega shuts the lights off when they leave.
QZ kind of killed land trading, not that it was ever great shakes to begin with.
The notion of net gaining through land grabbing is just a dream that you want to bring back without really understanding the implications. Everybody knows how to max out gains and retals, the net result will be good for commies but will ultimately lead to exactly what we have now. Laf winning every set unless they have to war, and server wars becoming pretty much the norm every set.
I won't war every set, fluff it - I'll just play tourney or leave. I have ZERO interest in sitting IRC waiting on a warchat between two tags butthurt over topfeeds and escalating retals.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov